Android audio automatically getting redirected to earphone - android

In my Android app, the user gets to specifically select the audio output between internal speakers and earphone. Here is my routine to turn the speaker phone on:
static void useSpeaker(Context ctx) {
AudioManager am = (AudioManager)ctx.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
Once the audio is set to speakers, even if you plug in the earphone, the output still goes through the speaker. I have verified on a number of different tablets and phones that this logic works.
However, on one device, once the earphone is plugged in, the audio output automatically switches from speakers to earphone.
I am wondering if there is something else that I need to take care of in the code. Or, is it just this device ignoring my directive? Regards.


Android Call Recording Downlink muted

I am trying to record both Uplink and Downlink voice using Android. Regardless the law and everything, i am already aware, so please do not put comments related to the law.
The code below works fine, except when i mute the microphone, it wont record the downlink voice.
I am using Android 8.1. I've tried using a third party app called ACR on the same device, and it works fine, while i am muted, it still records the downlink voice.
val audioManager = applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) as AudioManager
val maximumVolume = audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL)
audioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, maximumVolume, 0)
val audioSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC
val mediaRecorder = MediaRecorder()
mediaRecorder.apply {
This is not an issue. You set the MediaRecorder to use MIC as input, so if you MUTE the microphone it's obliviously that the input signat is lost/muted. When you use "downlink" word I expected to see a different input source as VOICECALL or DOWNLINK instead of MIC. Trying to record a voicecall using the MIC it's wrong in my opinion because: (1) you have to set max volume to speaker and redirect the voicecall through it (2) while recording a voicecall from the MIC the caller hears ALL what it happens around your device and all what you're saying to other people (3) this method records much noise and echoes. The right way is to record from VOICECALL but most of new devices (using newer Android version) prevents to record from this source and allows it only at System Apps. ACR uses a workaround by calling hidden API methods, but this method could stop stop work at any time due to Android updates.

How to reset the audio system?

I am using the logic from Android : Switching audio between Bluetooth and Phone Speaker is inconsistent to switch output between earpiece, speaker, and bluetooth. Here is the code:
//For BT
//For phone ear piece
//For phone speaker(loadspeaker)
This logic works as expected as long as no other application has used audio (media player, phone, etc.). If I run my application after running the other application, the logic goes haywire. The audio still works except the destination output is not what is expected. For example, instead of speakerphone, the output may go to earpiece.
Note that I run my application after quitting from the other application. There is no overlap.
It appears audio manager settings are not specific to an application and may mess up other applications. I am wondering if there is a way to reset audio manager before setting my mode. Regards.

Low volume in call recording (Rx)

I do the following test:
Call from android app phone to home phone, first speak from (android phone - > home phone), in the same call speak from (home phone-> android phone).
The voice (android phone - > home phone) sounds in good volume (10/10 volume). But the voice (home phone-> android phone) sounds very low (4/10 volume).
I do the same test with random call recording app in play store The voice (android phone - > home phone) sounds in good volume (10/10 volume). The voice (home phone-> android phone) sounds in good volume (10/10 volume)
I try to call record which:
With 1, 2 o 3 results are very similar.
I also try to up VOICE_CALL stream if AudioSource.VOICE_CALL is used like this:
audioManager manager = (AudioManager) ServiceClass
Does the application I have tried in the Play Store process the audio in some way to turn up the volume?
I donĀ“t show here audio quality set code because in both test (my app test, play store app test) the audio (android phone - > home phone) sounds exactly the same, the problem is (home phone-> android phone)
I would try adjusting mic sensitivity in your code.
Heres a link to another stackoverflow quesiton being answered to do this.
How to adjust microphone sensitivity while recording audio in android - Solved

Route audio to bluetooth A2DP device while ringing [Android]

