How to display source code "prettily" in android app - android

[What I'd like to do]
To display source code "prettily" in android app. Like this.
At least if there are indents, it's fine.
Because I'm developing an android app where users can see Views and its source code at the same time.
Showing source codes on TextView looks ugly. A lot of escape characters needed for <> and the text layout collapsed. Googling and searching on Stackoverflow didn't give me any useful information.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
(update 2015/11/23)
These link might be useful when you use WebView to display source codes.
- How can I display HTML source code within a HTML website? [duplicate]
- How to display source code with indent in a web page? HTML? CSS?

Displaying the text in a WebView is a great idea as you can now use javascript APIs like Google's Code Prettify
I believe SO uses it ;)
The comments in prettify.js are authoritative but the lexer should
work on a number of languages including C and friends, Java, Python,
Bash, SQL, HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, Makefiles, and Rust.
It works passably on Ruby, PHP, VB, and Awk and a decent subset of
Perl and Ruby, but, because of commenting conventions, doesn't work on
Smalltalk, OCaml, etc. without a language extension.
Other languages are supported via extensions:
Apollo; Basic; Clojure; CSS; Dart; Erlang; Go; Haskell; Lasso; Lisp,
Scheme; Llvm; Logtalk; Lua; Matlab; MLs: F#, Ocaml,SML; Mumps;
Nemerle; Pascal; Protocol buffers; R, S; RD; Rust; Scala; SQL; Swift;
TCL; Latek; Visual Basic; VHDL; Wiki; XQ; YAML

I think this question is a tricky one. I tried to google myself and only find this library
which supports different text appearence. Hope this will help you out.


Taking Screenshots Using Qt C++ on Android

thanks for checking my question out!
I'm currently working on a project using Qt C++, which is designed to be multi-platform. I'm a bit of a newcoming to it, so I've been asked to set up the ability to take screenshots from within the menu structure, and I'm having issues with the Android version of the companion app.
As a quick overview, it's a bit of software that send the content of a host PC's screen to our app, and I've been able to take screenshots on the Windows version just fine, using QScreen and QPixmap, like so:
QPixmap screenSnapData = screenGrab->currentBackground();
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId() );
Unfortunately, Android seems to reject QScreen, and with most suggestions from past Google searches suggesting the now-deprecated QPixmap::grab(), I've gotten a little stuck.
What luck I have had is within the code for the menu itself, and QWidget, but that isn't without issue, of course!
QFile doubleCheckFile("/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Testing/checking.png");;
QPixmap checkingPixmap = QWidget::grab();;
This code does take a screenshot, but only of the button strip currently implemented, and not for the whole screen. I've also taken a 'screenshot' of just a white box with the screen's dimensions by using:
QDesktopWidget dw;
QWidget *screen=dw.screen();
QPixmap checkingPixmap = screen->grab();
Would anyone know of whether there was an alternative to using QScreen to take a screenshot in Android, or whether there's a specific way to get it working as compared to Windows? Or would QWidget be the right track? Any help's greatly appreciated!
as i can read in Qt doc : In your screenGrabber.cpp :
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId() );
replace with :
QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
return screen->grabWindow( 0 ); // as 0 is the id of main screen
If you want to take a screenshot of your own widget, you can use the method QWidget::render (Qt Doc):
QPixmap pixmap(widget->size());
If you want to take a screenshot of another app/widget than your app, you should use the Android API...

Russian text is not working in Android game when ported from iOS using Apportable SDK

I have successfully ported our game to Android from iOS using Apportable starter SDK.
I have come across a issue in which the device is decoding Russian text of the game , i have included screen shots and where i have given such Russian texts in xcode.As you see from the i have typed the word "Test" in English which is displayed properly and whereas the Russian text is displayed in some form of code.
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"\n Test Разъезжая по сказочным землям и устраивая веселые дискотеки, я добрался до Пушляндии. Я много слышал о веселых и дружных жителях этой страны - Пушистиках. Узнав о моем появлении, они шумной толпой прибежали на мою вечеринку..."];
Stack overflow is not allowing me to add screenshots so i am adding links.The first screenshot shows the way i want the text to display in android adb second screenshot shows the current way its displayed.
I will provide more detailed description or code if required.
Screenshot iOS:
Screenshot Android:
Maybe i will be captain obviously it`s looking like file encoding error after port. Russian texts sometimes ussing cp-1251 encoding not utf. I hope i will help you to find solution.
P.s Sorry i dont have enought reputation to add comment so i post it like answer.

