Scan with wifi direct other device - android

Is it possible when scanning for devices/peers with WiFi Direct onDnsSdServiceAvailable, onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable to scan more than just instanceName, serviceType, deviceNAme e.t.c but a value set by you. What I am saying is if there is any way for me to set a string and then when the host scans the device to scan that as well.

Not when you are scanning for devices/peers as you asked but when you are scanning for Services. Which I guess is what you are doing since you mentioned the corresponding methods.
In the part where you instantiate the Service you can set a record which is a map<String,String>, this record will be send to devices discovering the service in the method onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable.
So what you should try is setting the record in the WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo whit the key's you want and when you are discovering services you should look for the values in the map you get in onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable.
This is all taken from Using Wi-Fi P2P Services.
I hope this helps

No you can't do this, since WiFi-Direct protocol doesn't support this. Instead, you may embed your string in device/service names.


Which method is called when someone tries to connect using WifiP2PManager.connect(Channel, WifiP2pConfig,ActionListener)?

I am tring to setup WIFI P2P on 2 devices using
manager.addLocalService(channel, service, ActionListener)
and then connect both devices using
manager.connect(channel, config, ActionListener).
I would like to know which method is called before the popup to accept/reject connection is shown on the target device. All I was able to find was onConnectionInfoAvailable(WifiP2pInfo p2pInfo), but it is called after the connection is established.
I basically want to receive the "instance name" of the device trying to connect to me using WIFI P2P and then reject the connection request without showing system dialog(that allows the user to accept/reject connection).
I can't anything that can help me do this on docs or any other place. If anyone knows how to do it or can point me in the right direction then please let me know.
I solved it. I can put the instancename and devicename (of device I want to connect to) in Map that is passed when setting up service. From other device I can retrieve map of all devices available using this and find the instancename of one I need.

TXT Record from a Wifi Direct Printer

I'm trying to get TXT Records from Wifi Direct Printers nearby. So far, I can discover peers and establish a connection. But no luck with TXT Records.
I tried Wifi Direct Service Discovery, and I believe I did everything properly since I compared lots of codes from different resources including sample projects from Google and some open source Wifi Direct Wrappers in GitHub. But I couldn't make it work.
I've also seen some weird issues while trying to achieve that. e.g in some devices, when I start the peer discovery, Wifi Connection started to be turned off and on constantly.
Can someone explain how this actually works ? are DnsSdServiceResponseListener and DnsSdTxtRecordListener made for Android devices rather than Printers ?
I've also tried to listen the MultiCast DNS IP Address ( with a MulticastSocket after establishing the connection between Android and Wifi Direct Printer, but I couldn't receive any data as well.
I used "DnsSdServiceResponseListener" and "DnsSdTxtRecordListener" successfully in my current project. Both listeners are associated to discovering local services nearby.
To use them properly, you have to do the following:
Implement your listeners
WifiP2pManager.DnsSdServiceResponseListener dnsListener = new WifiP2pManager.DnsSdServiceResponseListener() {
public void onDnsSdServiceAvailable(String instanceName, String registrationType, WifiP2pDevice device) {
// instanceName is service name and device is the print information
WifiP2pManager.DnsSdTxtRecordListener txtListener = new WifiP2pManager.DnsSdTxtRecordListener() {
public void onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable(String fullDomain, Map record, WifiP2pDevice device) {
// here we get the service published information in the record map object
Add the listeners to your WiFiManager object
wifiP2PManagerObj.setDnsSdResponseListeners(mChannel, dnsListener, txtListener);
Add service request
WifiP2pDnsSdServiceRequest serviceRequest = WifiP2pDnsSdServiceRequest.newInstance();
wifiP2PManagerObj.addServiceRequest(mChannel,serviceRequest, actionListener);
Finally, discover services
After discover services is executed successfully, the listeners should receive the nearby services information.
Hope this helps.
Wifi direct supported printers don't have any published services by default. To use them you have to connect to them via wifi direct and print normally as its a printer connected to your network. Note that those listeners are meant to capture published services (i.e will not capture anything for any device unless its publishing a service).
I think you will need to run Bonjour discovery once the connection is established. You can see NSD and look for "_ipp._tcp" as the service type. By the way,
for "I've also seen some weird issues while trying to achieve that. e.g in some devices, when I start the peer discovery, Wifi Connection started to be turned off and on constantly." if you're testing on a 7.1 device you might be seeing this issue, for which a patch should be coming soon.

Discovering vendor-specific bluetooth devices only

Need to discover or search for Bluetooth devices of certain "vendor-specific" devices.
"vendor-specific" means all devices will have similar starting bits in their "MAC" address
For example, I want to search only for devices whose MAC address starts with 12:34:56:
It should search only for specific series of MAC addresses and list them.
Perform a full discovery, then filter using BluetoothDevice.getAddress()
// Define Vendor ID Prefix
public static final String VENDOR_ID = "12:34:56:"
// First, do a full discovery...
// Then, for each device returned from discovery...
if ( device.getAddress().startsWith(VENDOR_ID) ) {
// Do Something
My Explanation will be based on the BluetoothChat example from the Android SDK, hopefully this is ok, otherwise I would need to write a lot more. If you haven't seen the BluetoothChat example, go take a look, it's really nice!
If you want to use a device where you don't know the complete adress, you'll have to do a complete discovery with BluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery() and search the received addresses for the ones you want to.
If you know the complete address of the device you want to connect to you can directly connect to this device with BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address)

get bluetooth device leave the connection

I have a bluetooth device , I want to know how to obtain the method when connected Bluetooth device is out of range
like code
//if bluetooth is Not in the range of connection
Please give me some solution
To check whether a bluetooth device is connected or not you can use intent filters to listen to the ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED, ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED, and ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED broadcasts. For more details please check this post How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2)
There is no internal method like DeviceNotInRange() {} hence you need to work it out by creating your customized method. You need to create a method that keep searching on a regular interval and when device is not in range, you can raise an Alert or sound for intimation.

Reading the values from OBD II Bluetooth adapter in the android application

Can anyone give me an idea on how to read the values from the OBD II Bluetooth adapter in an android application.
I want to start with scanning for the bluetooth devices from my android application, then after bluetooth device is found, how would I interact with it and get the values from it?
You should start by reading this
it contains step by step procedure .
add required permissions,
make a bt adapter,
then find paired/unpaired devices
I used the BluetoothChat Application and was able to get some basic communications, I am not moving into data logging. You can use this application to have a sort of instant messenger conversation with your ECM.
What particular dongle are you using?
Do you know what protocols are in use within your vehicle?
Download the BluetoothChat sample application -
They will have already handled the intricacies of the connection for you, you will have to change the UUID in order to connect with your device - 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
Read up on your particular dongle, some require the return character to be sentat the end of every command "\r"
This should get you started!
Once you have made the Bluetooth connection using the android bluetooth api, use the transport to send and receive data via the Bluetooth channel.
This is new developer resource document:
The general workflow of the application functionality should go like this:
1) connect to the OBDII adapter through Bluetooth;
2) initialize OBDII adapter with AT commands;
3) continuously get data from the vehicle through issuing the corresponding PID codes.
This article also may be helpful.

