How to categorize list items in a recyclerview? - android

I am building a notifications list for an application I'm working on and I'm having trouble finding a way to take my list of notifications from the server and displaying them in separate lists in a RecyclerView. The end product would display the list of notifications with headers for Recent notifications and Older notifications, a la:
except instead of angle-bracket text it's actual views representing those, complete with images, actual notification details and dividers.
I already have code that displays them in a RecyclerView:
<!-- Main layout -->
<include layout="#layout/include_toolbar"/>
#InjectView( RecyclerView mRecyclerView;
#Inject Picasso mPicasso;
#Inject NotificationService mUserService;
private NotificationAdapter mAdatper;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mAdatper = new NotificationAdapter(mPicasso);
mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(new HorizontalDividerItemDecoration.Builder(this)
final LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
protected int getSelfNavDrawerItem() {
public void updateList() {
mUserService.getNotifications(new Callback<List<Notification>>() {
public void success(List<Notification> notificationList, Response response) {
public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
Timber.e(error, "Failed to load notifications...");
This all works fine enough to display all of the notifications and they're all sorted in the order from newest to oldest descending. But each has a boolean property "acknowledged" that is set to false if the user hasn't seen them before. I want to put split the list into the two groups I've explained above using this flag, but I don't know how to throw in the headers. I've thought about subclassing Notification to create NotificationHeader views and inserting them into the list where appropriate but that just feels sloppy to me. I've also thought about doing two recycler views, one for the new and another for the old, but visually that didn't work the way I intended (I haven't confirmed it but it looked like each recycler view scrolled independently of the others, something that I do not want). Any suggestions?
I know that the first idea of creating special Notification Headers will probably work, I've done something like that before, but it just feels like bad practice.

RecyclerView.Adapter has a method called getItemViewType() that takes the position of an item in the adapter's list, and returns the view type it should use. In my case, the method looks like this:
public int getItemViewType(int position){
Notification n = mNotifications.get(position);
boolean useHeader = n.getType().equals(Notification.HEADER_OLDER) ||
return useHeader ? this.USE_HEADER : this.DONT_USE_HEADER;
Which checks the items in the notification list and sees if they're a special static 'Header notification' object. This is used internally by the Adapter class and it passes the 'viewType' parameter to the onCreateViewHolder() method, which we also override:
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int viewType) {
int layout = viewType == USE_HEADER ?
R.layout.view_item_notification_header :
NotificationItemView view = (NotificationItemView) LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext())
.inflate(layout, viewGroup, false);
return new ViewHolder(view);
Overriding this method allows us to use the viewType parameter to choose the appropriate layout to inflate for the ViewHolder.
There are some better style/good practice decisions things I should have done here, such as making my Notification adapter hold a list of NotificationListItems instead of Notifications, which would allow me to put in a new kind of NotificationHeader object on it's own instead of making Notification objects that weren't really Notifications and using a bunch of constant values. But the underlying principle is still there:
In your Model, have a method that returns the layout view to use for it
In your adapter override getItemViewType() to use the aforementioned method and return an int that corresponds to the layout that should be inflated
In your adapter also override onCreateViewHolder() to use the int from getItemViewType() and inflate the appropriate view accordingly


firebaserecycleradapter giving old post at top of the list and new post at last, I need new post at top , How can I get that? [duplicate]

