I have a Listview and a Edittext is below the Listview. When user enters something in Edittext and press Send, it is appended as listview row.
When user press Send button, I want the that text should comes from bottom in a animation.
I have no idea where to start. Please help me as I am very new to android animations
To start, use Listview with android:stackFromBottom="true" attribute to stack items from bottom.
And when you click send button, add the edittext data to the arraylist you use for the adapter and then call notifydatasetchanged.
myarraylist.add("New Item");adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
For listview item animation refer this: Implementing-Google-Plus-Style-ListView-Animations-on-Android
I need to make nextFocusDown on items in recyclerView. Every item has the same id, but to make nextFocusDown I need to have specific id. How shoudl I do this in recycerView to make focus on next edittext in list?
You can put focus on your edit text programmatically. Get the event when the user presses enter button or some button that tells you the user is done editing the first edit text. Then you can programmatically put focus on next item in recyclerview using following code:
Need to implement edit in runtime. Which one is the best way to achieve it.
Edittext in Listview or dynamic table layout(inflating row xml) with edittext
My listview contains 7-8 view(Text view) in a list item. On click edit button using view switcher changed textviews to edit text. To get the entered value in edittext listening onfocuschanged. It brings very slow performance. Any better way to achieve it?
If my listview have 100 list items. Each item having 7-8 edittext. Need to listen all the edittext focuschange. My app hangs. What should i do?
EditText within ListView can cause you great grief down the lane given that views are recycled in listview.
Say you have tapped on the second row in a listview where all item rows contain a edittext and you have set adjustResize in your AndroidManifest.xml; after the soft keyboard pops up, the focus goes into the first view that can accept the focus which in this case will be the first edittext (row) of your listview. Yes, you can tap again on the desired edittext to regain focus. But it is an annoyance nevertheless. If you set adjustPan, then I have seen the the problem does not exist as such; if I recollect correctly, you cannot scroll down all the way to the end of your list. Again, another annoyance.
I'd suggest, you go with a ScrollView if the number of items in the list are less. I have been trying to solve this for the last couple of days - I ended up doing this - I replaced the edittext's with textview's in the listview; tapping on the textview would bring up a dialog fragment that contains the edittext.
Have you looked into the concept of a ViewHolder to keep a reference to the items of the listview? That should solve your multiple focus listener problems.
I have a custom list row which has two TextView and one EditText .
I want to clear the text typed in EditText of all the list rows on a Button click which is a reset button.
The Button is in an Activity
Can anyone suggest me a way I can achieve this.
Well your question is not clear at first, if you mean a system like listview or scroller when you say custom list row, then while on click of button do the following
Get all the child from the view
loop through each child, finding EditText inside each child view
Simply setText to empty.
I hope got your question right, else please put some code here.
You can use this to clear the editText
I have a listView with a edittext in all the rows of the listView and i want get all the changed editText values when i clicked to a button which is in same layout but is not part of the listView.
Please help me.
If you built your Adapter properly, your EditTexts will be recycled, so you won't have one EditText for all of your items. Instead, you should be saving the data to the backing array every time an EditText is updated (using a listener). When the user clicks on the button you should read the data from the backing array, not the actual ListView views.
in may application, i have a spinner widget that contains huge amount of data.
it is hard for user to find his item between them, so i decided to insert search capability for content of spinner.the idea is If the user taps the quick search button he should be provided with a text field to enter a letter and then the spinner list jumps to the fist word it finds with the letter supplied.
is there any solution to that?
Let us assume, full Spinner data is list.
set ArrayAdapter on spinner by
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter=new ArrayAdapter(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item_1, listCurrent);
override onTouch event, open dialog containing edit text say editText and a button on tap, else select item, in dialog button click, get String from editText and filter results and reset adapter by invoking:
listCurrent= filter(list, text);
Easy way to do things you want is
Have an Button which contain the Text of Selection.
When the Button is clicked Open the Dialog or Activity(startActivityForResult) containing the ListView with EditText.
update the listview with the Searched content in EditText.
When user click on an Item in the ListView. finish the Activity with result.
and update the Text in Button from onActivityResult.
You can use auto-compilation...