Texture2dProgram - where is the glUniform for sTexture defined - android

looking at the code in Texture2dProgram.java I cannot find the where the uniform for sTexture is defined. Others like aPosition are defined in the constructor.
Being a novice in opengl it looks like the fragment shader uses the current texture unit and a texture is bound to that texture unit so is sTexture a default pre defined name.

There is nothing magic about sTexture. It's a sampler2D, which has a default value of 0 (or GL_TEXTURE0), which is what we want. There's no need to change its value, hence no need to get the uniform address.


GLES20 Texturing - do I glUniform1i(uniformLoc, txtUnit) before or after glActiveTexture() + glBindTexture()?

Let's say I play a video on a GLSurfaceView with a custom renderer, and in said renderer I use a fragment shader that takes an extra texture for lookup filtering. Said fragment shader looks as follows:
#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require
precision mediump float;
uniform samplerExternalOES u_Texture;
uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture2;
varying highp vec2 v_TexCoordinate;
void main()
vec3 texel = texture2D(u_Texture, v_TexCoordinate).rgb;
texel = vec3(
texture2D(inputImageTexture2, vec2(texel.r, .16666)).r,
texture2D(inputImageTexture2, vec2(texel.g, .5)).g,
texture2D(inputImageTexture2, vec2(texel.b, .83333)).b
gl_FragColor = vec4(texel, 1.0);
In the onDrawFrame() function, after the glUseProgram() call, I have the onPreDrawFrame() function that basically binds said texture into the shader's uniform. It currently looks like this:
public void onPreDrawFrame()
if (filterSourceTexture2 != -1 && filterInputTextureUniform2 != -1) {
GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, filterSourceTexture2);
GLES20.glUniform1i(filterInputTextureUniform2, 2);
filterSourceTexture2 is the texture unit corresponding to the extra texture.
What I'm confused of is that if I put the glUniform1i() call before glActiveTexture(), it still works fine, but most of the tutorials I've seen put the glUniform1i() call like the above code.
So which is recommended?
The 2 make no difference. What you pass through the uniform is which active texture should be used in the fragment shader. Next to that you need to bind the texture id to the actual active texture. So the only order you will see here is that active texture must be called before binding.
Now in most cases you will see the same sequence as already mentioned: active, bind, set uniform. But when it comes to optimizing the code this will change:
Since you might want to decrease the traffic to the GPU you will want to reduce redundant calls to uniforms. A single uniform call will not benefit you much but still... You will initialize the shader and then set all the default uniforms so you will not set them on every draw frame call. In your case that means you will have 2 textures and for the first one this will always be active texture 0 and for the second one always active texture 1. So set the 2 uniforms first and then once you need to bind the new textures simply do that, preferably not in every draw call.
Some other implementations include that you have a custom shader object which remembers what your previous setting was so it will not send the same value to the shader again:
if(this.myUniform != newValue) {
this.myUniform = newValue;
GLES20.glUniform1i(filterInputTextureUniform2, newValue);
But the problem is this system may in the end be slower then if you actually just set the uniform again.
So the actual answer to which is recommended: I recommend setting the uniform first in some initialization if possible which means the sequence is not even in the same method. But if they are in the same method I suggest you to set the uniform last due to the readability but that would mean setup both textures first (active plus bind) and then set the 2 uniforms one after the other.
And just a note about "most tutorials":
Most of the tutorials you will find are designed to show you how the API works. They are designed for you to be able to easily identified what calls must be made and in which order (if any). This leads to usually having all the code in a single source file which should not be done for real applications. Remember to build your tools as you see fit and separate them into different classes. In the end your "on draw" method should have no more then 50 lines no matter the size of the project or scenes you are drawing.

Changing camera position in OpenGL ES 2.0

I'm developing an app for Android devices using OpenGL ES 2.0 and am having trouble understanding how to move my camera - (ultimately, I'm attempting to produce a 'screen shaking' effect - so I need all currently rendered objects to move in unison).
So, at the moment, I have a SpriteBatch class which I use to batch up a load of entities and render them all in a single OpenGL call.
Within this class, I have my vertex and fragment shaders.
So, I simply create an instance of this class for my objects..... something like:
SpriteBatch tileSet1 = new SpriteBatch(100); //100 tiles
I'll then render it like this:
Within my GLSurfaceView class (in onSurfaceChanged), I am setting up my view like this:
//offsetX, offsetY, width and height are all valid and previously declared)
GLES20.glViewport(offsetX, offsetY, width, height);
Matrix.orthoM(mProjMatrix, 0, -ratio, ratio, -1, 1, 3, 7);
Then, within my onDrawFrame() method, I simply call all of my logic and rendering like this:
(Obviously, my game loop has been greatly simplified for the purpose of this question).
I really am not sure where I'm supposed to put Matrix.setLookAtM.
I've tried placing it into my 'GLSufaceView' class - again, in onSurfaceChanged, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. How does setLookAtM work in relation to the shaders? I ask because my shaders are in my 'SpriteBatch' class and belong to instances of that class (I could be misunderstanding this completely though).
If any more code is required, please ask and I will post.
Would appreciate a pointer in the right direction.
Calls like Matrix.orthoM() and Matrix.setLookAtM() do not change your OpenGL state at all. They are just utility methods to calculate matrices. They set values in the matrix passed to them as the first argument, and nothing else.
Applying those matrices to your OpenGL rendering is a separate task. The main steps you need for this in a typical use case are:
Declare a uniform variable of type mat4 in your vertex shader.
uniform mat4 ProjMat;
Use the matrix while transforming vertices in the vertex shader code:
gl_Position = ProjMat * ...;
In your Java code, get the location of the uniform variable after compiling and linking the shader:
int projMatLoc = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(progId, "ProjMat");
Calculate the desired matrix, and use it to set the value of the uniform variable:
Matrix.orthoM(projMat, ...);
GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(projMatLoc, 1, false, projMat, 0);
Note that uniform values have shader program scope. So if you have multiple shader programs that use the matrix, and want to change it for all of them, you'll have to make the glUniformMatrix4fv() call for each of them, after making it active with glUseProgram().