I currently have a FirebaseListAdapter that populates a ListView with the last 5 items:
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState){
FirebaseListAdapter<HashMap> adapter = new FirebaseListAdapter<HashMap>(getParentFragment().getActivity(),HashMap.class,R.layout.list_item,firebase.limitToLast(5)) {
protected void populateView(View view, HashMap hashMap, int i) {
String title = hashMap.get("title").toString();
String body = hashMap.get("body").toString();
TextView title_txt = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
TextView body_txt = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
The problem I have is that when a new item is pushed to Firebase, it is added to the bottom of the list. I want the newest items at the top of the list.
Is it possible to achieve this?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
This is not the exact solution of your problem of getting the data from firebase in a reverse order, but anyway, we've other work arounds.
The first work around is mentioned in a comment of using a custom adapter for your list.
To achieve the behaviour you need to get the firebase data in a list and then you've to reverse it yourself before passing it to an adapter. Simple!
The second work around is easy as pie and I think if you're using RecyclerView it could do the trick for you and I see it as the simplest way you can do the job.
Here's I'm modifying some of my code with RecyclerView
// Declare the RecyclerView and the LinearLayoutManager first
private RecyclerView listView;
private LinearLayoutManager mLayoutManager;
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState){
// Use FirebaseRecyclerAdapter here
// Here you modify your LinearLayoutManager
mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(MainActivity.this);
// Now set the layout manager and the adapter to the RecyclerView
By setting mLayoutManager.setReverseLayout(true); - you're reversing your layout and mLayoutManager.setStackFromEnd(true); positions the view to the top of your list.
Migrating to RecyclerView is simple. Your layout will be something like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
And in your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile ''
You need to have FirebaseRecyclerAdapter can be found here in FirebaseUI library.
Note: Do not use RecyclerView.LayoutManager as the setReverseLayout and setStackFromEnd functions won't be found in RecyclerView.LayoutManager. Use LinearLayoutManager as stated.
Here's how you can handle the click events of your items in the list.
You had to declare a ViewHolder to implement the RecyclerView right? Just add another function inside your ViewHolder class like the example below and call this function after the setText functions you've got there.
public static class MyViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
View mView;
public MyViewHolder(View itemView) {
mView = itemView;
public void setClickEvent() {
// Set the onClickListener on mView
// mView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener)...
Since you're already extending FirebaseListAdapter to implement populateView, you can go ahead and override getItem as well to invert the item lookup:
public HashMap getItem(int pos) {
return super.getItem(getCount() - 1 - pos);
If you're not using RecyclerView this is a simple way to reverse the data without extending any more classes than necessary. Obviously this will reverse any AdapterView subclass backed by this adapter, if you choose to reuse it.

Bind a view without extra parameters

I'm trying to bind a divider decoration to a Recycler view
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
And then I have a BindingAdapter to bind the divider
public static void setItemDecoration(RecyclerView view) {
LineDividerItemDecoration decoration =
new LineDividerItemDecoration(view.getContext());
What is the correct way to bind a view without any extra arguments?
If I use something like
It works fine
But it doesn't work with
I just need a reference to the view in order to get the context
You can't have a binding adapter without any parameter.
What you can do is to pass null.
In this case, your binding adapter could look like this:
public static void setItemDecoration(RecyclerView view, Integer direction) {
LineDividerItemDecoration decoration =
new LineDividerItemDecoration(view.getContext());
I suggest creating binding adapters with general logic, not having it for every single use-case you have.
In your case, if you want to provide divider direction, you may pass integer/enum which would have some logic with the parameter.
recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new LineDividerItemDecoration(this).build());

Android data binding lags when rendering

I am using Android Data Binding with a RecyclerView.Adapter.
On Adapter's onCreateViewHolder I call:
public TransfersViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
return new MyViewHolder(
So ListItemMyDataBinding is a representation of list_item_my_data.xml.
Adapter's onBindViewHolder looks something like this:
public void onBindViewHolder(final MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
MyData myData = mDataList.get(position);
And finally, the render function of my MyViewHolder looks like this:
public void render(MyData data, boolean expand) {
mBinding.setData(data); // mBinding is an instance of ListItemMyDataBinding
And in my xmls there are some data bindings:
<import type="com.example.MyData" />
type="MyData" />
android:text="#{data.userName}" />
I use this approach in a searchable list, so I have a search field on top of the list. Once a user enters a new search term, list is cleared and notified about change, once the response comes back from server I add all results to the list and notify about the change again.
And finally the problem is that the following happens:
new search term entered: list cleared, items removed [OK]
response arrives back from server [OK]
I add all items to the list and notify adapter about the change [OK]
for a fraction of a second the old values are appearing in the list and list items will be updated with the new values only after that [NOT OK]
As I understand, this is because the Views are reused and as a first step the adapter realises that it can reuse a view and displays it, and only (a fraction of seconds) after it applies the changes in the layout (through databinding), so that's why I see the old values blinking up. Which is quite annoying.
If in function render I manually set a default value to the views (for example setText("") on TextViews) then I cannot see that blinking effect, but this is not a solution that I want.
Do you have any suggestions how can I nicely avoid this "blinking/lag" effect, what am I doing wrong?
mBinding.executePendingBindings ();
just after mBinding.setData(data);

