Android "opening ripple" effect - android

I am looking for the effect shown bellow
I can't name the effect so I am unable to look for any resources online. It looks like a ripple but when I search for that all I find are ripples on buttons etc.
Does anyone have any resources on the topic?

Your searches aren't working because that's not a "ripple" effect, but a "reveal" effect!
Here's a guide:

It is called the "Circular Reveal" animation and is detailed here:

When i tap “Attach” button of Whatsapp then it displays menu with circular animation. This effect is known as Circular Reveal Animation and Ripple Effect. See
Learn Android Material Design - Create Circular Reveal Animation And Ripple Effect like Whatsapp. Full source code is attache with article, so you can easily download it.


Animate Fab Button cross to mark

In my Android application I want to have a Floating Action Button to display a success state. I would like to have something like in the picture below:
But I have no idea how to animate the cross to the mark. Can someone please explain to me how I can do that? Is there maybe a library or something like that? Atm I'm using the default FAB from the design library.
This question got me interested in checking out AnimatedVectorDrawable, so I went ahead and made a small sample app that will achieve a similar animation, on github here.
Bad quality gif here.
Couple things to note: minimum SDK is set to 23 to make use of AnimationCallbacks for starting the 2nd animation, but you can achieve the same result using a Handler.postDelayed() with your animation durations to handle the drawable change and animation start. Since AnimatedDrawableCompat does not support path morphing, I needed two drawables to get the two different images.
Should be compatible with the Support Library AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat if you choose to use it as well.

How can I pull off the circular reveal ripple transition used in all the Material Design videos?

This video here perfectly explains the effect I am trying to replicate:
I am able to create a circular reveal as instructed in the documentation but I have no idea how to combine it with that color ripple.
Is there any suggestion on how to do this properly?

Animation for help overlay in Android Application

Is it possible to create animations to implement help layout for android applications as in the figure :
Desired Effect : The hand image should move and point to an icon.Then an effect like ripple is created.
How could we implement animations like this ?
Yes you can do this by using the ShowCase view library from this github link, it works pretty well and it is very customizable
Follow this link :
refer this :
Display overlay tooltip on the first run

Water Ripple Effect in android

I want to use water ripple effect in my application, which effect continue in touch area repeatedly,I have gone to may sample code available in site,but ripple seems pixelated.
Can any one please help me ,to implement live water ripple effect?.I found difficult to implement it.
I found this project, and it worked for me. it shows water ripple effect in One activity.

Android - How to create a shake effect like delete in iphone?

I have gridView which has lot of images and on clicking the edit button, I want the images to wobble just like : how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?. Appreciate any pointers to solve this issue.
You can start off by modeling the wobble effect as a combination of Animations that Android provides. You can then extend an ImageView and use an AnimationSet of this combination of Animations.
You can create an xml that defines how the ImageView will be animated, load the animation in code referencing this xml and then apply it. A brief documentation here.

