k-9-master\k9mail\src\main\res\values\themes.xml:126: error: Error
retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given
name '#android:style/Theme.Holo.Dialog'.
Why am I getting this error?
There are many possible causes of an error. However, if you simply do not see any reason this should be occurring, try a project clean, or simply create a new project and pull over all the files you intended to add to this project.
This is fairly likely to solve your issue as XML files often seem to cause me random problems - i.e. one day it is working, and the next time I open my project (e.g. if put it in different folder and bring it back to same location) it might not be working. I think Eclipse and Android Studio like to edit XML files by themselves sometimes without you knowing about it for some reason unbeknown to me.
Last night my code was working fine, today when I load it up, the raw resource I access in my code is trying to read from an id pointing to a string rather than an xml file in my raw folder.
I have used http://www.statman.info/conversions/hexadecimal.html to track the resource id's and match them to their R hex id's and I can SEE that it should be accessing 0x7f040002 but is accessing 7f060000 for some reason...
I have already looked at :
Accessing wrong raw resource in Android
I have done all of the following:
Clean, Rebuild, Run.
Delete R, Reboot Eclipse, Clean, Rebuild, Run
Delete R, Clean and Rebuild Immediately, Reboot
UmbySlipKnot's idea of deleting Gen Folder + all of the above.
Making sure Android.R is not being used anywhere.
Printed the actual resource id I am expecting to use by calling (returns expected id correctly!):
int resId=con.getResources().getIdentifier("raw_tsn_xml_amina_simple","raw",con.getPackageName());
Also rebuilt the project entirely from scratch. No matter what I do - it's always getting app name as the resource id it references for the Input Stream - source
None of these have worked for me... Does anyone have any ideas what else I can try?
I have also added images to show you what I noticed:
Debug Snippet:
Android R File Snippet:
I had this issue the other day with the wrong image resource ID being used. The only thing that worked for me was renaming the resource and renaming the references to said resource. So try renaming raw_tsn_xml_amina_simple.xml to something else.
Try removing Gen folder and let it regenerate. Then try again.
Apparently the eclipse debugger is not as dependable as I expected.
While I was working with the debugger, I noticed that resource ID is correctly being found, but when I really nitpick into the debugger, the inputStream seemed to be getting built from another source.
I thought that was the reason my code was crashing, but it wasn't.
I use a SIMPLE xml android library - if the xml you pass it is in an unexpected/invalid format, it can't build the data models you create (My XML was invalid - therefore the crash).
I did a roll back to notice that new XML I had added, crashed the run.
The debugger just cranked out... giving me nulls when things weren't null, showing different values even when my logs were printing correct values!
Once I saw this hapenning, I didn't trust the debugger as much as I ususally do.
My advice :
If the simpler solutions on this page have not worked for you - Take the following steps:
Suspect code additions first! If something you added suddenly breaks your working code, it's probably your own error.
If your debugger acts weird, print useful log information (It is much faster) to give you the right information in the right places.
These are the exact steps I took to find the root of the problem.
hi I'm working in my android app. and suddenly today while I was working I got two errors
1- the "R can't be resolved as a variable" error.
2- and the "Couldn't resolve resource #string/app_name" erro, at the graphical view of .XML layouts.
I did lots of searching and lots of trial and error(clean, build, restart eclipse, restart laptop, and others but none could get me out of this trouble.
I also noticed that My R.Java is gone
I found while I do online searching that R.java could be gone"not auto generated" if there's error with XML or errors such as number 2 error.
last thing which I think might have caused the error is I added two elements in string.xml.. but anyway I have deleted them already.
so could any body help me how to jump this issue and continue with my development
At a guess I'd say that there is something wrong in your resource files which is stopping it from compiling them into the R file.
Take a good look at you string.xml file. The error is almost 100% there .
Have you forgotten to close some tag?
Check that your #string/app_name is well defined too ..
Remove this line: import android.R
note: R.java could be gone not auto generated unless you have no error in project.
now you count replace #string/app_name by "app name" and clean again. after find where have error
In my experience this message is almost always something to do with an error in one of your XML files: could be string.xml, any of your layouts, styles etc.
My advice would be to open up each one of them individually and check through them. An error in the layouts (res/layout/..) should be easy enough to spot (don't forget to check your res/menu/.. also). An error in one of the value XML files (res/values/..) can be tricker to spot. As some of the others have mentioned, a simple error in these files can cause this: one of my most common ones is to have typed "sting" instead of "string" or something similar.