How to find a WebView element in Android using Calabash using TextContent

I have a webview in an ios app that basically has no id or class. (I know, right?)
But it does have a textContent field that I would like to use to select elements.
This is the element I want to find:
"textContent"=>"!!! I WANT TO FIND IT BY THIS !!!",
"center"=>{"X"=>307.5, "Y"=>178.5},
"<UIWebView: 0xe2e1400; frame = (0 0; 320 504); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H
"html"=>"<div class=\"arrow\"></div>"}
So I was able to find this using css pseudo-selectors alá
query("webView css:'el:first-child'")
I can find it by using the hashes in the results array alá
query("webView css:'li'").select {|element| element["textContent"] == "!!! I WANT TO FIND IT BY THIS !!!}
And I can refactor it a bit to use a regex alá
query("webView css:'li'").select {|element| element["textContent"] =~ /I WANT/}
But all this feels really dirty. Very un-Calabashy. Is there a better way to write this?
I have not tried your exact setup. But I do often use queries with the LIKE comparison on label.
Would that solve your problem?
element_exists("label {text LIKE 'I WANT TO FIND'}")
I wound up going with this:
query("webView css:'TITLE'{textContent CONTAINS ’I WANT’}")
It tends to work more consistently with these particular webviews (given a lack of accessibility labels in the code).

HttpUnit/HtmlUnit equivalent for android

I'm looking for a browser-simulating library on android, which handles things like
loading a website (http/https)
Redirections: HTTP (3xx Status Codes), JavaScript, HMTL tags
filling out html-forms
easy html parsing (could fall back to JSoup for that one)
HttpUnit or HtmlUnit would do just fine, but both of them are a pain to get running on android.
Is there any other option other than (Android)HttpClient (and therefore doing lots of the above on my own)? Or can I somehow get use of the android webkit/browser?
Thanks in advance!
I would recommend you to have a look at AndroidDriver for selenium. It seems to be a straightforward approach to easy test WebApplications with the Android Testing Framework.
You must use an Activity that includes a WebView in order to test HTTP/HTTPs websites.
The Driver is instanciated with this Activity:
WebDriver driver = new AndroidWebDriver(getActivity());
Here is a sample test, quoted from the link above:
public void testGoogleWorks()
// Loads
// Lookup the search box on the page by it's HTML name property
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));
// Enter keys in the search box
searchBox.sendKeys("Android Rocks!");
// Hit enter
// Ensure the title contains "Google"
// Ensure that there is at least one link with the keyword "Android"
assertTrue(driver.findElements(By.partialLinkText("Android")).size() > 1);

How to practically display math formula in Android

I researched on this for quite a while and I know this kind of questions already answered. But I couldn't find a right answer showing how to practically deal with math formula in Android app. Without including large amount (5~20MB) of files in the Android project, it seems that there is no way to parse & display math formula script like MATHML. I looked at JEuclid and MathJax that were mentioned a lot for Android but I found them in this category.
So at this point, the only way I can think of is to take each of those formula in a image file and display it on Android. But in practice, that manual process is really slow. I am sure this is not a right way.
So I have to ask this again. How to practically display math formula in your Android app?
You can not set maths formula to TextView in android. You have to use WebView in which you can display maths formulae. See mathjax for more information.
if you want to display for android then here is library you can implement in your project. mathjaxwebview
If you want to parse Tex(Inline mode and display mode) formats and ASCII math format you can use this link .I used the above math view given in this link to display formula.It worked like a charm adding to that download mathjax from official site and get fonts folder and put it in your assets folder. It will definitely work.
download math view form above link.
The libraries which are using WebView to wrap latex-rendering-js-library (e.g., this, this and this), are not working well with the RecyclerView and will make the app slow. And they are not even updating the js libraries.
Finally, I found "noties/jlatexmath-android", which is using "opencollab/jlatexmath" native Java library. It is fast and can be easily used with RecyclerView.
Sample usage of JLatexMathView:
implementation "ru.noties:jlatexmath-android:$jlatexmath_version"
// for Cyrillic symbols
implementation "ru.noties:jlatexmath-android-font-cyrillic:$jlatexmath_version"
// for Greek symbols
implementation "ru.noties:jlatexmath-android-font-greek:$jlatexmath_version"
app:jlmv_textSize="16sp" />
val latexText = "\$\$f(x)=(x+a)(x+b)\$\$"
You can also use it as an extension of "noties/Markwon", a Markdown library for Android. Details can be found here.
Sample Usage of Markwon:
implementation "io.noties.markwon:core:$markwon_version"
implementation "io.noties.markwon:ext-latex:$markwon_version"
implementation "io.noties.markwon:inline-parser:$markwon_version"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
val markwon = Markwon.builder(requireContext())
.usePlugin(JLatexMathPlugin.create(binding.tvMarkdown.textSize) { builder ->
// ENABLE inlines
val latexText = "Example: \$\$f(x)=(x+a)(x+b)\$\$"
markwon.setMarkdown(binding.tvMarkdown, latexText)
You can implement with MathType.
But your data for display must be in MathType format

