How to set an imageView to not be fixed at a position - android

the xml file:
With the above codes, the image will be fixed at top-center position. With CSS terms in html, the style of that image view is style="position:fixed" but what I want is style="position:relative".
For example,
I hope the picture can illustrate the idea.
May I know how I should modify my codes?

Let me elaborate a bit more on mark.zhai`s answer, since it's the only one that I find to be the proper approach.
First of all I wanna point out that you should think about implementing your list with a RecyclerView instead of ListView (right now it's generally favoured to use a RecyclerView; ListView is getting kinda deprecated)...
If you want to be sure that your ImageView works nicely (scroll-wise) with your list (without too much "side-work" on scroll integration), you should implement it as a first item of your list. If you stick with your ListView you can use the header function of it and add your ImageView with ListView's method addHeaderView. If you decide to move to a RecyclerView (which I think you should), you can accomplish that in a bit more difficult manner (more on that for example here).

why don't u make the imageview an item of the listview

For this you need to create a custom listview which having the first item as a image view and later having all your list items. Probably you can control this in your adapter getview method by the use of position(int)
For example if Position is equal to '0' show only image view and if position is not equal to '0' show your rest elements by using Visibility
Note: here their might be a chance of performance issues as it is loading the unnecessary views every time

To achieve this, you need to scrolling the complete layout. In general case, when you fling on a list view, only the item within the list view moves.
Check this link.

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, as I don't know a lot about CSS, but you can check out this link which describes aligning elements within a Relative Layout.
You might want to try adding alignParentLeft or alignParentRight.
Remember margins are external to the object and padding is internal. For example to move the image 20dp from the left you would:
Here are some useful links about mastering Relative Layouts:
Relative Layout Params
Moving Elements Around in a Relative Layout Tutorial
Another RelativeLayout Example
Margins and Padding

Why don't you use layout_below to take your layout below whatever you want, and use layout_gravity to set it's gravity. You can check these Link to get you better understand, it will help you in these problem.


How to use multiple ListView/GridView in same UI?

I want to use multiple ListView/GridView within same User Interface; I don't want them to be expanded to their full length and placed under ScrollView.
If you want to learn about ListView, here is a nice tutorial. About your question, here is the similar one! Your question might even be duplicate of this.
I don't think that putting multiple ListView/GridView objects inside ScrollView is a good idea.
The biggest advantage of ListView/GridView is that they reuse View's. When you scroll a ListView what the system really does is to use fixed number of views, and swaps the view settings (text, image source etc.). This is done by requesting the getView(int,View,ViewGroup) method from the list Adapter.
What you are trying to do is to force the ListView/GridView to render all it's raws, which pretty much beats the whole purpose of using ListView/GridView in the first place.
Use LinearLayout inside the ScrollView instead, and then add Views dynamically from your Activity/Fragment
Just specify dimensions to your ListView/GridView that are not all match_parent.
Also, if you want to proportionally allocate say 50% and 50% of available height to your list and grid, put them in a LinearLayout and use the layout_weight mechanism:
... />
... />
you can set the layout to include how many listViews and gridViews as you wish. just choose a layout and set their sizes yourself. if you put them in a linearLayout, you can set a weight for each of them, to make their width/height proportional to the layout width/height.
However, do note that the more you put, the more cluttered the UI is.
Also note that Google suggests to never put listViews and gridViews inside ScrollViews (this was being talked about on the "the world of listView" lecture) .

scrolling the background image in android java while adding a view to screen

I want to scroll the background in android. I have a scrollview which has many views. I need to implement a way wherein i need to scroll only the background while adding the views. I came across many forums but none of them are very clear. Please give an idea or references to implement it. To give more idea for what i am looking for is, Just consider a bike game wherein the background road image moves while riding the bike. I just need similar implementation while scrolling the screen.
Maybe you could do like this:
RelativeLayout as the parent
ScrollView with your image set as background
Then the other views, but outside of the ScrollView and inside of the RelativeLayout.
<OtherViews />
I think that something like this might work. You see, the RelativeLayout is the parent. Then comes your other views, on the top of your ScrollView. Then, after your other views tag, comes the ScrollView, with only a background. I'm not sure if a background tag would work, so maybe you should remove the android:background="#drawable/yourbackground" and put an ImageView inside of the ScrollView.

