I have a situation where I want to handle a realm migration in a lazy fashion. Instead of using the Realm Migration api, which the realm developer's state is cumbersome, I want to delete the realm instance and then re-instantiate it only if I need to do a migration. How would I properly handle a this situation such that I only delete and re-instantiate the database ONLY IF it needs to be upgraded?
Say I have a model
public class testmodel extends RealmObject {
private String foo;
private int bar;
public int getBar() {
return bar;
public void setBar(int bar) {
this.bar = bar;
public String getFoo() {
return foo;
public void setFoo(String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
and I want to add another string bazz into the model with the proper getters and setters.
Currently, I can do this as long as the first time I instantiate realm, I delete it. Like so:
realm = Realm.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
Now, let's suppose I didn't want to go blowing away my data every time the app starts, but still wanted to do this in the instance when I needed to. I thought a good way would be like this.
Log.d(TAG, "started realm creation");
realm = Realm.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
Log.d(TAG, "successfully created realm");
catch (RealmException e){ // I tried RealmMigrationNeededException and IllegalState Exception but neither are caught
Log.d(TAG, "try deleting realm");
realm = Realm.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
Log.d(TAG, "deleted realm and remade successfully");
However, when I try this instead of the exception being caught, my app crashes.
How would I properly handle a this situation such that I only delete and re-instantiate the database ONLY IF it needs to be upgraded?
In Realm 0.81.0 you can use the new RealmConfiguration object:
RealmConfiguration realmConfig = new RealmConfiguration.Builder(context)
This will do exactly what you are looking for.
JavaDoc is here: https://realm.io/docs/java/latest/api/io/realm/RealmConfiguration.Builder.html
And you can read more about setup here:
Would like to have your help on my weird problem that currently I am facing. I tried for couple of days but no luck and finally decided to post here to take help.
I created a Snapshot Listener attached to a Collection in Firebase defined as follows :-
public class FirebaseTypingStatusLiveData extends LiveData<List<documentSnapshot>> {
// Logging constant
private static final String TAG = "FirebaseQueryLiveData";
// Document Reference
private final DocumentReference documentReference;
// Listener
private final MyDocumentListener listener = new MyDocumentListener();
// Handler
private final Handler handler = new Handler();
private ListenerRegistration listenerRegistration;
// Flag to remove listener
private boolean listenerRemovePending = false;
private MutableLiveData <List<documentSnapshot> mutableLiveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
// Constructor
public FirebaseTypingStatusLiveData(DocumentReference documentReference) {
this.documentReference = documentReference;
public LiveData<List<documentSnapshot>> checknow(){
// Add listener
if (!Listeners.LIVESAMPLE.containsKey(documentReference)) {
listenerRegistration = documentReference.addSnapshotListener(listener);
Listeners.LIVESAMPLE.put(documentReference, listenerRegistration);
} else {
listenerRegistration = Listeners.LIVETYPINGSTATUSSAMPLE.get(documentReference);
return mutableLiveData;
// Listener definition
private class MyDocumentListener implements EventListener<DocumentSnapshot> {
public void onEvent(#Nullable DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot, #Nullable
FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEvent");
// Check for error
if (e != null) {
// Log
Log.d(TAG, "Can't listen to query snapshots: " + documentSnapshot
+ ":::" + e.getMessage());
The snapshot reads the data perfectly and advised as and when data is available.
The snapshot data is getting displayed 1. in Fragment (not part of Activity that i am talking about) 2. Activity through two view models that have the same code as follows :
public LiveData<List<documentSnapshot>> getDataSnapshotLiveData() {
Firestore_dB db = new Firestore_dB();
DocumentReference docref = db.get_document_firestore("Sample/"+docID);
FirebaseTypingStatusLiveData firebaseTypingStatusLiveData = new
return firebaseTypingStatusLiveData.checknow();
The Fragment & Activity code is also same except changing owner which are as follows :-
LiveData<List<documentSnapshot>> liveData = viewmodel.getDataSnapshotLiveData();
liveData.observe(this, new Observer<List<documentSnapshot>>() {
public void onChanged(DocumentReference docreef) {
String name = docreef.get("name");
stringname.setText(name); // The text is displaying either in Fragment or in Activity but not in both.
My problem is i need data in both i.e. Fragment & Activity whereas I am getting data either in Fragment or in Activity depending upon the code which I commented.
Kindly advise where I am making mistake. Thanks in Advance
Honestly, I am not sure that my answer wouldn't lead you away to the false way, but you can try.
My guess is that your problem could be somehow connected with ViewModel sharing.
There is a well-known task How to share Viewmodel between fragments.
But in your case, that can't help, because you have to share ViewModel between activities (now you have two separate ViewModels and that could be problem with Firestore EventListeners).
Technically you can share ViewModel between activities (I haven't try since usually I use Single activity pattern). For that as a owner parameter in ViewModelProvider constructor you can set instance of your custom Application class (but you have implement interface ViewModelStoreOwner for it). After that both in your activity and in your fragment you can get the same ViewModel with the Application class-instance:
val sharedViewModel = ViewModelProvider(mainApplication, viewModelFactory).get(SharedViewModel::class.java)
I made LiveData static that listens to changes in source data and provide updated content were ever required in different Activity.
