Using flash builder I have developed an app for both android and IPhone. I would like to be able to open the default email client on the phone and send an email with an attachment. I have seen many examples using "mailto:" however this is not supported with an attachment. I have googled this extensively and have found nothing that is current with in the last 3 years.
I already make the pdf file I wish to attach and can move it to a temp directory if needed to satisfy the access issue. I would like to use the default mailer like other programs use if that is not doable please tell me how to directly send an email from the app.
Just for reference to help expand the Action Script 3.0 Information base. I was unable to find any way to do what I was asking above. Here is the Method that I used to send email with attachment.
import com.coltware.airxmail.INetAddress;
import com.coltware.airxmail.MailSender.SMTPSender;
import com.coltware.airxmail.MimeMessage;
import com.coltware.airxmail.RecipientType;
private function send_plain_email():void{
// How to send plain text email
var sender:SMTPSender = new SMTPSender();
sender.setParameter(SMTPSender.PORT,25); // default port is 25
// If you use SMTP-AUTH
// Create email message
var message:MimeMessage = new MimeMessage();
// Set from email address and reciepients
var from:INetAddress = new INetAddress("from-email-address#xxxx.yyyy","from label");
var toRecpt:INetAddress = new INetAddress("to-email-address#xxxx.yyyy","to label");
var ccRecpt:INetAddress = new INetAddress("cc-email-address#xxxx.yyyy","cc label");
message.setSubject("hello world");
// Plain Text Part
var textPart:MimeTextPart = new MimeTextPart();
message.setSubject("Reciept for #" +;
textPart.transferEncoding = "8bit";
textPart.setText("Please see attached PDF \n You will need a PDF viewer to open \n To download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat reader, Please follow the link:");
// Attachment part
var filePart:MimeImagePart = new MimeImagePart();
I'm using and I followed this
I Want to save a print to a specific path without showing dialogue screen to user.
How can I say the path I want to save without asking user ?
I have that code:
myWebView = new Android.Webkit.WebView(this.Context);
var printManager = (Android.Print.PrintManager)Forms.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.PrintService);
var text = new ContractHTML() { Model = new Model.Model() { img = null } };
myWebView.LoadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/", text.GenerateString(), "text/html", "UTF-8", null);
string fileName = "MyPrint_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".pdf";
var printAdapter = myWebView.CreatePrintDocumentAdapter(fileName);
Android.Print.PrintJob printJob = printManager.Print("MyPrintJob", printAdapter, null);
This code is working and generate a pdf, but it's asking user where to save it, I want to save it in some path.
Is it possible ?
Save pdf without showing the user the print dialogue screen
AFAIK you can not implement this feature in Android.
The user needs to be able to choose some configuration, such as choosing what printer to print on. So when you use printManager.Print() method a print dialog will show up. You could find that In android PrintManager Source code, PrintManager class is final(In C# it's sealed), we are not allowed to override this method to prevent the dialog.
When you execute printManager.Print("MyPrintJob", printAdapter, null) method from an Activity, it starts PrintJob also it will bringing up the system print UI. This is did by Android printing framework, we cannot silently print by using the platform API.
There is an open issue on AOSP issue tracker :
After searching far and wide, I used this GitHub project to solve this problem. I was able to silently print the document without the user's knowledge.
It seems like the developer was able to add some classes to the android.print package to access private members, making this possible.
How do you include a picture in Titanium's Facebook Module dialog? In Titanium's example, the picture property in the dialog is a link of a picture from a website:
var data =
link : "",
name : "Appcelerator Titanium Mobile",
message : "Checkout this cool open source project for creating mobile apps",
caption : "Appcelerator Titanium Mobile",
picture : "",
description : "You've got the ideas, now you've got the power. Titanium translates " +
"your hard won web skills into native applications..."
fb.dialog("feed", data, function(e)
if(e.success && e.result)
alert("Success! New Post ID: " + e.result);
alert("User canceled dialog.");
But what if you want to use a picture that's local and NOT via a link of a website like this?
