Android TransitionDrawable not fading - android

I have an ImageView and I am trying to fade from one image to the next using this code:
Drawable bgs[] = new Drawable[2];
public void redraw(int[][] grid) {
bgs[0] = bgs[1];
bgs[1] = new GameDrawable(grid, prefs.colors);
if (bgs[0] == null) {
} else {
TransitionDrawable crossfader = new TransitionDrawable(bgs);
gameField is correctly referenced as an ImageView.
gameDrawable simply extends Drawable and draws the grid.
On each move and action the new GameDrawable is being rendered correctly but there is no fading whatsoever. The new image is simply displayed instantaneously. I have tried lengthening the transition time and swapping the order of the drawables with no effect.
Any help on is appreciated.
Update: I have now set my transition to something ridiculously long like 500000. The first drawable shows for a few seconds and then suddenly the second drawable appears. So still no transition.
Update 2:
I think my Drawable might be implemented incorrectly, so I have attached the code.
public class GameDrawable extends Drawable {
private Paint paint = new Paint();
private float blockWidth = 1;
private int[][] myGrid;
private int myColor;
private List<Point> myPoints;
public GameDrawable(int[][] grid) {
this.myGrid = grid;
this.myColor = colors[yourColor];
this.myPoints = yourPoints;
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
float height = getBounds().height();
float width = getBounds().width();
blockWidth = width / myGrid.length;
if (height / myGrid.length < blockWidth) {
blockWidth = height / myGrid.length;
for (int x = 0; x < myGrid.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < myGrid[x].length; y++) {
canvas.drawRect(x * blockWidth, y * blockWidth, (x+1)*blockWidth, (y+1)*blockWidth, paint);
public void setAlpha(int alpha) {
public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) {
public int getOpacity() {
return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;

Looking at your code, I see a problem at the line
bgs[0] = bgs[1];
bgs[1] has not yet been defined before this line and so bgs[0] is null for the first method call. Because of this, (bgs[0] == null) is true, and so the later defined bgs[1] is directly set to the gameField ImageView.
Use corrected code below.
Drawable bgs[] = new Drawable[2];
Drawable firstDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.transparent);
public void redraw(int[][] grid) {
bgs[0] = firstDrawable;
bgs[1] = new GameDrawable(grid, prefs.colors);
firstDrawable = bgs[1];
TransitionDrawable crossfader = new TransitionDrawable(bgs);
Note that TransitionDrawable does not work properly when the Drawable sizes are different. So you may need to resize firstDrawable beforehand.
EXTRA: I would avoid setCrossFadeEnabled(true) since the whole TransitionDrawable becomes translucent during the transition, revealing the background. Sometimes, this creates a "blinking" effect and destroys the smoothness of the transition.
EDIT: Looking at your custom Drawable implementation, I think the problem lies in the line
in the draw() method.
I looked at source and found that setAlpha is called on the drawables to get the cross fade effect. However, your canvas has a solid white color and setAlpha() only affects the paint. Hope this is your answer.
EDIT 2: The actual problem, as pointed out by Michael, was that TransitionDrawable's setAlpha() calls on the Drawables were rendered ineffective due to paint.setColor() in the GameDrawable's draw() method overriding the paint's alpha value set by the TransitionDrawable.


Android canvas drawRect colour always shows as grey?

I'm creating a custom view on Android, but the rendered colour is always grey no matter how I try to change it.
private void init() {
Resources res = mContext.getResources();
float density = res.getDisplayMetrics().density;
mBackgroundWidth = (int)(DEFAULT_WIDTH * density); // default to 20dp
mPrimaryColor = gaugeColour;
mPrimaryWidth = (int)(DEFAULT_WIDTH * density); // default to 20dp
mRegularTextSize = (int)(mBackgroundWidth * 0.75); //Double the size of the width;
mRectPaintPrimary = new Paint() {
//code for text formatting followed
And this is the onDraw function
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
super.onDraw(canvas);// bound our drawable Rect to stay fully within our canvas
float left=0,top=0,right=mDrawingRect.right,bottom=mDrawingRect.bottom;
mProgressRect=new RectF(left,top,(mProgressPercent/100)*right,bottom);
canvas.drawRoundRect(mProgressRect, x_Corner, y_Corner, mRectPaintPrimary);
//noinspection ResourceType
String newColor = getResources().getString(mRectPaintPrimary.getColor());
Log.d(TAG,"Rect colour while drawing is "+newColor);
String valueString=((int)mProgressPercent)+"%";
My log actually says that programatically the colour has been modified. So I get a message on the lines of
D/GaugeView: Rect colour while drawing is #ffe64a19
But what I see on the android display is always the same matter how what I change the colour to be:
I seem to have got my required result by changing
Or even better

