Android-Studio git over ssh - android

I got a git-server on my Raspberry Pi with gitweb as webinterface.
Its working so far.
Now I want to connect via Android Studio with the built-in ssh to it.
My project dir is :
I'll connect with this command from Android Studio:
Android Studio is giving me this when I test the connection:
Cannot access /straff/CVSROOT
I am using password auth for it. I can access from command line tools to my repo...
Why Android Studio cant?

I can access from command line tools to my repo...
Why Android Studio cant?
Your error is you are trying to access which is /straff on that machine. Either provide the full path like below or use this one
Old post:
You can try to specify the full path to Android Studio:
I am using password auth for it.
That means the ssh connection doesn't use a private/public (~/.ssh/id_rsa(.pub)) key.
A good tutorial to follow with Android Studio is the one titled "How to push to a remote Git repository over SSH with private/public key authentication using Android Studio".

Hmm, should the URL be like:
I had problems with setting ssh key. I solved it by creating id_rsa -titled file under .ssh-directory (under user home-dir) and putting my RSA-stuff into it.

If you already have the remote git repository, which you want to check out, and you have a private key, then the instructions on might help to some extent, but they are for older version of Android Studio and they are too complicated.
What you need to do (especially when you start from scratch) is:
Ensure that your key is an OpenSSH key, and that it's a private key (not a public key). This is where the above mentioned instructions are misleading - they point to the key in supposedly Putty format (the .ppk file), and this doesn't work. If you have a Putty key, use Putty's puttygen.exe tool to export the private key in OpenSSH format.
Create the config file as described in those instructions. I.e.
create the text file named config in .ssh subdirectory of your user directory. In my case the path would be C:\Users\Eugene.ssh\config.
Put the following to this file:
Port 22
IdentityFile C:\Users\Eugene.ssh\my-private-key-for-my-host.openssh
(the original instructions include indentation of lines 2-4, but I couldn't add any indentation here).
Use Checkout Project From Version Control menu item in Android Studio's welcome screen to initiate GIT checkout.
Use the following settings during checkout (curly brackets contain the values which you replace with yours):
Git Repository URL: {projectalias}#{}:base/{projectname}
Parent directory: eg. "z:\Projects" The path which must exist, and in which the new project is created
Project directory: eg. "myproject". The directory with this name will be created in Parent directory, so the files will be checked out to Parent_directory\Project_directory, eg. "z:\Projects\myproject".


Cant push into github from android studio

I can add my projects to one github account but with another account i can't. I have followed this website for GitHub and worked fine:
Steps are: 1. create a new git repo. 2. from android studio- VCS> Import into version control> create git repo. 3. In windows root directory of project open bash command and type > git remote add origin 4. then back to android studio and a)project>Git>add b)project>Git>Commit c) project>Git>repository>push
these steps worked fine and I get a successful message using one github account. But with another account i cant do it, i get the erro:
Failed with error: fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
Why is this happening and how to solve it?
First you should set username and password to access the URL and to login , set Authentication first.
git remote set-url origin
Then you'll be asked for a password when trying to git push
This is on the http authentication format. You could set a password also:
You should be aware that if you do this, your github password will be stored in plaintext in your .git directory, which is obviously undesirable.

