Android add/replace Items within RecyclerView - android

I know there are lots of threads already on this topic, but none of the given solutions worked for me so far. I'm trying to add or update an item of a RecyclerView. Here's my code so far:
private MyListItemAdapter mAdapter;
private RecyclerView recyclerView;
// called on activity create
private void init() {
// initialize activity, load items, etc ...
mAdapter = new MyListItemAdapter(this, items);
// called when I want to replace an item
private void updateItem(final Item newItem, final int pos) {
mAdapter.replaceItem(newItem, pos);
public class MyListItemAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyListItemAdapter.MyListItemViewHolder> {
private List<Item> mItems;
public void replaceItem(final Item newItem, final int pos) {
mItems.add(position, newItem);
I tried to make this changes from the MainActivity aswell, but in every case I tried my list doesn't get updated. The only way it worked was when I reset the adapter to the recyclerView:
which obviously is a bad idea. (aside from the bad side effects wouldn't even work when I'm using lazy loading on my lists).
So my question is, how can I make notifyDataSetChanged() work properly?
I found a solution for replacing items. After mAdapter.replaceItem(newItem, pos); I had to call recyclerView.removeViewAt(position);
This works for replacing an item, but doesn't solve my problem when I want to add items (e.g. lazy loading) to my list
I found a working solution for adding items
public void addItem(final Item newItem) {
private void addItem(final Item newItem) {
recyclerView.removeViewAt(0); // without this line nothing happens
For some reason this works (also: it doesn't remove the view at position 0), but I'm sure this isn't the correct way to add items to a recyclerView

This should work:
private ArrayList<Item> mItems;
public void replaceItem(final Item newItem, final int position) {
mItems.set(position, newItem);
ArrayList.set() is the way to go to replace items.
For adding items, just append them to mItems and then go notifyDatasetChanged(). Another way to go is to use notifyItemRangeInserted(). Depending on where/how are you adding new items and how many of them, it might be worth it.

mItems.set(position, newItem);
instead of
mItems.add(position, newItem);
because .set method will replace your data to particular position.


Child number inconsistency in ViewPager

I have a ViewPager whose getCount(); changes based on a list of objects passed through the constructor. Using the adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); I expect to see another page added. This seems to work correctly but when I remove an item from the mentioned list (used to calculate the getCount()) the ViewPager only removes the page successfully if its outside the offsetLimit.
Exemple: I have two pages and through a button I remove an item from the list. Then I call notifyDataSetChanged() and expect to have only one page left, but... the second "Page" is still there even thought I cannot swipe to it!!!!
How can I come around this? I want to avoid re-instantiating the whole ViewPager with the fragments.
CODE (simplification)
public class Adapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
private final List<String> list;
public Adapter(FragmentManager fragmentManager, List<String> list) {
this.list = list;
public int getCount() {
return list.size();
And this is inside the Activity:
adapter = new Adapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), items);
final ViewPager pager = findViewById(;
findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
items.remove(items.size() - 1);
With this I can add items from the Activity and update de adapter (it works) and remove ... its doesn't work. What can I do?
You can override getItemPosition() & return POSITION_NONE in it.
getItemPosition() :
Called when the host view is attempting to determine if an item's position has changed. Returns POSITION_UNCHANGED if the position of the given item has not changed or POSITION_NONE if the item is no longer present in the adapter.
The default implementation assumes that items will never change position and always returns POSITION_UNCHANGED.

How to access view inside activity from adapter in android?

Does anyone knows how to access adapter imageView inside activity to hide the view. Please specify any example.
I hope this will work for you.
By using SharedPreferences we can easily hide the view from activity or fragment.
Save flag in SharedPreferences i.e true from activity.
If you are using Recyclerview then in onBindViewHolder method check condition
Go to onBindViewHolder of the adapter and take the id of your imageview and code like this
You should not directly interact with the ImageView, instead you can use notifyItemChanged() to update the ImageView state in the Adapter. But, you need to slightly modify your Adapter code by adding a flag in your model data or using SparseBooleanArray as a mechanism to saving the ImageView state.
Here the example:
public class Adapter ... {
private SparseBooleanArray mSelectedItems;
private List<YourModel> mItems;
public Adapter(List<YourModel> items) {
mItems = items;
mSelectedItems = new SparseBooleanArray();
public void onBindViewHolder(....) {
int itemPosition = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();
YourModel item = items.get(itemPosition);
boolean visible = mSelectedItems.get(itemPosition);
viewHolder.imageView.setVisibility(visible? View.VISIBLE: View.GONE);
public void setItemVisibilityByPosition(int position, boolean visible) {
mSelectedItems.put(position, visible);
You can change the image visibility with:
// Assume the mAdapter is your Adapter
mAdapter.setItemVisibilityByPosition(5, true);

