I'm wondering if its possible to create a custom spell checker that other apps will use when they request spell checking.
The setting is here: http://i.imgur.com/15Co3t3.jpg
On my current phone, there are 2, Htc's own spell checker and googles. This led me to wonder if its possible to create my own.
I understand it would never be as good as the existing ones, but for some situations, a fully custom spell checker could be useful.
Is it possible to do this?
Its a good idea to check these useful and well-designed spell checker libraries.
1) spell-check-android (link)
2) HelloSpellChecker (link)
3) AndroidHunspellService (link)
4) Spell Checker (link)
5) Android's Spelling Checker Framework (link)
If you are in a hurry, you can directly use them in your project (just remember to give proper credit) or you can see how these libraries have been developed. These samples can help you a lot learn and implement it yourself. Learn the best from all.
I have just noticed in an example here that there are two options of defining locator when working with mobile applications: By and MobileBy. I was only aware of regular Byand simple Google search didn't reveal too much information about MobileBy. Would be great to get some clue about what is the difference between these ones and when (if at all) the usage of MobileBy is preferred?
MobileBy is optimised for MobileUIs mainly for Android and IOS instead of the generic By for mainly web locators. Read through the java docs, hope this helps.
I would like to create my keyboard with corrective and spelling for using in every application or website on my device. Please suggest me about how possible and reference of my project.
You have to create an InputMethodService and it will work on all apps.
There is a lot of explanation. But i will include some basic. let me know if you have any confusion.
Read this tutorial create an InputMethod and then go through the second one
And two great tutorial are this and openSource LatinIME
Spelling Checker Framework
The Android platform offers a spelling checker framework that lets you implement and access spell checking in your application. The framework is one of the Text Service APIs offered by the Android platform.
To use the framework in your app, you create a special type of Android service that generates a spelling checker session object. Based on text you provide, the session object returns spelling suggestions generated by the spelling checker.
you can see this link https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/text/spell-checker-framework.html
Is there an Android equivalent of the MGBox2 library for iOS? Thanks for any pointer!
The library seems to actually be mocking the Android API itself in a lot of ways. While it's obviously a bit more fancy, there is a clear mimic of Android naming conventions and ease of use with pre-existing Objective-C (or Java in the Android API) data types.
However, given that you appear to want something with a (bad subjective) "better" interface, I'll recommend DroidUX:
I haven't used it myself but man, those apps look sexy. Speaking objectively of course, there's a price tag, which may make it not worth your time.
There are plenty of other custom Views and Animations that the open-source community have created. I'll update shortly to list a few, but you're probably best off with a google search to try and find something that gets you as close to MGBox2 as possible.
I'm building my own custom IME and want to include spell checking. Are there any offline spell checking api's that are available?
From the API guide:
The Android platform offers a spelling checker framework that lets you
implement and access spell checking in your application. The framework
is one of the Text Service APIs offered by the Android platform.
Source here.
You can also find a sample spelling checker app in your SDK sample folder.
Languagetool is Java a based spell checking and proofreading software that might fit.
It's been successfully used with android. See userforum.
I would like to know if SNMP is supported in Android(2.1)?
If it is not available, is it possible to port the snmp source for Android?(some pointers plz..)
If it is available, how can I test the presence of it in my device.
All pointers are welcomed.
SNMP4J 2.x can be directly used on Android without changing its sources. The logging can be set to a simple console logger by calling
static {
LogFactory.setLogFactory(new ConsoleLogFactory());
in your root activity. Of course, you can implement a Android Logging Adapter too and register it as shown above.
I know this is a really old question, but I was doing exactly what you're asking. The short answer is no, by default, SNMP is not supported on android 2.1. Because it isn't available, what I wound up doing was grabbing snmp4j's source code, and sticking it in android and making my own library. There are libraries (snmp4android comes to mind) but I found that it lacked certain classes I needed and did not have the whole snmp4j.agent branch.
There are a few dependencies and a few libraries that android is missing but most of them pertain to the log4j class.
To remedy that, just convert/make the switch to something like slf4j, which is a small logging library that you can include with your application.
I hope that answers some of your initial questions, and I hope this is still relevant even if it is an old question.