android build release apk on jenkins, without storing my password in plain text

I need to be able to build the release version of my apk, using a Jenkins job.
From reading the following SO question
How to create a release signed apk file using Gradle?
I understand I can do it in one of two ways. Either get the user to enter the password at cmd prompt, or store my password details in a plain text file that doesn't get committed to git, and lives on my local machine.
Neither of these will work when running the build job on jenkins though. 1) I can't gain user input because this may be running in the middle of the night (I don't even know how to get user input from the cmd line even if the user was at their machine) 2) Anyone who can gain access to that build box, would be able to cat the contents of that file either via the cmd line or from another build.gradle job running on that jenkins server.
Does anyone know of anyway I can keep my password hidden but so that the Jenkins job can access it?
You can use Mask Password Plugin, which does just that. Or the same functionality is included in EnvInject plugin, and sooner or later all Jenkins projects get a need for EnvInject plugin (that does many other things), so might as well start using it now.
To securely use a password from within a build/post-build step
Install EnvInject plugin.
Under Jenkins Global Configuration, find Global Passwords section.
Add a name (this will be the environment variable name) and password (will be starred **** ).
Under Job Configuration, find Build Environment section.
Checkmark Inject passwords to the build as environment variables.
Then checkmark Global passwords.
In any build step, you can now use $name (as defined earlier) to refer to a password as you would if you were typing it in plain text.
The password variable is injected only at job execution time (typing $name on command line of the server by itself will not produce anything, and like all Jenkins variables, it is not persistent).
The job console log will show **** instead of password, if it appears.
You could configure passwords per job, rather than globally, so that other jobs can't use it.
The only security concern is that if someone has administrative permissions to configure your job, they can write echo $name > secretpassword.txt into a build step, and then review the file in the workspace. But you should be careful who you assign administrative rights to.
You should take a look for this plugin
If your Jenkins instance happens to be running on EC2, and you don't want to permanently store secrets in the file system, you can put the store and key passwords into Systems Manager Parameter Store, then query them at build time. In addition, you can put the keystore itself into external storage, such as S3, and only keep it locally for the duration of the build.
Here is a sample build script (assume that the secret parameters are named android-keystore-pass and android-signature-key-pass):
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
aws s3 cp s3://path-to-android/$keystore .
chmod go-rwx $keystore
touch $keystore_file
chmod go-rwx $keystore_file
cat > $keystore_file << EOF
storePassword=`aws ssm get-parameters --names android-keystore-pass --with-decryption | cut -f4`
keyPassword=`aws ssm get-parameters --names android-signature-key-pass --with-decryption | cut -f4`
An example of the Gradle build scripts can be found in this answer. You can commit a dummy to source control so that (non-release) builds work on dev machines.
There are also open-source secret distribution tools that are platform-independent, e.g. Vault, but I haven't tried any of them.

Jenkins: adding CUSTOM variables for a build

Jenkins successfully create build for Android and then uploads to an S3 server. The build contains environment name, version number that is different for each build. These version number, environments are read from POM profiles. An example URL of s3
I get the file name by this
cd $WORKSPACE/target/
FILE_NAME=$(echo *aligned.apk)
So my link will be
But this is only visible in shell script. I want to use this in an email template so that the Software test engineers can access it. I was looking for a way in which I can temporarily assign this value to a variable and then put that in the email template.
Email template is:
<h4>Git Branch: ${GIT_BRANCH}</h4>
Changes since the last build:
Assuming that the email step is a later part of the Jenkins build process, you'll need to use the EnvInject plugin. From its own example use cases you can: inject variables as a build step obtained from a file filled in by a previous build step.
You could set these when parsing your POM (either in Maven directly, or you could parse it manually with something like a build step using the Groovy plugin and XmlSlurper (we do this actually)), and then they'd be available as environment variables (e.g. $CHANGES, $CAUSE etc) for your email templater script later on.
OK, I'm about to offer two things that are kind of ugly but working perfect:
In both you can put the output (the link you want) in a /tmp/job.output.tmp file and then:
use the post build task plugin - when the work ERROR or EXCEPTION or whatever you want is there, run sendEmail from bash to the people you want with the context of the file.
a little bash and everything is great.
this is probably more nice: use the editable mail notification to send your users the console output / the file in zip / not zipped as you like when the build fails / stable again and such. They have so much options..

IBM Worklight - How to change the Android package name

In worklight it seems that the android package name is set by the varible ${packageName}.
Where is this variable set? And how can I change it?
Right now the default seems to be com.applicationName. In the app im working on, this package name already exists in Google Play, so I would like to change it to com.corperationName.applicationName.
I know I can do this via Ant during Android project compilation, but I was wondering if there was somewhere within Worklight I can do this.
I was able to do this for Shell and Inner projects by making the following changes to the Shell project (check in or backup the shell and test before committing changes):
Add the following dir structure to the ShellApp/android/native/src
directory: com/corpname/{$appName}
Copy the contents of the ${packageDirectory} directory into the new
{$appName} directory (for me it was
In the files copied, every reference to ${packageName} needs to be
replaced with com.corpname.{$appName}
In AndroidManifest.xml.wltemplate.wluser, every reference to
${packageName} needs to be replaced with com.corpname.{$appName}.
Remove the ${packageDirectory} from the project.
Every inner project created from this Shell project should now have the package structure as com.corpname.appname

How can I retrieve a saved keystore password from Android Studio?

