canvas drawBitmap only part of image - android

How do I draw a part of a bitmap using canvas with canvas.drawBitmap() ?
For example I have the following bitmap
And I need to draw only this part
Is it possible to do with canvas.drawBitmap or I need something else?

You can use the PorterDuff modes. Check the following diagram to understand it:
In example you can paint the bitmap and then eliminate part of it painting a mask in SRC-OUT mode.
Or you can paint the mask and then paint the bitmap with DST-OUT.
There are several options, just test them.
Here is an example of how to apply the mode to your paints
Paint mPaint;
mPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OUT);


Canvas to Bitmap

My program is a simple flood-fill game application for android, namely, the user can paint and draw something on the canvas. Now I want to provide a sharing option to the users. I guess that I must begin with copying the canvas to a bitmap object. I could not find a satisfactory answer because it is generally suggested "to create a new canvas, then..." but I got a canvas like that,
Canvas canvas = holder.lockCanvas();
then I use it. So, how can I copy my current canvas to a bitmap object?
As suggested Maulik.J, I looked at converting a canvas into bitmap image in android again.
I could not understand from a bit close expression of this link. But, then I saw below text taken from . So, I solved this problem with the help of Maulik.J and the following text:
The Bitmap is always required for a Canvas. You can set up a new Canvas like this:
Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas c = new Canvas(b);
Now your Canvas will draw onto the defined Bitmap. After drawing upon it with the Canvas, you can then carry your Bitmap to another Canvas with one of the Canvas.drawBitmap(Bitmap,...) methods. It's recommended that you ultimately draw your final graphics through a Canvas offered to you by View.onDraw() or SurfaceHolder.lockCanvas()
I created a second Canvas object having a bitmap which has same dimensions with my real canvas, I drew all my illustrations on this second temporary canvas. Then, I drew its bitmap on my real canvas.

Android - Apply a bitmap texture to API drawing routines

I have a bitmap that spans the whole screen that will function as texture for a Path object that I need to draw to my canvas. I then have a background image that this textured path needs to be drawn on top of.
I tried using the PorterDuff modes, but nothing seemed to work correctly. I was having a hard time figuring out exactly how the PorterDuff modes act, because none of them seem to act the way I always thought they were supposed to function.
I've figured out a way to texture the path with this test code:
Paint paint = new Paint();
//draw the texture
canvas.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.texture),0,0,paint);
//construct the Path with an inverse even-odd fill
Path p = new Path();
p.addCircle(this.getHeight()/2, this.getWidth()/2, 200, Path.Direction.CCW);
//use CLEAR to remove inverted fill, thus showing only the originally filled section
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(;
//draw path
canvas.drawPath(p, paint);
But I can't figure out how to then place that on top of a background image. Am I just using the PorterDuff modes wrong?
Maybe my questions could lead you to your solution:
The paint used in your drawPath call:
What is the paint style?
What is the paint stroke width?
What is the paint stroke/fill color?
If you are not using a stoke/fill color, but a texture instead, where is the call to the paint's setShader (using a BitmapShader)?

Android clipPath equivalent for hardware accelerated View

The only part of my app that is still software rendered is the rendering of one view where I need to draw a round bitmap. I'm using clipPath to clip the bitmap that I need to render to the round shape.
I understand that clipPath is not hardware accelerated, but I am looking for an algorithm that would allow me to provide the equivalent functionality using hardware acceleration.
Specifically I need to create a round clipping region of a source bitmap and have that rendered to my canvas.
If you have to use clipPath you could shut down the hardware acceleration as below.
And you also could control hardware acceleration among Application, Activity, Window and View layers. Detail information describes on this Hardware Acceleration article on Android Development web site.
You could try to this, though I am not sure it is hardware accelerated :
in onCreate :
create a paint (called bitmapPaint) that uses setXfermode :
put an AvoidXfermode, also its deprecated, it work pretty well. Pass it the white color and target mode with a high tolerance (like 240)
in onLayout :
create a bitmap of the same size as your view
draw your circle inside on of its canvas, in white, using anti alias for a clean border
in onDraw :
draw the bitmap with the white circle in your paint canvas
now, draw your bitmap inside your paint canvas using the bitmapPaint you created in onCreate
The bitmap should be rendered inside the circle only.
If your bitmap does not change a lot, clip it once to the shape into a new bitmap, and then draw the clipped bitmap in your onDraw.
Here is an example how to clip a circle from a source bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
// Draw your shape here
canvas.drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, paint);
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN));
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, 0, 0, paint);

Concepts about Android Drawable

How to get a well understanding the concept of the classes of Canvas,Drawable,Bitmap and Paint? What's the relationship among them ?
Could someone please give me an example?
Thanks a lot.
From the Canvas class documentation:
The Canvas class holds the "draw"
calls. To draw something, you need 4
basic components: A Bitmap to hold the
pixels, a Canvas to host the draw
calls (writing into the bitmap), a
drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path,
text, Bitmap), and a paint (to
describe the colors and styles for the
So you need 4 components in order to draw something.
Let's say you want to draw a circle on a background image from your drawable folder.
Canvas canvas;
Bitmap mBG;
Paint mPaint = new mPaint();
mBG = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,; //Return a bitmap from the image from drawable folder
Canvas.drawBitmap(mBG, 0,0, null); //Draw the bitmap
mPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); //Set paint to BLACK color
Canvas.drawCircle(100,100,30, mPaint); //Draw circle at coordinate x:100,y:100, radius 30 with the paint defined
Android's Official documentation covers all the details about the API. And best way to learn something is learn by doing, so after reading the docs, google for tutorials and experiment, all your doubts will be cleared gradually.

Android - Draw bitmap as one color

I have several bitmaps (game sprites) which I'd like to draw into another bitmap, however each non-transparent pixel of the source bitmap should be drawn using a single color, ignoring the original pixel color of the source. Basically, I'm trying to use the sprite as a "stamp" of a single color to be drawn into the destination bitmap.
I believe I should be using canvas.drawBitmap (Bitmap bitmap, Matrix matrix, Paint paint), however I'm not exactly sure how I should initialize the paint object. Is this approach correct?
You don't need to perform as many steps as Romain Guy suggests, just initialize your paint with the desired color, and use Paint.setColorFilter() with PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP
myPaint.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(myColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP));
If your destination bitmap is transparent, draw all your sprites inside that bitmap normally (you can use a null Paint.) Then, draw a filled rectangle that covers the entire bitmap, using the Porter-Duff xfermode called SrcIn (Source In.)

