Gradle Skip Test - android

I am looking for a way to skip tests from one of the projects in a multi-build project. I don't want to use gradle build -x test because then it will skip test for all sub - projects.
Sub P1
Sub P2
Sub P3
I want to skip tests only for "Sub P3"
Can i configure my project(Sub P3) build file to skip tests?

Due to official user guide, there are 3 ways to skip some task in gradle.
The first 2, are: using predicate and exception throwing. Predicates are resolved during the configuration phase and may not pass to your requirements. StopExecutionExeptionthrowing could be added to the doFirst of every test and be throwed according to some condition. Bit that seems to be not very clear, because you have to modify both root script to set the condition and subroject sripts test tasks.
And the 3rd one is - disabling the tasks. Every task, has a enabled property (default is true), which is preventing task execution, if it was set to false. Only thing you have to do is to set this property for test task in your subproject. This can be done in sub projects buil script root, as:
test.enabled = false
This will work, if you didn't specify custom test tasks, if you did, you can disable all test by task type, as:
enabled = false
Previews 2 configurations must be included to the build script of the subproject, but since you have a root project, you can configure subprojecst from it's build script, via project() providing subproject's name:
enabled = false

For android there is no test task available in gradle
To skip unit tests in android you have to do this
android {
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
enabled false


Is there an option for gradle dependencies to show just the list of libraries

Is there a short form? Instead of dependencies, can we see just a flat list of libraries used?
./gradlew -help doesn't show anything on this. Something like:
print the class path that you need to compare - once before and once after the change - then you can do diff
task runCP() {
doLast {
def runList = configurations.runtimeClasspath.asList()
def compileOnlyList = configurations.compileOnly.asList()
if ./gradlew app:dependencies does not work for you, Gradle Enterprise does provide dashboard for comparing 2 builds (for example if you have 2 builds from different commits). From the dashboard you can see if the version was changed, or there are new library added. It also showing all configuration type, e.g. annotationProcessorClasspath, compileClasspath, RuntimeClasspath, etc.
But it is not free.

