Storing video online for android app videoview - android

I have a VideoView in my android activity, I want to stream a video into it. My question is where is the best place to store it; I'd place it on youtube but I read that I would have to use the Youtube API rather than VideoView since there wouldn't be a direct link available, only a link to the page displaying the video. The online server I use has a limit of 10MB for a file so that won't work either. I want the video to load reasonably fast and not have any major issues.

You have quite a few options, from hosting it on your own server at one end of the scale to using a hosting service like brightcove, vimeo etc at the other end.
If you want good playback performance for your video there are two keys things you need (which YouTube or Brightcove etc will provide as standard):
a content delivery network - this delivers your content speedily where ever your users are, and does not depend on your own servers location, computing power, bandwidth etc
Adaptive bit rate streaming - this allows the client (e.g. the browser) switch between bit rate streams depending on the network connection and conditions. So if the network is good it will use a high bit rate stream, support HD for example, and if the network is bad it will use a lower bitrate/quality and it can switch between streams as the network conditions change.
If you do want to go your own way then using amazon S3 and it's CDN service, Cloudfront, is worth looking at, even if just to see an example of how it can be done. There is an up to date guide here, but you can probably find others with a quick search for 'video S3 cloud front':


How streaming apps change video quality based on changes in network speed?

How streaming apps like Youtube, Hotstar or any other video player app, programmatically detects if network is getting slow over run-time and based on that they change video quality based on changes in network speed?
Many streaming services nowadays use HTTP-based streaming protocols. But there are exceptions; especially with low-latency streaming; e.g. WebRTC or Websocket-based solutions.
Assuming that you're using a HTTP-based protocol like HLS or MPEG-DASH, the "stream" is a long chain of video segments that are downloaded one after another. A video segment is a file in "TS" or "MP4" format (in some MP4 cases, video and audio are splitted into separate files); typically a segment has 2 or 6 or 10 seconds of audio and/or video.
Based on the playlist or manifest (or sometimes simply from decoding the segment), the player knows how many seconds of a single segment contains. It also knows how long it took to download that segment. You can measure the available bandwidth by diving the (average) size of a video segment file by the (average) time it took to download.
At the moment that it takes more time to download a segment than to play it, you know that the player will stall as soon as the buffer is empty; stalling is generally referred to as "buffering". Adaptive Bitrate (aka. ABR) is a technique that tries to prevent buffering; see (or Google for the expression) - when the player notices that the available bandwidth is lower than the bit rate of the video stream, it can switch to another version of the same stream that has a lower bit rate (typically achieved by higher compression and/or lower resolution - which results in less quality, but that's better than buffering)
PS #1: WebRTC and Websocket-based streaming solutions cannot use this measuring trick and must implement other solutions
PS #2: New/upcoming variants of HLS (eg. LL-HLS and LHLS) and MPEG-DASH use other HTTP technologies (like chunked-transfer or HTTP PUSH) to achieve lower latency - these typically do not work well with the mentioned measuring technique and use different techniques which I consider outside scope here.
You have to use a streaming server in order to do that. Wowza server is one of them (not free). The client and server will exchange information about the connexion and distribute chuncks of the video, depending on the network speed.

What is the most efficient way to implement HTTP Live Video Streaming in Android?

For the past month I have been searching over the Internet for ways to implement recording live video from an application on Android and sending it over to a server, but the more I research the more confused I get.
First of all, I am looking for a streaming protocol that can be used for iOS also in the future, so I came to a conclusion that DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) is the ideal solution.
In addition, the recent Android framework, ExoPlayer, support this feature.
Furthermore, I do not wish to use a Live Streaming engine such as WOWZA.
Secondly, based on my research I also concluded that any HTTP server can be used to receive the "chuncks" of data, but I must have a streaming server to be able to stream the video back to the users.
I believe this process is quite complex but I will not give up until I successfully make it work.
Lastly, my question is, what Server, Protocol should I use to be able to achieve this ? And how to convert video directly and send to server ?
Looking at your questions re protocol and server:
A 'streaming protocol that can be used for iOS also in the future'
It probably depends what you mean by 'future. At the moment apple require you to use HLS on iOS for any video on a Mobile Network (cellular) which is over 10 mins long. DASH is establishing itself as the industry standard so this may change and apple may accept it also, but if you need something in the near future you may want to plan to support DASH and HLS.
What server should you use for streaming
Streaming video is complex and the domain is fast changing so it really is good to use or build on a dedicated streaming server, if you can. These will generally have mechanisms and/or well documented procedures for converting input videos to the different formats and bit rates you need, depending on the reach and user experience goals you have. Reach will determine the different encodings you need, different browsers and devices supporting different encodings, and if you want your user to have good experience avoiding buffering you will want multiple bit rate versions of each format also - this allows DASH and HLS provide Adaptive Bit rate Streaming (ABR) which means the clients can select the best bit rate at any given time depending on network conditions. Video manipulation, especially transcoding, is a CPU intensive task so another advantage of dedicated streaming server software is that it should be optimised as much as possible to reduce your server loads.
If you do decide to go the streaming server route, then there are open source alternatives, as well as Wowza which you mention above, such as:
These have plugins that support ABR etc - if you search for 'GStreamer streaming server ABR' you will find some good blogs about setting this up.