RecyclerView position will changed by receiving new data

I used notifyDataSetChanged in in my recycleriew. like this:
private void setList(List<Article> articles) {
But I want to use diffUtill in my recycleriew. I created my own diffUtill like this:
public class ArticleListDiffTool extends DiffUtil.Callback {
List<Article> oldList;
List<Article> newList;
private static final String TAG = "ArticleListDiffTool";
public ArticleListDiffTool(List<Article> oldList, List<Article> newList) {
this.oldList = oldList;
this.newList = newList;
Log.d(TAG, "ArticleListDiffTool: " + this.oldList.size() + "\n" + this.newList.size());
public int getOldListSize() {
return oldList.size();
public int getNewListSize() {
return newList.size();
public boolean areItemsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) {
return oldList.get(oldItemPosition).getId() .equals( newList.get(newItemPosition).getId());
public boolean areContentsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) {
return oldList.get(oldItemPosition).equals(newList.get(newItemPosition));
public Object getChangePayload(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) {
//you can return particular field for changed item.
return super.getChangePayload(oldItemPosition, newItemPosition);
And I use it in my adapter :
private void setList(List articles) {
DiffUtil.DiffResult diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(new ArticleListDiffTool(this.mainList, articles),true);
I want to add new data to my old list. But when new data received, the recyclerView will be scrolled to the top of the list.
But I want to recyclerView be in its user state and new data add to the rest of the old list.
RecylcerView updates knows nothing about your views. When you call notifyDataSetChanged it tries to determine which views moved, or were replaced. I don't see you using setHasStableIds so when calling notifyDataSetChanged it will assume all of the content was replaced. It will jump to position 0 and be done with it. When you use setHasStableIds it will check the ids of the visible items and update the content in them. It will stop jumping around.
Now you also show that you are using DiffUtil. This is great! When you're not working with setHasStableIds this is the way to properly tell the recyclerView about what changed.
The problem you are facing is that you're using both. Either move to long ids and let the recyclerview do the diffing itself, or use DiffUtil and remove the call to notifyDataSetChanged. Either variant should work.
If you add new items at the end of the recyclerview, before you add the data, store the 1st visible item in recyclerview:
int position = ((LinearLayoutManager) recyclerView.GetLayoutManager()).findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
and after you make all the changes and call notifyDatasetChanged() scroll to position:
I Found the problem after a few hours.
I every time that wants to update my recyclerView send received data to my adapter
And DiffUtil goes to compare my old list with received new parts and because of that (completely new items) DiffUtil decides to refresh whole recyclerView list.
Now I get the current list from the recyclerView adapter and use addAll to insert new items that received from the server, then I pass this complete list to the adapter.
Now DiffUtil can compare diffrent between my old and new lists and recyclerView will be stay at it's current position.

Picasso + RecycleView insert image in wrong view

I have a simple adapter
public class ConversationListAdapter extends
RecyclerView.Adapter<Conversation.ViewHolder> {
private List<Conversation> items;
private Activity activity;
public ConversationListAdapter(Activity activity, List<Conversation> items) {
this. items = items;
this.activity = activity;
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {
Conversation conversation = mItems.get(i);;
if ( conversation.getUrl() != null) {
and a basic
class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener {..}
Now in the fragment as always:
mRecyclerView.setAdapter(new ConversationAdapter(getActivity(), mItems));
Now Im calling my rest api to get the data and the first time it works great everything is where it should be (let's say in c there is only 2 items and the order is conv1 and conv2)
private void handleResult(List<Conversation> c) {
But... now if I refresh for example and the data in the List comes in a different order (conv2 and then conv1) after the adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() both of my imageView in the list have the same pictures.. ! But the textView however has the right text
This only happens with view filled with Picasso and cannot understand why
Could someone help me on this ?
you use if condition in any adapter you also have to set else part of it. i also don't know exactly why this is happen that if condition is given it takes same condition for child which are not match this, may be a bug in android. please try else part of it also. may be this work for you.
You have to replace your items in your adapter or create a new adapter with the new items
1st solution:
private void handleResult(List<Conversation> c) {
mRecyclerView.setAdapter(new ConversationAdapter(getActivity(), c));
2nd solution:
private void handleResult(List<Conversation> c) {
And don't to forget to create setList(List<Conversation> c) method in your Adapter

How to refresh Android listview?

