I want to filter/hide specific Items in the RecycleView if the item content matches with an preference set in SharedPreferences.
I guess I have to somehow prevent from these specific items from getting inflated in the adapter but I have no idea how.
Any ideas?
An adapter is the Model part of the Model-View-Controller design pattern for using ListView, GridView, and RecyclerView. So you have to think of it this way: The adapter, at any moment, has to reflect what you want to have displayed in the RecyclerView.
So here's an example: Let's say you have four items, and you want to filter the third item because it matches your preference. Your adapter's getCount() method must return 3. For getView(), position == 0 must return the first item view, position == 1 must return your second item view, and position == 2 must return your fourth item view.
It's up to your adapter code to figure out all calculations and offsets to make sure that it is always presenting a consistent state to the view. So for example, let's say you have a String array with the items, and an index dontshow pointing to the array item that shouldn't be displayed. You need to do something like this for getView():
int index = position; // position is input parameter
if (index >= dontshow) {
index++; // skip over the don't-show item
String item = items[index];
// now construct your view from this item
public int getCount() {
return items.length - 1;
Then when you make changes to your model, calling notifyDataSetChanged() tells the RecyclerView it has to call getCount() and getView() on your adapter all over again to redisplay the changed data.
I have got a RecyclerView item looking like this
I want to achieve that when I click on item the ImageView will get overlay over it and TextView will become bold. I know how to use adapter and where to handle item clicks. I also know how to make overlay or bold text. I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above. Because I found only tutorials to change background of item when clicked.
Based on this
I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above.
So basically you need a way to tell the ViewHolder that the current item is selected, such that in onBindViewHolder() the items are rendered as per need.
I can think of this: Make a model of the item youre adding to the RecyclerView. Add a key as boolean isSelected = false in it.
And inside your onBindViewHolder where youre implementing the onClick()interface. do this:
... new OnClickListener({
... onClick(){
// take the item and set the isSelected flag
// alternatively you can also toggle this flag.
and while loading inside onBindViewHolder to this:
if (list.get(position).isSelected()) {
// highlight aka set overlay and bold text to view
} else {
// as per recyclerview doc, reset the views.
All you need is having a variable to hold the selected index. Then decorating the selected item in onBindViewHolder() method.
int selectedIndex = 0;
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
if (selectedIndex == position) {
// Do things you want
In my app I am using recycler view.I want to show and hide view on particular condition.But when I scroll recycler views I am not getting expected behaviour.When I Visible a view it gets visible for other rows as well randomly.
What I understand is when it recycles it reuses view and when previous view when it gets recycled it finds the visibility of that view.How can I hide view on particular condition? here is my adapter code
public void onBindViewHolder(UrduRhymesViewHolder holder, int position) {
RhymesModel current = mUrduRhymesList.get(position);
AppUtility.setCustomFont(mContext, holder.tvUrduRhymesName, Constants.HANDLEE_REGULAR);
holder.ivUrduRhymesLogo.setImageUrl(current.getThumbnailUrl(), mImageRequest);
int status = AppUtility.getFavouriteStatus(mContext, current.getRhymeName(), new UrduRhymesDb(mContext));
if (status == 0)
ProgressbarDetails progressbarDetails = ProgressbarDetails.getProgressDetail(current.getRhymeName());
if (progressbarDetails == null) {
progressbarDetails = new ProgressbarDetails();
progressbarDetails.prgProgressBar = holder.pbRhymeDownload;
progressbarDetails.download_btn_settings = holder.downloadButtonLayout;
} else {
progressbarDetails.prgProgressBar = holder.pbRhymeDownload;
progressbarDetails.download_btn_settings = holder.downloadButtonLayout;
ProgressbarDetails.addUpdateProgressDetail(current.getRhymeName(), progressbarDetails);
if (progressbarDetails != null && progressbarDetails.isDownloading) {
Log.e("test","downloading foe position "+position );
} else {
Log.e("test","should not be visible for position "+position);
Here progressbarDetails.isDownloading (having value true) is the criteria when I want to show my view but is else clause it is not hiding my view
Edit: Here ProgressbarDetails (Singleton )is a class keeping reference of every row of adapter's progress bar.
