Here is the table where i want to insert the value:
" create table if not exists "+CipherCongfigTable +
when i want to insert
String **configDBPassword**= "**x\'2DD29CA89\'**"
through statement
"insert into "+CipherCongfigTable+ " values("+DataBaseName+","+**configDBPassword**+")"
I am getting exception:
unrecognized token: "\":
I need the password in the same format i.e. having escape charecter. Is there any way to do it????
Don't manually build INSERT (or any other if you can avoid it) queries on Android (or any other database wrapper as long as there is a predefined API to get what you want). It opens up your application to quoting problems like the one from your question and --at the worst-- to SQL injection attacks from outside of your application.
For example, setting configDBPassword = "\"; DROP TABLE <tablename>; --" I could possibly wreak havoc on your database as long as configDBPassword can be entered by the user.
Also, SQLite uses double quotes ("), backticks (`, borrowed from MySQL), or square brackets ([], borrowed from MS SQL) to quote identifiers (e.g. column or table names with spaces in them), string literals are canonically quoted with single (') quotes. SQLite is a quite liberal in allowing to mix both quoting types, but it is significantly more readable to use the proper quoting style whereever appropriate. From the documentation:
Programmers are cautioned not to use the two exceptions described in the previous bullets. We emphasize that they exist only so that old and ill-formed SQL statements will run correctly. Future versions of SQLite might raise errors instead of accepting the malformed statements covered by the exceptions above.
As a matter of fact, you should avoid doing the quoting by yourself whenever possible. For inserting values, please instead use SQLiteDatabase.insert() which is the proper way of inserting values into an SQLiteDatabase on Android. It also does proper quoting of the arguments, too:
try {
final ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("DATABSE_NAME", DataBaseName);
values.put("DATABSE_KEY", configDBPassword);
db.insert(CipherCongfigTable, null, values);
} finally {
Always properly quote your SQL parameters.
Try this .
"INSERT INTO "+CipherCongfigTable+ " values('DataBaseName','configDBPassword')”
You are not adding Single quotes(') in your insert query
Edit :
If you need to insert string with Single qotes means use like this before insert.
configDBPassword = configDBPassword.replace ("'", "''");
Also change your **
" create table if not exists "+CipherCongfigTable +
It continues to occur error... what is the problem?
every variables are String.
String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO " + DBHelper.getTableName() + " VALUES (\''"+entry.getKey()+"\'', \''"+images+"\'')";
Error message
My table has three column : ID(Integer), LABEL(TEXT), IMAGES(TEXT)
Issue 1 you have specified a table name with a space i.e. LABELING RESULT, if this is the table name then you would need to enclose it e.g. [LABELING RESULT].
Issue 2 you have double single quotes when you should only have 1.
Issue 3 you have an extra closing parenthesis.
I believe the following is what you want :-
INSERT INTO [LABELING RESULT] VALUES ('Sky', '["/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/CandyCam/IMG_20171009_164101723.jpg","/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Pictail/IMG_20180305_000218777.jpg","/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Pictail/IMG_20180401_235850170.jpg","/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Pictail/IMG_20180518_194252232.jpg"]'))
Which would (not checked though) be :-
String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO [" + DBHelper.getTableName() + "] VALUES ('"+entry.getKey()+"', '"+images+"')";
That assumes that Sky goes into the LABEL column and the 2 comma separated image paths go into the IMAGES column.
Additional re enclosing (the [ ] ):-
If you want to use a keyword as a name, you need to quote it. There
are four ways of quoting keywords in SQLite:
'keyword' A keyword in single quotes is a string literal.
"keyword" A keyword in double-quotes is an identifier.
[keyword] A keyword enclosed in square brackets is an identifier. This is not
standard SQL. This quoting mechanism is used by MS Access and SQL
Server and is included in SQLite for compatibility.
keyword A keyword enclosed in grave accents (ASCII code 96) is an identifier.
This is not standard SQL. This quoting mechanism is used by MySQL and
is included in SQLite for compatibility.
SQL As Understood By SQLite - SQLite Keywords
I am using SQLite in an Android app which stores, amongst other things, a table that records the mood of the user. The table schema is shown below
agitation TEXT DEFAULT '{}',
preoccupancy TEXT DEFAULT '{}',
tensity TEXT DEFAULT '{}',
taps TEXT DEFAULT '{}'
Unlike, say, Postgres, SQLite does not have a dedicated jsonb storage type. To quote
Backwards compatibility constraints mean that SQLite is only able to store values that are NULL, integers, floating-point numbers, text, and BLOBs. It is not possible to add a sixth "JSON" type.
SQLite JSON1 extension documentation
On the SQLite commandline processor I can populate this table using a simple INSERT statement such as this one
INSERT INTO moods (dow,tsn,lato,agitation,preoccupancy,tensity,taps)
since it accepts both single and double quotes for strings.
