Custom rendering for text with special syntax - android

I have a text gathered from API and it consists of custom syntax. I display it using TextView but I need to render special part of the text and convert those text into elements. An example of a text is below.
Oh, that's great idea! Check (user: someuser)'s answer for this.
You can as well look at (ref: a forum post title) or:
(ref: another forum post)
This is a hint for you! (hint: should be displayed as a mini icon
but when clicked, a tooltip should be opened)
Here is a spoiler for you.
---- spoiler ----
some spoiler. this text should not be displayed directly but it should be
converted to a button element. When the button is clicked, this text should
be shown
---- spoiler ----
So, I need to convert (user: someuser) into a link in the view which will be shown as "someuser" but when clicked, it will open a new intent. For (ref: topic) keyword, it's the same. When I hit spoiler, I want to make it a nice button indicating that it's a spoiler and when user clicks, it will expand.
How can I parse this text and show correctly in a view? I don't have problem with parsing but my problem is displaying those elements in the view.
Methods I Tried
I tried WebView instead of TextView thinking that I can convert those into HTML/Js but the performance was terrible. Although I use RecycleView and ViewHolder, WebView is simply an overkill. I need to use some kind of a TextView but with the elements I would like to have.
I also looked at custom HTML tag handling with TextView (thinking I can convert those legacy tags into html) but I failed to see how I can insert button for spoiler tag or insert custom elements like tooltip for hint.
Thank you!


Make a word in TextVew clickable

I am developing a dictionary app. When I search some keyword it will display its description. Now I want if any keyword (of my database) is used in describing other keyword I want that describing keyword to be clickable (and coloured or/and underlined). So that if I click on that word search will be made using the clicked keyword and will display the result. I am using SQLitedatabase to create database. Please see the attached picture.
Sample picture:
You can use spans to style your text shown on a textview. There is a span subclass called ClickableSpan, which will be able to serve your needs. Takea a look at ClickableSpan also there is another span class called UnderlineSpan which can be used for putting underline for the specified character range. Hope this helps

Multiline Text code highlighter for android

I need library that highlight HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. And also User can edit the code.
It seems to be hard to implement, but here is a recipe to make it.
To highlight codes in various styles, you can use work. It is appliable to TextView or EditText, as the result of Spanny is a Spannable object.
And, to analyze a text file as a HTML, CSS, JavaScript code semantic, you can use Jsoup and iterate each element in order to highlight them with styles. One example usage of Jsoup in Android is shown here.
Above two will show you highlighted output, but not editable as you type. One definite thing to do is to use EditText.addTextChangedListener event handler. Rest of editing and displaying fine Spannable result can be found from EditText with Emoticons trials.

URL as a link in listview in android

I am new to android and I am trying to contribute for an android project. There is listview of messages and when a user clicks and a specific message, another view opens and shows the details as shown in below image(android view).
All these information is being fetched from web and parsed. and link is not clickable on web view also as shown in below figure (webview),
It is not shown as hyperlink on webview. I think that is the reason its not showing as a link in android app too.
Can anybody help me with this? The code related to this can be found at : source
related files are:
\scraper\ ,
\scraper\ ,
Any help would be great. thanks in advance.
In your XMl wherever you define that particular TextView add the following to that TextView
Also see How do I make links in a TextView clickable? if you want to for example hide the URL and just show some text for the link.
Edit: From what I can tell...
MessageScraper is using ThreeLineAdapter - You can see all the TextViews here and then go to the res folder and change them accordingly.
SingleMessageScraper seems to be just using standard ArrayAdapter and Androids Simple_list_Item_1 for the layout. So if you need to you'll need to make your own list_item layout for this if it doesn't make sense to use one that was already created.
I don't think the UI classes need any changing.
Re: Comment - A single message (shown in your picture) is a listview of TextViews. You could also have a listview of custom views if you want more things in each cell, which is what the ThreeLineAdapter is handling.
If you are using TextView in your ListView's getView function,
you can use Linkify to convert the link to URL
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
Linkify.addLinks(textView, Linkify.WEB_URLS);

Android - Insert large text in an Activity

i need to create an activity with the description on an object.
This description is about 1000 characters, on 16 line.
I wanna ask if there is some way or some rule to follow to insert a string big like this in a textview in android?
I only have to format in in the values/string file or i have to do something else?
And in this description there are some link, how can make them clickable? (when i click i wanna open my browser with the link).
To make links clickable just add this to your view :
Yes you just need to add that text to resources.
Best wishes.
Put the string in strings.xml, set it to a text view inside a scroll view so that it doesn't get hidden on smaller screens, set autoLink to make the links clickable.

