On my RxJava code, I create an Observable with an interval. The code look like this :
public class GetProducts implements RxRequest<Observable<ProductsResult>> {
private LatLng markerLocationToReport;
private static int TIMER = 5;
private static GetProducts INSTANCE = new GetProducts();
public static GetProducts getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
private Observable obs;
private GetProducts() {
public Observable<ProductsResult> getObservable() {
if (obs == null) {
obs = Observable.interval(0, TIMER, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.flatMap((tick) -> Observable.just(GetProductsRequest.getProducts(markerLocationToReport)))
((ConnectableObservable) obs).connect();
return obs;
public void setMarkerLocationToReport(LatLng markerLocationToReport) {
this.markerLocationToReport = markerLocationToReport;
My question is, how can I use the current value of markerLocationToReport in my flatMap function ?
Because in the current code when the request is made by GetProductsRequest.getProducts(markerLocationToReport) always use the initial value of markerLocationToReport when the Observable have been created and I need to update it during my app lifecycle.
First of all, I see a couple of races: 1) markerLocationToReport should be volatile so the function of flatMap can observe it properly; 2) unless you call getObservable from a single thread, it may create multiple instances of the timed action.
In addition, you can use convenience .publish().autoConnect(0) which will connect immediately and you don't have to cast to ConnectableObservable.
I created an application using MVP pattern, I found this tutorial link and decided to implement it in my application in order for the fragments to communicate with their activities. I moved the implementation of the Eventbus to the correspond activity presenter and fragment presenter in order to still use the MVP pattern. Now I'm facing a new problem, one of my fragments need to change two things in the activity parameters (toolbar related and ImageView drawable). Can I somehow differentiate which callback is from in the accept function?
RxBus class
public final class RxBus {
private static SparseArray<PublishSubject<Object>> sSubjectMap = new SparseArray<>();
private static Map<Object, CompositeDisposable> sSubscriptionsMap = new HashMap<>();
public static final int CHANGE_APP_BAR_LAYOUT = 0;
public static final int CHANGE_POSTER_IMAGE = 1;
#interface Subject {
private RxBus() {
// hidden constructor
* Get the subject or create it if it's not already in memory.
private static PublishSubject<Object> getSubject(#Subject int subjectCode) {
PublishSubject<Object> subject = sSubjectMap.get(subjectCode);
if (subject == null) {
subject = PublishSubject.create();
sSubjectMap.put(subjectCode, subject);
return subject;
* Get the CompositeDisposable or create it if it's not already in memory.
private static CompositeDisposable getCompositeDisposable(#NonNull Object object) {
CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.get(object);
if (compositeDisposable == null) {
compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();
sSubscriptionsMap.put(object, compositeDisposable);
return compositeDisposable;
* Subscribe to the specified subject and listen for updates on that subject. Pass in an object to associate
* your registration with, so that you can unsubscribe later.
* <br/><br/>
* <b>Note:</b> Make sure to call {#link RxBus#unregister(Object)} to avoid memory leaks.
public static void subscribe(#Subject int subject, #NonNull Object lifecycle, #NonNull Consumer<Object> action) {
Disposable disposable = getSubject(subject).subscribe(action);
* Unregisters this object from the bus, removing all subscriptions.
* This should be called when the object is going to go out of memory.
public static void unSubscribe(#NonNull Object lifecycle) {
//We have to remove the composition from the map, because once you dispose it can't be used anymore
CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.remove(lifecycle);
if (compositeDisposable != null) {
* Publish an object to the specified subject for all subscribers of that subject.
public static void publish(#Subject int subject, #NonNull Object message) {
MainPresenter class
public class MainPresenter extends BasePresenter<MainView> implements Observer<ConfigurationResponse>,Consumer<Object>
public void accept(Object o) throws Exception {
//here is the problem how can I know if I should call to changeAppBar or change Image url?
