I'm reading the documentation on developer.android.com (for example, http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Context.html#sendBroadcastAsUser%28android.content.Intent,%20android.os.UserHandle%29)
And I don't understand what does sending a broadcast as a user mean. I'm reading this "the user the broadcast will be sent to" but what is the user?
If it means an app, then why sendStickyBroadcastAsUser isn't safe, it should be delivered to the application and no one else.
Please give me detailed clarification with examples. Thanks!
The user is what it says it is : a user of the device. Multi-user mode was introduced in Android 4.2, so that method is there to let you specify which user "session" the broadcast Intent will received on.
Sticky broadcasts are not safe when using the multi-users mode because one user might not want his/her data shared across the device, yet sendStickyBroadcastAsUser makes the broadcast available across all users.
I have never developed something in Android before, but now my company has put me on a project which includes android.
My question is this: Is it possible to write an application that runs in the background and waits for triggers (if that is the correct word for it). For instance lets say I want my application to do something as soon as you open your emails or as soon as you get an email. Is there some API that I can use to interact with other applications such as Mail. The application does not have to have any GUI, it will literally just push some information notifications on the mail just received or opened.
I don't require a to technical answer, but rather just yes or no, and indeed yes, where can I get more info on it. Also if it is not possible, is there some workaround to achieve this. I have googled it, but most of the links are how to send an email from your application.
EDIT: So it can even be triggered when a notification is received. Then I just want to look at the notification and determine if it is an email?
You could register BroadCastReceiver for the actions that you need to be caught
I want to be able to detect when an application is opened and notify the user of something at the moment related to that same application but I don't know how to do this.
The user opens my app
I intent the service (background / foreground) and it successfully starts
Whenever the user opens another application I want to "catch it" and present a notification to the user
How can this be made? Are there any event listeners i need to use? Thank you very much.
If you are trying to catch "open app" intents in general, then it depends on how the app defined the intent. If it specified a class (explicit intent) then it will generally not be visible to your app unless the device is rooted, for example.
Implicit intents are broadcast and you simply need to define an intent filter in order to receive them. These are intents that allow Android and/or the user to select the appropriate app target based on data sent with the intent.
There are both useful and malicious motivations to do the kind of thing you are asking about. Read this:
Android Intent Security
And also the posted comment on learning about intents overall.
This is really simple. Here I am trying to figure out the solution. When your app goes on onPause() state then broadcast a message using BroadcastReceiver. On the other hand in another app just register for that broadcast.
Suppose I want to develop an application that extends in some way (let me say "cooperate with") a very popular application I obviously don't have control over. Let us also suppose, for sake of simplicity, that the very famous application author won't release an update to block my application.
I studied the application's functionality and identified that it widely uses BroadcastReceivers. I also know, from manifest, the com.famousvendor.intent.INTENT_NAME constants I might use.
The question is straightforward: if I create an application, namely org.zighinetto.tinyapp with a broadcast receiver set for intent com.famousvendor.intent.INTENT_NAME will the tiny app catch the broadcast? Or can those broadcast be received only by the process that fires them?
will the tiny app catch the broadcast? Or can those broadcast be received only by the process that fires them?
There are a number of things that control this.
If the broadcast is secured with a permission, you will not be able to receive that broadcast unless you also hold that permission. It may not be possible for you to hold that permission, depending on the type of permission that it is.
Also, if the broadcast is an ordered broadcast, higher priority apps will receive that broadcast and can abort it (consuming the event, so lower-priority receivers do not get the broadcast). The priority is set via the <intent-filter> (or IntentFilter), and it may not be possible for you to have one that is higher priority than is their own app, depending upon the priority value the original developer held.
There are also other local-only scenarios (e.g., LocalBroadcastManager), though you would not see those in the manifest, and so we can assume that they are not what is being used here... today.
Let us also suppose, for sake of simplicity, that the very famous application author won't release an update to block my application.
They do not need to specifically block your application. They just need to decide whether or not they really want to have the API you are trying to exploit, and they may choose to lock it down if this was more of an accidental API. They might do so in response to a blog post by a balding guy, for example.
can anyone help me to intercept the incoming Flash messages (specially the ones from the telecom company, where they send our current balance after some activity like message sent).
My application deals with sending SMSes in bulk and I don't want the flash message popping now and then. So is it possible on Android ?
EDIT: Everyone says its not possible above Android 1.6 but I found a similar App on Google Play but I want the source of that kind of App. Please Help.
Edit: More than a year has passed and still I didnt got the solution. Can anyone help to resolve this thread..??
Might depend on the channel [of communication] used by your service provider. I guess they don't use SMS, probably they use WAP/PUSH or some pre-installed provider app for the notifications, which makes this harder to block. If it was SMS, you'd definitely have lots of ways to block their notifications, but in this case, I doubt there might be an easy / direct way to do this.
Flight Mode should ideally block telco / service-provider messages / notifications, but then this also blocks your connectivity, right? So, am not so certain on this one. Isn't there a way to opt-out of service provider notifications, maybe via a ussd routine? I've heard of this once...
Flash sms it is the same as usual sms except data coding flags. It has "class 0" indication in DCS.
For details about sms coding see: GSM 3.38 specification / 4 SMS Data Coding Scheme.
Some fragment from spec about it
When a mobile terminated message is class 0 and the MS has the capability of displaying short messages, the MS shall display the message immediately and send an acknowledgement to the SC when the message has successfully reached the MS irrespective of whether there is memory available in the SIM or ME. The message shall not be automatically stored in the SIM or ME.
So, in most cases, phone just displays this message and skips usual chain of actions.
Probably, you can't catch this message with usual API... probably you need deep hook and rooted device.
[Or may be just switch off this service by calling customer support?]
In a certain situation, I'd like my app to be able to "fake" an incoming SMS on the user's device, as a sort of notification. This would save me money when I'd normally use Twilio to send a text to my users but I know they already have my app. Is there any way to do this? I imagine it would have something to do with Intents and Content Providers but I don't really know where to start.
To clarify:
I'm not new to Android and I do respect all of the normal Notification methods. However, my app will have an opt-in for text messages and I'd like to be able to trigger them for free rather than paying for it. This is for SMS-specific uses and not as a substitute for a normal Notification.
Yes (although I really don't support doing this) it is, in theory possible by creating and broadcasting the proper intent. Specifically, they android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED intent will be received by anybody who is listening for SMS messages, including the default SMS application. This will in turn cause the notification to be displayed.
All of that said, I've only ever done this in a custom version of Android from within the system process. I'm really not sure if a generic application can do this (in fact, I kinda doubt it). The other caveat is that you will need to formulate your data into PDU's which represent the binary data format of an SMS message. You can look this up, but it's nontrivial.
A far better approach would be to simply have your application display a notification in the tray, the way well behaved applications are supposed to notify the users of events. Take a look at the Notification class.
If you install the apk named ApiDemos-debug.apk that usually comes installed with your choosen platform for the SDK, you will find an example in
<Api Demos> > App > Notification > IncomingMessage
the complete source for this package is usually under
<SDK root>/samples/android-xx/ApiDemos