I am trying to identify how to route a very short audio stream (a notification) to a bluetooth headphone that is already paired with the device, while the device is ringing.
When I play any audio at any time, it is routed to the bluetooth device, no problem.
But if I try to start playing the audio when receiving an android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE, in RINGING state, the audio is not routed as expected.
I can see that the AudioManager's setBluetoothA2dpOn method has became deprecated, but I actually tried it but is seems has no effect.
I have tried the MediaRouter object, but I can see that MediaRouter.getSelectedRoute(MediaRouter.ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO) points to the RouteInfo of the Bluetooth device while the device is ringing, and the AudioManager.isBluetoothA2dpOn is true.
So, can any one tell me why the audio route is like this in the ringing moment? is there any way to force the audio to be routed to the Bluetooth device in such case?
I have tried again today and I have discovered something that may be the cause of the problem.
I have created a BroadcaseReceiver to detect the change in the android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE. if an intent is received and the state is currently ringing, check for AudioManager's mode and you will find it is MODE_NORMAL. but few seconds later the phone will start actually ringing and the mode is going to be changed into MODE_RINGTONE. trying to manually set the mode using the method setMode(AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL) is useless then, the state remains MODE_RINGTONE even after setting it to MODE_NORMAL.
Now, I think the cause of the problem is that in the MODE_RINGTONE mode, all the streams are directed to the phone speaker and here there is no way offered by the android system to change the mode.
I think the Media player realease the bluetooth connection when the phone is ringing. You can try to obtain the bluetooth audio connection and see if Media player now play through your obtained connection. You can use my class at my answer Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset and see if it works. The audio in the class is Sco only.
As stated in the JavaDoc for the StartBluetoothSco method:
Note that the phone application always has the priority on the usage of the SCO connection for telephony. If this method is called while the phone is in call it will be ignored. Similarly, if a call is received or sent while an application is using the SCO connection, the connection will be lost for the application and NOT returned automatically when the call ends.`
I tried to start sco then play a music clip in normal mode, it played to the Bluetooth headset without problems, although I couldnot stop the microphone that caused the input stream plays to the headset. I then tried to call my target phone from another phone while the music is still playing, I found that the stream has got redirected automatically to the phone speaker. After the ringing mode is finished, the stream did not get redirected again to the Bluetooth headset and I think that behavior is normal according to what is stated in the JavaDoc above.
My guessing is that Android tries to protect the ringing and in-call modes as possible in order not to allow any unwanted interference from applications. In other words, when in ringing mode then no sound is going to be played to the headset until the call is accepted, and you cannot even change the AudioManager mode from ringing to another mode, your call for mode setter will be ignored.
I have tried the AudioTrack instead of MediaPlayer, but that makes no difference.
I have then tried the TextToSpeech engine like this:
in the main activity, initialize on create:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
textToSpeech=new TextToSpeech(this, this);
textToSpeech.addEarcon("[wwww]", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", R.raw.a);
in the broadcast receiver class when rining starting the Bluetooth utility class and adding the below to the onScoAudioConnected method
textToSpeech.playEarcon("[wwww]", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
This did not work too.

Audio stream stays on earpiece after using AudioManager

After I use the Android AudioManager to set SCO ON and speakerphone ON, then I return it back to where it started, the media stream will then stay on earpiece instead of the phones speaker. Here is where I make the changes to route a stream through the SCO speakerphone (which all works great)
if (am2.isBluetoothScoAvailableOffCall()) {
speakerPhoneWasOn = false;
am2.requestAudioFocus(null, AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL,
Then I try to change it all back after my message is read (I am using TTS)
if(SMSstream == 1){
if (am2.isBluetoothScoAvailableOffCall()) {
But it stays with the phone earpiece instead of the speaker until I reboot. I saw a few post that had the opposite problem but none with this issue. I have a Droid 3 with Android 2.3.4.
You can see the whole project and source code here:
OK, I finally fixed this problem. Its not pretty. There is some sort of bug in the AudioManager I believe. Even after abandoning focus it would leave the device streams in a mess. Unless the last TTS was read over the music stream just before abandoning focus, it would route streams wrong, mute streams, etc. So, I just have it read a single period if a SMS had been read over any stream except the music stream before abandoning focus. I also cleaned up the order I called things in, and fixed some of the phone mode, etc after reading a TTS. Strangely it seems to work well.