FirebaseRecyclerAdapter with empty view

I know there are lot of ways to have an empty view for a RecyclerView. But my question is for FirebaseRecyclerView.
My layout is:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:scrollbars="vertical" />
So I am showing Loading ProgressBar before the RecyclerView fills its items. Now what if server doesn't have any item. In this situation my RecyclerView is empty always and my Loading ProgressBar always visible to user.
So instead of showing the ProgressBar for indefinite period, I want to show some empty layout. E.g. "No Data Found" or something similar message.
The final result should be: ProgressBar should be shown until data is loaded to RecyclerView and once data is loaded ProgressBar should be invisible. But if no data is present in server, some empty layout should be shown instead of ProgressBar.
In normal RecyclerView, we have a dataset (some ArrayList, etc) and if it is empty then we can show that empty layout. But in case of FirebaseRecyclerAdapter, I dont have the reference of Snapshot in my Activity or Context. Nor I have any callback which tells me that no data is present in server.
Any workaround will help a lot.
Here is what I would try. First check out the accepted answer to the question linked below. It provides some very good insight into how Firebase queries work. I'd consider the info trusted since the answer is by someone on the Firebase team:
How to separate initial data load from incremental children with Firebase?
So, based on the answer to the question linked above and the fact that the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter is backed by a FirebaseArray which is populated using a ChildEventListener I would add a Single value event listener on the same database reference used to populate your FirebaseRecyclerAdapter. Something like this:
//create database reference that will be used for both the
//FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and the single value event listener
dbRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
//setup FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
mAdapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Model, YourViewHolder>(
Model.class, R.layout.your_layout, YourViewHolder.class, dbRef) {
public void populateViewHolder(YourViewHolder holder, Model model, int position){
//your code for populating each recycler view item
//add the listener for the single value event that will function
//like a completion listener for initial data load of the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter
dbRef.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
//onDataChange called so remove progress bar
//make a call to dataSnapshot.hasChildren() and based
//on returned value show/hide empty view
//use helper method to add an Observer to RecyclerView
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
That would handle the initial setup of the RecyclerView. When onDataChange is called on the single value event listener use a helper method to add an observer to the FirebaseRecyclerAdapter to handle any subsequent additions/deletions to database location.
mObserver = new RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver() {
public void onItemRangeInserted(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
//perform check and show/hide empty view
public void onItemRangeRemoved(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
//perform check and show/hide empty view
Answer from:
the FirebaseUI adapters nowadays have an onDataChanged() method that you can override to detect when they're done loading a set of data.
See the source code on github. From there:
This method will be triggered each time updates from the database have been completely processed. So the first time this method is called, the initial data has been loaded - including the case when no data at all is available. Each next time the method is called, a complete update (potentially consisting of updates to multiple child items) has been completed.
You would typically override this method to hide a loading indicator (after the initial load) or to complete a batch update to a UI element.
The FirebaseUI sample app overrides onDataChanged() to hide its "loading" indicator:
public void onDataChanged() {
// If there are no chat messages, show a view that invites the user to add a message.
mEmptyListMessage.setVisibility(getItemCount() == 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);

Android Studio Master Detail List onClick not working

I am new to android development so may be i am missing something elementary here, but after almost 2 days of googling I am still unable to figure out the cause.
I have followed the following article to create my project, except that I am invoking this activity from another activity when a button is clicked.
I have also created my own List adopter public class MyListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MyData> and in the getView() method of this adapter I am actually providing a different representation like below.
if (convertView == null) {
convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.my_list_view, parent, false);
this all works fine I am able to bind the data and its displaying the results on the list without any issues. Now I want to show the details of selected MyData when the user clicks on the list item, but this is just not working no matter what I try.
I have ensured that my activity is implementing the callback interface like below:
public class MyItemListActivity extends FragmentActivity
implements MyItemListFragment.Callbacks
and the callback itself is also very simple:
public interface Callbacks {
public void onItemSelected(MyData item);
also on my MyItemListFragment the onAttched is correctly hooked up mCallbacks = (Callbacks) activity;
What I really notice is that the following function is just not called when I click on the list item:
public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position, long id) {
super.onListItemClick(listView, view, position, id);
MyData data = DataContent.ITEMS.get(position);
// Notify the active callbacks interface (the activity, if the
// fragment is attached to one) that an item has been selected.
my fragment that displays the list item looks like this:
<fragment xmlns:android=""
tools:layout="#android:layout/list_content" />
and the actual custom adapter view my_list_view looks like below:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="match_parent" >....</RelativeLayout>
I can see that its missing the android:onClick tag here, but not sure if that is the cause and also who needs to implement this handler as there is no direct context on this layout.
Any help is really appreciated.

