I read most of the tutorials to make a SoftKeyboard for Android and all of them talking about using android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView and xml file with Keyboard element to make the keyboard.
The Keyboard element only accepts row as child and row only accepts key so I can't add another UI components like EditText or any other UI components.
At first I though that can't be done but during my search I found this keyboard which has search and search results in the keyboard.
So how can I make a custom keyboard layout like this?
Keyboard handling is still a major setback in Android app development. Let me be specific about my question, I want to provide animation for soft keyboard appearance. I know it is not feasible directly but do anyone know any workaround / tweaks & tricks for this?
you can try creating a custom soft keyboard and register your edittext to load this keyboard (take a look at the plethora of custom keyboards you can use https://android-arsenal.com/tag/232)
An example is "Floating KeyboardView" https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/5247 shows you how you can customise your keyboard.
Use it as normal keyboard view and
Place FloatingKeyboardView inside a FrameLayout or a RelativeLayout
(TIP: Put it last or/and with some elevation)
Make an xml with your keyboard layout
Declare it in activity code
FloatingKeyboardView mCustomKeyboard = (FloatingKeyboardView) findViewById(R.id.keyboardview);
Assign the keyboard layout
mCustomKeyboard.setKeyboard(new Keyboard(this, R.xml.numkbd));
Register edittexts to use it
I have two EditText in my layout, and another layout that contains a custom designed keyboard using ImageButtons. Using these two layouts, I want to:
When the EditText is clicked/touched, hide the default keyboard.
Display the custom keyboard (like a replacement to the default keyboard).
Hide the keyboard after clicking back/return key.
I was able to hide the default keyboard by setting the InputType of the two EditText to NULL. However, it means that the cursor will no longer be visible when EditText is focused. This is part of the specifications of the project.
How do I best approach this problem? What could be a best solution?
Edit: Project specifications were changed. However, I would still love to have the solution or approach to this problem / issue. Thank you very much.
I've been trying to create a custom android keyboard. I've started looking over "Creating an Input Method" guide from Google and I was able to create a regular keyboard using the Keyboard and KeyboardView elements.
The problem is that my keyboard needs a scrollview (or a recyclerview) so the user can scroll and see more items of the keyboard - but I don't think this can be achieved using the default Keyboard and KeyboardView elements.
I also tried to override the onCreateInputView method and add a custom layout that contained a scrollview - but the height of the keyboard was taking the entire screen and the user couldn't interact with the app anymore.
So if anyone has some ideas on how I can overcome this issues I would love to hear your suggestions.
I am developing a softkeyboard I have tried several codes in the main.xml file but none of the codes display the keyboard in graphical view
Please Help
The soft keyboard won't show up in the graphical view because it is a custom view -- the graphical view is designed for basic android widgets only. When you start using anything but the main Android widgets (i.e. TextView, ScrollView, Button, etc.), you're going to have to code it in XML.
The keyboard's layout and drawing methods change dynamically based on the number of keys, the keyboard theme, key icons, etc. This happens at runtime and thus cannot be displayed before the app is run.
I wish to add custom buttons to the android IME. So I have created an InputMethodService extension as done with soft keyboard sample from code samples. But in SoftKeyboard sample a candidate view is been used to add predictive text. So I was try to use the same approach but how can I listen to onclick events when I add button on the candidate view. Is this the best way to add buttons above keyboard?
How can I change the background of each letter in the keyboard already provided or even change the buttons?