How to scale with the camera in Libgdx - android

I am trying to render a Sprite onto my phone screen. My world has a size of 100x100 units and I would like to split it into 10 equal rectangles (10 x 100 units each).
Each of them will be viewed as full screen and I want the camera to be able to scroll from one to another according to the character movement (as the character in the game reaches the halfway width of the rectangle).
The problem is that the camera zooms in too much to the Sprite area and the Sprite rendered doesn't respect the aspect ratio of the PNG file.
Should I use a shape render object such as a rectangle which would be the same size as the phone screen and fill the rectangle with parts of the Sprite, then somehow scale this shape render rectangle in order to preserve the aspect ratio of the PNG file?
Please advise me as to what is best?

If you do not specify units then Orthographic camera has a accessible zoom field. But it is always best to specify what you want exactly.
If you want to have 10 "things" next to eachother and fitting on the camera I would just specify that.
int thingsWidth = 1; //1 could stand for meter
int amountOfThings = 10;
//give you texture/image/sprite the width of "thingsWidth"
public void resize(float width, float height)
float camWidth = thingsWidth * amountOfThings;
//You probably want to keep the aspect ration of the window
float camHeight = camWidth * ((float)height / (float)width);
camera.viewportWidth = camWidth;
camera.viewportHeight = camHeight;
This is basically how the camera works with a regular screenViewport since we did not specify a specific viewport.
I'm not sure what you want to achieve exactly but Scene2D Table could work in your favor too. You just set table.setFillParent(true); then add 10 of your images to the table using something like table.add(someActor).expand().fill(). Now all your actors will fully expand and fill vertical and share the horizontal space. Now it does not matter how you setup your camera since the table takes care of the layout.


