Getting Facebook group posts automatically in android app - android

I would like to implement the following feature in my android app.
We have a Facebook group and whenever a user post's something, it should be lively read on my android app(including post content,likes and comments).
Is it possible with currently available Facebook API's?.

If you manage the group, you can authorize with the user_managed_groups permission and get the feed with /group-id/feed. There is no realtime API for groups, so you have to check for new items with a Cron Job (for example).
More information and example code:


FirebaseAuth android get Facebook friends list

I use facebook login in my app. Once the users are logged-in I can get their basic facebook info such as display name, email, and phot url.
I'd like to get their facebook friends list. I think I can get it "directly" with firebase but I don't remember how and I cannot find any info about it. I think I first have to tell Firebase to get friends list when people login with facebook, then I sould be able to get it with a method such as firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser().getFriendList().
Do you know how to get facebook friends list with firebaseAuth ?
Thank you,
It is feasible, but only the friends that also use your app. The trick is to add a scope to your login method. In Angular it looks like this
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider().addScope('user_friends'))
That scope at the end is the trick. Then, you need at least two users that are friends on facebook to login. You will note the popup is different as it now asks permission for the user's friends.
The response will include an access token. Then you can use that token to request the user's friends that are also using the app with a GET request like this{facebook_uid}/?fields=friends{name,id}&access_token={access_token}
Note I'm using a particular version, but you should change that to whatever you need.
generally obtaining user's all friends list from Facebook is not possible, they removed this option years ago, with API v2.0 introduction... more info about and useful suggestions HERE
there is an official FB API called Graph API and HERE you have some doc about friend lists
and the Firebase... well, this is Google's product and it have nothing to do with Facebook... You are probably using FB mail address for creating an account in Firebase service/database, but it is keeping only this data plus some additional attributes if set (like photo or visible name).
firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser() returns FirebaseUser object, which have THESE methods - like you see: logpass, name, photo url and only few more methods. no option for getting friends list, because there is no method to set them, and no possibility to get this list from FB lib/API

Twitter android integration. How to show tweet without authentication

I have folowing scenario.
My client (local tv publisher) publishes some article and embeds tweet in it. ID of embeded tweet is sent through api to android application.
On android side i have integrated Fabric/TwitterKit and by following steps on twitter developers page i managed to show tweet in my android app on (i admit) easy way (Show tweet exp).
Now i have published application to Alpha and noticed one "little" problem :-). TwitterKit was using my local twitter account to authenticate and to show tweets. If you dont have Twitter application installed or signed out of it, my show tweet functionality wont work..
This is TwitterLogin explanation for obtaining TwitterKit auth token:
"When attempting to obtain an authentication token, the Kit will use the locally installed Twitter app to offer a single sign-on experience. If the Kit is unable to access the authentication token through the Twitter app, it falls back to using a web view to finish the OAuth process.
The simplest way to authenticate a user is using TwitterLoginButton, inside your layout..."
What i want is to simply show content of tweet by given tweetID. No sending tweets, or any other action with it. Just show data from given url. Is it possible without authentication, or what should i do now, so that current implementation works without user authentication (or with some non-single-signon-inside-app authentication)
Thank you.
I have created MyApp extends Application class, and placed code below inside onCreate method. In application tag inside AndroidManifest file, added line:
TwitterAuthConfig authConfig =
new TwitterAuthConfig(DeveloperKey.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, DeveloperKey.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY);
Fabric.with(this, new TwitterCore(authConfig),
new TweetUi());
It works so far, but i am not sure if this implementations is valid.
DeveloperKey.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and DeveloperKey.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY are static values obtained from application created at
You need to use Application Only authentication.
That will generate a set of keys which can be used by the application. It won't be able to post messages to Twitter (because no user is associated with it) but you will be able to read Tweets.
If you build the keys into the app, your user won't have to sign in.
All the documentation is at

How to get a friends user wall from facebook?

I want to read my friends posts (feeds?, all posts but for a specific user only) from his user wall.
I need all (posts, feeds, statuses) that i see when i look at his page directly from the website.
I use the android sdk and i tried the graph api and rest method.
My app is registered and i have logged in facebook to get the access token (permission: read_stream)
but i dont get that infos that want to.
Please help.
How about testing your Graph API call in the Graph API Explorer?
In my case, I could get my first 10 friends' feed (wall) with the url
Note that I used field expansion of the Graph API.
You need them to actually use your app and grant full permissions via the graph API.
You cannot simply 'grab a friends wall'. You must do that via your app and it needs the permissions to do so from the user in question.

how do i like a message/notification with the linkedin api?

I have an application that authenticates users through the LinkedIn API. My questions:
is it possible for an application to like messages to all users who authorized it?
is it possible to get like list of a message to a subset of the application users?
I've been looking for a while, and can't find anything.
Via the Groups API of the LinkedIn APIs, you can like a post in a particular group using the following JavaScript code (XXXX is the particular post id):
.result(function(result) {
.error(function(result) {
However, keep in mind that likes should not be automated but user initiated - only users who have authenticated your app should be liking posts, and only when they manually choose to do so. Writing a script that automatically likes all posts from any user that posts a message from your app is against the LinkedIn API terms of service.
Can't confirm for sure but maybe this link about likes can help u and give a clues about possible options.. Reported example you can find here or here. However I have no guaranty that this works cause I am not author of those posts.. Maybe u will find better and more accurate answer at LinkedIn API forum..
Hope it helped a bit.. Cheers

By Using Facebook Graph API, How to read Facebook wall?

I am using the facebook API in my app, i know how to post message on wall. my requirement is, i want read the wall information of user recent status information through code .
How can i achieve this...
for example. from my facebook account i want to get the latest status information.
Here's a great example of using the GraphAPI to do that{}
Try it out here:
I stumbled across this the other day. There's a connection from the user object called statuses, which filters the stream even more than feed. As with many graph calls, you can add ?limit=N to limit the result set. So this new way I discovered would look like:{}
You should use a third party API such as Easy Facebook SDK. It allows you to do what you are trying to do with ease.
U should check it out here:

