Let us suppose I have these descriptions like those below. I want fetch the description with the ending character |. How can I do this?
Description Model 1:
Whether or not Nicki Minaj deserved to receive a VMA nomination for “Anaconda” is irrelevant. The fact remains that the video broke a Vevo record for the most views in a single day, became a pop cultural phenomenon within the past year, and is now immortalized with a Minaj | wax figure at Madame Tussauds
Result model 1 should be:
Whether or not Nicki Minaj deserved to receive a VMA nomination for “Anaconda” is irrelevant. The fact remains that the video broke a Vevo record for the most views in a single day, became a pop cultural phenomenon within the past year, and is now immortalized with a Minaj |
Description Model 2:
घटनापछि बालिकाको मानसिक अवस्था ठिक नभएको र उपचार भइरहेको उनले बताइन् । महिला तथा बालबालिका टोल सुधार समितिका कोषाध्यक्ष रचना श्रेष्ठले अपराध गर्नेलाई कुनै पनि सर्तमा छाड्न नहुने बताइन् । कुचबाडियालाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएर अनुसन्धान अघि बढाएको बाँके प्रहरी
Result model 2 should be:
घटनापछि बालिकाको मानसिक अवस्था ठिक नभएको र उपचार भइरहेको उनले बताइन् । महिला तथा बालबालिका टोल सुधार समितिका कोषाध्यक्ष रचना श्रेष्ठले अपराध गर्नेलाई कुनै पनि सर्तमा छाड्न नहुने बताइन् ।
you can split the string like this:
String newstr = "";
if (null != str && str.length() > 0 )
int endIndex1 = str.lastIndexOf("|");
int endIndex2 = str.lastIndexOf("।");
if (endIndex1 > endIndex2)
newstr = str.substring(0, endIndex1);
}else if(endIndex2 != -1) {
newstr = str.substring(0, endIndex2);
I am working on an Android app that gets a time (duration) value as string.
For example, the app can get a value like: 6 hours 43 mins
or a value like: 15 mins
I am looking for a way to convert this strings to an integer value in minutes.
I have tried using this function, but I can´t extract the needed values:
str = str.replaceAll("[^\\d.]", "");
it could be possible a result like 6 hours, the only known condition is that minutes are always rounded to an integer, the minimum value is 1 min
Using a Regex to get each couple numeric/time_unit. You can easily parse that with :
(\\d+) (\\w+)
Group 1 : numeric value
Group 2 : time unit
(note that I used a space between the two (could be optional if you want)
Using Java Pattern class to use that regex
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+) (\\w+)");
Then you just have to iterate on each match to get the couple type/value
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
String type = m.group(2);
int value = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1))
From that, just use a switch to convert the number into minute and add it to the variable, omitting the break to have a nice (but not efficient) converter :
//Add more time unit in the correct order if needed
case "days":
value *= 24;
case "hours":
value *= 60;
case "mins":
mins += value;
Each type will convert the value into a correct number of minute, at the end, you will have the result in minutes.
Problem: There are few concerns as you never know without putting extra conditions like:
15 hours and 15 mins both will be stored in same integer value , you eventually need to differentiate them on some conditions to cater all the issues.
Coming to the question, you may achieve all this by using String split cases but you need to manually cater all the cases keeping in mind a user can use any spell words like hours can be hrs and so on
You could split the String at the whitespace and use the values in the array.
String value1 = "6 hours 43 mins";
String value2 = "15 mins";
String[] resultList1 = value1.split(" ");
String[] resultList2 = value2.split(" ");
int minutes1 = 0;
int minutes2 = 0;
if(resultList1.length == 4) {
minutes1 = Integer.parseInt(resultList1[0]) * 60 + Integer.parseInt(resultList1[2]);
} else {
minutes1 = Integer.parseInt(resultList1[0]);
if(resultList2.length == 4) {
minutes2 = Integer.parseInt(resultList2[0]) * 60 + Integer.parseInt(resultList2[2]);
} else {
minutes2 = Integer.parseInt(resultList2[0]);
The result is:
Either String split() or Pattern Matcher, as earlier answers suggest, will work. I'm not sure which will be more efficient though, but it's probably irrelevant in this case. My version:
String timeStr = "2 hours 15 mins";
String[] parts = timeStr.split(" ");
int totalMins = 0;
for(int i=1; i< parts.length; i+=2) {
// Add checking for "days", etc., if necessary.
