Generate menu in Android Studio - android

I'm attempting to get the Generate menu to pop up in Android Studio by using ctrl + n or ctrl + alt and it's not working. Is there an alternative way to get this to come up? I need the Generate menu in order to get to the Constructor option next. Thanks!

You should refer to the Jetbrain Cheat sheet
try Alt + Insert
for additional key-map this is the link :
JetBrain Cheat Sheet


How do I get the "custimize the activity" menu back in android studio?

It seems that in older versions of android studio when starting a new project after selecting the activity type there used to be a menu titled "Customize the activity" and I wanted to know if there was a way to get it back.
ctrl + F6, it's called refactor. just select and hit and you be able to customize what you want

Android Studio opens the collapsed functions when i reformate my code

Hello Im new to android studio (flutter) and when i reformate my code the android studio opens all the collapsed scoops is there any way to prevent that ?
I'm in exactly in the same situation. I don't have a concrete solution for your problem.
If you hit CTRL ALT - will collapse all functions
If you hit CTRL ALT + will expand all functions
This is a good shortcut that may do the work for you.

Android Studio 3.5.1 : Can't able to copy text from warning tooltip

I have updated stable version of Android Studio 3.5.1 today. I am trying to copy string as below screenshot:
Its not copying anything and just closing it by CTRL+c.
How do I copy this? All the older version it works fine.
On Windows: Try,
Hover over the yellow popup text (CTRL + F1 to see more text of that tooltip)
Alt + LeftMouseClick
The 'Yellow Text' will be in your clipboard, ready to paste.
On Mac, a slightly different dance than Windows.
hold shift
click and hold towards the end of the text(probably missing last character)
keep holding mouse click and release shift
while holding mouse click, press Command + C to copy
paste wherever
That is it!
Sadly, Now we cant copy text which is selected in tooltip. If anyone find solution for same. Please share.

Shortcut key to switch between XML layout and the java class in eclipse (android )

I'm not putting much hope in getting this problem solved, but this is really a pain and I really hope that this can be sorted out...
It is that, is there a shortcut key in Android Eclipse to switch between an xml layout file and its "related" java class (e.g. activity) source file? Much like Visual Studio's Windows Forms Designer (F7 to switch between design view and source code view).
I know that there is not a declarative definition on the relationship of an XML layout and an Activity/Fragment, it is determined during runtime... but still, it is an incredible pain when you are in the source code view and want to refer to a view by id but you (always) cannot remember the name, you need to scan through millions of files in millions of levels of tree depths in the Package Explorer view.
I feel like giving up even now... no one can help...
No, because there isn't a 1:1 relationship between activities and layouts. One activity can have multiple layouts, and 1 layout can appear in multiple activities. I suggest you either adopt a naming standard so you don't have these problems, or just manually open the xml file and keep it open.
In android studio it's ctrl+tab
In Android Studio, you can make use of the Related Symbol... navigation key mapping to toggle between related XML and Java classes.
Depending on your settings and operating system the keyboard shortcut will vary, but you can find out what yours is by looking in Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu / Navigate / Related Symbol...
Otherwise try the following keys:
Ctrl + Alt + F7
Ctrl + Alt + Home
Meta + Ctrl + Up
If you have selected a view in Design View and want to move onto Text View,
You can also use bookmarks, not exactly what you asked for but can be helpful when jumping around.
F11 - Toggle soft bookmark
Shift + F11 - Open bookmark menu
Ctrl + F11, [mnemonic key] - Create a bookmark with a mnemonic key entry - press any number or letter afterwards
Ctrl + [mnemonic key] - jump to the bookmark created with Ctrl + F11.
Like I said, won't help if you are in the layout and want to jump to the "code behind" but it's a quick way to move between the two while working if you have left bookmarks.

Shortcut to switch between design and text in Android Studio

Does anyone know some shortcut to switch between design and text in android studio while editing XML layout?
While I can switch from design view to source using Ctrl+B (and need to select something in layout before), I have no way to go back.
You can find it in Preferences->KeyMap:
"Select next Tab in multi-editor file":
The keymap depends on the platform:
On windows/Linux it is ALT + Shift + Left/Right.
You can change it on the KeyMap panel.
You can find the buttons to switch between design, text and preview in top right bar:
With Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3 you can find the buttons to switch between code|split|design:
ALT + Shift + Left/Right works for me. (Windows)
ALT + SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT on windows and ubuntu.
Move between Design / Text tabs in layout’s view:
(Mac) : control + shift + ← / →
(Windows / Linux): alt + shift + ← / →
Good Question:
There are 2 ways:
If You are on a Activity ( Design or Text)
1) left click on Text or Design
2) ALT + SHIFT + Right/Left arrow key
If You are on a class
1) click on the name of the activity:
example: click on activity_actividad2_blank
2) click on Project
goto to java class
left click on class and click on "Find Usages" ( Or ALT + F7)
double click on result you want to go.
Have a good programming.
In Windows it's ALT + SHIFT + Left / Right for Android Studio 3.4
(CTRL + SHIFT) + LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys,
To go back and forth in between Design tab and Text(XML) tab, on Mac OS X.
Although the question is related to switching between design and xml views, many people may be looking for or interested in how to switch between related XML and Java files. This can be achieved in Android Studio, using the Related Symbol... navigation key mapping.
Depending on your settings and operating system the keyboard shortcut will vary, but you can find out what yours is by looking in Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu / Navigate / Related Symbol...
Otherwise try the following keys:
Ctrl + Alt + F7
Ctrl + Alt + Home
Meta + Ctrl + Up
ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW worked for me on ubuntu
alt + shift + left/right arrow keys worked for me in Windows 10 in Android Studio 3.5.
The settings for it is under Settings->Keymap->Other->Select Next Tab in multi-editor file, for Android 3.0.1.
I wanted to switch to the selected View in question. None of the answers did that. So, here we go:
On Android Studio 2.3+, one can use the shortcut Ctrl+T.
Buttons are available to switch between design and text window in XML file in android studio 3.6.1.
Shortcut keys are: ALT + Shift + Left/Right works for me. (Windows)