No direct way of hiding and unhiding recylerview childitems.
Let us assume that the recyclerview adapter is ArrayList
Now make another arraylist (temp_list)
Hide: iterate through your adapter items and remove the ones that you want to hide. Put each of these into temp_list. After iteration is over, call notifyDataSetChanged()
Show: iterate through your temp_list items and remove the ones that you want to show. Put each of these into adapter. After iteration is over, call notifyDataSetChanged()
You should add a flag in your viewHolder that indicates if this view should be displayed or not . and check this flag every time in the onBindViewHolder.
because the recyclerView reuses the same views you should make a decision depending on something special for every view in you viewHolder.
do u mean when your data has been changed?
and your layout want to change ?
I am getting data from Database and displaying using a custom list adapter in a ListView. I need to display only even position items in ListView.
i am able to solve this in two ways.
1. sorting data before attaching to adapter, but i want to do those task in getView() method of adapter/by using other available methods in adapter.
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
if( position%2 == 0 ) {
// display
} else {
// not display
return view;
in this i am getting alternate view's are empty view's.. i want to avoid these empty view.
i ant to do those all calculations in getView() method, without empty view in the ListView. How i can do this?
I will suggest you to create new List with filtered data and use it in your adapter. Still if you want an alternate solution you can try below code:
public int getCount() {
int halfCountOfList = itemList.size()/2;
// Add +1 in halfCountOfList if itemList size is odd.
int finalCount = halfCountOfList + itemList.size()%2;
return finalCount;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
Item item = getItem(position*2);
//No need to to check for even item
return view;
No, just no. This is a really bad idea.
Don't do this. It makes no sense. Think about it: getView() is called because a View for an item is required. It is too late to make any decision about whether this item needs to be displayed in the ListView or not, it already has to be displayed. What you are trying to do is simply not how ListViews and Adapters are supposed to work.
Just filter the List before passing it to the Adapter, you can modify the List while it is being displayed by exposing it through a getter method on the Adapter and then immediately calling notifyDataSetChanged(). Any other solution which deviates from this or tries to make Adapters work like you expect it would just be a brittle hack and should never be used.
PS: Use a RecyclerView instead of a ListView. It's much better.
If you give a ListView adapter a set of data to display, it's going to try to call getView() on all of the data when it's needed - it doesn't discriminate. The decisions on how to display it are made in the getView() function.
The two are options are to either modify the data set, or only provide full-fledged views to your even index-ed values. Unfortunately, there aren't other ways around this.
Make a another list which contains only even position items in it and pass it on adapter. adapter will call getView method for all items present in list.
make another function in adapter
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
// return a value between 0 and (getViewTypeCount - 1)
return position % 2;
After that in GetView() method
int viewType = getItemViewType(position);
switch (viewType) {
case 0:
layoutResource = ;//Even Item
case 1:
layoutResource = ;//Odd Item
IF Your data will be of some objectType and the database will return
then you can do this
ListView lv; // assign this view to some ListView
final List<Object> listResult; //sorted list returned by database
int len = listResult.size();
for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0){
Object x = listResult.get(i);
//extract the data you need from the object returned
When I'm using parent.getChildAt(position).setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); in my public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) it colorizes, but it works strange.
When I click first or second item it colorizes it... and every item away ~five records. Sometimes I've got NullPointerException. Completely weird, because position is unique and it should recieve me appropriate View, but it doesn't.
I saw solution with overriding getView method, but I'm using this adapter in different places. I just want to color clicked item. How to get reference to selected view?
In my adapter class I created:
public static int selectedItem = -1;
I added this to my overrided getView method:
if(selectedItem == position){
In my activity I added that:
myAdapter.selectedItem = position;
And It doesn't work. Where I do a mistake?
It's not a bug - it's the way ListView re-uses the views to save resources.
So to avoid this behavior you should on every getView() set all used attributes for all your views.