Screens, resolutions, cameras, viewports chaos

I have read a few articles about resolutions, screens, viewports and cameras on the mobile phone, but I am much more confused now, that I were before. Could you please help me to keep up with issue and handle it, as currently I am working on mobile game, but without any success. I am using LibGDX.
Regarding to answer below I changed my program (thanks for explanation Xoppa :)
New piece of code:
public void create () {
orthographicCamera = new OrthographicCamera();
fillViewport = new FillViewport(960, 600, orthographicCamera);
orthographicCamera.position.set(orthographicCamera.viewportWidth * 0.5f, orthographicCamera.viewportHeight * 0.5f, 0);
public void render () {, 0.22f, 0.22f, 1);;
public void resize (int width, int height) {
fillViewport.update(960, 600);
orthographicCamera.position.set(960 * 0.5f, 600 * 0.5f, 0);
But the result is the same.
Two small dots are my players. :(
Even if I change the Viewport resolution, size of my players do not change. The only thing that change was visible resolution of viewport, behind it I do not see mz players. I sketeched it for better imagination (values are just for imagination).
Physics body of my players:
public Character(Vector2 startPosition) {
BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
bodyDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody;
// Create our body in the world using our body definition
body = Physic.gameWorld.createBody(bodyDef);
// Create a circle shape and set its radius to 6
CircleShape circle = new CircleShape();
circle.setPosition(new Vector2());
// Create a fixture definition to apply our shape to
FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
fixtureDef.shape = circle;
fixtureDef.density = 1f;
// Create our fixture and attach it to the body
Even if I change the radius of the circle, body will need much more energy to manipulate with and also body is not big enough. Of course I can not set the radius to value which is more than 10f as Box2D doc not recommended it.
But I do not see anything, when I run it, or created physical world objects are too small or flattened (physical world configuration and initialization is good I think; radius of circle physical objects are 0.39). Or am I missing something in the code, some statements or anything else?
But I think I have problem with correct understanding of mentioned issues.
Could you please help me with this or explain it?
First make sure to understand what a camera and viewport is and does. Perhaps this example might help:
Imagine that you're in the park and take a photo with your camera/smartphone of a tree and a bench. The bench is e.g. 3 meters wide and half a meter in height and depth. The tree might be e.g. half a meter wide and 10 meters in height. Now if you look at the photo on the screen of your camera/smartphone, then you'll see that the bench is no longer 3 meters wide, instead it is just a few millimeters wide. The actual size depends on how you've setup your camera (e.g. zoom) as well as the resolution of the photo (in pixels) and the density of the screen you're watching it on.
So practically in the example above the bench and the tree have two different sizes: the actual size in the park in the physical world and the size on the screen you're watching the photo on. Of course the tree and the bench don't actually shrink depending on the photo, they stay the same size. The size on the photo is only the size of the projection of the tree and the bench.
Projection is practically transforming world objects onto the screen, based on various camera settings (like zoom, position, etc.).
The park is much bigger than only the portion you've taken the photo of. When you took the photo you decided which portion of the park (the physical world) you want to project onto the photo. Let's call this the park's viewport.
Likewise you also don't have infinite storage to project the photo, you'll have to define the portion (the resolution of the photo) you want to project onto. Let's call this the photo's viewport.
The park's viewport is expressed in real world units, like meters or inches e.g. The photo's viewport is expressed in pixels (the resolution you've set it to).
When making a game you typically aren't making a photo but rendering to screen. Therefor the photo's viewport is then called the screen viewport. And when making a game your park might not even exist, your game world is virtual. Therefor the park's viewport is then called the virtual viewport.
On a small side-note: pixels are always integers, therefor screenviewport is always expressed in int. World units like meters or inches can be fractional, therefor virtualviewport is always expressed in float.
The Camera class of libgdx does exactly what is described above, it performs the the projection of your virtual world onto the screen. However, in practice that comes with some problems. E.g. not every screen has the same aspect ratio. Therefor you need to define how you want to cope with differences in aspect ratio. E.g. add black bars, expand the virtual world or stretch it, etc.
The Viewport class of libgdx solves that problem by implementation various strategies you can choose from on how to define your virtualviewport and screenviewport. To do this it encapsulates (and manages) a camera for you.
In your code you've given it a OrthographicCamera in the constructor to manage, which is typically used for 2D games. The virtualviewport you've set the OrthographicCamera to in the constructor is overwritten though. Because you've chosen to use a ScreenViewport. This is an implementation that makes the virtualviewport (the portion of the park) the same as the screenviewport (the portion of the screen).
It is very unlikely that you want to use that viewport implementation. Instead you probably want to use e.g. a FillViewport:
public void create () {
viewport = new FillViewport(50f, 50f);
This creates a virtualviewport that grows if needed to maintain aspect ratio. The 50 by 50 is in world units, e.g. meters or inches.
Now we need to tell the viewport which screenviewport to use. This depends on the size of the screen of the device and is therefor best set in the resize method.
public void resize (int width, int height) {
viewport.update(width, height);
All other code of these methods of you can be removed, you dont need them. You dont need to update the camera in your render method. You can just use the viewport as you normally would. And if you need access to the camera directly (but not to modify it, only to read e.g. its projection matrix), then you can use:

How can I code my game to work on every resolution of Android devices? (with Unity)