How to sequentially play chunks of videos in Exoplayer

I'm trying to develop an Android app that reads a video coming from either the server or other peers that have the video. For this usecase I have to split my videos into smaller pieces to optimize transfer times and each piece can be provided by either the central server or another peer.
I would like to know if exoplayer is able to read a sequence of video pieces without interruption ?
I am free to do whatever I want in the splitting process e.g. split the video with linux command split.
Most adaptive bit rate streaming formats work something like your description - they spit the video into multiple chunks and the video player requests them one at a time. Examples of adaptive rate streaming protocols are HLS, MPEG-DASH, SmoothStreaming.
It is possible to have the url for the next 'chunk' of video route to a 'central' server which could proxy the request to another 'peer', if this would meet your needs.
Its worth noting that many videos are delivered via CDN's which might interfere with your desired approach (or alternatively might actually match what you want, depending on what your underlying requirements are) so you may want to check this also.
Assuming you mean that some chunks will come from the server and some chunks from peer devices on the network, then the above server proxy method would not work.
One way you could do this would be to have all the chunks delivered to the device from whatever source is best for each chunk, and then put them together as you require on the device and stream the result from 'localhost' on your device to the player.
This sounds like a huge amount of overhead and something that would never work but I believe it is actually a technique used in some apps to convert from one streaming format to another (can't provide example - sorry...).
One example of a 'localhost' server on Android that might be useful to look at is:
An alternative, if you were to use HTML5 inside a web page on the device you could use the Media Source Extension mechanism to load the video chunks from the different sources before passing them to the player. This does require Chrome at this point rather than the standard Android browser as the latter does not support the MSE extension at the time of writing.
In all these approaches you obviously need to make sure you load enough in advance to keep the video pipeline and buffer full, to avoid pauses.

Most instant way to stream live video to iOS and Android

I'm making an app that needs to send a video feed from a single source to a server where it can be accessed by desktop browsers and mobile apps.
So far, I've been using Adobe Media Server 5 with a live RTMP stream. This gives me about a 2.5 second delay on desktop browsers, which gives me no native support for iOS, but leaves me with the option to use Air to export the app for iOS, which produces a minimum 5-6 second delay.
The iOS docs strongly recommend the use of HTTP Live Streaming which segments the stream into chunks and serves it using a dynamic playlist in a .m3u8 file. Doing this produces a 15+ second delay in desktop browsers and mobile devices. A Google search seemed to reveal that this is to be expected from HLS.
I need a maximum of 2-4 second delays across all devices, if possible. I've gotten poor results with Wowza, but am open to revisiting it. FFMpeg seems inefficient, but I'm open to that as well, if someone has had good results with it. Anybody have any suggestions?? Thanks in advance.
I haven't even begun to find the most efficient way to stream to Android, so any help in that department would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Just to be clear, my plan is to make an iOS app, whether it's written natively or in Air. Same goes for Android, but I've yet to start on that.
In the ios browser HLS is the only way to serve live video. The absolute lowest latency would be to use 2 second segments with a 2 segment windows in the manifest. This will give you 4 seconds latency on the client, plus another 2 to 4 on the server. There is no way to do better without writing an app.
15 Second delay for HLS streams is pretty good, to provide lower latency you need to use a different streaming protocol.
RTP/RTSP will give you the lowest latency and is typically used for VoIP and video conferencing, but you will find it very difficult to use over multiple mobile and WiFi networks (some of them unintentionally block RTP).
If you can write an iOS app that supports RTMP then that is the easiest way to go and should work on Android too (only old Androids support Flash/RTMP natively). Decoding in software will result in poor battery life. There are other iOS apps that don't use HLS for streaming, but I think you need to limit it to your service (not a generic video player).
Also please remember that higher latency equals higher video quality, less buffering, better user experience etc. so don't unnecessarily reduce latency.

Android how to video record, upload, transcode, download, play

I'm researching the development of an Android (2.2) app/service that will enable users to record short (I do emphasize short, < 30seconds) video on their phones and then upload that video (HTTP) to a server that will then transcode the video to other formats. That same user can download videos from other Android users and play them.
Now, I get a bit lost with everyones recommended approaches to all the issues in doing something like this because I haven't seen any ask this in a cohesive context. Ideally I would like a non commercial solution to this (as in no vendor/service being needed for the the video hosting/transcoding), but, feel free to include those as a recommendation (I've marked this as a wiki) as I know many like to use youtube and vimeo for the middle layer in all this.
The questions are
What server technologies do you
recommend for hosting and
What technology do you
recommend for streaming the video (it
would be nice to offer a high and
low quality encoding depending on
the users network connection)
What video format and software do you recommend for converting the uploaded video on the server to be viewable later by other Android owners.
Im assuming it's bad to do any transcoding on the phone prior to upload (battery/proc issues), but, if I'm wrong with that assumption what do you recommend?
Some things that may help you...
The video will only need to render on an Android device, and in the future in a webkit html5 browser.
Bandwidth isnt cheap (even with numerous 30 second videos), so a good mix of video quality and video file size is important (streaming if needed to ensure quality vs. download).
This is for android 2.2 devices with a video camera of course and medium to high density screen of 800x400 min.
Open source solutions (server to receive the uploads, code to do the transcoding, server to do the streaming) are preferred, but not required.
CDN's are an option, but I don't think that really figures in to the picture right now.
Check out this page to see all the video formats that Android supports for encoding and decoding.
For encoding use FFmpeg or a service like

