Find movement turn angle using Location - android

I need find angle of vehicle turn measured in degrees.
Location points update with equal intervals (1 sec). Therefore device makes like 4-5 points during turn. I schematically displayed that on picture.
Is it possible to calculate the angle of turn using Location? If it is possible, how?
What I tried:
Create two geometric vectors from points 3, 4 and 1, 2 respectively and find angle between those vectors. Coordinates of vectors I calculated like Vector1 (lat2 - lat1; lon2 - lon2). Not sure this approach could be applied to Location coordinates.
Use location1.bearingTo(location2). But this doesn't give expected results. Seems like it gives "compass" results. Perhabs I could use it somehow but not sure.
Also tried few trigonometric formulas like here or here or here. They didn't give expected angle.
EDIT: Solution
The accepted answer works great. But to complete the answer I have to show that method of angleDifference. This one works for me:
public int getAngleDifference(int currentAngle){
int r = 0;
if (angleList.size() == 4) {
int d = Math.abs(angleList.get(0) - angleList.get(3)) % 360;
r = d > 180 ? 360 - d : d;
return r;
I add points to list untill there're 4 of them and then calculate angle difference between 1st and 4th points for better results.
Hope it will help for someone!

vect1 = LatLon2 - LatLon1; // vector subtraction
vect2 = LatLon4 - LatLon3;
By definition of the dot product has the property:
vect1.vect2 = ||vect1||*||vect2||*Cos(theta)
Here's a breakdown of the notation
The term vect1.vect2 is the dot product of vect1 and vect2.
The general form of a dot product can be broken down component wise let v1 = <x1,y1> and v2=<x2,y2> for two arbitrary vectors v1 and v2 the dot product would be:
v1.v2 = x1*x2 + y1*y2
and the magnitude of some arbitrary vector v is:
||v|| = sqrt(v.v); which is a scalar.
The above is equivalent to the Euclidean distance formula with components x and y:
||v|| = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
Getting the angle
Find a value for theta given the two vectors vect1 and vect2:
theta = Math.ArcCos(vect1.vect2/(||vect1||*||vect2||))

Approach 1 does not work as you described: Lat, Lon are not cartesian coordinates (One degree of longitude expressed in meters is not one degree of latitide, this is only valid at the equator). You would have first to transform to a (local) cartesian system.
An error is in the drawing: The angle marked with "?" is placed at the wrong side. You most probably want angle: 180 - ?
In your example the car ist turning less than 90°, altough your angle shows more than 90°.
To understand better make another drawing where the car turns left for only 10 degrees. In your drawing this would be 170°, which is wrong.
Approach 2) works better, but you need to sum up the angle differences.
You have to write yourself a method
double angleDifference(double angle1, double angle2);
This look easier than it is, although the code is only a few lines long.
Make sure that you have some test cases that tests the behaviour when crossing the 360° limit.
(turn from bearing 10 to bearing 350), should either give 20 or -20, depending if you want that the method give sthe absolut evalue or the relative angle


Pose Detection for squat with count using ML Kit

How can I get real time exercise count and angle using ML kit? Here, I check for push up and squat exercise count.
I am getting angle by following method :
fun getAngle(firstPoint: PoseLandmark, midPoint: PoseLandmark, lastPoint: PoseLandmark): Double {
var result = Math.toDegrees(atan2(lastPoint.getPosition().y - midPoint.getPosition().y,
lastPoint.getPosition().x - midPoint.getPosition().x)
- atan2(firstPoint.getPosition().y - midPoint.getPosition().y,
firstPoint.getPosition().x - midPoint.getPosition().x))
result = Math.abs(result) // Angle should never be negative
if (result > 180) {
result = 360.0 - result // Always get the acute representation of the angle
return result
I have added logic from my side but still want help if any proper way I got. What I am doing checking angle every time.
I want to display count and feedback based on user doing exercise.
I made a simple demo about squat count
I just made three simple logical judgments
The height of the elbow is higher than the shoulder, otherwise the prompt "please hold your hands behind your head"
Standing straight is judged by the angle of the thigh and calf, and the effect is currently not good.
Compare the distance between the legs and the shoulders, and the legs should have a certain proportion of the shoulder width, otherwise the prompt "Please spread your feet and shoulder width" Both standing and squatting are judged by taking the human leg length/5 as the minimum movement unit, and the minimum distance from the last coordinate. Because the distance between the person standing and the camera will affect the coordinate ratio
My english is poor, most sentences tanslated by google translate
Here are several things you could try:
(1) You need to ask your users to face the camera in a certain way, e.g. side way might be the easiest for detecting squat and frontal would be the hardiest. You could try something in-between. Also how high the camera is (on the ground, head level, etc..) could also affect the angle.
(2) Then you can calculate and track the angle between body and thigh and the angle between thigh and calf to determine whether a squat is done.
(3) About feedback, you may set some expected angles, and if the user's angle is smaller than that, you could say "squat deeper"...
(4) To get the expected angles, you would need to find some sample images and run the detector on it to get them.

