Noclassdeffound exception com.parse.Parse in android - android

I am using parse-1.9.3.jar file in my eclipse tool for android development, but i am facing the noclassdeffoundexception while am running my app and my app is crashed. How to fix this issue, i am very much struggle in this point.
I followed some points
I download the parse-1.9.3.jar, copy and paste in lib folder then right click on that parse-1.9.3.jar file then i clicked add to build, this way is not working
Right click project--> project properties--> order and export tab --> checked android private libraries and parse-1.9.3.jar file, this way not worked
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.parse.Parse --> no use
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 --> NO use
NoClassDefFoundError with parse -->no use this is also no use
Please help for how to fix this error and run my app successfully
Thanks in advance


Vuforia SDK Examples Not Running - Android

I'm trying to run Vuforia SDK samples from here on Android:
I have already downloaded the main SDK and put those sample files in the sample folder. I have added the Vuforia.jar as a library and dependency to my project. The app runs on my Samsung S4 and shows the Menu but when I click Start on any of the examples it sends me back to the main menu rather than opening the camera. It doesn't show any crash error in the logs.
I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this problem and has managed to fix it?
I had the same issue and when looked at the log it had this message com.vuforia.samples.VuforiaSamples W/System.err: The library could not be loaded
Then I followed the answer here
and that .jar file to the project. This solved the above issue.
Also I had to generate a license key for the app and set it in the last parameter in Vuforia.setInitParameters(mActivity, mVuforiaFlags, "") in the SampleApplicationSession class
try it:
add the Vuforia.jar lib in your project;
go to archive build.gradle (Module:app) and check if the variable 'VUFORIA_SDK_DIR' is correct (in my project it had the value "../../../" but i had to change to "../../"), the path has to lead to your Vuforia SDK dir;
finally, change the method Vuforia.setInitParameters in the archive (line: 414), add your vuforia key in the third paramether;
it works to me

Could not find BaseGameUtils.apk

For the last 2 days I've been trying to simply get Google play game services Integrated into my game. I've followed the instructions here...
...many many times. I have been trying to get it to build with Gradle but for now, I'll just focus on Eclipse building until that works. I've imported BaseGameUtils project into my workspace as an Android library project. My game android project has two Android library dependencies: google-play-services_lib and BaseGameUtils. Everything in Eclipse is showing without any errors. When I build and run on a real device, I see an error that says -
[2014-10-27 20:39:25 - BaseGameUtils] Could not find BaseGameUtils.apk!
I don't know why it's even looking for BaseGameUtils.apk since it should be an Android library. That said, I'm not sure how an Android library is really handled so maybe it should be a .apk. In any case, I couldn't find any information on this bug and the error message doesn't give me much to work with. I've tried adjusting things in the Build Path but no luck. I did have to remove some redundant dependencies in my Build Path earlier since I was getting some kind of duplicate DEX error but I'm not sure that's related in any way to this. I am desperate for help, anyone have any idea?
Can you try this? It has to do with conflicting methods of specifying that a project is a library.
I found the source of the problem!
It turns out that "with the new library feature, you don't specify the
Android projects you depend on in the Java Build Path section of the
Properties. You do it in the Android section of the Properties".
So all I had to do is go the Application Project's Properties, hit the
Projects tab, select my own library project and click the Remove
button. That's it. No more problem.
In Eclipse Java EE select the project Properties, then select Project
References, then check the FacebookSDK (see screen capture)
From: Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk
If that doesn't help, you may want to double check that you selected "Is Library" in BaseGameUtils.
Also, when you hit "Run" in Eclipse, are you running your application and not BaseGameUtils?
Please would you check that BaseGameUtils has "is library" checked and that your application project DOES NOT have "is library" checked.
If this is correct, then please would you review the following in detail (especially as regards checking and unchecking "is library" ) :
Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk
I presume that the DEX error related to two or more versions of the same lib. What is the specific GameHelper error ?
As a general point, I find it productive to get a sample project working first to ensure that I have got the environment working correctly before I start integrating game services into my own projects. If you have been changing the build path then it may be quicker to start from scratch and get a sample working. I have followed those instructions in the past and they are accurate.

Eclipse error : Your project contains error(s) , please them before running your application in android

When i run my project , I get " Your project contains error(s) , please them before running your application" this error . I searched this error on Google , There i got a lot of solutions all these did not work for me . I cleaned and Build my project , Restart my eclipse , in .android deleted debug.keystore and clean and build my project , But did not work for me . Please help me .
Thanks in Advance
Follow My steps :
There are many possiblity of this type of error try by one of the following .
Step 1 Right Click on your app then check library and order and export tab there may
be any error remove that according to your project .
Step 2 Right Click on your app then go to java compiler and made change of
compiler level
Step 3 If you have added any library project check that also
It works for me hope it will work for you also .
In my case, all the solutions you generally come across in the Net turned out inappropriate.
What I have recently found is that if you wanted to import a given Android project,
and you used General/Existing Projects into Workspace or Archive File,
you may probably face the issue above when there is no problem in the source itself.
What I did was using [Existing Android Code Into Workspace] instead of the above.
With this authentic way of importing Android project, such an error did not come about.
Of course, this applies when you properly added some necessary libraries and you have
no issue with your source codes.

Configure build path suggestion when trying to extend ActionBarActivity

I’m trying to extend my class from ActionBarActivity and cant, already tried every possible way I know. I’m importing; I want to add the lib without the resource as instructed on the android developer’s site. And every time I get the same error....I upload some photos
this is the error: Description Resource Path Location Type
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for$DelegateProvider. Fix the build path then try building this project xxx Unknown Java Problem
a busy cat
a busy cat
The problem has been fixed for me after adding android support library.
Right Click -> Android Tools -> Add Support Library
Check that you have the android-support v7-appcompat project in the Projects tab on Java Build Path as in the picture:
(I can't add the picture to you, but you find it by right clicking your project and choose Build Path --> Configure Build Path)
Check also that that project does not report any error.
I am a novice but I just passed by the same obstacle a couple of minutes ago.
I hope this help.
I copied the whole project and it started working.....strange

Unresolved GWT error in LibGDX HTML project

I followed the tutorial here but when I go to 'Problems" tab in order to make Quick Fix it says:
The type cannot be resolved. It
is indirectly referenced from required .class files
If I do 'Quick Fix' it appears the following :
and if I press finish it goes to :
I have also installed the pluging from here.
So , I don't know what to do.
I used Properties->Jav Build Path->add Library and I got:
But if I choose Plugin Dependancies it's empty.
If I use User Libraries I don't know what to do.
OK, the problem was that I installed only 'GWT Designer' and 'Google Plugin for Eclipse'.
You have to install also 'SDKs'.
Now it works fine and it doesn't have an error at all.
I got the same problem and solved it by going in Preferences > Google > Web Toolkit then remove the GWT SDK path that showing an error (probably pointing to the wrong folder) and check the one that is shown as working and it should be ok.

