I need inputs on which plugin to use to make the ios push notification working with GCM. I am using phonegap, sencha touch 2.
I have configured GCM, provided the p12 , pem for development. My ios certificate is correct as I am able to send notification to ios through certificate generated using APNS with same p12(pem) file. Phonegap push notification library which I am using is not supporting the ios GCM notification(it supports native ios and gcm android).
I am using :
I found that there is another plugin which does offer new ios GCM integration. Here is the one I found:
When I try to include the plugin in config.xml then build fails.
build fails with message as
The following build commands failed:
CompileC build/God.build/Release-iphoneos/God.build/Objects-normal/armv7/GCMPushPlugin.o God/Plugins/cordova-plugin-gcmpushplugin/GCMPushPlugin.m normal armv7 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
(1 failure)
I am not sure if it is failing as if plugin does not exist ? Anyway my question is which phonegap push notification plugin to use which support ios and android both through GCM.
Please share some pointers on this.
I did solved the issue and just providing a answer here for those who are facing similar issue. Problem was the phonegap push plugin which I was using was supporting only GCM and not iOS APN notifications. I did google and I found the correct plugin to use.
With this all Google (GCM) and ios (APN) notifications are working without any issue
https://build.phonegap.com/plugins/1199 is outdated and Adobe Phonegap build does not support it (last support till November 2016). So now using a different phonegap push notification(phonegap-plugin-push) plugin which is supported.
This is working with sencha touch and phonegap build. Notifications are working with GCM, APNS on ios and android
I need to develop a mobile application for iOS and Android with Chat and VOIP calling functionalities. One of the tools identified by client for Chat and VOIP is QuickBlox (https://quickblox.com/).
QuickBlox provide Native Plugins for iOS and Android with APIs for Authentication, Users, AddressBoox, Chat, Video Calling, Content, Push Notifications.
I've been using Google Flutter in the past 6 months to develop apps, and I could have used Google Flutter and Google Firebase to achieve all of the client requirements except for VOIP calls.
Should I build a Flutter Plugin as a wrapper for the native plugins or should I develop Native apps with 2 code bases for iOS and Android.
I have not built Flutter Plugins previously, will I save time by going Flutter + Flutter Plugin for QuickBlox?
Thank you.
QuickBlox has recently released an SDK for Flutter, documentation is available here. There is also a step-by-step guide on launching QuickBlox Flutter SDK.
Recently I came across similar requirements. We had tried to go with the flutter plugin approach using Flutter Method Channel. It acts as the bridge between the native side of the app and the flutter codebase. You can have a gist over the demo project which provides chat listing for now Demo.
I'm developing app in Ionic 2. I installed phonegap push plugin https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push to get notifications and get device ID.
When I'm in Android App the device ID of return is a GCM ID, but when I'm in iOS he return FCM Id, and I don't need that, I want get Push Plugin register:
This is example of my issue:
FCM Registration Token: cqs2H3ED5u8:APA91bEVQGi0SfbC1Yau1xN_PJB0SOmB50PgHMNG2zCqw4bzWfLruXfqKoIT7DeJnz5K37CqQLIs9F-CXfwurC-UhZjfLNUvnEfCZDpIleW_6xGZYZKokNcIPouGHdvdSnVMhHu6mITh
Push Plugin register success: <5c27c9a8 87e28030 735f8bc7 e27ab8de e6d6538f c9759e70 26c306a6 fa0ac2cc>
How to configure push plugin init to make this change?
I open issue on Phonegap project. https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/1982
The answer was
“Yes, when you remove the GoogleService-Info.plist from iOS it uses APNS but as long as you keep delivering google-service.json it uses FCM. Actually, Android won't work without the google-service.json file”
If you want use APNS on iOS platform you have to remove GoogleService-info.plist (is optional on iOS and necessary on Android)
I built an app ( which involves push notifications ) in native android code.For push notifications I used Amazon AWS SNS.
I'm trying to build the same app using "Native Script" ,but I'm failed to use AWS SNS in Native Script. It seems there is no support for AWS SNS in "Native script" yet.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.
If you have already build the app native - maybe you can wrap the notifications in a plugin and reuse it in native script: NativeScript Plugins
Been trying to get Steroids working with push notifications on Android and keep hitting a brick wall.
As far as I can see, there's no official support for https://github.com/AppGyver/PushPlugin, and the Urban Airship addon is currently iOS only.
When I set the custom plugin in the build configuration, I get some pretty nasty build errors. This is with just a freshly created and deployed steroids project, and just generally can't even get to the point where I have a build to play around with push notifications :(
There was some rumbling about the devs prioritising pushplugin around Dec 2013, but unsure if that ever actually materialised?
So I have:
steroids create pushTest
steroids deploy
...then I goto https://cloud.appgyver.com/applications/, configure my app in the android tab by adding this to the custom plugins...
Then run a build on 4.0.2. I am trying a scanner build, tried ARM, x86, and both, and keep coming back with build issues as above, or on some of the other forks ones that are a bit more vague, but I suspect those forks to be old.
So my question: Is it even possible to get push notifications working with Steroids under Android?
There's now an officially supported fork of the Push Plugin which works with the AppGyver Android Client: https://github.com/AppGyver/PushNotifications
The minimum required version for the Android client is 4.0.4-edge3.
Please see the Push Notification guide for instructions how to create the required iOS Certificates and the Google GCM API key.
Can I use Urban Airship with Adobe PhoneGap Build. I've read many questions but all seems really out date. Is Urban Airship Push Notification Service supported by PhoneGap Build nowadays. I also saw that in plugins tab there are some push notifications plugins and also there is a place that said Submit Plugin. Can I submit UA Phonegap 3.0 Plugin hosted at Github in that case? I've read Urban Airship documentation but it only talks about using their plugin which is not listed in adobe build.
Thanks you all very much for your help!
Urban Airship does not provide support for Phonegap Build, though there is a plugin that you can install manually: https://github.com/urbanairship/phonegap-ua-push