How to get the euler-angles from the rotation vector (Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR)

I rotated my android device in x direction (from -180 degree to 180 degree), see image below.
And I assume only Rotation vector x value is changed. Y and z maybe have some noise, but it should be not much difference among the values.
However, I receive this. Kindly see
I suspect my sensor has some problem.
Any idea? Thank you very much.
Your sensor is fine.Well, the rotation vector entries cannot simply be related to the rotation angle around a particular axis. The SensorEvent structure constitutes of timestamp, sensor, accuracy and values. Depending on the vector the float[] of values vary in size 1-5. The rotation vectors values are based on unit quaternions, all together forming a vector representing the orientation of this world frame relative to your smartphone fixed frame above
They are unitless and positive counter-clockwise.
The orientation of the phone is represented by the rotation necessary to align the East-North-Up coordinates with the phone's coordinates. That is, applying the rotation to the world frame (X,Y,Z) would align them with the phone coordinates (x,y,z).
If the vector would be a Rotation-Matrix one could write it as v_body = R_rot_vec * v_world (<--)pushing the world vector into a smartphone fixed description.
Furthermore about the vector:
The three elements of the rotation vector are equal to the last three components of a unit quaternion <cos(θ/2), xsin(θ/2), ysin(θ/2), z*sin(θ/2)>.
Q: So what to do with it? Depending on your Euler-angles convention (possible 24 sequences, valid 12 ones) you could calculate the corresponding angles u := [ψ,θ,φ] by e.g. applying the 123 sequence:
If you already have the rotation matrix entries get euler like so:
the 321 sequence:
with q1-3 always being the values[0-2] (Dont get confused by u_ijk as ref(Diebel) uses different conventions comp. to the standard)But wait, your linked table only does have 3 values, which is similar to what I get. This is oneSensorEvent of mine, the last three are printed from values[]
timestamp sensortype accuracy values[0] values[1] values[2]
23191581386897 11 -75 -0.0036907701 -0.014922042 0.9932963
4q - 3 values = 1q unknown. The first q0 is redundant info (also the doku says it should be there under values[3], depends on your API-level). So we can use the norm (=length) to calculate q0 from the other three. Set the equation ||q|| = 1 and solve for q0. Now all q0-3 are known.
Furthermore my android 4.4.2 does not have the fourth estimated heading Accuracy (in radians) inside value[4], so I evaluate the event.accuracy:
for (SensorEvent e : currentEvent) {
if (e != null) {
String toMsg = "";
for(int i = 0; i < e.values.length;i++) {
toMsg += " " + String.valueOf(e.values[i]);
iBinder.msgString(String.valueOf(e.timestamp) + " "+String.valueOf(e.sensor.getType()) + " " + String.valueOf(e.accuracy) + toMsg, 0);
Put those equations into code and you will get things sorted.
Here is a short conversion helper, converting Quats. using either XYZ or ZYX. It can be run from shell github. (BSD-licensed)
The relevant part for XYZ
/*quaternation to euler in XYZ (seq:123)*/
double* quat2eulerxyz(double* q) {
double psi = atan2( -2.*(q[2]*q[3] - q[0]*q[1]) , q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1]- q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3] );
double theta = asin( 2.*(q[1]*q[3] + q[0]*q[2]) );
double phi = atan2( 2.*(-q[1]*q[2] + q[0]*q[3]) , q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3] );
/*save var. by simply pushing them back into the array and return*/
q[1] = psi;
q[2] = theta;
q[3] = phi;
return q;
Here some examples applying quats to euls:
**Q:** What do the sequence ijk stand for? Take two coordinate-frames A and B superposing each other(all axis within each other) and start rotating frame B through i-axis having angle `psi`, then j-axis having angle `theta` and last z-axis having `phi`. It could also be α, β, γ for i,j,k. *I don't pick up the numbers as they are confusing (Diebel vs other papers).*
R(psi,theta,phi) = R_z(phi)R_y(theta)R_x(psi) (<--)
The trick is elementary rotations are applied from right to left, although we read the sequence from left to right.
Those are the three elementary rotations youre going through to go from
A to B: *v_B = R(psi,theta,phi) v_A*
**Q:** So how to get the euler angles/quats turn from [0°,0°,0°] to eg. [0°,90°,0°]?First align both frames from the pictures, respective the known device frame B to the "invisible" worldframe A. Your done superposing when the angles all get to [0°,0°,0°]. Just figure out where is north, south and east where you are sitting right now and point the devices frame B into those directions. Now when you rotate around y-axis counter-clockwise 90° you will have the desired [0°,90°,0°], when converting the quaternion.
*kinematics source: [Source Diebel(Stanford)][11] with solid info on the mechanics background (careful: for Diebel XYZ is denoted u_321 (1,2,3) while ZYX is u_123 (3,2,1)), and [this][12] is a good starting point.

Android, using gps and compass to point towards coordinate

I'm trying to make an app that points you toward a position. You press a button and it stores the gps coordinates, then calculates things like distance and the angle you need to face. Then it leads you back to that remembered position by "pointing" toward it using an onscreen compass graphic.
At least, it's supposed to. After messing with the code for hours, I've come to the conclusion that there's just a logic error somewhere due to my lack of trig practice over the past few years.
The compass and GPS position are updated fairly frequently. This is the code in my main update call for the user interface that rotates the compass and displays the distance.
public void updateUI(){
double deltaX = targetLongitude - currentLongitude;
double deltaY = targetLatitude - currentLatitude;
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
double rotation = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY));
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
and the code for rotateCompass:
public void rotateCompass(double degrees){
degrees -= currentRotation; //calculates necessary rotation across updates
currentRotation += degrees;
(float) degrees,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().width() / 2,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().height() / 2);
I'm almost certain my rotation code works because when I replace
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
rotateCompass(0 - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
it points north right alongside a real compass regardless of the direction I'm facing. But when I use the former, it points towards a consistent point, but that point seems to be nowhere near the target point.
So I've come to the conclusion my error is either in calculating the correct angle, or expecting the gps to be too precise. I haven't tested it for distances further than what I can in my backyard, but I assume that if it was a gps accuracy issue I'd see my compass jumping all over the place rather than adamantly pointing in a wrong direction.
Thanks for reading, any suggestions or corrections are appreciated.
Your math is all screwed up because the distance between 2 degrees of longitude is not the same as 2 degrees of latitude. In fact, it isn't even a constant length for longitude- its shorted by the poles and longest at the equator. Use the Location.distanceTo functions instead.

