Android picasso cache images - android

In documentation in written that picasso caches images downloaded , but i havent seen an example how to call that image again from cache.
Here i first time load the image :
.resize(200, 150)
Second time when i call same code above it shouldnt get from cache ???
If not, how to call cached images by that url ??

Picasso automatically caches the loaded images, So that next time they will be loaded from the cache. You can check whether the image is loaded from the web, cache or disk by enabling the indicator
Indicators will be shown for each image, specifying where the image is loaded from.
I got the reference from here


glide take time to load image even if image load from cache?

I have RecyclerView where image load from server URL. so I use Glide library to load an image, glide store image into cache to reload as fast as possible.
I use a placeholder() as a loader for loading image first time, but if I off the internet and start app its still load placeholder first and then load an image into ImageView.
So, my question is, is there any way to load an image into ImageView so user experience like smoothness (offline) app while loading images
you can check this app Walking UP it loads image first time than there is no loader, and next time when image load means when you open app image already loaded in list.
Please somebody help me to achieve this task
There are 2 ways you can do that task but it can be very lengthy because storing and loading is not the way to approach in the android development
1.Store the data in the cache data in the database
the cache strategy is relatively easy. as you are requesting the data from the server if the connection is not available then you have to load data from the cache. Same can be said from the database but it is very lengthy and can be very slow.
A quick solution to your problem would be to add diskCacheStrategy to your Glide call. This would help you cache ALL versions of your image and thus reduce load-time. Here's an implementation:
I hope this helps. Merry coding!

Glide 4 - Load from remote after loading from cache

I've a custom Loader, DataFetcher and LoaderFactory to load images from a NDK library. Then I create a signature to cache the data so it loads fast to the user.
However, I want to have the following behavior:
1. Load the cached image if available
2. Get the image from remote
3. Load the new image and save it to cache
Here's my current implementation:
That only shows me the cached image, and if there's none, then it gets it from remote and caches it.

How does Picasso work when trying to load url from cache which is not cached and Network Policy offline?

This is my code with the call back I have written. Since this is horizontal listview of images it is loading previously cached image when next image has to load.
Here image is not cached so program calls error and I will load from network. In other case I am checking if it is cached then I will load from cache itself else network.
It is not triggering success or error ?
I don't know what's happening ?

Android Picasso Reload Image from cache fail

Its been sometime I started using Picasso for Image Loading in Android. The usual scenario is , it downloads images and cache it and if later needed it retrieves from Cache.
just found this use case,
if the ImageURL ends with .(jpg,png, etc etc .....)
Picasso work as expected ,
but if the imageURL's are of type
then its not reloading from cache , its downloading every time when the view is loaded.
Is it a normal behavior of Picasso ???
Your image is giant. Try to increase cache size. Or scale down your image

(Glide) Getting image from cache if it exists

I have trouble when I'm using Glide in my app. As I've understood, if image was downloaded once and I request image from cache from other activity, Glide must show image quick. And I got this behavior, but not in my app. Image loads very slow (about 3 seconds), although in another app it was about 0.4 second.
My code with calling Glide:
.signature(new StringSignature(url))
And in other activity code are same.
May you help me?
You don't need the signature(url) part, the model (url String in your case) is already a part of the cache key.
The problem may be that your header changes size. The view size (= resulting Bitmap size) needs to be constant for a cache hit. However since you're doing ALL caching the load should still be fast. Is there anything changing in the url maybe, like a sessionid or similar? That would make the cache miss.
If the url you're loading is an animated GIF RESULT caching can be the culprit, here's a reference.

