Using PendingIntent OnFinished callback from a Notification Action - android

Actions in Android Notifications require a PendingIntent to operate. Typical examples show an action triggering an app Activity. I'm trying to use a Notification action to open an Android Intent - Rate the app in the play store or send an email.
Intent intentRate = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + mThis.getPackageName()))
Intent intentEmail = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND ...
I would like to make use of the OnFinished PendingIntent callback, but those are called through the .send() method and the syntax for using PendingIntents in Actions don't include .send()
Notification.Builder myRatingNotification = new Notification.Builder(mThis)
.addAction(0, mThis.getString(R.string.Rate_Act_Now), PendingIntent.getActivity(mThis, 0, intentRate, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))
.addAction(0, mThis.getString(R.string.Rate_App_Email), PendingIntent.getActivity(mThis, 0, intentEmail, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT));
Notification notification = new Notification.BigTextStyle(myRatingNotification).bigText(text).build();
((NotificationManager) mThis.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)).notify(notificationId, notification);
This is all running in a BroadcastReceiver service in the background, by the way. The user would typically never open the app directly except for first-use setup. So this interaction can only happen via Notification.
How can I get my app to run a little bit of code after the action is chosen and completed?


click event on firebase notification android

about event for click on notification:
I am searching since yesterday about that , what I found/understood: in FirebaseMessagingService will receive notification data , after will fire local notification, so need to add event in that local notification, I tried to add that many times with many ways but nothing worked …
after I tried to deleted notification files (firebase notification files, and local notification files) but still can receive notification. do you know how to know if the user clicked on the notification ?
To receive messages, use a service that extends FirebaseMessagingService. Your service should override the onMessageReceived and onDeletedMessages callbacks. It should handle any message within 20 seconds of receipt (10 seconds on Android Marshmallow). The time window may be shorter depending on OS delays incurred ahead of calling onMessageReceived. After that time, various OS behaviors such as Android O's background execution limits may interfere with your ability to complete your work.
For further info. you can visit the official website:
Hope you'll get your answer here.
Step 1:
// Create an Intent for the activity you want to start
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
Step 2:
// Create the PendingIntent
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MILLISECOND), intent, android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID);
NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(this);
Whenever a user clicks on notification MainActivity will be opened.
Here is details implementation of Android Notification Sample

Open Activity from Notification click when app is killed?

I am implementing calling functionality in my application with Twilio SDK. I am showing notification as soon as call starts, so the user can hang up the call from the notification bar. The problem is if user kills my application forcefully, I am not able to open the same calling activity from notification tray as my application is killed.
1: How can I detect if my app gets killed.
2: How Google play music notification works ( on click of notification
it open the song detail activity - even though the application is
3: How can I retain the same objects initialized at the time of
creating the activity to disconnect the call.
Try this
Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationActivity.class);
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,
intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, CHANNEL_ID)
.setContentText("Test notification")
hope this help

I want to send information through notification

I am making an app for my university, now in which I want to send messages/information about events. How I can send info to them. I tried firebase but, it is working till push notification only. I want if someone clicks on the notification it should open a new activity with whole message/info any code reference will be very helpful.
use the payload to put information into your notification. this could be an event id. The text of your notification is is also set by your server.
Thanks to the payload, your app client knows what event ID was received with the notification (when notification was opened). Just ask your database about information from the received event id from the client and you have all you need.
public void getnotification() {
NotificationManager notificationmgr = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, your_acitivity.class);
PendingIntent pintent = PendingIntent.getActivities(this, (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), new Intent[]{intent}, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
Notification notif = new Notification.Builder(this)
.setContentTitle(notif_title)//Title of the notification
.setContentText(notif_detail)//Description of the notification
notificationmgr.notify(0, notif);
When the above function is called a notification is generated and by clicking the notification the user is redirected to a specific activity. In the intent replace the your_acitivity.class to whatever activity you want to be redirected when notification is clicked.
Feel free to comment if I misunderstood your requirements.

How maintain GCM push message in Android, its replaced by new one

My Android application receives push notification with some text messages.If I tap a push it redirects me to desired activity with latest push message (intent message) but I want to show my desired activity with corresponding push messages.
For example If I receives 10 push notifications and I tap 3rd notification, my code redirects me to the specified activity with 10th push notification's message, but I want to show 3rd intent push notification's message.
I know PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT replace the intent message, how can I redirect with corresponding message instead last message?
I have tried the following:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, TestActivity2.class);
intent.putExtra("uid", uid);
PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
Notification notification = mBuilder
new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(textMsg))
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext()
notificationManager.notify((int) System.currentTimeMillis(),
Use FLAG_ONE_SHOT instead and change the second parameter in getActivity which is set to 0. This answer will make it clear.
You should Change the pendingIntend's content for Different Messages.
Here is the snippet from PendingIntent document.
"A PendingIntent itself is simply a reference to a token maintained by the system describing the original data used to retrieve it. This means that, even if its owning application's process is killed, the PendingIntent itself will remain usable from other processes that have been given it. If the creating application later re-retrieves the same kind of PendingIntent (same operation, same Intent action, data, categories, and components, and same flags), it will receive a PendingIntent representing the same token if that is still valid, and can thus call cancel() to remove it."
In simple words...try passing different id(Something like currentEpochTime) for each pendingIntent.

What is the difference between Notification and NotificationManger in Android?

What is the difference between those two?
I want to use the startForeground method and cannot use it with NotificationManager..
A Notification is a class that represents either a persistent icon that goes in the status bar and is accessible through the launcher, turning on or flashing LEDs on the device, or alerting the user by flashing the backlight, playing a sound, or vibrating.
The Notification Manager is the class that allows you to add notifications to the system,
startForeground is a method of the Serivce class. For example inside your Service class you can have something like this.
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, ActivityMain.class);
notificationIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher))
Notification notification =;
startForeground(1, notification);
A Notification is a description of what you want to occur to alert the user about something -- what icon goes in the status bar, what ringtone to play, etc.
NotificationManager is a system service that can show a Notification.
I want to use the startForeground methode and cannot use it with NotificationManager
Correct. Create a Notification using Notification.Builder (or NotificationCompat.Builder). See this project for an example of using startForeground().