Get angle between two point(LatLng) with vertical axis (north axis)

At the moment , I have two point(LatLng) A and B on the google map.
I present my problem as image follows:
When rotate device in vertical axis,I want to get angle # between point A and B
I want to get angle between AB and north-axis (y-axis)
How must I do.
I created a function to get angle but it return null :(
public double getAngleTwoPoint(LatLng point1,LatLng point2){
double lat1=point1.latitude;
double lat2=point2.latitude;
double long1=point1.longitude;
double long2=point2.longitude;
double deltaLong=long2-long1;
double angle = Math.atan2(Math.sin(deltaLong)*Math.cos(lat2), Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(deltaLong));
return Math.toDegrees(angle);
you can use this formula to get angle between to lat longs have a look.
θ = atan2(sin(Δlong)*cos(lat2), cos(lat1)*sin(lat2) − sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(Δlong))
Note that the angle(θ) should be converted to radians before using this formula and Δlong = long2 - long1.
atan2 is a common function found in almost all programming languages (mostly in the Math package). Usually there is also functions for conversion between degrees and radians(also in the Math package).
Remember that atan2 returns values in the range of -π ... +π, to convert the result to a compass bearing, you need to multiply θ by 180/π then use (θ+360) % 360, where % is modulus division operation returning the remainder of the division.
The following link is a good resource for formulas involving latitudes and longitudes. They also provide Javascript implementation of their formulas. In fact the answer is based on the information from this page:
If you have triangle
then the angle between AB and y-axis is equal to CAB angle. tg(CAB) = BC/AC, you need the angle, so actually what you are loking for is arctg(BC/AC).

Calibrating 3d Accelerometer for 2d Game

I am making a 2d game. The phone is held horizontally and a character moves up/down & left/right to avoid obstacles. The character is controlled by the accelerometer on the phone. Everything works fine if the player doesn't mind (0,0) (the point where the character stands still) being when the phone is held perfectly flat. In this scenario it's possible to just read the Y and X values directly and use them to control the character. The accelerometer values are between -10 and 10 (they get multiplied by an acceleration constant to decide the movement speed of the character), libgdx is the framework used.
The problem is that having (0,0) isn't very comfortable, so the idea is to calibrate it so that 0,0 will be set to the phones position at a specific point in time.
Which brings me to my question, how would I do this? I tried just reading the current X and Y values then subtracting it. The problem with that is that when the phone is held at a 90 degree angle then the X offset value is 10 (which is the max value) so it ends up becoming impossible to move because the value will never go over 10 (10-10 = 0). The Z axis has to come into play here somehow, I'm just not sure how.
Thanks for the help, I tried explaining as best as I can, I did try searching for the solution, but I don't even know what the proper term is for what I'm looking for.
An old question, but I am providing the answer here as I couldn't find a good answer for Android or LibGDX anywhere. The code below is based on a solution someone posted for iOS (sorry, I have lost the reference).
You can do this in three parts:
Capture a vector representing the neutral direction:
Vector3 tiltCalibration = new Vector3(
Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ() );
Transform this vector into a rotation matrix:
public void initTiltControls( Vector3 tiltCalibration ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( 0, 0, 1 );
Vector3.tmp2.set( tiltCalibration ).nor();
Quaternion rotateQuaternion = new Quaternion().setFromCross( Vector3.tmp, Vector3.tmp2 );
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4( Vector3.Zero, rotateQuaternion, new Vector3( 1f, 1f, 1f ) );
this.calibrationMatrix = m.inv();
Whenever you need inputs from the accelerometer, first run them through the rotation matrix:
public void handleAccelerometerInputs( float x, float y, float z ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( x, y, z );
Vector3.tmp.mul( this.calibrationMatrix );
x = Vector3.tmp.x;
y = Vector3.tmp.y;
z = Vector3.tmp.z;
[use x, y and z here]
For a simple solution you can look at the methods:
Gdx.input.getAzimuth(), Gdx.input.getPitch(), Gdx.input.getRoll()
The downside is that those somehow use the internal compass to give your devices rotation compared to North/South/East/West. I did only test that very shortly so I'm not 100% sure about it though. Might be worth a look.
The more complex method involves some trigonometry, basically you have to calculate the angle the phone is held at from Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX/Y/Z(). Must be something like (for rotation along the longer side of the phone):
Math.atan(Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX() / Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ());
For both approaches you then store the initial angle and subtract it later on again. You have to watch out for the ranges though, I think Math.atan(...) is within -Pi and Pi.
Hopefully that'll get you started somehow. You might search for "Accelerometer to pitch/roll/rotation" and similar, too.