android How to add list view in a scrollview

I have a layout requirement like below,
Edit Text
Since listview cannot fit in landscape, I want to have list view onwards (ie. listview, edittext and button) to be a scroll view.
I know listview cannot be used inside a scrollview, but is there a way to do that ?
Any working example will be appreciated.
99% of android developers think we should not use ListView inside a ScrollView because both are scrollbale views and only parent can be scrollable, so it wraps the ListView.
Its 100% correct. But we have to use tricks to avoid this and to achieve our requirements.
I found one trick in web, which is setting the height of ListView based on the list items. Just check the link below, you will get an example code to calculate the height of ListView to fit inside a ScollView.
Android ListView height calculation to fit in ScrollView
The problem with this code is the list view will be filled entire screen if more children are available.
You have to use below template to achieve solution to your requirement.
<ScrollView >
<LinearLayout vertical>
<TextView />
<TextView />
<ListView />
<EditText />
<Button />
I saw one video on youtube, Android ListView inside a ScrollView which is showing we can limit the height of listview, can be scrollable and used inside a ScrollView. I don't know how the programmer achieved that.
I am also thinking to produce same result by avoiding above example code. I hope it may help you temporarily. Please let me know if you got solution.
The better solution for this kind of layout is that You should use relative layout and fix ur EditText and Button at the bottom of ur screen like i have in my list view(see the image below) so that you wont need to add ScrollView in ur layout.
Just do this
Then add your
Sort of a round about way to do what you want to do without a scroll view.
Write a custom adapter for your ListView
Assume you have an array of n elements that you want to populate the ListView with and then the EditText and the Button. So number of elements will be n+2
In the getView for the position n+1 return a view which has an EditText box instead of the normal list item
For the n+2 position return a Button.
Don't try to wrap around a ListView with a ScrollView, you will need up with lot of issues.
Note: I have not tested this, not even sure if it will work. Do let me know if it works. :)

How to bring view in front of everything?

I have activity and a lot of widgets on it, some of them have animations and because of the animations some of the widgets are moving (translating) one over another. For example the text view is moving over some buttons . . .
Now the thing is I want the buttons to be always on the front. And when the textview is moving I want to move behind the buttons.
I can not achieve this I tried everything I know, and "bringToFront()" definitelly doesn't work.
note I do not want to control the z-order by the order of placing element to layout cause I simply can't :), the layout is complex and I can not place all the buttons at the begging of the layout
You can call bringToFront() on the view you want to get in the front
This is an example:
With this code in xml
I've been looking through stack overflow to find a good answer and when i couldn't find one i went looking through the docs.
no one seems to have stumbled on this simple answer yet:
ViewCompat.setTranslationZ(view, translationZ);
default translation z is 0.0
An even simpler solution is to edit the XML of the activity. Use
bringToFront() is the right way, but, NOTE that you must call bringToFront() and invalidate() method on highest-level view (under your root view), for e.g.:
Your view's hierarchy is:
So, when you animate back your buttons (1->6), your buttons will under (below) the ImageView. To bring it over (above) the ImageView you must call bringToFront() and invalidate() method on your LinearLayouts. Then it will work :)
**NOTE: Remember to set android:clipChildren="false" for your root layout or animate-view's gradparent_layout. Let's take a look at my real code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >
hw:titleText="#string/app_name" >
android:clipChildren="false" >
android:orientation="horizontal" >
android:src="#drawable/ic_launcher" />
android:orientation="horizontal" >
Some code in .java
private LinearLayout layoutTop, layoutBottom;
layoutTop = (LinearLayout) rootView.findViewById(;
layoutBottom = (LinearLayout) rootView.findViewById(;
//when animate back
//dragedView is my layoutTop's child view (i added programmatically) (like buttons in above example)
dragedView.startAnimation(animation); // TranslateAnimation
Try FrameLayout, it gives you the possibility to put views one above another. You can create two LinearLayouts: one with the background views, and one with foreground views, and combine them using the FrameLayout. Hope this helps.
If you are using ConstraintLayout, just put the element after the other elements to make it on front than the others
i have faced the same problem.
the following solution have worked for me.
FrameLayout glFrame=(FrameLayout) findViewById(;
2nd solution is by using xml adding this attribute to the view xml
You can try to use the bringChildToFront, you can check if this documentation is helpful in the Android Developers page.
There can be another way which saves the day. Just init a new Dialog with desired layout and just show it. I need it for showing a loadingView over a DialogFragment and this was the only way I succeed.
Dialog topDialog = new Dialog(this,;
bringToFront() might not work in some cases like mine. But content of dialog_top layout must override anything on the ui layer. But anyway, this is an ugly workaround.
You can use BindingAdapter like this:
public static void bringToFront(View view, Boolean flag) {
if (flag) {
The order of the overlapping views really depends of 4 things:
The attribute android:elevation which is measured in dp/sp
The attribute android:translationZ which is also measured in dp/sp.
In Constraint Layout, the order in which you put the views in your Component Tree is also the order to be shown.
The programmatically order that you set through methods like view.bringToFront() in your kotlin/java code.
The numerals 1 and 2 compite with each other and take preference over the points 3 and 4: if you set elevation="4dp" for View 1 and translationZ="2dp" for View 2, View 1 will always be on top regardless of the numerals 3 and 4.
Thanks to Stack user over this explanation, I've got this working even on Android 4.1.1
On my dynamic use, for example, I did
public void onMyClick(View v)
And Bamm !
You can use elevation attribute if your minimum api level is 21. And you can reorder view to the bottom of other views to bring it to front. But if elevation of other views is higher, they will be on top of your view.
If you are using a LinearLayout you should call myView.bringToFront() and after you should call parentView.requestLayout() and parentView.invalidate() to force the parent to redraw with the new child order.
Arrange them in the order you wants to show. Suppose, you wanna show view 1 on top of view 2. Then write view 2 code then write view 1 code. If you cant does this ordering, then call bringToFront() to the root view of the layout you wants to bring in front.
Try to use app:srcCompat instead of android:src
You need to use framelayout. And the better way to do this is to make the view invisible when thay are not require. Also you need to set the position for each and every view,So that they will move according to there corresponding position
You can set visibility to false of other views.
and set

Android custom gridview layout (textview with imageview on top)

I'm trying to work out how to create the layout for a gridview for my game. I have a gridview which will be the level selector. At the moment I have each gridview item as a TextView, just showing the Level Number (1, 2, 3, etc).
I would like to add 3 imageviews over the top of the textview and be able to manipulate the image shown in the views. The 3 image views are stars, showing what difficulty the level was completed on.
I figure I need to write my own Adapter and inflate the XML layout when creating the views for the grid items but I'm stuck with how to create the actual layout for this, the overlapping part has me scratching my head?
Here's a mockup of what I've tried to describe, and what I want to create:
PS. I know I could use 4 images and set the textview background to one of those images but I wondered if there was a more technical way of creating the layout.
I would use a relative view!
The basics would be, define your button background Bitmap/Drawable with the #1 on it, and then, for each button, have a layout with the copper, silver and gold stars. You can use android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" and android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" on the Copper start and base the other alignments off of that one. Then you just set the stars drawable based on if the star is toggled on or of.
I'm going to use rough psuedo code here:
<RelativeLayout android:id="button1">
<ImageView android:id="copper_star" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />
<ImageView android:id="silver_star" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_rightOf="#id/copper_star"/>
Once you've got it looking the way you want, you can see this discussion by Mark Murphy. He explains how to set the properties of a button to do what you'd like.
I went with the un-technical 4 images in the end, it was simple and easy and there aren't any issues scrolling through the grid so it's all good.