Translucent gradient status bar on Android Lollipop presented in Material Design

I would like to make something like this
for Android 5.0 and above?
How can I implement this? I can not found any solution on StackOverFlow or on android developer site.
I suggested that I can make status bar transparent and draw gradient drawable under status bar. But there are few problems.
First problem is that usual gradient from shape drawable doesn't support Material Design spec
Second problem is that I can not fit map fragment to windows via android:fitsSystemWindows="true".
Formula that gives approximately same plot as shown on the site of Material Design is:
y = 3/(4*(x+0.5)) - 0.5
I've tried several ways to draw hyperboloid gradient via Canvas and found the fastest solution.
public class HyperbolaGradientDrawable extends Drawable {
private static final int ALPHA_DEFAULT = (int) (0.6f * 255);
private int mAlpha = ALPHA_DEFAULT;
private int mColor;
private Rect mBmpRect = new Rect();
private int[] mColors = new int[0];
private Bitmap mBmp;
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
Rect bounds = getBounds();
if (mColors.length != bounds.height()) {
int alpha;
float y, alphaRelative;
mColors = new int[bounds.height()];
for (int i = 0; i < bounds.height(); i++) {
y = ((float) i) / bounds.height();
// this function gives approximately 0.5 of the bearing alpha at 3/10ths closed to the darker end
alphaRelative = 3 / (4 * (y + 0.5f)) - 0.5f;
alpha = (int) (alphaRelative * mAlpha);
mColors[i] = alpha << 24 | mColor;
mBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(mColors, 1, bounds.height(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
mBmpRect.set(0, 0, 1, bounds.height());
canvas.drawBitmap(mBmp, mBmpRect, bounds, null);
public void setColor(int color) {
// remove alpha chanel
mColor = color & 0x00FFFFFF;
public void setAlpha(int alpha) {
mAlpha = alpha;
public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter) {
public int getOpacity() {
return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;
I know that Google recommend to do not create new objects in draw method, but it works faster than drawing line by line through Canvas.
You can look at comparison of several ways in demo project

Android: Making Bitmaps Disappear When Touched

As is, 100 pink circles (same bitmap) appear scattered randomly over the phone screen (as is supposed to). When I tap one of the circles, that circle should disappear (change to the background color). I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of Android and View in general.I think I have a couple obvious errors (that are not so obvious to me, but I've been staring at it so long that I figured I needed some help). Currently, the screen shows the random circles but nothing more. Touching the screen does nothing. Any better ideas to make the circles disappear? It recently reorganized all the bitmaps when you touched it, but I did something recently, and it stopped. The bitmap is 30px by 30px.
public class DrawV extends View {
private Bitmap bit_dot;
private int width;
private int height;
public int[] width_array = new int[100];
public int[] height_array = new int[100];
private View dotV = (View)findViewById(;//bitmap
Random rand = new Random();
public DrawV(Context context) {
bit_dot = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.dot_catch);
DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
width = metrics.widthPixels;
height = metrics.heightPixels;
//draws 100 randomly placed similar bitmaps
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
int height_dimension;
int width_dimension;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
height_dimension = rand.nextInt(height) + 1;
width_dimension = rand.nextInt(width) + 1;
canvas.drawBitmap(bit_dot, width_dimension, height_dimension, null);
width_array[i] = width_dimension;//
height_array[i] = height_dimension;//
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
Paint p = new Paint();
Path path = new Path();
Canvas c = new Canvas();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
if ((event.getX() == width_array[i]) && (event.getY() == height_array[i]))
c.drawCircle(width_array[i], height_array[i], 15, p);
return false;//false or true?
//set visibility of bitmap to invisible
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
return false;//false or true? not understanding
Your onTouchEvent isn't really doing anything important as-is, and you don't have the concept of a circle object.
onDraw should really be drawing these circles from an array/list created earlier - say a List<MyCircles> or MyCircles[]. On touch, you could iterate through all of your circles until you find one that is closest, remove that circle from the array or list, then invalidate.
The reason nothing is happening at all is even though you're drawing those circles again in onTouchEvent, you're redrawing everything yet again in onDraw (invalidate() calls draw/onDraw).
Ideally, create your list of circles in your initializer, draw them in onDraw, and update them in onTouch (That is, delete). There may be a simpler way to do this but this is, at the very least, a more proper approach.