if(parts[i].equals("hours")) {
int h = Integer.parseInt(parts[i-1]);
totalMins += 60 * h;
} else if(parts[i].equals("mins")) {
int m = Integer.parseInt(parts[i-1]);
totalMins += m;
System.out.println("totalMins = " + totalMins);
>> totalMins = 135
If you can get each minute and hours separately you can use string.replace("mins", "") then use Integer.parseInt().
If you get overral like 6 hours 43 mins you must split the string.
I am not sure whether this can be done in a single regex, but if I were you I would use a different regex to find the number of hours, the number of minutes, the number of seconds, etc.
Given a string in the format you mentioned, you can first extract the number of hours by using this regex:
\d+(?= hours?)
Then extract the number of minutes:
\d+(?= mins?)
If seconds can appear in the input string, you can use this to extract seconds as well:
\d+(?= secs?)
If any of the regexes don't match, that means there isn't that information in the string.
String time = "6 hours 43 mins";//or (43 mins) or (6 hours)
int h, m;
String[] parts = time.split(" ");
if (parts.length == 4) {
h = parts[1];
m = parts[3];
} else if (parts.length == 2) {
if (parts[1].isEqualTo("hours") {
h = parts[0];
} else if (parts[1].isEqualTo("mins") {
m = parts[0];
return h*60+m;
I am working on OCR based Android app, getting this text as string from the attached image dynamically (getting the text in Horizontal Direction from the image)
Text from Image:
"Part Name Part Cost Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement Rs 10K Alf Filter Rs 4500 Cabin AC Micro Filter Rs 4000 Pollen Filter Rs 1200 - 1500 AC Disinfectant Rs 3000 Fuel Filter Rs 6000 - 8000 Spark Plug Set Replacement (Applicable in TFSI / Petrol Car Range) Rs 10K Body Wash, Basic Clean 8. Engine Degrease Rs 3000 Body Wax Polish Detailed Rs 7000 - 8000 Car interior Dry Clean with Genn Clean Rs 8000 - 10000 Wheel Alignment \u0026 Balancing Rs 6000 - 7000 Brake Pads Replacernent (Pair) Rs 30K - 32K Brake Disc Replacernent (Pair) Rs 30K - 35K ..........".
I need to separate the Part Name and Part Cost(just 2 columns i.e Part Name, Part Cost) (ignore all extra text from the column heading). Separate the values from String and should store it in SQLIte Database Android. I am stuck how to get the values and separate them.
The text returned from the OCR isn't ideal. The first thing you should do is check if whatever OCR solution can be configured to provide a better output. Ideally, you want the lines to be separated by newline characters and the space between the columns to be interpreted as something more useful, such as a tab character.
If you have no way of changing the text you get, you'll have to find some way of parsing it. You may want to look into using a parser, such as ANTLR to make this easier.
The following observations may help you to come up with a parsing strategy:
Column 2 items all start with "Rs" or "Upto Rs".
Column 2 items end with:
A number (where a number is allowed to be a string of digits [0-9.], optionally followed by a "K"
Column 1 items don't begin with a number or "Lakh"
So a basic algorithm could be:
List<String> column1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> column2 = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] tokens = ocrString.split(" ");
List<String> column = column1;
String item = "";
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
String token = tokens[i];
String nextToken = i == tokens.length - 1 ? "" : tokens[i+1];
if (column == column1) {
if (token == "Rs" || (token == "Upto" && nextToken == "Rs")) {
column = column2;
column.add(item); item = "";
i--; continue;
item += " " + token;
} else {
item += " " + token;
if (/*token is number or "Lakh" and nextToken is not*/) {
column.add(item); item = "";
column = column1;
I have an app which contain mobile number edit text in which user can edit mobile number and I have to send two request to server like:- mobile number and mssdn,mobile number(which is full lenghth ) and mssdn(which contain mobile number last 4 digit).How can I do that
Try this. Check for length greater than 4 before calling subString to avoid IndexOutOfBounds Exception.
