data automatic update - android

I am developing a social network app that uses as a back-end
I gave users the ability to change their name , email and profile picture (which is a parseFile)
And when users are logged in i gave them the ability to add posts
I add the posts by getting the user email and name by
and saving the returned content to my ParseObject
but now the question is what if the user updated his data which is the profile picture or name or email how to update the post data dynamcly

You're going to have to write some cloud code.
I would create an beforeSave trigger for your users, check to see if the relevant fields are 'dirty' (have been changed), and, if they have been, create a new object of a customer class that just has a pointer to that user.
Save a pointer to the user on each post.
Create a background job that runs each day/hour/however often you want to do these updates that goes through all of your custom objects that contains a user, use Query.each() to go through each of those objects, and then do a query for all posts where the user key is equal to the user of the custom object. Then set the name/email fields as appropriate.
Make sure that when you're done, you delete all of the custom objects so that you don't continuously perform this job on more and more objects each time.
Alternatively, you could just add the user pointer to the post, and when you fetch your posts, include the user key, so that gets fetched as well. Then you can read the name/email directly from the user, which will always be dynamic. You have to make sure that your ACLs are set up so that users can't edit all of another user's info or something, though.


How do I receive the specific user data from firebase using phone number not by uid?

I have done phone authentication linked to my project but I am not pushing the data from android instead I have manually entered the user data in Firebase. And I want to retrieve the data from firebase using OTP verification and I just need to search the specific user data with phone number which I am entering while login. I want to show all fields to be displayed which are present in my firebase database into my android project.
I've tried many methods to receive the data but I am stuck... Please help me.
Database structure
Authentication panal
You need to logically bind your authenticated user and the data that you stored in your firebase. As per the image in your data base 'id' of the 'Users' are 1,2,.. like that. Instead of that you can use 'UID' of users as an an Id in your database. Go to your 'Authentication' section, you will see User UID against each registered user. Copy that and use as an ID while creating data in database. This will help you to get the data with reference like Users\. Hope this will solve your problem.

Unique Number Creation and Database Registration

I want the application to create a unique 4-digit code and save it to the firebase database. This code will not change when the app is exited and entered again.How do I do that?
Example Image
Starting talk about the combinations.. this type of code (4-digits) can give life to only 10.000 users. If your app has 10.001 user, probably it will crash or will be unusefull.
Avoiding talk about the combinations, instead, firebase can't do this with its API or premade functions. You need to implement this with you code, in the android app or (recommended) in some "Functions". If you don't need that this code is random, you can have a field on your database that do as a counter.
Every time an user need that his code to be created (for example on registration), you simply retrieve the counter value on the db and increment, assigning it to the user code field. In this way, the first user of your app will be the code 0000. The next, will have 0001,0002,etc.. The last user that can be registered will have the code 9999.
As said above, retrieving the user data from database after the registration, you'll have the previous saved user code too, so it will not change.
If you need more help, please tell us more about your app or scope.

How do i differentiate between different level of users in firebaseAuth

I have two different types of users Teachers and Students . I use Firebase Auth with Email and password to Authenticate them and store them in the Firebase Real time database . My question is is there a way to create custom accesor methods such as getCurrentUser().getEmail, getDisplayname etc . I need to display different UI for different user type (Teacher/Student) from the current user-type
You got 2 type of users. So first of all, you can make only one firebase structure for both user and just add a boolean variable TEACHER that indicates if a user is a teacher or a student.
But what I usually do is to seperate the users in two different firebase structures meaning that you should create a firebase path teacher/user_id and an another student/user_id which will give you flexibility with retreiving data and display the data in different UI.