var data =
link: "",
name: "Android app's name",
picture: "file:///data/data/com.appid/app_appdata/directory/name-of-image.jpg"
I get the picture property formatting error if I use the code above. See this image for visual reference:
I've tried using the FileSystem like this:
function getFile()
var imageFileToPost;
var imageFile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile("file:///data/data/com.appid/app_appdata/directory/name-of-image.jpg");
if (imageFile.exists())
imageFileToPost =;
return imageFileToPost;
var data =
link: "",
name: "Android app's name",
picture: getFile()
And the post is successful, there are no errors BUT the picture was NOT published on Facebook.
Note: I would use the graph but I need to use permissions like 'publish_actions' which means I have to to have Facebook review the app but they don't like prefill messages even when the user can edit message anyways. So is this really just a formatting issue with Facebook Module's dialog or it only takes URLs of a picture? If it's a formatting issue, can anyone tell me how to format this correctly because I really need to use the picture that's local and not from a website?
The answer is maybe a bit late, but I had the same issue recently.
It does not seem to be possible with the current version of the Facebook module to create a dialog to share local images.
Because I also needed this functionality for one of my apps, I forked the module ( and added a method presentPhotoShareDialog which takes an image blob as argument. Unfortunately it only works if the native Facebook app is installed.
if (fb.getCanPresentShareDialog()) {
imageBlob : view.toImage()
I want to know how to upload multiple photos at a time thru google plus?
I found how to upload one photo and one message at a time from google plus sample code.
String action = "/?view=true";
Uri callToActionUrl = Uri.parse(getString(R.string.plus_example_deep_link_url) + action);
String callToActionDeepLinkId = getString(R.string.plus_example_deep_link_id) + action;
// Create an interactive post builder.
builder = new PlusShare.Builder(this, plusClient);
// Set call-to-action metadata.
builder.addCallToAction(LABEL_VIEW_ITEM, callToActionUrl, callToActionDeepLinkId);
// Set the target url (for desktop use).
// Set the target deep-link ID (for mobile use).
null, null, null);
// Set the message.
builder.setText("user message");
// Set the image
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File("[user file path]"));
Anyone knows about uploading multiple photos like facebook and twitter?
It should work with addStream() method, unfortunately... it doesn't work. Indeed it makes the application crash.
After a long search, I finally got it: it's not possible if using the simplified G+ SDK! (the one dedicated to Android).
There is a second one, included in the Google API family that you can find there:
This one will let you build more advanced post, included, several pic one.
Unfortunately the second SDK is much more low level, not dedicated to Android, it's a kind of Java abstraction over http request.
I want to post a pre-defined message on Facebook through my android application. I got everything to work except the 'properties' field. I want to post a message where it says:
More information: here
and when the user clicks on 'here', it should link to the page.
This is what I did:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
String s2 = "{'More information':{'text':'here', 'href':" + details + "}}";
params.putString("properties", s2);
where 'details' is the link to the page.
But it seems like facebook is not picking up this line. I successfully set up the caption, picture and other fields.
Any insights? Thanks!
This is by design, as far as I know, we do not support HTML in status updates. We will automatically create a link if you post a valid URL however, so I would suggest just pasting out the full link
".....More information: ("
On Facebook, will be a clickable link.
Help please!
I need to post some text data to an e-mail adress or web site form using s4la python how can i do that(without opening e-mail client)?
Just to be clear: This will be a "webshop tool" that reads info from a qr code and sent it to the webshop. Just read a code and read an "ordered amount" and send them.
why python? Becouse thats the only one i can use. :)
To send your data to a website, look at the file
This file is provided as example when you install python.
it uses the module urllib2
interesting part of the file:
url = WEATHER_URL % (urllib.quote(location), hl)
handler = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
You can use smtplib if you want to connect to an SMTP server like Google.
To send use:
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = 'Our Subject'
msg['To'] = ''
msg['From'] = ''
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server,smtp_port)