Updated - to be quite clearIn your particular case it means that you should set color like this:
1) In onItemClick() - in your actitivity - you should remember given position as selected:
myAdapter.selectedItem = position
2) In getView() - in your adapter:
if(selectedItem == position)
parent.getChildAt(position).setBackgroundColor(0);//or whatever defauld color
Update 2
If you want to select many items you should use some structure (like HashSet) to hold all the selected items:
1) In your activity class add member:
public static HashSet<Integer> mSelectedItems = new HashSet<Integer>();
2) In onItemClick() use following to flip selected state:
3) In getView():
parent.getChildAt(position).setBackgroundColor(0);//or whatever defauld color
At first read this article;
Then use ViewHolder pattern;
And try to setBackgroundColor() in onItemClick() like this:
view.setBackgroundColor(0);//or whatever defauld color
I have an ActionBarActivity with a GridView.
The GridView has 2 columns in portrait and 3 columns in landscape.
When I select items in portrait (starting my ActionMode) and then rotate the device, the selected item highlighting shifts one item to the left. For example, if I select the second item and rotate, the first item will be highlighted. If I select the first item and rotate, no items are highlighted.
The actual selection in the code is correct, just the highlighting is wrong.
I notice it does not do this if I keep the numColumns the same for portrait and landscape.
I believe this issue started occurring after I changed my activity to an ActionBarActivity so it could be a bug..
Anyone know why or how to fix it?
I had a similar scenario and ended up solving the issue be creating a custom grid item with a boolean field to keep track of whether the item is selected or not and then highlighting the item appropriately through the custom adapter. Below is a rough outline of what I did:
(1) I created a custom grid item with a boolean field, which we will call selectedStatus for simplicity's sake. I also added the corresponding methods to my grid item class to get the selected status:
public boolean getSelectedStatus ()
return selectedStatus;
public void setSelectedStatus (boolean paramSelectedStatus)
this.selectedStatus = paramSelectedStatus;
(2) I then created a custom Adapter that extends BaseAdapter to handle the custom grid object I created. In this Adapter I check the if the selected status of the grid object is true or false and highlight the item accordingly, shown below:
public View getView (final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
// rest of getView() code...
if (!yourGridObject.getSelectedStatus())
// rest of getView() code...
return convertView;
(3) Lastly, you add the onItemClickListener to set the selected status and the background color of the grid items when they are selected (clicked):
yourGridView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
int position, long id)
YourGridObject yourGridObject = (YourGridObject) parent.getItemAtPosition(position);
if (!yourGridObject.getSelected())
Implementing selection this way ensures that the highlighting (selection) of the grid items will not change when the number of columns and rows swap since the selection status is contained within the grid objects themselves.
You don't need to manually handle selection of items as suggested by Willis. Android fully supports what you are asking. I will assume you are using an ArrayAdapter however this answer would apply to all adapters. Note some adapters (like CursorAdapter) won't suffer from your posted problem and don't require the following solution because it's already doing it internally.
The problem is solved in two parts. One, the adapter must enable stable Ids. Two, your adapter must actually return stable ids. You will need to extend the ArrayAdapter or which ever adapter you are using. Then ensure you have defined the following methods as shown below.
private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<YourObjects> {
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return true;
public long getItemId(int position) {
//Return a unique and stable id for the given position
//While unique, Returning the position number does not count as stable.
//For example:
return getItem(position).methodThatReturnsUniqueValue();
Most adapters do not enable hasStableIds. It's primarily only used when enabling a choiceMode. Which I assume you are doing here. By returning true, you are essentially telling Android to keep track of activated (highlighted) items based on their ID value instead of their position number.
Even with stable Ids enabled, you have to actually return an ID that is unique and stable across positional changes. Since most adapters do NOT enable stable IDs, they usually only return the position number as the stable id. Technically, if an item's position never changes over time then the position number "could" be used as the stable id. However, the safest way to return a stable/unique ID is to have one assigned to the class object being stored in the adapter and pull from that.