I want to create a book in android. It's text come from database and every section of this text has a reference.I need to put clickable image inside text to show reference and when I click on image something like Toast which contain reference list will appear.
I didn't see something like that in typical app. any body have any suggestion to implement it ?
If I understand the question correctly, you will have a clickable image inside the activity. Next add a onClickListener to the image, inside of this display the toast with the reference.
ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.img);
img.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Toast.makeText(this, "https://www.google.com/", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
If you have multiple clickable images then you might be better off implementing the interface View.OnClickListener and adding the onClick method.
I think the best way is to use Linkify class provided by Android Framework - see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.html for details.
Also you can play with google sample - https://github.com/googlesamples/android-TextLinkify
Basically, my question is similar to this one:IBM Watson Assistant in Flutter: How to show options?
There is only one answer, telling me to decode the response and show the options as clickable UI elements. I already know how to decode it, but how to make them clickable as a button? Like this:
I am not familiar with RecyclerView enough, maybe some method could do it?
you can add onClickListener to views so if you are using textviews for showing options you can add click listener like this in your RecyclerView Adapter class
textViews.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
I have a standard LinkMovementMethod established in my TextView to push a web Activity of some sort when the user touches a link. However, I want to establish a "do you want to see the link" dialog rather than taking the user straight to the webpage. I've tried overriding the touch methods but it all gets a little convoluted. A little help?
You can accomplish it in two ways:
Create custom Spans: more complicated, but you can accomplish more customised text consisting of clickable parts (or bold, differently coloured etc). To know more, check out ClickableSpan and SpannableStringBuilder
Extend LinkMovementMethod to accept custom click listener
In my opinion second solution is better in basic cases like yours. Here is how you can do it:
Copy this java class: InternalLinkMovementMethod to your project
Add set the link movement method of your TextView to this custom one, providing a click listener:
OnLinkClickedListener clickListener = new OnLinkClickedListener() {
public boolean onLinkClicked(String linkText) {
// here you can handle your click, eg show the dialog
// `linkText` is the text being clicked (the link)
// return true if handled, false otherwise
yourTextView.setMovementMethod(new InternalLinkMovementMethod(clickListener));
I have been experiencing a problem with my custom adapter and have located the problem solution. However I do not know how to go about it. I have researched and seen a few examples of a listview custom adapter at which buttons are given tags like viewHolder.button.setTag(Tag) and I understand what the tag does but I am unsure as to how to use it. My questions are: When I set the tag on a button, how does the application differentiate my buttons from another if all the tags are set the same? Also, say I have an onClick method in my custom adapter, how do I use the tag that I set to the button to identify the button that was clicked? I've kind of seen similar adapters on the internet but not exactly , a link to an example would be greatly appreciated also.
I am unsure as to how to use it
tag is a mechanism to make your views remember something, that could be an object an integer a string or anything you like.
My questions are: When I set the tag on a button, how does the
application differentiate my buttons from another if all the tags are
set the same?
i do not understand this question but i think if you notice that your button has a memory and it calls tag you can use it in a better way. if all of your buttons memory(tags) are the same so you can not use tags to distinguish the buttons you must use ids.
say I have an onClick method in my custom adapter, how do I use the
tag that I set to the button to identify the button that was clicked?
you must set different tags for your buttons or grouped them logically and set different tags for each group then in your onClick method use the tags to identify your buttons group:
OnClickListener myButtonListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View arg0) {
Object obj = arg0.getTag();
if(obj instanceOf groupOneTagObject){
// do action for group 1
}else if(obj instanceOf groupTwoTagObject){
// do action for group 2
am new to android
I have seen many examples on creating buttons, but i just can't get what does each line mean :(
take the following piece of code as an ex.
connect = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_connect)
private OnClickListener connectListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Log.i("CONNECT PRESSED", "press")
// ....
// ....
// ....
what i know is that the first line Defines a button, but wht is findViewbyId?
i know the second line
but then when defining the listener, what's the log.i?
nd r "connect pressed" and "press" just labels for the button? f so why there r two for a single button...
You should have an additional Button connect; before those lines.
connect = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_connect) // findViewById() in layman term it means, finding view by id. Which also means finding the view(button/textview/edittext) by ID(value you stated in your main.xml for the view. e.e. android:id=#+id/"")
connect.setOnClickListener(connectListener) //listens to a click when clicked
private OnClickListener connectListener = new OnClickListener() { //if button of android:id="button_connect" is clicked, Do this method.
public void onClick(View v) {
Log.i("CONNECT PRESSED", "press") //prints message in your logcat
// ....
// ....
// ....
If you still don't understand what does findViewById(), just think of it this way. View is man. Id is name. So in the end you are finding the man by name("Whatever this is")
In Android you normally define the layout of an Activity in an XML file. Each View element in a layout that you want to interact with in code needs an id. In you example the layout XML file needs to have a button with the id button_connect.
In the onCreate() method of an Activity you normally call setContentView() and pass it the layout you want to use in this Activity. E.g. setContentView(R.layout.my_layout); where your layout file's name is my_layout.xml.
The setContentView() method builds up the defined layout as objects and with findViewById(R.id.button_connect) you get a reference to a Button object from this layout whose id is button_connect.
Log.i() is simply logs the message "press" under the tag "CONNECT PRESSED" in the log cat.
It seem to be you didn't read basic things about android app development. Android Developers website providing information to learn android app development with good examples and tutorials. You are asking very basic things by just copying the code from tutorials.
Actually its not the right place for this kind of questions. First do practice by reading tutorials around the web.
Coming to your doubts regarding code you posted here, those are very basic things.
findViewById() finds a View by field Id, which is declared in XML layout file as below
Log.i() is LogCat info message displayed in your logcat window when debugging is enabled in your app.
in your example you probably have defined an xml layout file as the style of your activity with setContentView(R.layout.myXMLLayout);
If not, findViewById(R.id.button_connect) will fail.
R.id.button_connect refers to an id created in your xml layout.
There has to be a line android:id="#+id/button_connect" in a < Button > tag.
findViewById finds this Button (which is more genereally a view, which is why you have to cast it to a Button with the (Button) before findViewById(...) ). You then refer to exactly the button you've put in your xml.
Log.i("CONNECT PRESSED","press"); isn't necessary at all. It's just logging the press of the button and displays it in the log cat. It can be removed without any further impact. This is for debugging only and should be removed for any final (public) versions of your code.
I'm kind of new to this whole thing so I need some help. I have an application that creates an ImageView OnCreate. I want to make this image clickable and have it open a browser to a specific link.
How would I do this? I'm having trouble specifically with the setOnClickListener because the parameters are not accepting an OnClickListener.
I'm developing for Android 1.6
You shoud set ImageView property clickable to true. Then set listener:
mImageView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// do stuff
You can subclass ImageView, if you like. Then you can override onClick in your own class. Rabas' method is probably more common though, and seen throughout Google's examples.