I used Realm in conjunction with RxJava it this way:
public Flowable<List<EventEntity>> getAll() {
try (final Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(mRealmConfiguration)) {
RealmQuery<RealmEvent> query = realm.where(RealmEvent.class);
Flowable<RealmResults<RealmEvent>> result;
if (realm.isAutoRefresh()) {
result = query
} else {
result = Flowable.just(query.findAll());
return result
I use this chain on multiple places in app. For example:
return Observable.merge(
.flatMapMaybe(notification ->
Problem is that I obtain exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This Realm instance has already been closed, making it unusable.
I looked at implementation method from of RealmObservableFactory and each call of subscribe method should create new instance of Realm. Entire situation looks as problem with references counting.
Do you know where is problem?
Java's try-with-resource closes the resource as soon as you leave the code block, but RxJava being lazy and all, only begins working when you actually subscribe, which happens after your code exits the getAll() function.
Edit: since you build a special Realm instance each time, passing configuration to it, the instance is not shared and therefore definitively closed each time.
Instead, initialize your Realm earlier using Realm.setDefaultConfiguration(config). Then, use Realm.getDefaultInstance() in your function so you access the default shared instance instead of creating a new one each time.
Edit2: the easiest solution is to keep a reference to the Realm instance:
class MyRepository {
private final Realm realm;
public MyRepository(Realm realm) {
this.realm = realm;
public Flowable<List<EventEntity>> getAll() {
RealmQuery<RealmEvent> query = realm.where(RealmEvent.class);
// ...
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
MyRepository repository = MyRepository(realm);
// ...
I find solution. It is bug in official example. When you call mentioned chain than must exist other open Realm instance for same thread. In other cases RealmResult is invalidated. Can be used solution mentioned by ESala.
I'm new to Realm. I'm using realm as a local db, and if the app is updated i don't want to lose data. What i did earlier is
public static Realm getRealmInstanse(){
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration
try {
return Realm.getInstance(config);
} catch (RealmMigrationNeededException e){
try {
//Realm file has been deleted.
return Realm.getInstance(config);
} catch (Exception ex){
throw ex;
//No Realm file to remove.
Now i think i should do the following:
public static Realm getRealmInstanse(){
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration
.migration(new RealmMigration() {
public void migrate(DynamicRealm realm, long oldVersion, long newVersion) {
return Realm.getInstance(config);
What should i do inside migrate() method in order to copy the data? And what about schema, should i uses schema version and for what purposes?
And what is the logic of changing the schema? For example, if for some reason i will change the structure of the db, can i just change the schema inside migrate() method?
I've found this example but i don't know actually if it is saving data or just changing the schema
if (oldVersion == 0) {
RealmObjectSchema personSchema = schema.get("Person");
// Combine 'firstName' and 'lastName' in a new field called 'fullName'
.addField("fullName", String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
.transform(new RealmObjectSchema.Function() {
public void apply(DynamicRealmObject obj) {
obj.set("fullName", obj.getString("firstName") + " " + obj.getString("lastName"));
What should i do inside migrate() method in order to copy the data?
Nothing, data is automatically kept between app updates (provided you have not changed the schema while also doing deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded()).
If you change the database schema and have set deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded(), the data will be deleted in order to migrate to the new schema automatically.
If you change the database schema and have not set deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded(), you must provide a RealmMigration, or the app will crash with a "migration needed" exception.
For example, if for some reason i will change the structure of the db, can i just change the schema inside migrate() method?
Yes. You can interact with the DynamicRealm that is passed to #Override public void migrate() to specify the changes required to migrate to a new schema version.
You should give Realm's migration documentation a read.
Sidenote: building the RealmConfiguration as you are doing in your code should not be done every time you request an instance. Rather, do it once, preferably in your Application class. Also see configuring a realm.
This question is a follow-up question from: Organize Android Realm data in lists
Due to the data returned by the API we use, it's slightly impossible to do an actual query on the realm database. Instead I'm wrapping my ordered data in a RealmList and adding a #PrimaryKey public String id; to it.
So our realm data looks like:
public class ListPhoto extends RealmObject {
#PrimaryKey public String id;
public RealmList<Photo> list; // Photo contains String/int/boolean
which makes easy to write to and read from the Realm DB by simply using the API endpoint as the id.
So a typical query on it looks like:
realm.where(ListPhoto.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirstAsync();
This creates a slightly overhead of listening/subscribing to data because now I need to check listUser.isLoaded() use ListUser to addChangeListener/removeChangeListener and ListUser.list as an actual data on my adapter.
So my question is:
Is there a way I can query this realm to receive a RealmResults<Photo>. That way I could easily use this data in RealmRecyclerViewAdapter and use listeners directly on it.
