custom pop up menu like this image - android

How can i make a custom pop up menu something like this in android ! Iam developing a reader application , suggest me something !
Check this out please :
Something same like this ! in android Play Books App also we have the same thing , i want to develop this in android , how can i make it and i want that in my action bar .

I think it may help you, create simple layout xml having same view as per your requirement and and use these Activity Theme as Dialog so it appears just you want.
But Please make sure you make it's Layout width and height as wrap_content not match_content or fill_content.


How can I create this custom pop-up message in Android activity?

I am tasked with creating this kind of pop-up message for an app. I attached an image bellow with the design,
Note that the pop-up is placed right bellow a certain ImageButton to indicate something about it. The pop-up must also contain an ImageView, a TextView and two Buttons.
I know that the Alert Dialog native for Android opens a Dialog Popup at the center of the screen that has a rectangular shape and also makes the background behind it darker. But I want to create something that matches this design exactly and right now I have no idea how.
Can anyone show me how to do this, if necessary, even a library would help. All that matters is that the solution has to work on any Android OS equal or higher than v6.0 (Marshmallow).
Thank You!
Below popup library will help
you can inflate your custom View into this library

How Can I use This Webview Bar? - Android Stdiuo

How can I make a bar like the one in the picture? I'd appreciate it if you told me.
Name of the application in the picture: Google Mail
It's very simple. I assume you are new to android. But this type of View you can make just by Dialog or Menu View and also there are other way also to make it. but for you I suggest you use Dialog.

How to support popup menu in Android 2.1 version?

i am working on demo application.
have you any idea about popup menu in Android 2.1 version. actually working fine in android api level 11 and above..
reference url :
yes, you can do this. you just need a little bit of Animation and its done. :) It will give the exact feeling like a pop-up menu. I have done this before.
you need to use Relative layout for this purpose, because they can overlap on each other.
On click event of button, you need to show the View (relative layout holding a custom menu in this case) with an animation say bounce animation. again click on same button will hide the view again with an animation.
I wish I could post the code here but I have to search where I put my project. :P ;)
I hope it will give a little idea about a totally customized pop-up menu.

Android PopUp ListView

I want to implement in my android application a functionality like when a user clicks a button in header a small list view is popup having 5 values in the corner of the screen. Please give some suggestion, its urgent. Thanks in advance.
You mean a quick action menu ? Like this ?
If so, check this :
It depends somewhat on the minimum SDK that you are targeting. If you are able to write your application with a minimum target of Android 3.0 (API Level 11), then there are at least two classes that you can use to accomplish creating a simple popup anchored to another view (in this case, your button):
Otherwise, you will need to do a little customization of PopupWindow, which is the class that many early QuickAction implementations are based on.
Design a listview inside it RelativeLayout view in that same layout and make it as invisible. once you click a button at the header you can make it visible. which shows the listview.
You can create a new Activity for popup and add android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" to Activity node in Manifest file.

Android Dropdown List (iPhone style)

Could anyone tell me either what this widget is or how it could be recreated? I'm having to port over a iPhone app, and my boss wants me to make it look as similar as possible, but while using android controls. Here is a picture of it in Android:
It is not a standard thing, but for this purpose, there is a: QuickAction dialog.
this can be done with a PopupWindow (it can also be shown as dropdown) where the background is a custom nine-patch file and the content is a listview (or any other view that fits your needs).
I'm sure that GreenDroid Library can do this but I don't know the name of the class to use