setColorFilter on ItemizedOverlay marker Drawable

I have a Drawable (a white circle) that I would like to colorize first, and then use it as a Marker in an ItemizedOverlay i.e. I'd like to use the same Drawable to show a green circle and an orange circle on the map.
Simply using setColorFilter on the drawable before calling ItemizedOverlay.setMarker() does not seem to work. I've also tried the mutable Bitmap approach detailed here -
setColorFilter doesn't work on Android < 2.2.
Both approaches simply draw the white circle with no color.
Can someone help me out? I'm running this on Android 2.2.
I adapted the code from How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? and got it to work for me.
My method looks like this:
private HashMap<Integer, Drawable> coloredPinCache = new HashMap<Integer, Drawable>();
public static final int ORIGINAL_PIN_COLOR = Color.WHITE;
public static final int COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD = 100;
protected Drawable getPinInColor(int color) {
// Check if we already have this in the cache
Drawable result = coloredPinCache.get(color);
// If not, create the Drawable
if (result == null) {
// load the original pin
Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;
// create a mutable version of this
Bitmap mutable = original.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
// garbage-collect the original pin, since it is not needed further
original = null;
// loop through the entire image
// set the original color to whatever color we want
for(int x = 0;x < mutable.getWidth();x++){
for(int y = 0;y < mutable.getHeight();y++) {
if(match(mutable.getPixel(x, y), ORIGINAL_PIN_COLOR))
mutable.setPixel(x, y, color);
// create the Drawable from the modified bitmap
result = new BitmapDrawable(mutable);
// cache this drawable against its color
coloredPinCache.put(color, result);
// give back the colored drawable
return result;
private boolean match(int pixel, int color) {
return Math.abs( - < COLOR_MATCH_THRESHOLD &&
However, this approach is pretty resource-intensive. I'd still like to know if there's a better/faster/smarter way to accomplish this.

