I am trying to display an image selected by a user using the ACTION_GET_CONTENT intent. I present the user with a chooser to select an image from any app that can respond to this intent.
Intent intent = new Intent();
if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Choose Photo"),
When I received the result in onActivityResult, I get the selected image's URI from Intent.GetData(). So far, so good.
Now, I want to display the selected image, and I want to make sure it is correctly oriented. For this, I am using ExifInterface, and falling back on MediaStore Orientation when that fails.
public static Bitmap obtainDecodedBitmap(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Uri sourceUri, Context context) {
Bitmap bitmap = null;
BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
try {
InputStream decodeInputStream = context.getContentResolver()
InputStream readInputStream = context.getContentResolver()
// Get the dimensions of the bitmap
bmOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(decodeInputStream, null, bmOptions);
int inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(bmOptions, targetWidth, targetHeight);
// Decode the image file into a Bitmap sized to fill the View
bmOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
bmOptions.inSampleSize = inSampleSize;
bmOptions.inPurgeable = true;
bmOptions.inDither = false;
bmOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(readInputStream, null, bmOptions);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (OutOfMemoryError outOfMemoryError) {
try {
ExifInterface ei = new ExifInterface(sourceUri.getPath());
int orientation = ei
.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED);
if (bitmap != null) {
switch (orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 90);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 180);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 270);
String[] orientationColumn = {MediaStore.Images.Media.ORIENTATION};
Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver()
.query(sourceUri, orientationColumn, null, null, null);
if (cur != null && cur.moveToFirst()) {
orientation = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex(orientationColumn[0]));
if (orientation != 0) {
bitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, orientation);
} catch (IOException e) {
return bitmap;
This seems to work fine for images chosen using the gallery app, but when selecting an image using Google Photos app, the ExifInterface cannot find the orientation, and the fallback method provides orientation as 0. When I display the image, it is not oriented correctly, but rather it is 90 degrees rotated.
Other apps, such as Twitter, correctly orient the same image in the same scenario (choosing the image from Google Photos). The Google Photos app is also displaying the image thumbnails in the orientation that I expect. What am I doing wrong?
This may appear to be a duplicate of get Path name from Uri Android Lollipop, but the situation isn't identical:
This is present in pre-lollipop devices.
I get the correct bitmap, so I know the URI is correct, the only issue is that it is incorrectly oriented.
I have tried most of the code on stackoverflow but none of them are working.
I am using moto x4 for uploading picture using camera. when I use back camera it gets rotated 90 degree left and when I use front camera it gets rotated 90 degree right. but in debug mode, in both case I found the orientation = 0;
else if (requestCode == CAMERA) {
Bitmap thumbnail = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");
String imagePath = saveImage(thumbnail);
File imageFile = new File(imagePath);
ExifInterface exif = null;
try {
exif = new ExifInterface(imageFile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException e) {
int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL);
bmap = GetandSetBitmap.rotateBitmap(thumbnail,orientation);
This probably has to do with the fact that one camera is by default in landscape and the other in reverse landscape, so orientation = 0, as the orientation is detected to be the normal one in both cases. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution that wouldn't involve manually rotating the image to cover all cases. Personally I've used a switch to cater for the cases where my photo was saved with a 90 degrees rotation:
ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface(pictureFile.getPath());
int orientation = exifInterface.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED);
Bitmap correctedBitmap;
switch(orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
correctedBitmap = bitmap;
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
correctedBitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 90);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
correctedBitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 180);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL:
correctedBitmap = rotateImage(bitmap, 270);
} catch (IOException e) {
public static Bitmap rotateImage(Bitmap source, float angle) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
return Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(),
matrix, true);
In your case, you would need to detect if the photo is taken from the front-facing camera or the back and adjust the values accordingly.
I am trying to adapt Microsoft's projectOxford EmotionApi's image-auto rotater code. Each image taken by the device camera is analyzed for its angle, and then rotated to the correct landscape view to be analyzed by the emotion API.
My question is : how would I adapt the code below to take a Bitmap as an argument? I am also completely lost as to the role of the Content Resolver and ExitInterface in this case. Any help is well appreciated.
private static int getImageRotationAngle(
Uri imageUri, ContentResolver contentResolver) throws IOException {
int angle = 0;
Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(imageUri,
new String[] { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.ORIENTATION }, null, null, null);
if (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.getCount() == 1) {
angle = cursor.getInt(0);
} else {
ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(imageUri.getPath());
int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(
switch (orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
angle = 270;
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
angle = 180;
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
angle = 90;
return angle;
// Rotate the original bitmap according to the given orientation angle
private static Bitmap rotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int angle) {
// If the rotate angle is 0, then return the original image, else return the rotated image
if (angle != 0) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
return Bitmap.createBitmap(
bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
} else {
return bitmap;
how would I adapt the code below to take a Bitmap as an argument?
You can't.
I am also completely lost as to the role of the Content Resolver and ExitInterface in this case
The code in your question uses the EXIF Orientation tag to determine the orientation that should be applied to the image, as reported by the camera that took the photo (or whatever set that tag). ExifInterface is code to read EXIF tags. ExifInterface needs to work with the actual JPEG data, not a decoded Bitmap — a Bitmap no longer has the EXIF tags.