I have a game what I made in 480x320 resolution (I have set it in the build settings) in Unity. But I would like to publish my game for every Android device with every resolution. How can I do it, to tell Unity to scale my game up to the device's resolution? Is it possible to do?
Thanks in advance!
The answer to your question largely depends on how you've implemented the game. If you've created it using GUI textures, then it largely depends on how you've placed/sized your objects versus screen size, which makes things a little tricky.
If the majority of your game is done using objects (such as planes, cubes, etc) then there's two methods I usually choose to use.
1) First method is very easy to implement, though doesn't always look too good. You can simply change the camera's aspect ratio to match the one you've designed your game around. So in your case, since you've designed your game at 4:3, you'd do something like this:
Camera.aspect = 4f/3f;
However, if someone's playing on a screen meant for 16:9, the game will end up looking distorted and stretched.
2) The second method isn't as easy, requiring quite a bit of work and calculations, but will give a much cleaner looking result for you. If you're using an orthographic camera, one important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of what screen resolution is being used, the orthographic camera keeps the height at a set height and only changes the width. For example, with an orthographic camera at a size of 10, the height will be set to 2. With this in mind what you'd need to do is compensate for the widest possible camera within each level (for example, have a wide background) or dynamically change the Orthographic Size of the camera until its width matches what you've created.
If you've done a 3d game with a stereoscopic camera , screen resolution shouldn't really affect how it looks, but I guess that depends on the game, so more info would be required
The way i did is to change camera viewport according to device aspect ratio
Consider you made the game for 800x1280
The you can do this in any one of the script
float xFactor = Screen.width / 800f;
float yFactor = Screen.height / 1280f;
Camera.main.rect=new Rect(0,0,1,xFactor/yFactor);
and this works like magic
A easy way to do this is considering your target, I mean if you're doing a game for Iphone 5 then the aspect ratio is 9:16 v or 16:9 h.
public float targetRatio = 9f/16f; //The aspect ratio you did for the game.
void Start()
Camera cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
cam.aspect = targetRatio;
Here is my script for scaling the ortographic camera in 2D games
public float screenHeight = 1920f;
public float screenWidth = 1080f;
public float targetAspect = 9f / 16f;
public float orthographicSize;
private Camera mainCamera;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Initialize variables
mainCamera = Camera.main;
orthographicSize = mainCamera.orthographicSize;
// Calculating ortographic width
float orthoWidth = orthographicSize / screenHeight * screenWidth;
// Setting aspect ration
orthoWidth = orthoWidth / (targetAspect / mainCamera.aspect);
// Setting Size
Camera.main.orthographicSize = (orthoWidth / Screen.width * Screen.height);
I assume it's 2D instead of 3D, this what I do:
Create a Canvas object
Set the Canvas Scaler to Scale with Screen Size
Set the Reference Resolution to for example: 480x320
Set the Screen Match Mode to match width or height
Set the match to 1 if your current screen width is smaller (0 if height is smaller)
Create an Image as background inside the Canvas
Add Aspect Ratio Fitter script
Set the Aspect Mode to Fit in Parent (so the UI anchor can be anywhere)
Set the Aspect Ratio to 480/320 = 1.5
And add this snippet on main Canvas' Awake method:
var canvasScaler = GetComponent<CanvasScaler>();
var ratio = Screen.height / (float) Screen.width;
var rr = canvasScaler.referenceResolution;
canvasScaler.matchWidthOrHeight = (ratio < rr.x / rr.y) ? 1 : 0;
//Make sure to add Using Unity.UI on top of your Aspect Ratio Script!
For 3D objects you can use any of the answers above
The best solution for me is to use the theorem of intersecting lines so that there is neither a cut-off on the sides nor a distortion of the game view. That means that you have to step back or forward depending on the different aspect ratio.
If you like, I have an asset on the Unity asset store which automatically corrects the camera distance so you never have a distortion or a cut off no matter which handheld device you are using.

strange behaviour of live wallpaper in preview [duplicate]