In order to accomplish the same thing in my Hybrid Android app I do the following
String ag = JOString("A" + DBManage.agitation,1);
String po = JOString("P" + (DBManage.preoccupancy + 15),1);
String te = JOString("T" + DBManage.tensity,1);
which returns strings such as {"P4":2} etc. My next step is as follows
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
long rowid = db.insert("moods",null,cv);
which works. However, upon examining the stored values I find that what has gone in is in fact
Unless I am misunderstanding something here the underlying ContentValues.put or the SQLiteDatabase.insert implementation has taken it upon itself to escape the quoted strings. Perhaps this is to be expected given that the benefit of going down the SQLiteDatabase.insert route with ContentValues is protection from SQL injection attacks. However, in the present instance it is being a hindrance not a help.
Short of executing raw SQL via execSQL is there another way to get the JSON into the SQLite database table here?
I should add that simply replacing the double quotes with single quotes
String ag = JOString("A" + DBManage.agitation,1);
ag = ag.replaceAll("\"","'");
will not work since a subsequent attempt to extract JSON from the table
SELECT ifnull((select json_extract(preoccupancy,'$.P4') from moods where dow = '1' AND tsn = '0'),0);
would result in the error malformed JSON being emitted by the SQLite JSON1 extension.
Question: Is it possible to use a variable as your table name without having to use string constructors to do so?
I'm working on a project right now that catalogs data from a star simulation of mine. To do so I'm loading all the data into a sqlite database. It's working pretty well, but I've decided to add a lot more flexibility, efficiency, and usability to my db. I plan on later adding planetoids to the simulation, and wanted to have a table for each star. This way I wouldn't have to query a table of 20m some planetoids for the 1-4k in each solar system.
I've been told using string constructors is bad because it leaves me vulnerable to a SQL injection attack. While that isn't a big deal here as I'm the only person with access to these dbs, I would like to follow best practices. And also this way if I do a project with a similar situation where it is open to the public, I know what to do.
Currently I'm doing this:
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE StarFrame"" (etc etc)")
This works, but I would like to do something more like:
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE StarFrame(?) (etc etc)",
though I understand that this would probably be impossible. though I would settle for something like
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE (?) (etc etc)",
If this is not at all possible, I'll accept that answer, but if anyone knows a way to do this, do tell. :)
I'm coding in python.
Unfortunately, tables can't be the target of parameter substitution (I didn't find any definitive source, but I have seen it on a few web forums).
If you are worried about injection (you probably should be), you can write a function that cleans the string before passing it. Since you are looking for just a table name, you should be safe just accepting alphanumerics, stripping out all punctuation, such as )(][;, and whitespace. Basically, just keep A-Z a-z 0-9.
def scrub(table_name):
return ''.join( chr for chr in table_name if chr.isalnum() )
scrub('); drop tables --') # returns 'droptables'
For people searching for a way to make the table as a variable, I got this from another reply to same question here:
It said the following and it works. It's all quoted from mhawke:
You can't use parameter substitution for the table name. You need to add the table name to the query string yourself. Something like this:
query = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(table)
One thing to be mindful of is the source of the value for the table name. If that comes from an untrusted source, e.g. a user, then you need to validate the table name to avoid potential SQL injection attacks. One way might be to construct a parameterised query that looks up the table name from the DB catalogue:
import sqlite3
def exists_table(db, name):
query = "SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name = ?"
return db.execute(query, (name,)).fetchone() is not None
I wouldn't separate the data into more than one table. If you create an index on the star column, you won't have any problem efficiently accessing the data.
Try with string formatting:
sql_cmd = '''CREATE TABLE {}(id, column1, column2, column2)'''.format(
Replace 'table_name' with your desire.
To avoid hard-coding table names, I've used:
table = "sometable"
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} (
importantdate DATE,
somename VARCHAR,
c.execute('''INSERT INTO {} VALUES (?, ?)'''.format(table),
(datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d"),
As has been said in the other answers, "tables can't be the target of parameter substitution" but if you find yourself in a bind where you have no option, here is a method of testing if the table name supplied is valid.
Note: I have made the table name a real pig in an attempt to cover all of the bases.
import sys
import sqlite3
def delim(s):
use_delim = []
for d in delims:
if d not in s:
return use_delim
db_name = "some.db"
db = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
mycursor = db.cursor()
table = 'so""m ][ `etable'
delimiters = delim(table)
if len(delimiters) < 1:
print "The name of the database will not allow this!"
use_delimiter = delimiters[0]
print "Using delimiter ", use_delimiter
mycursor.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where (name = ?)', [table])
row = mycursor.fetchall()
valid_table = False
if row:
print (table,"table name verified")
valid_table = True
print (table,"Table name not in database", db_name)
if valid_table:
mycursor.execute('insert into ' +use_delimiter+ table +use_delimiter+ ' (my_data,my_column_name) values (?,?) ',(1,"Name"));
except Exception as e:
print "Error:", str(e)
mycursor.execute('UPDATE ' +use_delimiter+ table +use_delimiter+ ' set my_column_name = ? where my_data = ?', ["ReNamed",1])
except Exception as e:
print "Error:", str(e)
you can use something like this
conn = sqlite3.connect()
createTable = '''CREATE TABLE %s (# );''' %dateNow)
basically, if we want to separate the data into several tables according to the date right now, for example, you want to monitor a system based on the date.
createTable = '''CREATE TABLE %s (# );''' %dateNow) means that you create a table with variable dateNow which according to your coding language, you can define dateNow as a variable to retrieve the current date from your coding language.