How to create a rich text editor in Android [duplicate]

I am wondering if there are any good options to implement a rich text editor in Android. Please note I am talking about a rich text editor that can be used in an Android application, not the one embedded in a web page using HTML and Javascript.
My requirements are:
Basic formatting (color, fonts, highlight, bold, italic, underline, etc.)
Inline images
Bullet lists and numbered lists
Inline table (only the contents inside a cell is editable, not the table structure)
As you can see, this is pretty much something quite similar to a typical RichEdit control on Windows.
Here are some efforts (investigation & prototyping) I have made so far:
Using WebView
I have tried using a WebView control to load an HTML fragment with one . The content becomes editable and as it is HTML, I suppose it can meet most of my requirements. But it has several issues:
(deadly) No text caret. The user will have no idea where his/her typed characters will be inserted.
The on-screen soft keyboard is not visible by default. There is a trick that the user has to long-press the Menu button to bring up the keyboard. But I think this is a very bad user experience. Besides, the screen layout is not properly rearranged and the text inserting point sometimes will be covered by the keyboard.
Using EditText
I have tried using the EditText control. It seems to support some level of rich text editing (color, fonts, bold, italic, underline, inline images, bullet lists). But I still cannot figure out how I can implement the following requirements:
Control the appereance of the bullet symbol (dot, circle, dash, arrow, star, etc.)
Numbered list (1., 2., 3., etc.)
BTW, I have seen there are several *Span classes out there but I am not sure if they can be any help... And the does not provide much useful information about them.
So, how on earth can I implement a rich text editor on Android?
Can I extends the EditText and add my new functionalities? Or should I do something from scratch - extends the View and implement everything by myself? For later option (extending View), I actually even don't know how to show a text caret and blink it, not mentionging moving the caret with user typing.
I am desperate now... Any hints?
After some further investigation, it looks like extending EditText would be my best bet. I somehow figured out how to use those Span classes and guess I should be able to do most of the tricks by using (extending) them.
For example, extending the BulletSpan and overriding drawLeadingMargin should give me the control of the bullet appereances. Extending the LeadingMarginSpan should help me on the numbered list.
As to the table, my initial plan is to extend the LineBackgroundSpan and draw all the table borders in the drawBackground override. However, I still need to figure out how to layout all the text in the table cells and properly handle the caret movement and selection. Suggestions?
I just published my rich text editor component under the Apache 2.0 license:
You can make use of any of the following libraries:-
I would probably extend both EditText and TableLayout or at least end up using most of their source if there were big enough changes I needed to make.
Can you do the following:
Manually hold the contents in the EditText as your own model (ie by seperating and maintaing the content document and the view attributes as seperate entities).
Override the render (or draw method) to do custom layout on parts of the content document (part of your model) that handle non text characters (say bullets with particular attribute).
To me seems like if you have to muck about with the layout, are you better off writing it from scratch on your own. From what I remember the Edit text (and the richt text editor) is great for anything where you the data is pure text.
There is an open source EditText rich text editor called android-richtexteditor but the code was inexplicably deleted in r5. The code is still there in r4; just use svn to check out r4 or earlier to access it. The code appears to support italics, underline, color picker, text size, and more.
Also answered in these questions: 1, 2
Extend from EditText is a best choice for you, it support CharacterSpan and
See my App on the Google Play:
Check this open source Wordpress mobile application for android.It has very promising Richtexteditor based on Edittext.
You can download the source from here