I am learning how to make live wallpapers, but I have a dilemma I'm sure all who start off have as well.
There is so many resolution screen sizes, how can I just make one set of artwork to be rescaled in code for all versions? I know it's been done as I seen the images in the apk's on a lot of them and they get rescaled.
If it was just one image that did not need any positioning that would be easy, but my problem is I have to get the background image rescaled to fit all devices, I also have animations that fit in a certain x and y position on that background image to fit in place so it looks like the whole background is being animated but only parts of it is (my way of staying away from 300 images of frame by frame live wallpapers).
So the background image needs to be rescaled and the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position.
Any help would be appreciated so I can get this going.
I tired a few things, figured I would make a scaler for everything example: int scaler; then in onSurfaceChanged scaler = width /1024; //if the bigger image is 1024. that will give me a ratio to work with everywhere. then scale accordingly using scaleBitmap by multiplying the scaler by the image height and width, and also use the same scaler for positioning example image x lets say is at 50, scale it using the same thing x = scaler * 50; that should take care of scaling and positioning, just how to translate all this into java is the next lesson, since I'm new to java, I used to program for flash and php but this is a lot different, take some getting used to. Next thing is how to pan the width, when you move your screen from side to side how to make the image show is the next puzzle I have figure out. Right now it just shows the same width no matter what even though the width is double what the surface shows. If you got an answer or somewhere I can find out the info on this one that would be greatly appreciated.
Well, um, all I can say is "Welcome to the real world." You get your screen dimensions passed to you via onSurfaceChanged, and yes, it is your job to figure out how to scale everything based on this data. That's why they pay us the big bucks. :-)
You will want to make sure your resources are large enough to fit the biggest display you intend to support, so you will always be shrinking things (which distorts much less than expanding things).
Suggest starting with "best practices for screen independence" here:
Additional comments in re your request for more help...
You cannot (necessarily) scale your artwork just using the width, because you need to support multiple aspect ratios. If the screen proportions do not match your artwork, you must decide if you want to distort your artwork, leave blank spaces, etc.
I'm not sure how to interpret your trouble passing around the screen dimensions. Most of us put all of our active code within a single engine class, so our methods can share data via private variables. For example, in the Cube wallpaper in the SDK, onSurfaceChanged() sets mCenterX for later use in drawCube(). I suggest beginning with a similar, simple approach.
Handling scrolling takes some "intelligence" and a careful assessment of the data you receive via onOffsetsChanged(). xStep indicates how many screens your launcher supports. Normally xStep will be 0.25, indicating 5 screens (i.e. xOffset = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1) but it can be any value from 0 to 1; 0.5 would indicate 3 screens. xPixels gives you an indication of how much the launcher "wants" you to shift your imagery based on the screen you're on; normally you should respect this. On my phone, the launcher "desires" a virtual wallpaper with twice the pixels of the physical screen, so each scroll is supposed to shift things only one quarter of one screen's pixels. All this, and more, is documented in
This is not "easy" coding--apps are easier than wallpaper. :-)
Good luck...George
P.S. I'll throw in one more thing: somewhere along the line you might want to retrieve the "desired minimum width" of the wallpaper desired by the launcher, so you can explicitly understand the virtualization implicit in xPixels. For example, in my engine constructor, I have
mContext = getApplicationContext();
mWM = WallpaperManager.getInstance(mContext);
mDW = mWM.getDesiredMinimumWidth();
My device has 320 pixel width; I get mDW = 640; as I scroll from screen to screen, xPixels changes by 80 each time...because four scrolls (across five screens) is supposed to double the amount of revealed artwork (this effect is called "parallax scrolling"). The rightmost section has xPixels equals 0; the center (of five) sections has xPixels = -160, etc.
I've used this code snippet to scale one image to fit on different screen sizes.
Bitmap image1, pic1;
image1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image1);
float xScale = (float) canvas.getWidth() / image1.getWidth();
float yScale = (float) canvas.getHeight() / image1.getHeight();
float scale = Math.max(xScale, yScale); //selects the larger size to grow the images by
//scale = (float) (scale*1.1); //this allows for ensuring the image covers the whole screen.
scaledWidth = scale * image1.getWidth();
scaledHeight = scale * image1.getHeight();
pic1 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image1, (int)scaledWidth, (int)scaledHeight, true);
Make sure that the edges don't contain vital information as it will be scaled out of the picture on some screen ratios.