ClientPresenter class
public class ClientPresenter extends BasePresenter<SeriesSpecsView>
//I'm calling to those function withing the fragment when the user click on the ui
public void setPosterUrl(String posterUrl)
public void setAppBarLayoutParams(boolean collapse)
I found a two solutions for this problem:
1) to check the object by calling instanceof function, not very effective and if I will need to send the same type of information between the two events?
2) Add another evenbus but I don't think it's logical to have separate eventbus for every event you want to have callback to your activity.
Thanks for your help
I encountered another problem(or at least potentially problem). I added a SwipeRefreshLayout to wrap my content(which is the framelayout, each fragment that I will have will be displayed in this container). My main reason to do it was to implement a single interface between the activity and all the fragments. Let's say you don't have a network connection I will display a message to the user to swipe down in order to try to refresh the current fragment. So far I have done this by adding SwipeRefreshLayout to each of the fragments that I have. It's basically the same code and I thought to merge all the code in one place in the activity. I would love to use the EventBus but from what I understand I would need to subscribe all the fragments to the "event" onRefresh.
How can I send the event to the appropriate fragment?
I use RxBus to transmit global events. You can also use this your way.
class RxBus {
private val busSubject: Subject<ActionEvent<out Any>> =
fun register( onNext:
Consumer<ActionEvent<out Any>>):Disposable{
return busSubject
fun post(event: ActionEvent<out Any>) {
open class ActionEvent<T>(val action: ActionEnum
, val event: T) {
You can use String in place of ActionEnum, which is just an enum class
When you post something,
When you want to subscribe,
val disposable = rxBus.subscribe(Consumer{...})
Remember to dispose the disposale on destroy.
I am currently just using EventBus to transfer data from FirebaseMessagingService onMessageReceived to MainActivity , but this is getting tricky as complexity goes on and what if i get multiple notifications ? on the other hand,
Data transfer is costing 1 extra class and 2 boiler plate function due to EventBus.
So Problem is how to transfer data from FirebaseMessagingService to Activity using Rxjava , and is there any way to convert this whole service to some observables ?
You would still need to Service to receive the notifcations. However, you could use a PublishSubject to publish items like this:
class NotificationsManager {
private static PublishSubject<Notification> notificationPublisher;
public PublishSubject<Notification> getPublisher() {
if (notificationPublisher == null) {
notificationPublisher = PublishSubject.create();
return notificationPublisher;
public Observable<Notification> getNotificationObservable() {
return getPublisher().asObservable();
class FirebaseMessagingService {
private PublishSubject<Notification> notificationPublisher;
public void create() {
notificationPublisher = NotificationsManager.getPublisher()
public void dataReceived(Notification notification) {
class MyActivity {
private Observable<Notification> notificationObservable;
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
notificationObservable = NotificationsManager.getNotificationObservable()
Edit: expanded the example. Please note this is not the best way to do it, just an example
yes, you can convert Service for using Observables by using PublishSubject . Just return it as observable by
subject.asObservable() and pass it new event from onEvent() method by
Use Service binding to bind your Service to Activity, and , whithing binding interface, return references to your subjects as observables.
PublishSubject<String> eventPipe = PublishSubject.create();
Observable<String> pipe = eventPipe.observeOn(Schedulers.computation()).asObservable();
// susbcribe to that source
Subscription s = pipe.subscribe(value -> Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Value received: " + value));
// give next value to source (use it from onEvent())
// stop receiving events (when you disconnect from Service)
if (s != null && !s.isUnsubscribed()){
s = null;
// we're disconnected, nothing will be printed out
Im exactly having this behavior
Subscriber OnComplete called twice
(which is is anticipated as per http://reactivex.io/documentation/subject.html)
But in my scenario : it goes something like this :
I have a AudioRecordingService which displays a notification, in which I have options for the user to save or delete the on going recording, which is working perfectly. But I'm trying to get into using RxAndroid, my notification's save button would trigger..