The new Android Studio allows us to save keystore passwords for later use. Where are these passwords stored on my computer (OSX), and is there a way to retrieve the saved values?
I am looking for the Alias password, not the Keystore password
You can find this in the idea.log files generated by Android Studio:
Search for "Pandroid.injected.signing.key.password" and you can see the key password.
Example logs:
2015-11-13 10:22:48,844 [ 709463] INFO -
a.gradle.invoker.GradleInvoker - Build command line options:
[--configure-on-demand, -Pandroid.injected.invoked.from.ide=true, ore.file=/Users/varun/Projects/myapp/mykey.jks,, -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.alias=myalias, -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.password=mykeypassword , -Pandroid.injected.apk.location=/Users/varun/code/android/workspace/myapp,
--init-script, /private/var/folders/vk/z504nlhd6v30p7zvtgjp5sjm0000gn/T/asLocalRepo0.gradle]
Note 1: On OSX the idea.log file can be found at ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio2.0
Note 2: If you don't find the password in idea.log, then also look at the files called idea.log.1, idea.log.2 and so on.
On macOS the latest versions of Android Studio (tested on 3.2) store keystore/key passwords in the Keychain under the following items:$KeyStorePasswordRequestor$KeyPasswordRequestor
The former stores the password of the keystore itself, and the latter – the password to the key.
You can access them using system Keychain Access app. Locate corresponding entry and double-click it. The Account field should contain the path to your keystore or the path to the key alias within the keystore in the following form:
KEY_STORE_PASSWORD__/Users/username/keystorename or KEY_STORE_PASSWORD__/Users/username/keystorename__alias
Click Show password and enter your macOS password when requested. That's it!
Method 1: Read from gradle build runtime
Step 1: add below code to app/build.gradle
afterEvaluate {
if (project.hasProperty("")) {
println "key store path: ${"")}"
if (project.hasProperty("")) {
println "key store password: ${"")}"
if (project.hasProperty("android.injected.signing.key.alias")) {
println "key alias: ${"android.injected.signing.key.alias")}"
if (project.hasProperty("android.injected.signing.key.password")) {
println "key password: ${"android.injected.signing.key.password")}"
Step 2: from menu Build -> Generate Signed apk/bundle to start a build.
Step 3: open Build window located in Android Studio's bottom, lookup key store info
Method 2: Read from Idea persistent storage
I wrote a Idea plugin, named RestoreKeystorePlugin
Step 1: download jar file from download link
Step 2: install the plugin to Android Studio
then restart Android Studio if required
Step 3: select Tools -> Restore Keystore Info menu, it will show key store info on a dialog
For anyone attempting keystore password recovery on more recent versions of Android Studio and Ubuntu, it seems that most documented suggestions to recover the password from logs, gradle, etc no longer work. Corneliu's excellent brute force script is great - unless you chose a 16 character password with no dictionary words in it and would like a result some time this month :) Using the Intellij security.xml solution is no longer available to retrieve saved passwords from Android Studio either, as far as I can tell.
However - having dug around a bit, Android Studio 3.1 seems to use the OS keychain in Ubuntu 18.04, so retrieving a saved keystore password is as simple as:
open 'Passwords and Keys' (use super key and search 'password')
filter results by 'android'
look at each entry, they will be
something like, and
open each one up in turn
expand the password dropdown and select
'Show password', it will look something like:
Find the keystore you're looking for and the bit after # is your missing password. Hope that helps someone out there!
Gradle stores them within your project directory in a binary file. You can get them like this (from the project directory):
strings .gradle/GRADLE_VERSION/taskArtifacts/taskArtifacts.bin | grep storePassword -A1
(Thanks to for the taskArtifacts.bin pointer)
look for the log file from the date which you had signed your apk and you can find your key info there like below.[store_password],
you can find your log files under
I had the same problem!
it makes me crazy but I found a little script that it´s saves me:
I think it could help you.
Good Look