I have often found that even after fixing some of these it is neccessary to close everything down and start Eclipse again.
Just import com.your.packagename.R
See my answer here Cannot find R.layout.activity_main
I am using Eclipse to write my Android app and I keep getting this error when running it. I have no idea what the error means or how to go about debugging.
I should add that this all started when I wrote a method to parse an XML file. Before I wrote that, the app worked fine. I tried adding some try/catch block that contain "log.e" statements, but I don't see anything strange in the log.
Does anyone have any idea?
The error message is in the screen shot below:
It means you don't have the source files of the Android code in you eclipse workspace. check
Android source
By default you only have the compiled class files in you android.jar. if you want to see the source(*.java files) you need to add them yourself. So, you have no source files at all by default
I have had this error come up before for a lot of reasons. Almost always it is because I tried to refer to a resource that either is not there, or is incorrectly formatted. Seeing as how this started when you worked with one of your XML files I would check there for incorrect formatting.
Although this error is referring to the fact that you do not have the full android source code, having it will not fix the error, it will only allow you to see where the source code is failing either to find or open your XML file.
I have tried literally everything to figure out why no new layout files are being added to my R.java file in eclipse. Nothing is working.
I have:
Restarted Eclipse
Used Project>Clean
Deleted R.java (had to restore because it would not autoregenerate no matter what I did)
Ensured all methods are defined in SDK version
Rebuilt the project
Unchecked auto-build
Every combination of above options
Been tempted to throw my computer across the room
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Check you don't have any errors inside one of your xml files. That is, check not only for xml file name errors but also for errors in the xml code, for example an illegal attribute, a forgotten tag etc. Check this in all your xml files, not just layout files but also anim, xml drawables etc. These errors don't show up in the error log but will prevent the R.java from being generated.
When I experienced the same issue as you this was often the reason. The error highlight was only visible inside the file, not the error log.
Net, go through every xml file with a fine comb.
I faced this kind of problem many times. From my thoughts it is caused due to the problem of images in the drawable or case sensitive of layout file (everything should be small). Check your case sensitive of layout file.
I will give all possible solutions that i had done when something like this happened with me
Check for library if there was any for that
Restart Eclipse
Check in
the manifest for if you have many packages make sure u are using the
activity declared package.
I would check the imported R. The problem could be that you have
import android.R;
instead of
import com.myproject.R;
Project -> and check Build Automatically
Is there any error in your resource files? If there is any error in your resource files the R file will not be generated.
When first of u go on Project->Clean the your application then refreshing and auto genrated R.java file for your apps.
Not to be repetitive, but did you check the Android manifest file? The error there doesn't usually pop up.
Did you check for other locale letters (maybe whitespaces too?) in the filenames? Letters that look exactly like Latin.
I think I had similar problem with the names. You can try rewriting your files' names.
Project Explorer (Right click on your project) -> Build Project
This worked for me.
When I add drawable resources to my project they do not show up in the list of drawables in the Reference Chooser. I checked the R file and there are references for the files.
I have tried refreshing the project, cleaning the project, and fixing project properties and nothing seems to help. Sometimes a couple will randomly show up in there, but not all of them.
The only consistent way I can get them to show up is to restart Eclipse.
Any ideas?
Edit: Further findings:
After some trials, I found an other inconvenient work around to he issue. Turns out when importing multiple files into the project at once, Eclipse will only add the last one imported into the reference chooser. So when I imported my images one at a time, they all show up properly!
Like I said, inconvenient considering the amount of images I have left to import, but maybe with this new information it may help nail down where the issue may be and a possible fix.
I too faced the same problem. I added an image to the res/drawable-hdpi folder, cleaned the project and was able to see the name of the image in the left pane in Eclipse. But when I tried to use this image using Reference Chooser and looked under Drawable, I didn't find it.
I simply exited from Eclipse, and started it again. It was there! Like many things in computers, problems can be resolved simply by restarting!
The only way I found to fix this is to include the generated R class itself.
I found out some new info again.
Since I am doing a port from Blackberry, almost all of my images' filenames have uppercase letters in them, so I end up importing them all and then having to rename all the images after they are imported into the project.
I tried renaming all of my images before importing them all into the project. To my delight, all of the images showed up right away in the reference chooser! So it seems there is a problem when you import files and they cause errors with your project and allowing all of them to show up in the reference chooser.
So if you have to rename files, do it before import!
I'm just not entirely sure that this is the only cause for this issue but it has solved the problem for me.