android live wallpaper rescaling

I am learning how to make live wallpapers, but I have a dilemma I'm sure all who start off have as well.
There is so many resolution screen sizes, how can I just make one set of artwork to be rescaled in code for all versions? I know it's been done as I seen the images in the apk's on a lot of them and they get rescaled.
If it was just one image that did not need any positioning that would be easy, but my problem is I have to get the background image rescaled to fit all devices, I also have animations that fit in a certain x and y position on that background image to fit in place so it looks like the whole background is being animated but only parts of it is (my way of staying away from 300 images of frame by frame live wallpapers).
So the background image needs to be rescaled and the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position.
Any help would be appreciated so I can get this going.
I tired a few things, figured I would make a scaler for everything example: int scaler; then in onSurfaceChanged scaler = width /1024; //if the bigger image is 1024. that will give me a ratio to work with everywhere. then scale accordingly using scaleBitmap by multiplying the scaler by the image height and width, and also use the same scaler for positioning example image x lets say is at 50, scale it using the same thing x = scaler * 50; that should take care of scaling and positioning, just how to translate all this into java is the next lesson, since I'm new to java, I used to program for flash and php but this is a lot different, take some getting used to. Next thing is how to pan the width, when you move your screen from side to side how to make the image show is the next puzzle I have figure out. Right now it just shows the same width no matter what even though the width is double what the surface shows. If you got an answer or somewhere I can find out the info on this one that would be greatly appreciated.
Well, um, all I can say is "Welcome to the real world." You get your screen dimensions passed to you via onSurfaceChanged, and yes, it is your job to figure out how to scale everything based on this data. That's why they pay us the big bucks. :-)
You will want to make sure your resources are large enough to fit the biggest display you intend to support, so you will always be shrinking things (which distorts much less than expanding things).
Suggest starting with "best practices for screen independence" here:
Additional comments in re your request for more help...
You cannot (necessarily) scale your artwork just using the width, because you need to support multiple aspect ratios. If the screen proportions do not match your artwork, you must decide if you want to distort your artwork, leave blank spaces, etc.
I'm not sure how to interpret your trouble passing around the screen dimensions. Most of us put all of our active code within a single engine class, so our methods can share data via private variables. For example, in the Cube wallpaper in the SDK, onSurfaceChanged() sets mCenterX for later use in drawCube(). I suggest beginning with a similar, simple approach.
Handling scrolling takes some "intelligence" and a careful assessment of the data you receive via onOffsetsChanged(). xStep indicates how many screens your launcher supports. Normally xStep will be 0.25, indicating 5 screens (i.e. xOffset = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1) but it can be any value from 0 to 1; 0.5 would indicate 3 screens. xPixels gives you an indication of how much the launcher "wants" you to shift your imagery based on the screen you're on; normally you should respect this. On my phone, the launcher "desires" a virtual wallpaper with twice the pixels of the physical screen, so each scroll is supposed to shift things only one quarter of one screen's pixels. All this, and more, is documented in
This is not "easy" coding--apps are easier than wallpaper. :-)
Good luck...George
P.S. I'll throw in one more thing: somewhere along the line you might want to retrieve the "desired minimum width" of the wallpaper desired by the launcher, so you can explicitly understand the virtualization implicit in xPixels. For example, in my engine constructor, I have
mContext = getApplicationContext();
mWM = WallpaperManager.getInstance(mContext);
mDW = mWM.getDesiredMinimumWidth();
My device has 320 pixel width; I get mDW = 640; as I scroll from screen to screen, xPixels changes by 80 each time...because four scrolls (across five screens) is supposed to double the amount of revealed artwork (this effect is called "parallax scrolling"). The rightmost section has xPixels equals 0; the center (of five) sections has xPixels = -160, etc.
I've used this code snippet to scale one image to fit on different screen sizes.
Bitmap image1, pic1;
image1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image1);
float xScale = (float) canvas.getWidth() / image1.getWidth();
float yScale = (float) canvas.getHeight() / image1.getHeight();
float scale = Math.max(xScale, yScale); //selects the larger size to grow the images by
//scale = (float) (scale*1.1); //this allows for ensuring the image covers the whole screen.
scaledWidth = scale * image1.getWidth();
scaledHeight = scale * image1.getHeight();
pic1 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image1, (int)scaledWidth, (int)scaledHeight, true);
Make sure that the edges don't contain vital information as it will be scaled out of the picture on some screen ratios.

Android - determine specific locations (X,Y coordinates) on a Bitmap on different resolutions?