You can save your query in a .sql or txt file and use the open().replace() method to use variables in any part of your query. Long time reader but first time poster so I apologize if anything is off here.
```SQL in yoursql.sql```
Sel *
From yourdbschema.tablenm
```SQL to run```
tablenm = 'yourtablename'
cur = connect.cursor()
query = cur.execute(open(file = yoursql.sql).read().replace('tablenm',tablenm))
You can pass a string as the SQL command:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('db.db')
c = conn.cursor()
tablename, field_data = 'some_table','some_data'
query = 'SELECT * FROM '+tablename+' WHERE column1=\"'+field_data+"\""
this is the code where I am trying to insert into my table and getting an exception that column ShopName(COL_SN) is not unique though I am giving a name that is not already existing in the database.That particular column is the primary key of the table
public void insert(String sn,String skn,String sa,String un,String pwd) throws SQLiteConstraintException
System.out.println("in insert method");
//sdb.execSQL("insert into " + TABLE_ShopDetails + " values(" +sn+ "," +skn+ "," +sa+ "," +un+ "," +pwd+ ")");
ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
just call insert only once
You should call insert() only once.
The ContentValues object already contains the values for all columns. By inserting multiple times, you're trying to create duplicate records, which results in a primary key violation.
The second parameter can be null, it's only for special cases (when values is empty).
You definitely only need to call insert once as others have said. The second optional parameter should most likely be null, it is for the following ...
optional; may be null. SQL doesn't allow inserting a completely empty row without naming at least one column name. If your provided values is empty, no column names are known and an empty row can't be inserted. If not set to null, the nullColumnHack parameter provides the name of nullable column name to explicitly insert a NULL into in the case where your values is empty.
Also you might want to look into setting up a content provider. The link below would serve as a great tutorial.
Android SQLite database and content provider - Tutorial
In android, SQLiteDatabase has a update function
update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
new values in put in values
If I want to update a column A by adding one to it, how should I prepare the ContentValues values variable? I don't think the following would work.
cv.put("A", "A" + 1);
I can sure run execSQL with raw sql, but it does not return num of row updated
If you'd execute a raw query, something like this should work to increment the current value in the column:
UPDATE table_name SET column_a = column_a + 1 WHERE _id = 1
(where 1 is just an example to illustrate how to apply it to a specific row)
The same probably wouldn't work with ContentValues, since (as the name indicates) it takes the values to set the column to. That means it needs to have been evaluated before building the ContentValues, whereas with a raw query the value isn't evaluated until the query actually runs on the database.
You can of course retrieve the current value first and then increment that accordingly when issuing an update; that requires a select query first. Quite commonly though, you're working with objects in Java, where the column value for a row is bound up to a member field of the object. If you've got a setup like that, then you probably already have the current value at the moment you want to run an update query.
As such, it would just look somewhat like:
SomeObject object = ...;
cv.put("column_a", object.getSomeValue() + 1);
(where I'm assuming object.getSomeValue() will return an int)
// edit: here's some more examples for the raw query approach:
SQLite - increase value by a certain number
// edit2: You've edited your original question and added:
I can sure run execSQL with raw sql, but it does not return num of
row updated
If knowing how many rows the query changed is a must, then you can potentially leverage the changes() function. It still means you're going to have to run a second query though.
SELECT changes() FROM table_name
The docs say:
The changes() function returns the number of database rows that were
changed or inserted or deleted by the most recently completed INSERT,
DELETE, or UPDATE statement, exclusive of statements in lower-level
triggers. The changes() SQL function is a wrapper around the
sqlite3_changes() C/C++ function and hence follows the same rules for
counting changes.
Alternatively, you could look into the rawQuery() method that takes an SQL statement and returns the result as a Cursor. Not sure if it that even works for an update query, or whether the result would be anything sensible, but if you're really lucky, you may find that Cursor.getCount() gives you the number of affected rows.
To expand upon #MH's solution, there actually is a way to do a raw update AND get back the number of rows updated (because I'm doing the same thing in one of my projects). You have to use a compiled SQLiteStatement and then call the method executeUpdateDelete(). From the documentation:
public int executeUpdateDelete ()
Execute this SQL statement, if the the number of rows affected by execution of this SQL statement is of any importance to the caller - for example, UPDATE / DELETE SQL statements.
the number of rows affected by this SQL statement execution.
See the following sample code where I add a new column to my table and then update each column similarly to how you were asking:
try {
String stmtString = "UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET "
+ COLUMN_NAME_TIME + "+ (" + tzOffset + ")";
SQLiteStatement sqlStmt = db.compileStatement(stmtString);
int rows = sqlStmt.executeUpdateDelete();
} finally {
I'm using a transaction here because in case I add the new column but CANNOT update the values, I want everything to rollback so I can attempt something else.