Gdx.input.justTouched() is not working on all devices - android

I am developing a game in LibGdx for android device. I could see a strange issue in using Gdx.input.justTouched(). It is working in some device and not in some device. Could you please help me if my code needs any correction?
public void create() {
public void render(SpriteBatch sb) {
if (Gdx.input.justTouched()){
System.out.println("inside : " );
dragNew = new Vector2(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY());
dragOld = dragNew;


Use two DjiCodecManager at the same time

My drone matrice 210.
DJI Android SDK 4.7.1
Device CrystalSky CS785, Android 5.1.1
I shuld display video stream from two camers at the same time, like a DJI Pilot.
My solutions:
I create two diferance DjiCodecManager, and use it in diferent VideoFeeder callbaks.
DJICodecManager primaryDJICodecManager = new DJICodecManager(Activity,
DJICodecManager secondaryDJICodecManager = new DJICodecManager(Activity,
pramirySurfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(new SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener() {
public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture) {
secondarySurfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(new SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener() {
public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture) {
VideoFeeder.VideoFeed videoFeed = VideoFeeder.getInstance().getPrimaryVideoFeed();
VideoFeeder.VideoFeed secondaryVideoFeed = VideoFeeder.getInstance().getSecondaryVideoFeed();
secondaryVideoFeed.setCallback(new VideoFeeder.VideoDataCallback() {
public void onReceive(byte[] videoBuffer, int size) {
if (DjiManagers.mSecondaryCodecManager != null) {
secondaryDJICodecManager.sendDataToDecoder(videoBuffer, size);
videoFeed.setCallback(new VideoFeeder.VideoDataCallback() {
public void onReceive(byte[] videoBuffer, int size) {
if (DjiManagers.mCodecManager != null) {
primaryDJICodecManager.sendDataToDecoder(videoBuffer, size);
But the pramirySurfaceTexture callback does not work. And on the second texture, an image from different cameras (color and grayscale (I use a thermal imaging camera)) appears alternately, but most often the texture is green.
Is it possible to create and use two DJICodecManager?
And if not, how can I show the video stream simultaneously?
DJI support answered me.
To use two DJICodecManafers. You must use the other constructor:
primaryDJICodecManager = new DJICodecManager(Activity,
where videoStreamSource it's one of this:
And when you send data to decoding you must use onother sendDataToDecode methond:
primaryDJICodecManager.sendDataToDecoder(array, size, index);
where intdex it's one of this:
In accordance with what you specified when creating DJICodecManager.

Unity Ads are displaying continuously in my Android App

I have an Android app developed in Android Studio. And I have integrated Unity Ads in my app showing full-screen video Ads.
I have followed each step carefully in their documentation:
But the ads are displaying continuously one after another. There is no stopping for this video ads. I am losing users for my app because of this.
Here is my implementation according to their docs in MainActivity.class:
UnityListener unityListener = new UnityListener();
UnityAds.initialize(MainActivity.this, "my_ad_unit_id", unityListener);
private class UnityListener implements IUnityAdsListener {
public void onUnityAdsReady(String s) {;
public void onUnityAdsStart(String s) {
public void onUnityAdsFinish(String s, UnityAds.FinishState finishState) {
public void onUnityAdsError(UnityAds.UnityAdsError unityAdsError, String s) {

How does the API 24 AccessibilityService.dispatchGesture() method work?

With API 24 we got a way to dispatch a gesture to the device, however there is no solid documentation or examples out there yet. I am trying to get it to work but currently the gesture is hitting the "onCancelled" callback every time.
Here is my code that calls the method:
private void pressLocation(Point position){
GestureDescription.Builder builder = new GestureDescription.Builder();
Path p = new Path();
p.lineTo(position.x, position.y);
p.lineTo(position.x+10, position.y+10);
builder.addStroke(new GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(p, 10L, 200L));
GestureDescription gesture =;
boolean isDispatched = dispatchGesture(gesture, new GestureResultCallback() {
public void onCompleted(GestureDescription gestureDescription) {
public void onCancelled(GestureDescription gestureDescription) {
}, null);
Toast.makeText(FingerprintService.this, "Was it dispatched? " + isDispatched, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Has anyone used this new method yet or know of an example of how to get it functioning?
Your path is just lineTos, which doesn't specify a starting point. Try changing the first one to a moveTo.

ConnectSDK Android

Working with connectSDK Android for casting videos on samsung android Tv.
I've successfully launch the default youtube app and played as well.
But when ever i'm trying to stop the currently running Youtube video getting a response code = 400 i.e
com.connectsdk.service.command.ServiceCommandError: Bad Request
Anyone worked on this? or familiar with the issue?
if (runningAppSession != null) {
if (runningAppSession.getSessionType() == LaunchSessionType.App) {
getLauncher().closeApp(runningAppSession, new ResponseListener<Object>() {
public void onError(ServiceCommandError error) {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {

SocketIOClient example does not compile

I've got a Andriod Studio project and I'm trying to use the SocketIOClient from the AndroidAsync library. I'm building the library with the command:
dependencies {
compile 'com.koushikdutta.androidasync:AndroidAsync:1.0.0'
I was able to get the websocket example to work, but there's seems to be a version issue with the 1.0 and the SocketIOClient example. I've also tried using the 2.0 jar file, but SocketIOClient doesn't appear to be defined there at all(this is one of my first andriod applications, so maybe I'm just doing something wrong). Does anyone know what needs to be done to get the following code to compile:
SocketIOClient.connect(AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(), "", new ConnectCallback() {
public void onConnectCompleted(Exception ex, SocketIOClient client) {
if (ex != null) {
client.setStringCallback(new StringCallback() {
public void onString(String string) {
client.on("someEvent", new EventCallback() {
public void onEvent(JSONArray argument, Acknowledge acknowledge) {
System.out.println("args: " + arguments.toString());
client.setJSONCallback(new JSONCallback() {
public void onJSON(JSONObject json) {
System.out.println("json: " + json.toString());