The ContentResolver code in there is bug-riddled and should not be used. The ExifInterface that comes in the com.android.support:exifinterface library has a constructor that takes an InputStream, from which it will read the JPEG. The correct way to use the Uri here is to pass it to openInputStream() on the ContentResolver, passing that stream to the ExifInterface constructor.
I tried to make an app that allow user to select image from gallery / take picture and set the result to the bitmap. When I test the app , I found the rotation of samsung device are buggy.
After searching for a while, I found that the rotation is not defined by google but the manufactuer themselves and samsung seems have some different setting. Also, there are some suggestion to use another way to check the rotation.
How to fix the problem? (note: not only taken picture , but also the picture from gallery have the same rotation problem)
Here is the code to getbitmap from provided file path:
private Bitmap getBitmap(String path) {
Uri uri = getImageUri(path);
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = mContentResolver.openInputStream(uri);
//Decode image size
BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null, o);
int scale = 1;
if (o.outHeight > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE || o.outWidth > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
scale = (int) Math.pow(2, (int) Math.round(Math.log(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE / (double) Math.max(o.outHeight, o.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5)));
BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o2.inSampleSize = scale;
in = mContentResolver.openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null, o2);
return b;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "file " + path + " not found");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "file " + path + " not found");
return null;
Thanks for helping
I think what you are looking for is reading the exif rotation from an image an rotating it accordingly. I know there are problems with samsung devices that images don't face the correct way but you can correct for that like this:
First you have to read the Exif Rotation from the image:
ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(pathToFile);
int rotation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED);
With this information you can correct the rotation of the image, this is unfortunately a little more complex, it involves rotating the bitmap with a matrix. You can create the matrix like this:
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
switch (rotation) {
matrix.setScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL:
And finally you can create the correctly rotated bitmap:
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
Bitmap correctlyRotatedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, true);
And to avoid OutOfMemory Exceptions you should recycle the old not correctly rotated bitmap after creating the correctly rotated one like this:
I have gone through some of the links to get the correct image orientation of the image selected from the default image gallery to be worked standard in all devices the exif tag always returns 0.
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android
Exif orientation tag returns 0
Exif data TAG_ORIENTATION always 0
How to get an exact solution that will work on all devices?
If the image(photo) was taken by a program made by you, you must set Parameters.setRotation with the correct rotation value.
This, depending of camera drive, rotates the image before save or save the rotation value to exif TAG_ORIENTATION.
Therefore, if TAG_ORIENTATION is null or zero, the image are in the correct orientation, otherwise you must rotate image according the value in TAG_ORIENTATION.
Get orientation from EXIF:
ExifInterface exif = null;
try {
exif = new ExifInterface(path);
} catch (IOException e) {
int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION,
Get bitmap rotated:
Bitmap bmRotated = rotateBitmap(bitmap, orientation);
Method to rotate bitmap:
public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int orientation) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
switch (orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL:
return bitmap;
matrix.setScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
return bitmap;
try {
Bitmap bmRotated = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
return bmRotated;
catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
return null;
For me ExifInterface worked quite well like this:
ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface(imagePath);
degree = Integer.parseInt(exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION));
or you can try to get the details of image using MediaStore like this:
String[] orientationColumn = {MediaStore.Images.Media.ORIENTATION};
Cursor cur = managedQuery(imageUri, orientationColumn, null, null, null);
int orientation = -1;
if (cur != null && cur.moveToFirst()) {
orientation = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex(orientationColumn[0]));
Similar Solution: ExifInterface always returns 1
Hope it helps.. :)
I followed last answer and I tried hard to create a system to manage pictures, rotate, resize, cache and load into ImageViews and I can tell it is a hell. Even when all it was done it crashes sometimes cause OutOfMemory in some devices. Answer is correct but it is difficult to manage Bitmaps in Android.
My point is do not reinvent the wheel, it has a perfect design. Google itself encourage you to use Glide. It works in one line, super easy to use, lightweight in size and functions number, it manage EXIF by default, and it use memory like a charm.. It is simply black magic coded ;)
I'm not sure if Picasso also manages EXIF, but there is a quick intro to both of them:
My Advice: do not waste your time and use them. You can solve your problem in one line:
For those who come along this post, make sure to use the exifinterface from the Android Support Library that was introduced in December 2016:
compile "com.android.support:exifinterface:25.1.0" // or newer
Details about this library can be found in the according Android Developers Blog post: Introducing the ExifInterface Support Library
They also included a sample code for dealing with rotation information stored in the exif interface:
int rotation = 0;
int orientation = exifInterface.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL);
switch (orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
rotation = 90;
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
rotation = 180;
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
rotation = 270;
The solution for me was to create the ExifInterface from the input stream. Do not try to create it from a path, which maybe a content provider path and will fail to give the correct result. Convert the orientation into degrees and rotate image if required. Below is the key code for the solution when using the support library (e.g androidx.exifinterface.media.ExifInterface).
