How can I preserve my android app's code then edit (add features or fix some bugs) to obtain an updated version of the app (ex: v:1.1), so that I can return to my (v1) version of the app if I want so.
I'm using Android Studio.
Thanks in Advance.
Basically you have version code which must be update to upload a new version to the market. You have version name as well which can be anything you want — this is human-readable field.
Versioning docs
I have published new version of Android application to play store. But I do not have 'update' button for updating from previous version. I have only 2 options 'Open' and 'Uninstall'.
For new version I need to uninstall existing and then download new version. I am generating signed APK and using the same key. I have also changed the version code and version name.
Is there anything I need to add in code for autoupdate? I need to avoid uninstalling everytime I have new version of application published to play store. Please give me any solution if you have.
When did you push the app? It may take several hours before it's live. The Play Developer Console should provide some info on when the rollout is available. It may be possible to specify a rollout time when the update will be live.
If you have been debugging the app on your phone, and the version code is the same as on your phone or your app is the debug signature, you won't be asked to update.
you should change the version code and version name in your gradle file of app module
I think you changed version code in manifest file instead of gradle file.or you changed version in wrong gradle file
I have a "normal" Android app, made in Eclipse/java, published in Play Store, already at version 3.x, all works fine.
Now I am thinking to move the project to Xamarin/c#, and make the 4.0 there.
My question, what should I take care/be aware, that this change should be a natural continuation of the 3.x from Google Play/Users perspective?
So that I could simple upload the APK made by Xamarin to Dev Console as a new version upgrade, and not as a new App.
Existing signing key should be reused in Xamarin?
Package name (java <> xamarin c#) must be the same?
There is absolutely no difference for google what language you natively used to write an app. By the way Xamarin will be compiled to java before packaging into apk.
Also Xamarin uses the installed Android SDK and installed Java SDK you have used before to sign the apk and compile the app. It also is going to use same keys so sign the apk.
So no worries, keep same package name and you're good for the update.
I have built an android tablet application which is installed only from my web site - manual install.
I will need to be able to provide updates to existing users through the same site - without obliging users to uninstall the existing application.
What do I need to change in my (eclipse) project to permit this ?
Simon -
Apps are designed to be upgraded in place on Android. All you need to do is ensure that the version number of the app being installed is greater than the previous version.
You can still provide debug releases, simply increment a portion of the version to reflect that change and your users can keep getting updates. Otherwise, you may want to have an explicitly Debug and Release version that can be installed side by side and not conflict with each other, but that may be more trouble and confusing than its worth.
I have an Android app on the Play Store, built in Xamarin. I'm going to rewrite using Java and Android Studio - is there anything stopping me from updating/switching language on my already-published app?
You just need to make sure to use:
the same Package Name
the same signature you signed the old one with
a bigger Version Code than the previous one.
I'm planning to release an application and later on release debug or edit version as well.
But what if I release my app version as 1.1, and I release the version 1.2 later on.
Then, there must be some people who downloaded new version 1.2, but others might still keep the version 1.1
Is there any way to disable the version 1.1 which is already installed in Users' smartphone?
Or.. is there any way to update the previous version 1.1 to the latest version 1.2 in users' smartphone automatically without any process??
As a matter of fact, I want all users to use my application's latest version in order to provide new adds/items to entire users.
If there's any way, please let me know!!
You can't force users to upgrade to the newest version of your app. Really the best you can do is notify them that there is an update available for your app and encourage them to download it. For that I would start here.