Gradle task for Sentry not compiling

I have to add the Analytics tool Sentry to our Android project. In order to make it work, one needs to create mappings for the obfuscated code (from Proguard/R8) and upload it later to Sentry.
On the website it is even described how to do that.
There it is written that one needs to create a gradle task looking like this:
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
android.applicationVariants.each { variant ->
def variantName =;
def proguardTask = project.tasks.findByName(
def dexTask = project.tasks.findByName(
def task = project.tasks.create(
name: "processSentryProguardFor${variantName}",
type: Exec) {
workingDir project.rootDir
commandLine *[
"${project.rootDir.toPath()}/app/build/intermediates/assets" +
dexTask.dependsOn task
task.dependsOn proguardTask
This shall wait until Proguard is finished, than copy this properties file to the assets. However, when I add this to my Android gradle script I get the error:
Could not create task
No signature of method: java.util.ArrayList.multiply() is applicable for argument types: (ArrayList) values: [[sentry-cli, upload-proguard,
--write-properties, {Application-Path}/app/build/intermediates/assets/playStoreStaging/debug/,
...]] Possible solutions: multiply(java.lang.Number),
I assume there is something wrong with the multiplication symbol * before the commandLine array. But when I remove it I get the error
Could not create task
Cannot cast object 'sentry-cli' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'int'
So I tried to test this with only that line
commandLine "sentry-cli", ...
Which gave me another error
What went wrong: Cannot invoke method dependsOn() on null object
Thus I assume something went really wrong with that gradle script since it seems the dependend task can't be found. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this (or optionally have any other idea how to copy that file to my assets in another way, once Proguard/R8 is finished)?
-------- EDIT --------
I noticed something important.
The gradle tasks are defined in a different name than what was defined in the manual. Looking at my tasks I have them named
However, I print the variantName then for checking but it seems my tasks are incomplete.
In my tasks list there exist
but not
and thus the task can't be found. I think that is the real problem here. So where are these gradle tasks defined?
------- EDIT 2 --------
Okay I noticed something strange here. Some variants don't have tasks. It makes sense that DEBUG tasks don't have R8 tasks but I found this here:
Variant: PlayStoreStagingRelease DexTask is null
Variant: PlayStorePreviewRelease DexTask is null
Variant: HockeyAppRelease DexTask is null
Variant: LocalServerRelease DexTask is null
Variant: PlayStoreProductionRelease DexTask is null
So how can this be?
I'd recommend using the Sentry Gradle integration (Gradle plugin) which is described here
The official Android Gradle plugin changed its task names over versions, Gradle version also affects those code snippets.
Google also replaced Proguard with R8 and it also affected those code snippets.
Is there a reason why not using the Sentry Gradle integration? if so, We'll be looking into updating them.
java.util.ArrayList.multiply() hints for that * in front of the [ ] list, which looks strange to me. Try removing the *[ ], only keeping List<String> (there's no ArrayList expected, to begin with):
commandLine "sentry-cli", "upload-proguard", "--write-properties", "${project.rootDir.toPath()}/app/build/intermediates/assets/${variant.dirName}/", variant.getMappingFile(), "--no-upload"
You'd have to look up how your tasks are actually being called, but it should be something alike:
def r8Task = project.tasks.findByName("transformClassesAndResourcesWithR8For${variantName}")
def d8Task = project.tasks.findByName("transformClassesWithDexBuilderFor${variantName}")
With a null check, because not every variant might have minifyEnabled true set:
if(r8Task != null) {
d8Task.dependsOn task
task.dependsOn r8Task
Maybe even a previous null check is required, because variant.getMappingFile() needs R8.
And that some flavors have no D8 task might be based upon the absence of code (nothing to do).
Here's a summary of the steps that I followed for integrating Sentry with my Android app. These steps are to ensure the sentry gradle plugin works as expected and automatically uploads the proguard mapping files, without you having to worry about uploading using cli. I assume you would have setup the Sentry SDK as described here:
Ensure you have Android Studio gradle plugin 3.5.0 (Not 3.6.x, that seems to break the sentry plugin. I observed that the sentry proguard or native symbol upload tasks are not configured or executed at all). This value should be in your root project's build.gradle in dependencies block
Provide a file the root folder of your project. The file should have the following values at minimum:
You can get info about generating auth tokens here:
(Optional: If you have build flavors) In my case, I have different flavors for my app. So, I had to put the inside my flavor specific folder in /app/src/ folder. Then, I wrote a gradle task to copy the flavor specific file into the project's root folder during gradle's configuration phase. Example:
task copySentryPropertiesTask {
if (getBuildFlavor() != null && !getBuildFlavor().isEmpty()) {
println("Copying Sentry properties file: ${getBuildFlavor()}")
copy {
from "src/${getBuildFlavor()}/"
include ""
into "../"
def getBuildFlavor() {
Gradle gradle = getGradle()
String tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString()
Pattern pattern;
if (tskReqStr.contains("assemble"))
pattern = Pattern.compile("assemble(\\w+)(Release|Debug)")
pattern = Pattern.compile("generate(\\w+)(Release|Debug)")
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tskReqStr)
if (matcher.find())
else {
println "NO MATCH FOUND"
return ""
Note 1: You can place this task in your app/build.gradle anywhere (I had placed it at the end).
Note 2: If you followed step 3 for build flavors, you can also add the root folder's in .gitignore. Since, it will be copied everytime you create a build.
Sentry should now be able to upload the proguard files for any release builds (or if you set minifyEnabled=true for any buildType).