EditText mEdtPhoneNumber = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.edtPhoneNumber);
String phoneNumber = mEdtPhoneNumber.getText().toString().trim();
String strLastFourDi = phoneNumber.length() >= 4 ? phoneNumber.substring(phoneNumber.length() - 4): "";
Also what is mssdn?? Is it msisdn??
Use the modulus (%) operator:
To get the last digit: use number % 10
To get the last 2 digits: use number % 100
and so on
For example:
42455%10000 = 2455
You could do something like this:
EditText phoneNumberEditText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.phoneNumberEditText);
String phoneNumber = phoneNumberEditText.getText().toString();
String lastFourDigits = phoneNumber.substring(phoneNumber.length() - 4);
you should use regex because this will only give you result if the last four letters are actually numbers on the other hand the substring function simply give you last four letters no matter they are numbers or characters. e.g 4344sdsdss4 will give you dss4 which is clearly not a part of phone number
String str="4444ntrjntkr555566";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d{4})$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
if (m.find()) {
this will produce 5566
//d mean digits
{4} for fix length as 4
$ mean at the end
List<Integer> f(String str){
ArrayList<Integer> digits = new ArrayList<>();
if (null == str || str.length() < 4){
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "there are less than 4 digits");
return digits;
String digitsStr = str.substring(str.length() - 4);
for (char c : digitsStr.toCharArray()){
try {
Integer digit = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c));
} catch (Exception e){
return digits;
We can also use a new method introduced in kotlin: takeLast(n)
fun getLastDigit(data: String, n:Int): String {
return if(data.length > n){
}else {
For my app I have created a QR Code, then took that bitmap and added text to the bitmap, however I need the text not to extend longer then the bitmap is. So what I want to do is create an Array of the text by taking 25 characters then find the last index of (" ") in that 25 character section. at that space I want to be able to replace that space that was located with \n to start a new line.
So the plan is if I have a String that looks like "Hello this is my name and I am longer than 25 charters and I have lots of spaces so that this example will work well."
I want it to out up this
Hello this is my name and
I am longer than 25
charters and I have lots
of spaces so that this
example will work well.
To make this I counted 25 characters then went back to the most resent space, at that point I hit enter, I want my app to do this for me.
I am not very good at English so if something doesn't make sense tell me and I will try to explain it. Thanks
I haven't tested this but you can try it and tweak as necessary
String fullText = "your text here";
String withBreaks = "";
while( fullText.length() > 25 ){
String line = fullText.substring(0,24);
int breakPoint = line.lastIndexOf( " ");
withBreaks += fullText.substring(0,breakPoint ) + "\n";
fullText = fullText.substring( breakPoint );
withBreaks += fullText;
char [] way (more C like):
public static String reduceLength(String s, int len){
char [] c = s.toCharArray();
int i=len, j=0, k;
for(k=j; k<=i; k++){
if (k >= s.length()) return new String(c);
if (c[k] == ' ') j=k;
c[j] = '\n';
i= j+ len;
This isn't safe, just something i threw together.
I cannot get a string broken into fixed length chunks and added to an ArrayList ... the code below iterates through as expected, but all the messageToSplit[] upto the last one are null. The last one actually has a value in it.
In the example below if the edit text returned, "01234567890" then "", "" and "890".
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".{4}");
ArrayList<String> myText = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] messageToSplit = TextUtils.split(myStringEditText.getText().toString(), p);
int x = 0;
while(x <= (myStringEditText.getText().toString().length() / 4)) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), x+": '" + messageToSplit[x] + "'", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
In a split operation, the regex pattern is the separator. For example, if the regex pattern were ;, then 12;34;56 would be split into 12, 34, and 56.
So in your case 01234567890 is split into "" (the string before 0123), "" (the string between 0123 and 4567) and 890 (the remainder of the string after 4567).
You probably don't want to use split but rather something like this:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".{1,4}");
Matcher regexMatcher = p.matcher(messageToSplit);
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
.{1,4} will match 4 characters if it can, but make do with 1-3 if four are no longer available (which might happen at the end of the string if its length is not a multiple of 4).