int orientation = 0;
InputStream input = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
if (input != null){
ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(input);
orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL);
Here is my full code to obtain a correctly orientated bitmap selected from the Gallery, which also takes a maxsize. If using it make sure you check for the null return case.
public Bitmap getBitmapFromGalleryUri(Context mContext, Uri uri, Double maxSize)throws IOException {
int orientation = 0;
InputStream input = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
if (input != null){
ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(input);
orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL);
//Log.d("Utils", "rotation value = " + orientation);
input = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
BitmapFactory.Options onlyBoundsOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
onlyBoundsOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
onlyBoundsOptions.inDither = true;//optional
onlyBoundsOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;//optional
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input, null, onlyBoundsOptions);
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
if ((onlyBoundsOptions.outWidth == -1) || (onlyBoundsOptions.outHeight == -1)) {
return null;
int originalSize = (onlyBoundsOptions.outHeight > onlyBoundsOptions.outWidth) ? onlyBoundsOptions.outHeight : onlyBoundsOptions.outWidth;
double ratio = (originalSize > maxSize) ? (originalSize / maxSize) : 1.0;
BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
bitmapOptions.inSampleSize = getPowerOfTwoForSampleRatio(ratio);
bitmapOptions.inDither = true; //optional
bitmapOptions.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;//
input = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input, null, bitmapOptions);
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
//Log.d("Utils", "rotation value = " + orientation);
int rotationInDegrees = exifToDegrees(orientation);
//Log.d("Utils", "rotationInDegrees value = " + rotationInDegrees);
if (orientation != 0) {
int bmpWidth = 0;
try {
bmpWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Bitmap adjustedBitmap = bitmap;
if (bmpWidth > 0) {
adjustedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
return adjustedBitmap;
private static int getPowerOfTwoForSampleRatio(double ratio){
int k = Integer.highestOneBit((int)Math.floor(ratio));
if(k==0) return 1;
else return k;
public static int exifToDegrees(int exifOrientation) {
if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90) { return 90; }
else if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180) { return 180; }
else if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270) { return 270; }
return 0;
public static boolean rotateBitmapByExifAndSave(File targetFile){
if (targetFile==null || !targetFile.exists() || !targetFile.canRead() || !targetFile.canWrite())
return false;
boolean isSucceed = false;
// detect if photo is need to be rotated
try {
final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
ExifInterface exifReader = new ExifInterface(targetFile.getAbsolutePath());
int orientation = exifReader.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, 1);
boolean isRotationNeeded = true;
switch (orientation) {
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
default: // ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL
// Do nothing. The original image is fine.
isRotationNeeded = false;
isSucceed = true;
if (isRotationNeeded){
BitmapFactory.Options bmfOtions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
Bitmap bitmap = null;
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
try {
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(targetFile);
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fileInputStream,null,bmfOtions);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e){
isSucceed = false;
finally {
if (fileInputStream != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
if (bitmap!=null){
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
isSucceed = ImageUtils.saveBitmapToFile(bitmap, targetFile, 100);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("ImageUtils", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
// like there is no EXIF support?
Log.e("ImageUtils", e);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// stupid Out of VM's memory
Log.e("ImageUtils", e.toString());
return isSucceed;
I use this method to rotate original photos made by device's camera. Nowadays camera could be bigger than 8MPix (Samsung Galaxy S4 has 13 Mega pixel camera). And even with less MPix camera (mine is 5 MP, 2592 x 1944 pixels which in conjunction of ARGB_888 takes 19Mb of RAM according to official docs) I already got OutOfMemory. So the question is how to rotate the photo WITHOUT loss of it's initial resolution and thus quality?
Since there was no answer I assume there is no answer or maybe I just had asked the question a bit incorrectly. It looks like the only option here is to increase the app's heap size
There is also another option - to work with bitmaps via NDK/JNI like here or to use Android Image-Magic lib. The Image Magic lib is pretty cool, to rotate an image all you need is:
ImageInfo imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imageFile.getAbsolutePath());
MagickImage magickImage = new MagickImage(imageInfo);
magickImage.setCompression(100); // to minimize loss
MagickImage has many other image manipulating options as well. Blur, matte, scale, charcoal and many more. However its libraries size is noticable. Authors made a great job and they covered all possible plaforms: arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64 and final size of all these libs is over 36Mb. So you should think before adding all the libs into one apk, maybe packaging 6 different versions using manifest to filter by chipset/platform is the right way.
Another option is to convert Immutable Bitmap into Mutable (wrap bitmaps into MappedByteBuffer)
Make a method name decode file:
public static Bitmap decodeFile(File f,int WIDTH,int HIGHT){
try {
//Decode image size
BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f),null,o);
//The new size we want to scale to
//Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2.
int scale=1;
while(o.outWidth/scale/2>=REQUIRED_WIDTH && o.outHeight/scale/2>=REQUIRED_HIGHT)
//Decode with inSampleSize
BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, o2);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}
return null;
then call this method like this (You can call this method in button click listener)
Bitmap bi = decodeFile(new File(path),1280,800);
Where path is the path of image where you save your image..
in my case it is
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/nature.jpg";
In case of any problem - ask :) Hope this helps.