Edit: to further clarify, I would like something like the following (I know this doesn't compile, it's just a pseudo-code on what I would like to achieve).
.equalTo("id", id)
.findFirstAsync() // get a results of that photo list
.findAllAsync(); // get the field "list" into a `RealmResults<Photo>`
edit final code: considering it's not possible ATM to do it directly on queries, my final solution was to simply have an adapter that checks data and subscribe if needed. Code below:
public abstract class RealmAdapter
<T extends RealmModel,
VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder>
extends RealmRecyclerViewAdapter<T, VH>
implements RealmChangeListener<RealmModel> {
public RealmAdapter(Context context, OrderedRealmCollection data, RealmObject realmObject) {
super(context, data, true);
if (data == null) {
#Override public void onChange(RealmModel element) {
RealmList list = null;
try {
// accessing the `getter` from the generated class
// because it can be list of Photo, User, Album, Comment, etc
// but the field name will always be `list` so the generated will always be realmGet$list
list = (RealmList) element.getClass().getMethod("realmGet$list").invoke(element);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (list != null) {
((RealmObject) element).removeChangeListener(this);
First you query the ListPhoto, because it's async you have to register a listener for the results. Then in that listener you can query the result to get a RealmResult.
Something like this
final ListPhoto listPhoto = realm.where(ListPhoto.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirstAsync();
listPhoto.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<RealmModel>() {
public void onChange(RealmModel element) {
RealmResults<Photo> photos = listPhoto.getList().where().findAll();
// do stuff with your photo results here.
// unregister the listener.
Note that you can actually query a RealmList. That's why we can call listPhoto.getList().where(). The where() just means "return all".
I cannot test it because I don't have your code. You may need to cast the element with ((ListPhoto) element).
I know you said you're not considering the option of using the synchronous API, but I still think it's worth noting that your problem would be solved like so:
RealmResults<Photo> results = realm.where(ListPhoto.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirst()
EDIT: To be completely informative though, I cite the docs:
public E findFirstAsync()
Similar to findFirst() but runs asynchronously on a worker thread This method is only available from a Looper thread.
Returns: immediately an empty RealmObject.
Trying to access any field on the returned object before it is loaded
will throw an IllegalStateException.
Use RealmObject.isLoaded() to check if the object is fully loaded
or register a listener RealmObject.addChangeListener(io.realm.RealmChangeListener<E>) to be
notified when the query completes.
If no RealmObject was found after
the query completed, the returned RealmObject will have
RealmObject.isLoaded() set to true and RealmObject.isValid() set to
So technically yes, you need to do the following:
private OrderedRealmCollection<Photo> photos = null;
final ListPhoto listPhoto = realm.where(ListPhoto.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirstAsync();
listPhoto.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<ListPhoto>() {
public void onChange(ListPhoto element) {
if(element.isValid()) {
In my android app, I persist a workout object to realm. In one of my activities, I create an object with this code:
Workout w = realm.createObject(Workout.class);
Here is my workout class:
public class Workout extends RealmObject{
private String mWorkoutId;
private int restSecsLeft;
private boolean prevSetOver = true;
private boolean workoutOver = false;
public Workout(){}
public String getmWorkoutId() {
return mWorkoutId;
public void setmWorkoutId(String mWorkoutId) {
this.mWorkoutId = mWorkoutId;
public int getRestSecsLeft() {
return restSecsLeft;
public void setRestSecsLeft(int restSecsLeft) {
this.restSecsLeft = restSecsLeft;
public boolean getPrevSetOver() {
return prevSetOver;
public void setPrevSetOver(boolean prevSetOver) {
this.prevSetOver = prevSetOver;
public boolean getWorkoutOver() {
return workoutOver;
public void setWorkoutOver(boolean workoutOver) {
this.workoutOver = workoutOver;
I have a service that runs after a workout is created, and after debugging odd behavior, have found an instance where the value of prevSetOver that is saved in a workout RealmObject is different than the value returned from w.getPrevSetOver(). I am not sure how this is happening--I do not change the value of the variable prevSetOver after an object is instantiated. I am a new realm user and do not understand how this is happening. The picture I have attatched is a screenshot of the w.prevSetOver() method and the RealmObject having different values.
There are more variables in the debugger in this screen, I left most of them out in my post for simplicity's sake.
It is the right behaviour of Realm.
Realm generates Proxy object which inherit from your Workout when compiling. And read/write data from/to Realm is actually implemented by the Proxy Object through overriding getters/setters. The original Object's member field won't be changed by Realm.
When Realm.createObject() get called, it does return a Proxy object, whose member fields are not what you expected.
You still can create a instance of the original model object which we call it standalone object (means it is not managed by Realm) by calling Workout w = new Workout(). This would act just like normal Java object. And you still can copy it to Realm by calling w = realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(w). Notice we changed the w's value to the return value. The function will return a Proxy object which is managed by Realm now.
Workout w = realm.createObject(Workout.class);
realm.copyToRealm(w); //<-- u need
is better add Primarykey, changed u String variable to long
private long mWorkoutId;