How to add animated emoticon in TextView or EditText in Android

as the question, I use ImageSpan to add a image into TextView. but it can't animate.Do you have any advise?
I try to extend AnimationDrawable to add drawable into ImageSpan. but it doesn't work
public class EmoticonDrawalbe extends AnimationDrawable {
private Bitmap bitmap;
private GifDecode decode;
private int gifCount;
public EmoticonDrawalbe(Context context, String source) {
decode = new GifDecode();, source);
gifCount = decode.getFrameCount();
if (gifCount <= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < gifCount; i++) {
bitmap = decode.getFrame(i);
addFrame(new BitmapDrawable(bitmap), decode.getDelay(i));
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
I would try to either:
Split the animated image (presumably a .gif file?) into separate frames and combine those into an AnimationDrawable that you then pass to the ImageSpan's constructor.
Subclass ImageSpan and override the onDraw() method to add your own logic to draw the different frames based on some sort of timer. There's an api demo that illustrates how to use the Movie class to load up an animated gif that might be worth looking into.
Big Edit:
Alright, sorry for not getting back earlier, but I had to set aside some time to investigate this myself. I've had a play with it since I'll probably be needing a solution for this myself for one of my future projects. Unfortunately, I ran into similar problems with using an AnimationDrawable, which seems to be caused by the caching mechanism that DynamicDrawableSpan (an indirect superclass of ImageSpan) uses.
Another issue for me is that there does not appear to be a straightforward wat to invalidate a Drawable, or ImageSpan. Drawable actually has invalidateDrawable(Drawable) and invalidateSelf() methods, but the first did not have any effect in my case, whereas the latter only works if some magical Drawable.Callback is attached. I couldn't find any decent documentation on how to use this...
So, I went a step further up the logic tree to solve the problem. I have to add a warning in advance that this is most likely not an optimal solution, but for now it's the only one I was able to get to work. You probably won't run into problems if you use my solution sporadically, but I'd avoid filling the whole screen with emoticons by all means. I'm not sure what would happen, but then again, I probably don't even want to know.
Without further ado, here's the code. I added some comments to make it self-explanatory. It's quite likely a used a different Gif decoding class/libary, but it should work with about any out there.
public class AnimatedGifDrawable extends AnimationDrawable {
private int mCurrentIndex = 0;
private UpdateListener mListener;
public AnimatedGifDrawable(InputStream source, UpdateListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
GifDecoder decoder = new GifDecoder();;
// Iterate through the gif frames, add each as animation frame
for (int i = 0; i < decoder.getFrameCount(); i++) {
Bitmap bitmap = decoder.getFrame(i);
BitmapDrawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap);
// Explicitly set the bounds in order for the frames to display
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
addFrame(drawable, decoder.getDelay(i));
if (i == 0) {
// Also set the bounds for this container drawable
setBounds(0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
* Naive method to proceed to next frame. Also notifies listener.
public void nextFrame() {
mCurrentIndex = (mCurrentIndex + 1) % getNumberOfFrames();
if (mListener != null) mListener.update();
* Return display duration for current frame
public int getFrameDuration() {
return getDuration(mCurrentIndex);
* Return drawable for current frame
public Drawable getDrawable() {
return getFrame(mCurrentIndex);
* Interface to notify listener to update/redraw
* Can't figure out how to invalidate the drawable (or span in which it sits) itself to force redraw
public interface UpdateListener {
void update();
public class AnimatedImageSpan extends DynamicDrawableSpan {
private Drawable mDrawable;
public AnimatedImageSpan(Drawable d) {
mDrawable = d;
// Use handler for 'ticks' to proceed to next frame
final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Set next with a delay depending on the duration for this frame
mHandler.postDelayed(this, ((AnimatedGifDrawable)mDrawable).getFrameDuration());
* Return current frame from animated drawable. Also acts as replacement for super.getCachedDrawable(),
* since we can't cache the 'image' of an animated image.
public Drawable getDrawable() {
return ((AnimatedGifDrawable)mDrawable).getDrawable();
* Copy-paste of super.getSize(...) but use getDrawable() to get the image/frame to calculate the size,
* in stead of the cached drawable.
public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end, Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) {
Drawable d = getDrawable();
Rect rect = d.getBounds();
if (fm != null) {
fm.ascent = -rect.bottom;
fm.descent = 0; = fm.ascent;
fm.bottom = 0;
return rect.right;
* Copy-paste of super.draw(...) but use getDrawable() to get the image/frame to draw, in stead of
* the cached drawable.
public void draw(Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end, float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) {
Drawable b = getDrawable();;
int transY = bottom - b.getBounds().bottom;
if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_BASELINE) {
transY -= paint.getFontMetricsInt().descent;
canvas.translate(x, transY);
final TextView gifTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
sb.append("Text followed by animated gif: ");
String dummyText = "dummy";
sb.setSpan(new AnimatedImageSpan(new AnimatedGifDrawable(getAssets().open("agif.gif"), new AnimatedGifDrawable.UpdateListener() {
public void update() {
})), sb.length() - dummyText.length(), sb.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
As you can see I used a Handler to provide the 'ticks' to advance to the next frame. The advantage of this is that it will only fire off an update whenever a new frame should be rendered. The actual redrawing is done by invalidating the TextView which contains the AnimatedImageSpan. At the same time the drawback is that whenever you have a bunch of animated gifs in the same TextView (or multiple for that matter), the views might be updated like crazy... Use it wisely. :)
You can use ObjectAnimator to animate the drawable in the ImageSpan