Isolating test APK build

I have a situation where in an Android project with instrumentation tests I have all of the production code precompiled and ready to be installed as an .apk (a React Native environment).
Whenever I run instrumentation tests, I initially build the AndroidTest .apk using Gradle by running:
./gradlew assembleDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug
(i.e. in a pretty standard way).
Trouble is that despite explicitly specifying only the xxxAndroidTest task, all of the production code assembly Gradle tasks are run as well. This is an extreme time waster to me since - as I explained, the production apk is already there, and thus code compilation (and packaging, signing, etc.) is scarce.
In essence, I have no dependency in production code from the instrumentation code -- even the ActivityTestRule I use is created dynamically and isn't directly bound to my main activity:
Intent launchIntent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(context.getPackageName());
ResolveInfo resolveInfo = context.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(launchIntent, 0);
Class<?> activityClass = Class.forName(;
ActivityTestRule<?> activityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule(activityClass, false, false);
Question is: How can I isolate / restrict Gradle's work so it would only include test-related tasks? I even tried inspecting the tasks tree using this Gradle plugin, but couldn't find a clear place to "cut the tree" down.
Well so far I've come up with this (heuristic) solution, that does 2 things:
I noticed that most of the time that goes to waste is due to sub-projects that are not needed for the job. Therefore, the solution provides an easy way to exclude implementations from test building.
Out of the tasks remaining in the list, still - the plugin iteratively force-disables tasks that are not related but run nonetheless.
It boils down to this helper Gradle script:
// turbo-test-apk.gradle
def isEnabled = System.getProperty('TURBO_TEST_APK') != null
project.ext.dependenciesExcludeTest = { depsClosure ->
if (!isEnabled) {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (isEnabled) {
def disabledTasks = new ArrayList<Task>(graph.allTasks.size())
[/.*JsAndAssets.*/, /package.*Release/, /package.*Debug/, /compile.*/, /.*[Pp]roguard.*/, /.*[Nn]ew[Rr]elic.*/, /.*AndroidTest.*/].forEach { regex ->
graph.allTasks.findAll { ==~ regex }.forEach({ task ->
task.enabled = false
graph.allTasks.findAll { ==~ /.*AndroidTest.*/ }.forEach({ task ->
task.enabled = true
println '--- Turbo test build: task scanning ---'
disabledTasks.forEach { task ->
if (!task.enabled) {
println 'Force-skipping ' + task
println '---------------------------------------'
Namely, the dependenciesExcludeTest enabled the exclusion of unwanted subprojects, and the task-graph-ready callback does the disabling. NOTE that the regex list is custom made, and is not generic. It makes sense for my project as react native projects have a heavy-weight JS-bundling tasks called bundleJsAndAssets, and I also have new relic installed. Nevertheless, this can be easily tailored to any project.
Also, the app.gradle looks something like this:
apply plugin: ''
apply from: './turbo-test-apk.gradle'
dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:$kotlin_stdlib:$kotlinVersion"
implementation "$supportLibraryVersion"
implementation "$supportLibraryVersion"
// etc.
// These will be excluded when executing test-only mode
dependenciesExcludeTest {
implementation project(':#react-native-community_async-storage')
implementation project(':any-unneeded-sub-project')
So when gradle is run like this (i.e. with a custom TURBO_TEST_APK property):
./gradlew assembleDebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug -DTURBO_TEST_APK
the script will apply its work and reduce the overall build time.
This solution isn't optimal: tricky to maintain, doesn't omit all of the unnecessary work. I'd be very happy to see more effective solutions.

Intellij not recognizing directory as tests

I added another source set, and a task of type test that uses that source set. I can execute the task and run the tests fine.
However, Intellij doesn't consider this src/newTests/java as tests. If I 'Mark directory as test sources' in the UI, it will forget it he next time build.gradle is synced. How do I make it remember this?
Try this:
android {
sourceSets {
test {
java.srcDir file('src/newTest/java')

Could not find property 'uninstallDebug' on project

In my project I want to run my custom task "MyTask" to run before uninstall happens. Code for the same is
uninstallDebug.dependsOn "MyTask"
When I run this, it fails with an error
Could not find property 'uninstallDebug' on project
whereas, I see a gradle task listed in the Gradle window with that name.
What may be going wrong?
project.afterEvaluate { p ->
p.tasks.uninstallDebug.doFirst {
println 'before uninstall'
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
// if your MyTask is in the same project
uninstallDebug.dependsOn "MyTask"
// if it is else where
uninstallDebug.dependsOn project("someProject").project("subProject).tasks["MyTask"]
uninstallDebug along with several other tasks, especially those that have flavor or buildType name in their name are created and added to the gradle taskGraph quite late in the configuration step by the android plugin. What that means, as you have discovered is that you may not be able to refer to them by name early in the config step since they do not exist yet.
The way around this as the other answers point out is to wait until the tasks in question are added to the taskgraph. You can use your line uninstallDebug.dependsOn "MyTask" in either gradle.taskgraph.whenRead{} or project.afterEvaluate {}