My app that I am trying to create is a board game. It will have one bitmap as the board and pieces that will move to different locations on the board. The general design of the board is square, has a certain number of columns and rows and has a border for looks. Think of a chess board or scrabble board.
Before using bitmaps, I first created the board and boarder by manually drawing it - drawLine & drawRect. I decided how many pixels in width the border would be based on the screen width and height passed in on "onSizeChanged". The remaining screen I divided by the number of columns or rows I needed.
For examples sake, let's say the screen dimensions are 102 x 102.
I may have chosen to set the border at 1 and set the number of rows & columns at 10. That would leave 100 x 100 left (reduced by two to account for the top & bottom border, as well as left/right border). Then with columns and rows set to 10, that would leave 10 pixels left for both height and width.
No matter what screen size is passed in, I store exactly how many pixels in width the boarder is and the height & width of each square on the board. I know exactly what location on the screen to move the pieces to based on a simple formula and I know exactly what cell a user touched to make a move.
Now how does that work with bitmaps? Meaning, if I create 3 different background bitmaps, once for each density, won't they still be resized to fit each devices screen resolution, because from what I read there were not just 3 screen resolutions, but 5 and now with tablets - even more. If I or Android scales the bitmaps up or down to fit the current devices screen size, how will I know how wide the border is scaled to and the dimensions of each square in order to figure out where to move a piece or calculate where a player touched. So far the examples I have looked at just show how to scale the overall bitmap and get the overall bitmaps width and height. But, I don't see how to tell how many pixels wide or tall each part of the board would be after it was scaled. When I draw each line and rectangle myself based in the screen dimensions from onSizeChanged, I always know these dimensions.
If anyone has any sample code or a URL to point me to that I can a read about this with bitmaps, I would appreciate it.
BTW, here is some sample code (very simplified) on how I know the dimensions of my game board (border and squares) no matter the screen size. Now I just need to know how to do this with the board as a bitmap that gets scaled to any screen size.
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
intScreenWidth = w;
intScreenHeight = h;
// Set Border width - my real code changes this value based on the dimensions of w
// and h that are passed in. In other words bigger screens get a slightly larger
// border.
intOuterBorder = 1;
/** Reserve part of the board for the boardgame and part for player controls & score
My real code forces this to be square, but this is good enough to get the point
floatBoardHeight = intScreenHeight / 4 * 3;
// My real code actually causes floatCellWidth and floatCellHeight to
// be equal (Square).
floatCellWidth = (intScreenWidth - intOuterBorder * 2 ) / intNumColumns;
floatCellHeight = (floatBoardHeight - intOuterBorder * 2) / intNumRows;
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
I think I found the answer. I might not be able to find the exact width/height and location of each playable square within a single scaled bitmap, but by looking at the Snake example in the SDK, I see it doesn't create 1 bitmap for the entire board and scale it based on the screen dimensions - instead it creates a bitmap for each tile and then scales the tile based on the screen resolution and the number of tiles wanted on the screen - just like I do when I draw the board manually. With this method, I should be able find the exact pixel boundaries for all of the playable squares on the board. I just have to break the board into multiple bitmaps for each square. I probably will have to do a similar approach for the borders, so I can detect their width/height as well after scaling.
Now I will test it to verify, but I expect it to work based on what I saw in the Snake SDK example.
I tested a way to do what I was asking and it seems to work. Here is what I did:
I created a 320 x 320 bitmap for a board. It was made up of a border and squares (like a chess board). The border was 10 pixels in width all the way around the board. The squares were 20 x 20 pixels.
I detected the width and height of the screen through onSizeChanged. On a 480 x 800 display, I would set the new width for the board to be 480 x 480 and use the following code to scale the whole thing:
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
floatBoardWidth = w;
floatBoardHeight = floatBoardWidth;
bitmapScaledBoard = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapBoard, (int)floatBoardWidth, (int)floatBoardHeight, true);
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
Now in order to detect how many pixels wide the border was scaled to and how many pixels in height & width the squares were scaled to, I first calculated how much the over all image was scaled. I knew the bitmap was 320 x 320, since I created it. I used the following formula to calculate how much the image was scaled:
floatBoardScale = floatScreenWidth / 320;
In the case of a 480 width screen, floatBoardScale equals: 1.5. Then to calculate what my border within the full bitmap was scaled to, I did:
floatBorderWidth = 10 * floatBoardScale;
10 was the original border width in my 320 x 320 bitmap. In my final code I won't hardcode values, I will use variables. Anyway, in the case of this formula, the new calculated border width should be: 15
When I multiplied the same scale factor to the board squares (that were 20 x 20 in the original bitmap) I got new values of 30 x 30. When I used those values in my formulas to calculate what square a person touched, it worked. I touched every corner of the squares and in the center and it always calculated the right location. Which is important, so no matter what the screen resolution, I know where the user wanted to move a piece and visually it shows up in the right location.
I hope this helps anyone who may have had the same question. Also, if anyone has a better method of accomplishing the same thing, please post it.
A couple things. First, start reading about how to support multiple screens. Pay close attention to learning about dips and how they work.
Next, watch this video (at least the first 15-20 minutes of it).
This subject isn't a cakewalk to grasp. I found it best to start playing around inside my code. I would suggest creating a surfaceview and start messing around with some bitmaps, different emulators (screen sizes and densities), and the different types of drawable folders.
Unfortunately, there is more to this topic than I think Google wants to admit, and while it's definitely do-able is isn't simple to get started on it for some types of applications.
Finally, you should consider boiling down your question to be more straight forward if you aren't looking for an abstract answer (like this one).
Good luck!