How to refresh an Android ListView after adding/deleting dynamic data?
Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter object once you've modified the data in that adapter.
Some additional specifics on how/when to call notifyDataSetChanged() can be viewed in this Google I/O video.
Also you can use this:
Please ignore all the invalidate(), invalidateViews(), requestLayout(), ... answers to this question.
The right thing to do (and luckily also marked as right answer) is to call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter.
If calling notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't work all the layout methods won't help either. Believe me the ListView was properly updated. If you fail to find the difference you need to check where the data in your adapter comes from.
If this is just a collection you're keeping in memory check that you actually deleted from or added the item(s) to the collection before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
If you're working with a database or service backend you'll have to call the method to retrieve the information again (or manipulate the in memory data) before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
The thing is this notifyDataSetChanged only works if the dataset has changed. So that is the place to look if you don't find changes coming through. Debug if needed.
ArrayAdapter vs BaseAdapter
I did find that working with an adapter that lets you manage the collection, like a BaseAdapter works better. Some adapters like the ArrayAdapter already manage their own collection making it harder to get to the proper collection for updates. It's really just an needless extra layer of difficulty in most cases.
UI Thread
It is true that this has to be called from the UI thread. Other answers have examples on how to achieve this. However this is only required if you're working on this information from outside the UI thread. That is from a service or a non UI thread. In simple cases you'll be updating your data from a button click or another activity/fragment. So still within the UI thread. No need to always pop that runOnUiTrhead in.
Quick Example Project
Can be found at Just clone and open the project in Android Studio (gradle). This project has a MainAcitivity building a ListView with all random data. This list can be refreshed using the action menu.
The adapter implementation I created for this example ModelObject exposes the data collection
public class MyListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
* this is our own collection of data, can be anything we
* want it to be as long as we get the abstract methods
* implemented using this data and work on this data
* (see getter) you should be fine
private List<ModelObject> mData;
* our ctor for this adapter, we'll accept all the things
* we need here
* #param mData
public MyListAdapter(final Context context, final List<ModelObject> mData) {
this.mData = mData;
this.mContext = context;
public List<ModelObject> getData() {
return mData;
// implement all abstract methods here
Code from the MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private MyListAdapter mAdapter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(;
// create some dummy data here
List<ModelObject> objects = getRandomData();
// and put it into an adapter for the list
mAdapter = new MyListAdapter(this, objects);
// mAdapter is available in the helper methods below and the
// data will be updated based on action menu interactions
// you could also keep the reference to the android ListView
// object instead and use the {#link ListView#getAdapter()}
// method instead. However you would have to cast that adapter
// to your own instance every time
* helper to show what happens when all data is new
private void reloadAllData(){
// get new modified random data
List<ModelObject> objects = getRandomData();
// update data in our adapter
// fire the event
* helper to show how only changing properties of data
* elements also works
private void scrambleChecked(){
Random random = new Random();
// update data in our adapter, iterate all objects and
// resetting the checked option
for( ModelObject mo : mAdapter.getData()) {
// fire the event
More Information
Another nice post about the power of listViews is found here:
Call runnable whenever you want:
OnCreate(), you set your runnable thread:
run = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//reload content
i got some problems with dynamic refresh of my listview.
Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter.
Some additional specifics on how/when to call notifyDataSetChanged() can be viewed in this Google I/O video.
notifyDataSetChanged() did not work properly in my case[ I called the notifyDataSetChanged from another class]. Just in the case i edited the ListView in the running Activity (Thread). That video thanks to Christopher gave the final hint.
In my second class i used
Runnable run = new Runnable(){
public void run(){
to acces the update() from my Activity. This update includes
to tell the Adapter to refresh the view.
Worked fine as far as I can say.
If you are using SimpleCursorAdapter try calling requery() on the Cursor object.
if you are not still satisfied with ListView Refreshment, you can look at this snippet,this is for loading the listView from DB, Actually what you have to do is simply reload the ListView,after you perform any CRUD Operation
Its not a best way to code, but it will refresh the ListView as you wish..
It works for Me....if u find better solution,please Share...
do your CRUD Operations..
// Bring that DB_results and add it to list as its contents....
