I have a load screen/pop up screen which is a fragment which shows up whenever I call an API. I like how it looks currently, but I would like to liven it up by adding a bunch of animations to the views in the load screen.
I am using the property animation framework to good effect for
scaling and changing the alpha value(transparency) of views in their current positions.
I am now trying to get a view to animate(translate + alpha change) to it's current position in the static screen. I do not however, wish to hardcode values since this would clearly mess up the alignment of views and cause overlaps and other problems.
How do I translate a view from some point outside the screen, to it's current position in the static screen? Eg: In my static screen if I have a view that is centre aligned in the parent layout, how do I animate the view from a position outside the screen to this current position. I have tried the following but it does not work since it expects float values.
<set android:ordering="together">
android:valueType="floatType" />
android:valueType="floatType" />
I am trying to keep as much of the animation logic in xmls as possible.
After a little more research I came across the translationY(and translation X) attribute which seems to be the one I was looking for.
How I can reach such behavior with a smooth slider?
I want that first ImageView to increase his width and cover over second ImageView.
I tried three different approaches to this purpose.
First I drew bitmap (two bitmaps combined inside one canvas) inside the canvas of one ImageView. New position generated with ValueAnimation but it gives values with not equals intervals. During rendering the transition do jumps noticeably enough. On a good phone especially.
Second I did my own method for generating sequence numbers without intervals and but occurs another problem: phone cant render new bitmaps a few hundred times per second. If to do intervals jumps occur again.
Then I tried another way: to create two ImageView and first must smooth roll out over the second. But I can't reach the proper effect than the first picture must not stretch (image inside ImageView increased width together) but need a roll-out like on GIF.
Code of my third the attempt:
In fragment
val animation: Animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(ctx, R.anim.scale_right)
imageView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
android:toYScale="1.0" />
What do I need to do?
is there a way to tell a translate animation to always move to a absolute position, instead to a position relative to the card. As far as I know, using android:toXDelta only moves it to a relative position. I want it to move to a absolute position (lets say width of the screen / 2 and height of the screen / 2) from every point on the screen.
My animation:
<translate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:toYDelta="-20%p" />
Judging from official Documentation it is not possible from XML.
However, you can do this in your Java code. Example:
view.animate().translationX(0f).translationY(0f).setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator()).start();
TranslationX and TranslationY animates to an absolute position. There is also TranslationXBy an TranslationYBy that animate relatively.
I have the following animation:
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<translate android:fromYDelta="100%" android:toYDelta="0%" android:duration="1000" />
<translate android:fromXDelta="80%" android:toXDelta="0%" android:duration="1000" />
I use this to animate a new view to is showing up. This animation run from bottom to top and from right to left, but the animation is like rectangle. And i wana make it to be like a triangle
In other words i want the two points (X and Y) that makes the animation to be linked by a straight line.
(Not enough rep to comment)
Is it important for it to be clickable as a triangle? What I mean is, couldn't you just load on the view a triangle-like Drawable image(there are many free icon packs around or you can create your own as .png)?
This way you SEE the triangle, while as an object is just a rectangle with a texture of a triangle. (As I don't think there is any implementation in AndroidSDK of a TriangularView, but I might be wrong!).
Another way is to use a shape drawable resource.
An easy example is how it was done by Sanket Kachhela in this post
You could take it as a starting point.
Then again, much of this post was based on the idea you needed to interact with the Triangle, but I could be wrong and it has no meaning to do so.
How to mention the pivot point for the scale animation in the below xml file. How to specify the pivot being the left edge, right edge and the centre (the default)
the I tried the following and it isn't working
As per this link it seems this is currently not possible. As suggested in the page we will have to set the transformPivotX property of layout we are animating.
hi i have 2 views that i want to have zig zag up and off the screen. ive tried using object animators like this
float 1
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:ordering="sequentially" >
android:valueType="floatType" />
and float 2
android:valueTo="50" />
android:valueType="floatType" />
but the results are varied, ie works on tablets but not smaller screens,
I've changed the code to do this programmatically and all it does is slightly change the way I goes up the screen all I want is both balloons to go up the screen at the moment it works beautifully on my tablet but on smaller screens it only shows one balloon. Been struggling on this a while now all views are laid out in XML and are hidden until needed I found there was a way of using fractions in my from and to values but apparently its deprecated any suggestions for a total n00b like me?
Have you tried creating your own custom interpolator, it basically defines how your animation is going to behave with respect to time, for example accelerate interpolator when used with lets say translate animation, it will accelerate your view, so you might have to create a custom interpolator, that will define your zig zag path, along with translate animation. you can read from here :
Tutorial on Interpolators