RxEventBus.getInstance().postEvent(new RxEvents(RxEventsEnum.AUDIO_STOP_AND_SAVE));
which triggers
AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(new Action1<RxEvents>() {
#Override public void call(RxEvents rxEvents) {
and in my onEvent(rxEvent) based on the rxEvents object's data I appropriately save and store recording. The first time I try this, it works fine, but the subsequent times, the
#Override public void call(RxEvents rxEvents) {
is being called multiple times, like for example the second time I post an event, this callback is called twice, the third time thrice and so on... (which is actually what PublishSubject does). I don't want this behavior, I want Rx to be a able to post events and receive only the latest event that was posted and nothing else.
Here is my other relevant code
protected final <T> Observable<T> bindUntilActivitySpecificEvent(Observable<T> observable,
ActivityEvent event) {
return observable.compose(RxLifecycle.<T, ActivityEvent>bindUntilEvent(lifecycle(), event))
and my run of the mill RxEventBus class :
public class RxEventBus {
private static final RxEventBus INSTANCE = new RxEventBus();
public static RxEventBus getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
private RxEventBus() {
private final Subject<Object, Object> mBus = new SerializedSubject<>(PublishSubject.create());
public void postEvent(Object event) {
public <T> Observable<T> forEventType(Class<T> eventType) {
return mBus.ofType(eventType).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread());
What is the best approach using RxAndroid ? Please note that I am looking for RxAndroid solution only.
You are creating a new observable every time you trigger an event in
You need to cache the observables you create for each event type.
I am using Otto's event bus in my application. In one of my classes I am posting the event.
MyEvent myevent = new MyEvent();
I am able to test the post method.
Now there is another class which is receiving the event.
public void onEventReceived(MyEvent myevent) {
How do I unit test that this method was invoked. I tried with the following test code
Bus uiBus;
public void testBusReceviedEvent() {
ReceiverClass instance = new ReceiverClass();
MyEvent myevent = new MyEvent();
verify(instance, times(1)).callAMethod();
But this code doesn't work.
I'm a little late to the party but here is an example of a class which works and accounts for async calls. Instead of Mocking EventBus we simply let it do it's thing and register it in the TestDriver class below.
The thing that makes this work is the CountDownLatch which, with the help of the abstract DataTransferCallback class, waits for latch.countDown() to be called or 5 seconds to go by.
Just register your test class and in the #Subscribe method, pass it back to the method that created the DataTransferCallback and do your assertions there.
public class TestDriver {
private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private EventBus eventBus;
private DataTransferCallback transferCallback;
public abstract class DataTransferCallback {
abstract void onSuccess(DataTransfer event);
public void setUp() {
eventBus = spy(EventBus.getDefault());
public void test200Resposne() throws InterruptedException {
// Get known good JSON
final String json = TestJSON.get200Response();
// Class under test
final Driver driver = new Driver(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext());
final JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
//boolean to hold our test result
final boolean[] testPassed = new boolean[]{false};
transferCallback = new DataTransferCallback() {
public void onSuccess(DataTransfer event) {
assertThat(event.getStatus(), is("OK"));
assertTrue(event.getData() != null);
testPassed[0] = true;
//Set our test EventBus object
// The actual method under test
// Set a countdown latch to wait for the result (5s)
latch.await(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// will wait here until 5s or the #Subscrube method is hit
//Because we want to examine EventBus Output, register it
//to this class and pass the event back through our custom abstract class
public void onReceiveEventBusEvent(DataTransfer event) {
//notify latch so that we can proceed
It does not work because instance is not a mock. You will have to verify the effects of callAMethod or put that method in another class and inject a mock of this new class into your ReceiverClass class.
For example...
private class ReceiverClass {
private MyNewClass theNewClassIWasTalkingAbout;
// Stick in a setter for that ^
public void onEventReceived(MyEvent myevent) {
Then your test will have to change slightly...
private MyNewClass mockNewClass;
#InjectMocks // This will be the "solid" implementation of the thing you are trying to test, it is not a mock...
private ReceiverClass instance;
public void testBusReceivedEvent() {
MyEvent myevent = new MyEvent();
verify(mockNewClass, times(1)).callAMethod();
Hope this helps.
I'm start learning RxJava and I like it so far. I have a fragment that communicate with an activity on button click (to replace the current fragment with a new fragment). Google recommends interface for fragments to communicate up to the activity but it's too verbose, I tried to use broadcast receiver which works generally but it had drawbacks.
Since I'm learning RxJava I wonder if it's a good option to communicate from fragments to activities (or fragment to fragment)?. If so, whats the best way to use RxJava for this type of communication?. Do I need to make event bus like this one and if that's the case should I make a single instance of the bus and use it globally (with subjects)?
Yes and it's pretty amazing after you learn how to do it. Consider the following singleton class:
public class UsernameModel {
private static UsernameModel instance;
private PublishSubject<String> subject = PublishSubject.create();
public static UsernameModel instanceOf() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new UsernameModel();
return instance;
* Pass a String down to event listeners.
public void setString(String string) {
* Subscribe to this Observable. On event, do something e.g. replace a fragment
public Observable<String> getStringObservable() {
return subject;
In your Activity be ready to receive events (e.g. have it in the onCreate):
UsernameModel usernameModel = UsernameModel.instanceOf();
//be sure to unsubscribe somewhere when activity is "dying" e.g. onDestroy
subscription = usernameModel.getStringObservable()
.subscribe(s -> {
// Do on new string event e.g. replace fragment here
}, throwable -> {
// Normally no error will happen here based on this example.
In you Fragment pass down the event when it occurs:
Your activity then will do something.
Tip 1: Change the String with any object type you like.
Tip 2: It works also great if you have Dependency injection.
I wrote a more lengthy article
Currently I think my preferred approach to this question is this to:
1.) Instead of one global bus that handles everything throughout the app (and consequently gets quite unwieldy) use "local" buses for clearly defined purposes and only plug them in where you need them.
For example you might have:
One bus for sending data between your Activitys and your ApiService.
One bus for communicating between several Fragments in an Activity.
One bus that sends the currently selected app theme color to all Activitys so that they can tint all icons accordingly.
2.) Use Dagger (or maybe AndroidAnnotations if you prefer that) to make the wiring-everything-together a bit less painful (and to also avoid lots of static instances). This also makes it easier to, e. g. have a single component that deals only with storing and reading the login status in the SharedPreferences - this component could then also be wired directly to your ApiService to provide the session token for all requests.
3.) Feel free to use Subjects internally but "cast" them to Observable before handing them out to the public by calling return subject.asObservable(). This prevents other classes from pushing values into the Subject where they shouldn't be allowed to.
Define events
public class Trigger {
public Trigger() {
public static class Increment {
public static class Decrement {
public static class Reset {
Event controller
public class RxTrigger {
private PublishSubject<Object> mRxTrigger = PublishSubject.create();
public RxTrigger() {
// required
public void send(Object o) {
public Observable<Object> toObservable() {
return mRxTrigger;
// check for available events
public boolean hasObservers() {
return mRxTrigger.hasObservers();
public class App extends Application {
private RxTrigger rxTrigger;
public App getApp() {
return (App) getApplicationContext();
public void onCreate() {
rxTrigger = new RxTrigger();
public RxTrigger reactiveTrigger() {
return rxTrigger;
Register event listener wherever required
MyApplication mApp = (App) getApplicationContext();
.reactiveTrigger() // singleton object of trigger
.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) // push to io thread
.observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // listen calls on main thread
.subscribe(object -> { //receive events here
if (object instanceof Trigger.Increment) {
fabCounter.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fabCounter.getText().toString()) + 1));
} else if (object instanceof Trigger.Decrement) {
if (Integer.parseInt(fabCounter.getText().toString()) != 0)
fabCounter.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fabCounter.getText().toString()) - 1));
} else if (object instanceof Trigger.Reset) {
Send/Fire event
MyApplication mApp = (App) getApplicationContext();
.send(new Trigger.Increment());
.send(new Trigger.Decrement());
Full implementation for above library with example -> RxTrigger