ls2.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(DynTABSample.this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, DBAdapter.DB_ListView));
The solutions proposed by people in this post works or not mainly depending on the Android version of your device. For Example to use the AddAll method you have to put android:minSdkVersion="10" in your android device.
To solve this questions for all devices I have created my on own method in my adapter and use inside the add and remove method inherits from ArrayAdapter that update you data without problems.
My Code: Using my own data class RaceResult, you use your own data model.
public class ResultGpRowAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<RaceResult> {
Context context;
int resource;
List<RaceResult> data=null;
public ResultGpRowAdapter(Context context, int resource, List<RaceResult> objects) {
super(context, resource, objects);
this.context = context;
this.resource = resource; = objects;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
//my own method to populate data
public void myAddAll(List<RaceResult> items) {
for (RaceResult item:items){
public class ResultsGp extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ListView list = (ListView)findViewById(;
ResultGpRowAdapter adapter = new ResultGpRowAdapter(this, R.layout.activity_result_gp_row, new ArrayList<RaceResult>()); //Empty data
//LOAD a ArrayList<RaceResult> with data
ArrayList<RaceResult> data = new ArrayList<RaceResult>();
data.add(new RaceResult(....));
data.add(new RaceResult(....));
adapter.myAddAll(data); //Your list will be udpdated!!!
For me after changing information in sql database nothing could refresh list view( to be specific expandable list view) so if notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't help, you can try to clear your list first and add it again after that call notifyDataSetChanged(). For example
private List<List<SomeNewArray>> arrayList;
List<SomeNewArray> array1= getArrayList(...);
List<SomeNewArray> array2= getArrayList(...);
Hope it makes sense for you.
If you want to maintain your scroll position when you refresh, and you can do this:
if (mEventListView.getAdapter() == null) {
EventLogAdapter eventLogAdapter = new EventLogAdapter(mContext, events);
} else {
public void refill(List<EventLog> events) {
For the detail information, please see Android ListView: Maintain your scroll position when you refresh.
Just use myArrayList.remove(position); inside a listener:
myListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
#Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, android.view.View view, int position, long id) {
You need to use a single object of that list whoose data you are inflating on ListView. If reference is change then notifyDataSetChanged() does't work .Whenever You are deleting elements from list view also delete them from the list you are using whether it is a ArrayList<> or Something else then Call
notifyDataSetChanged() on object of Your adapter class.
So here see how i managed it in my adapter see below
public class CountryCodeListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements OnItemClickListener{
private Context context;
private ArrayList<CountryDataObject> dObj;
private ViewHolder holder;
private Typeface itemFont;
private int selectedPosition=-1;
private ArrayList<CountryDataObject> completeList;
public CountryCodeListAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<CountryDataObject> dObj) {
this.context = context;
completeList=new ArrayList<CountryDataObject>();
itemFont=Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "CaviarDreams.ttf");
public int getCount() {
return dObj.size();
public Object getItem(int position) {
return dObj.get(position);
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;
public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {
holder = new ViewHolder();
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.states_inflator_layout, null);
holder.textView = ((TextView)view.findViewById(;
holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();
return view;
private class ViewHolder{
private TextView textView;
private ImageView checkImg;
public void getFilter(String name) {
for (CountryDataObject item : completeList) {
else {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position,
long id) {
Registration reg=(Registration)context;
Consider you have passed a list to your adapter.
to update your list.
After deleting data from list view, you have to call refreshDrawableState().
Here is the example:
final DatabaseHelper db = new DatabaseHelper (ActivityName.this);;
and deleteContact method in DatabaseHelper class will be somewhat looks like
public boolean deleteContact(long rowId) {
return db.delete(TABLE_NAME, BaseColumns._ID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;
I was not able to get notifyDataSetChanged() to work on updating my SimpleAdapter, so instead I tried first removing all views that were attached to the parent layout using removeAllViews(), then adding the ListView, and that worked, allowing me to update the UI:
LinearLayout results = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;
ListView lv = new ListView(this);
ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter( this, list, R.layout.directory_row,
new String[] { "name", "dept" }, new int[] {, } );
for (...) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("name", name);
map.put("dept", dept);
while using SimpleCursorAdapter can call changeCursor(newCursor) on the adapter.
I was the same when, in a fragment, I wanted to populate a ListView (in a single TextView) with the mac address of BLE devices scanned over some time.
What I did was this:
public class Fragment01 extends implements ...
private ListView listView;
private ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter_string;
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState)
this.listView= (ListView) super.getActivity().findViewById(;
this.arrayAdapter_string= new ArrayAdapter<String>(super.getActivity(), R.layout.dispositivo_ble_item,;
public void onLeScan(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord)
super.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new RefreshListView(device));
private class RefreshListView implements Runnable
private BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice;
public RefreshListView(BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice)
this.bluetoothDevice= bluetoothDevice;
public void run()
Fragment01.this.arrayAdapter_string.add(new String(bluetoothDevice.toString()));
Then the ListView began to dynamically populate with the mac address of the devices found.
I think it depends on what you mean by refresh. Do you mean that the GUI display should be refreshed, or do you mean that the child views should be refreshed such that you can programatically call getChildAt(int) and get the view corresponding to what is in the Adapter.
If you want the GUI display refreshed, then call notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter. The GUI will be refreshed when next redrawn.
If you want to be able to call getChildAt(int) and get a view that reflects what is what is in the adapter, then call to layoutChildren(). This will cause the child view to be reconstructed from the adapter data.
I had an ArrayList which I wanted to display in a listview. ArrayList contained elements from mysql.
I overrided onRefresh method and in that method I used tablelayout.removeAllViews(); and then repeated the process for getting data again from the database.
But before that make sure to clear your ArrayList or whatever data structre or else new data will get appended to the old one..
If you want to update the UI listview from a service, then make the adapter static in your Main activity and do this:
public void onDestroy() {
if (MainActivity.isInFront == true) {
if (MainActivity.adapter != null) {
If you are going by android guide lines and you are using the ContentProviders to get data from Database and you are displaying it in the ListView using the CursorLoader and CursorAdapters ,then you all changes to the related data will automatically be reflected in the ListView.
Your getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); on the cursor in the ContentProvider will be enough to reflect the changes .No need for the extra work around.
But when you are not using these all then you need to tell the adapter when the dataset is changing. Also you need to re-populate / reload your dataset (say list) and then you need to call notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter.
notifyDataSetChanged()wont work if there is no the changes in the datset.
Here is the comment above the method in docs-
* Notifies the attached observers that the underlying data has been changed
* and any View reflecting the data set should refresh itself.
I was only able to get notifyDataSetChanged only by getting new adapter data, then resetting the adapter for the list view, then making the call like so:
expandableAdapter = baseFragmentParent.setupEXLVAdapter();
on other option is onWindowFocusChanged method, but sure its sensitive and needs some extra coding for whom is interested
override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) {
// some controls needed
programList = usersDBHelper.readProgram(model.title!!)
notesAdapter = DailyAdapter(this, programList)
listview_act_daily.adapter = notesAdapter
If I talked about my scenario here, non of above answers will not worked because I had activity that show list of db values along with a delete button and when a delete button is pressed, I wanted to delete that item from the list.
The cool thing was, I did not used recycler view but a simple list view and that list view initialized in the adapter class. So, calling the notifyDataSetChanged() will not do anything inside the adapter class and even in the activity class where adapter object is initialized because delete method was in the adapter class.
So, the solution was to remove the object from the adapter in the adapter class getView method(to only delete that specific object but if you want to delete all, call clear()).
To you to get some idea, what was my code look like,
public class WordAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Word> {
Context context;
public WordAdapter(Activity context, ArrayList<Word> words) {}
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup group) {
ImageButton deleteBt = listItemView.findViewById(;
deleteBt.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (vocabDb.deleteWord( {
} else{
remove(getItem(position)); // <---- here is the trick ---<
//clear() // if you want to clear everything
Note: here remove() and getItem() methods are inherit from the Adapter class.
remove() - to remove the specific item that is clicked
getItem(position) - is to get the item(here, thats my Word object
that I have added to the list) from the clicked position.
This is how I set the adapter to the listview in the activity class,
ArrayList<Word> wordList = new ArrayList();
WordAdapter adapter = new WordAdapter(this, wordList);
ListView list_view = (ListView) findViewById(;
After adding/deleting dynamic data in your "dataArray" do:
if you use an ArrayAdapter
if you use a customAdapter that extends ArrayAdapter
if you use a customAdapter that extends BaseAdapter
The easiest is to just make a new Adaper and drop the old one:
myListView.setAdapter(new MyListAdapter(...));