Synchronize Android client and REST server

REST Server
I created a Rails server that contains :users and associated :comments. It is used as a backend API for an Android client. The exchange format to load and store data at the server is JSON. Here are the relevant migrations.
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :users do |t|
t.string :name
class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :comments do |t|
t.references :users
t.string :subject
t.text :message
All users have already been imported. Therefore, only read access is configured for the :users resource. Thus, for :comments it should be possible to add new entries. Here are the available routes.
user_comments GET /users/:user_id/comments(.:format) comments#index
POST /users/:user_id/comments(.:format) comments#create
new_user_comment GET /users/:user_id/comments/new(.:format) comments#new
user_comment GET /users/:user_id/comments/:id(.:format) comments#show
users GET /users(.:format) users#index
user GET /users/:id(.:format) users#show
Android client
On the client side I use a Service with AsyncTasks to download, parse and store users into a local SQLite database. A ContentProvider delivers cached users to the UI. The user object downloaded from the server contains the unique id of the users table. This should be useful when a new comment gets created on the client.
Scenario 1: Read comments
Users are displayed in a list view on the Android client.
A user item gets selected.
The list activity creates an Intent which contains the user specific URI, e.g. content://com.example.myapp.provider/users/23.
A user activity displays detail information about the user and associated comments.
Cached comments get loaded via a CursorLoader. (1)
A synchronization process loads comments from the remote server. (2)
Scenario 2: Write comments
A comment can be created from the user activity.
The comment gets stored into the local database. (3)
Stored comments are sychronized with the remote server. (2)
Headache questions
I marked the scenario steps that are associated with the following questions.
How do I create a content URI for the comments being used with a CursorLoader in the user activity? Please mind, I only know the user URI at this point.
Can someone describe how I create a synchronization process? I am not sure if a SyncAdapter works here (never used it). Is the the synchronization process just a Service that on the one hand starts tasks to download, parse and store comments on the client and on the other hand loads, encodes and sends out comments to the server?
How does the content URI for a new comment look like? Is the ContentProvider for comments the same as for users? Is there only one SQLiteOpenHelper in the application?
The main problem I am struggling with is how to design the application? If you know of a better solution on how I should synchronize the users and their associated comments, you are very welcome.
Answers to question 1. and 3.
I extended the REST model as follows: The JSON hash returned for a comment now includes the id of the associated user. The same id is also included in the JSON hash for the user. Both objects are stored into the local database on the Android device. This allows me request comments for a specific user. I simply pass the server user id as WHERE clause. The content URI for comments is not cascaded as I implied with my question. It is similar to the user content URI:
Note, that I changed the authority part of the string. I decided to create separate content provider for users and comments.
One simple architecture is to always update things in the server first, sending posted comments to the server right away and from there pushing a notification through GCM to users that should request the updated comments list. The flow would look like:
When the app is open send GCM registration id to your push notification server (say uniqush-push, or your own server using a gem to handle the GCM logic), this way you can use it to send push notifications to the user telling the app to update the comments from the server
Build your initial cache as you want it
Whenever a user posts a comment, send it to the server and make the server respond with the data for the created comment, so the app can use that and already cache it if it wants, using the returned id and whatever else
On the server, when a comment is posted, loop through all the concerned users and using the GCM registration id send it a push notification, it could be as simple as having just "update_comments": "1"
On the app when the push notification is tapped by the user, update the comments cache with a request to the server

How would I go about creating a login

The set-up:
I have an android application that so far can register a user by inserting values into a remote mysql database. I'm now trying to implement the log in.
I was thinking that I can add a "logged in" column to the user table in the database that would store whether or not the user was logged in. Then I would have a trigger that would log the user off after a certain amount of time has been elapsed.
The application's use is to retrieve files based upon if the user has access to a certain file. For this I have an "access" column in the user table table specifying the access a user has to a certain file. I was thinking that when a user clicks an item in a list the application would send their login information and the server would determine if the information was correct then check to see if they had access to the specified file then send back the file if the information is correct.
The problem I'm having though is that checking the registration information takes about 2 seconds alone(due to connecting to the socket and sending a string over the network) and if I try to check both the login and the access id it would take slightly longer.
I feel as if I'm trying to reinvent the wheel but I can't find any viable resources on this matter. Criticisms? Suggestions?
(I wouldn't mind doing a complete redesign I just need to know where to start)
Never connect a client to a db-server. There's no way to intercept hacking attempts, because privileges are very basic (SELECT, UPDATE, etc., they ignore the query):
UPDATE users SET name='%s' WHERE userID=%i // where %i will be defined as the real userID
Above should be a valid query to update the user's account-information, however, a hacker can easily intercept this and change it into:
UPDATE users SET name='%s' WHERE userID=15 // ... or any other variable
Instead, you should create a web based API which will validate each query, or better, support only specific API-commands:

