Displaying A Notification When I Want? [closed] - android

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I send a notification when I want? Example, I want display a notification about new update, announcement... A custom notification. Is it possible? Is there a library?

I'd use Parse Android notification API:
Here is the instruction of how to import and activate the API on your project:
Then all what you need to do is to go to parse site and send the push notification:
The notification sending looks like that:
There is one Catch here:


How to make a Notification with different phone? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i want to make an application about how to receive Notification from other phone but i don't know how to do it,i'm already search the keyword still didn't have a match with my problem, please can u give me an advice or tell me how i'm gonna do it?thank you
You have to use client-server communication for your requirement.
In that you have to follow step as:
Create server to listen client.
Retrieve notification from device A (as a client).
send data to device B(as a server).
you can refer link for server-client communication

FCM for Android using programmatically [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have done everything with FCM console for push notification and its working fine. I am also getting push notifications on device but according my need I create project programmatically using java code so is there any API for that or we have to done this manually?
There is currently no public API to create Firebase projects. As the tools/CLI says, you'll have to create them in the Firebase Console.
You can refer to this link :
Is possible create new firebase project by API?

How to send push notification from a web app to an android app? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a simple android application that is receiving the push notification from firebase's console properly.
How can I send a notification from my own web application, instead of sending from firebase console?
You can use google firebase apis .

How to add interactive buttons in Applozic mesasge? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At applozic site https://www.applozic.com/messaging-api-use-cases.html interactive shopping assistant is presented. But in documentation is no example how to add buttons and etc to the messages. Please deliver an example of how to achieve such result.
Message contains metadata which is a key value pair.
In order to build interactive button, you need to send the message along with metadata and then on the UI code side, parse the meta data and render the UI accordingly.

How to get information from the Android notification bar? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make an Android app that sends a mail when i get something in my notification bar on my phone. I canĀ“t find any information about how to check if there is something in the notification bar. Is this possible? If so, is this documented anywhere?
Write a NotificationListenerService. It will be notified as notifications come and go.