Texture Program - OpenGL ES 2.0 Android

After a lot of reading I was able to understand the steps needed to load a texture in OpenGL ES 2.0, but some question are still not answered:
What's the code below is actually doing?
glUniform1i(sampler2DLocation, 0);
If I erase this line from my code, nothing changes. Some books describe it as "Tell the texture uniform sampler to use this texture in the shader by telling it to read from texture unit 0"
This is called after the line:
But as stated in khronos.org the default active texture is GL_TEXTURE0, so I guess the line "glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);" code is just written as a good practice?
One last thing, when I call:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, genTextures[0]);
I'm saying that future calls that affect "GL_TEXTURE_2D" will affect the texture unit stored in genTextures[0], due the binding. But there is any relation between "GL_TEXTURE_2D" and the active texture unit? I mean, there is an intrinsic chain between the 03 "components"?
genTextures[0] <---> GL_TEXTURE_2D <---> the active texture unit
Thank you,
The reason why the code continues to work even if you remove the instruction "glUniform1i(sampler2DLocation, 0);" is due, possibly to the default value assigned by the driver when the uniform is not provided.
To better understand it I would need an example of the shared code and the way the uniform ID is taken but I am pretty sure that the instruction is there to say to the GPU through the shader to use the texture unit 0.
The effect of calling "glUniform1i(sampler2DLocation, 0);" says take texture unit 0.
The effect of not calling it, sets anyway the sampler uniform to 0 and therefore, even if not formally correct, has the same behavior.
According to OpenGL standard, you activate a texture unit with the glActivateTexture which requires the number of the texture unit and then you bind the texture with glbindtexture to that specific current texture unit.
In other words, first you set the texture unit you want to work on and then you tell to the driver which texture needs to be bound in it.
I hope this helps.

OpenGL ES 2.0: sharing constants between the main program and shader code

There is a constant I am using both in my main code (Android) and in the shader:
// Main code
private static final int XSIZE=16;
private float[] sinusoida = new float[XSIZE];
// shader
const int XSIZE = 16;
uniform float u_SinArray[XSIZE];
Both constants refer to the same thing, so obviously it would be optimal to share them and have one automatically change when you change the first one. Is that possible?
If you are asking whether the Java code and the shader code can literally access the same variable, then no. Especially if you are using a pre-compiled shader, the answer is no. If you are compiling the shader in your Java code, then you can simply use the Java constant to build the shader script (but it doesn't seem like that's what you're doing). An alternative would be to pass another uniform to the shader instead of using a constant. Assuming it wouldn't put you over the maximum number of uniforms in your shader, that is probably the safest way to go IMO.
To future readers, never mind the uniform suggestion. Uniforms are implicitly constant during execution, but not at compile time, which would be necessary for an array declaration.

Renderscript GLSL shader converting all uniforms to floats

When creating a custom shader in GLSL for renderscript the program builder seems to be converting all the members of structure I bind as uniform constants to floats or vec, regardless of what their specified type is. Also, I have a uniform that is reporting at compile time the following error: "Could not link program, L0010, Uniform "uniform name here" differ on precision.". I have the same named uniform in two different structures that separately bind to the vertex and fragment shaders.
Thanks for the answer to the second part. In regards to the first part I will try to be more clear. When building my shader programs in the java side, I bind constants to the program builders (both vertex and fragment) with the input being a the java variable that is bound to a renderscript structure. Everything works great, all my float variables are completely accessable as uniforms in the shader programs. However, if the structure has a member such as bool or int types and I attempt something such as if (i == UNI_memberInt) where i is an integer counter declared in the shader or if (UNI_memberBool) then I get errors along the lines of "cannot compare int to float" or "if() condition must be of a boolean type" which suggests to me that the data is not making it to the GLSL program intact. I can get around this by making them float values and using things like 0.0 since GLSL requires the float value of 0 to always be exact but it seems crude to me. Similar things occur if I try and use UNI_memberInt as a stop condition in a for loop.
Thanks for asking this at the developer hangout. Unfortunately an engineer on the Renderscript team doesn't quite understand the first part of your question. If you can clarify that would be great. As for the second part, it is a known bug.
Basically, if you have a uniform "foo" in both the vertex and fragment shader, the vertex shader is high precision, and the fragment shader is medium, which the GLSL compiler can't handle. Unfortunately, the solution is to not have any name collisions between the two.

