Android AAR third party jars - android

I have made an AAR using Android Studio and I can successfully use it in any app. Problem is I have to add all the dependencies it needs manually to the app build.gradle (like compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-android:1.7.10').
I want the AAR to actually include all these third-party dependencies it requires so I won't have to add them manually in the app. Is there a way you would know of?

If you use
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
and put a jar in libs folder, this jar will be included in the AAR.
But you have to put the jar yourself.
As far as I know, there is no way to put a repository dependency inside an AAR.


JAR libs are not added to the apk file

I've moved my project from ant build to gradle build, but I can't get it to use the jars from my libs directory.
I have created app/libs directory
I have moved there my jars
I have added compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar') to the app/build.gradle
Unfortunately, it didn't work, the classes from those jars are not available during runtime.
I have ran the gradle from command line with debug option, to check the whole output, and it's clear to me that they are not processed.
I know I'm doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I thought that in my other projects I have used it multiple times, but after going through every one of them, I can see that I have never used jars loaded from libs directory.
What am I missing?
I assume you are using Android Studio and you have a .jar file which you want to include in your project : (get rid of any changes you made in that matter- I just opened a new empty project:)
right click on your app name in project structure column and click on 'open Module settings'
go to dependency tab and click on '+' and click on 'Jar dependency' and navigate to your jar library (you can also look for a online library dependency from 'library dependency' if you do not have local library)
that's it , it will add your jar library to your project (automatically will add it to the app/build.gradle)
if you are not using Gui then add this to your Gradle under dependencies
compile fileTree(include: '*.jar', dir: 'libs')
and make sure you have libs directory on root(with your jar in it)
finally run a clean build
First you are missing the brackets in this line fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar').
You need to write like this
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
Then make sure that you have added your .jar files to Project Structure->app->dependencies->Plus button -> add file dependency.

How do I know that I've imported a jar properly in AndroidStudio project

I'm trying to use a third party library in AndroidStudio and am having some problems, it is the JSch library.
What I did was download the ".jar file
On my app within Module Settings I added it
And then selecting the app module again I added it within the dependencies
Yet when I try to code it into my files through "import com." it does not show.
I am too new at this to know if I added it incorrectly or if it has a problem within the ".jar" file.
Does this ring a bell with anyone who might know what I am doing wrong?
Just follow this steps:
1.- Put the jar into the libs folder
2.- Right click it and select "Add as library"
3.- Check that your build.gradle file contains:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
You'll provably need to do a clean build
Add library to yours app dependencies:
dependencies {
// Other libraries...
compile group: 'jsch', name: 'jsch', version: '0.1.29'
And synchronize your gradle.

Migrate from Eclipse to Android Studio import libraries

I'm trying to migrate an Android project developed with Eclipse ADT to Android Studio. I've already read the instructions mentioned here and it works fine!
Gradle builds a new android project but I need to "hardcode"(modify manually) the file in order to make the libraries work properly. All the other stuffs work fine.
This is the ADT project
The first library is automatically recognized by Gradle, and it is substituted with
compile ''
in the file.
Instead the "android-support-design.jar" is not recognized and it is added to the as
compile file('libs/android-support-design.jar')
but it is not working at all.
At the moment, I need to manually substitute the
compile file('libs/android-support-design.jar')
compile ''
In order to make the build work effectively.
Is there any way to force Gradle to recognize that library and automatically import it? Can I download a version of that library that is recognized, anywhere? At the moment I'm taking both libraries from
Thank you all.
I need to "hardcode" the file in order to make the libraries work properly
I'm not sure what you mean by "recognize" and "hardcode", but if you just have jar files that you can't use the compile line like for the support libraries, then you can use this line, which will take any jar file in the libs/ folder and compile it. You don't need to hard-code any of those.
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
Otherwise, you should already have these.
compile ""
compile ""
But, if you want to get fancy with Gradle, you can do something like this to keep all the support libraries the same version.
ext {
supportLibVersion = '23.2.1' // variable that can be referenced to keep support libs consistent
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile "${supportLibVersion}"
compile "${supportLibVersion}"

How to download libraries in Android Studio?

Whenever I have to add certain library from the internet to my Android project, I add them inside the dependencies in the app level gradle script and it downloads the library for me. Is it possible to download these library files so that I can use them in other projects as well without downloading the whole library and dependency files again?
Just go to Maven central and download the libraries.
For example, here is Volley. Just click the download JAR button.
I would strongly recommend sticking with Gradle / Maven, though, to keep consistency with versions and appropriately handle additional dependencies for the libraries you want to download. They are called package managers for a reason, and they do their job well.
The libraries are actually downloaded to disk only once and shared between projects, they aren't downloaded for every new project.
Put library's jar file inside libs folder.
Add this line in module level build.gradle (if not present):
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
// Other libraries
Find the gradle dependency for your library and put it in dependencies of your build.gradle file. For Example,
dependencies {
// other dependencies
compile ''
and then build the gradle file.
I'd just run into an issue where a coworker's AS instance wasn't syncing with the server. In that case, we simply had to manually invoke the "Sync Project with Gradle File". For whatever reason, his AS instance wasn't doing that automatically.

Local AAR file doesn't manage dependencies

I have worked on an Android library (an API client) that uses Retrofit and Joda DateTime.
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.9.0'
compile 'joda-time:joda-time:2.8.1'
Now that the library is completed I compiled it into an AAR file and I want to use it in an application, so I added it to the libs folder of the application and included it in the build.gradle file like so :
dependencies {
compile(name:'s3papiandroidclient', ext:'aar')
//Some other things
However, when I try to initialize the API client from the library, the application crashes when it comes to calling objects from RetroFit or DateTime (For instance, retrofit.RestAdapter). It looks like Gradle does not read the dependencies from the AAR library, thus doesn't install Retrofit and DateTime in my application. I tried to use the transitive=true parameter on my AAR file, does not help.
Other point that might help, I tried to generate a POM file, and the dependencies don't appear in it either. It looks like there's really something going on with these and I am completely stuck on that.
The only workaround I could find is to add manually the dependencies from the AAR file to the app's build.gradle file but it doesn't make sense, I assume Gradle can import dependencies on its own !
It looks like Gradle does not read the dependencies from the AAR library
That is because there are no dependencies in an AAR file.
I tried to generate a POM file, and the dependencies don't appear in it either
Then there is a problem in how you are generating the POM file. Plus, AFAIK, you would need to put the AAR and its POM file in a repository, in order for Gradle to recognize the POM and use the dependency information inside of it.

