Couchbase facebook pull authenticator - android

I am using couchbase mobile for an application and I want to use facebook for authentication. As per documentation, couchbase offers it's own implementation for authentication, the only required thing would be the token which I retrieve from the android facebook login flow.
The code for Synchronize class looks something like this:
public class Synchronize {
public Replication pullReplication;
public Replication pushReplication;
public static class Builder {
public Replication pullReplication;
public Replication pushReplication;
public Builder(Database database, String url, Boolean continuousPull) {
if (pullReplication == null && pushReplication == null) {
URL syncUrl;
try {
syncUrl = new URL(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
pullReplication = database.createPullReplication(syncUrl);
pushReplication = database.createPushReplication(syncUrl);
public Builder facebookAuth(String token) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(token)) {
Authenticator facebookAuthenticator = AuthenticatorFactory.createFacebookAuthenticator(token);
return this;
public Builder basicAuth(String username, String password) {
Authenticator basicAuthenticator = AuthenticatorFactory.createBasicAuthenticator(username, password);
return this;
public Builder addChangeListener(Replication.ChangeListener changeListener) {
return this;
public Synchronize build() {
return new Synchronize(this);
private Synchronize(Builder builder) {
pullReplication = builder.pullReplication;
pushReplication = builder.pushReplication;
public void start() {
public void destroyReplications() {
if (pullReplication != null && pushReplication != null) {
pullReplication = null;
pushReplication = null;
And I use it like this:
public void startReplicationSync(String facebookAccessToken) {
if (sync != null) {
final String url = BuildConfig.URL_HOST + ":" + BuildConfig.URL_PORT + "/" + DATABASE_NAME;
sync = new Synchronize.Builder(databaseManager.getDatabase(), url, true)
My sync gateway json config file:
"register" : true
"users": {
"GUEST": {"disabled": false}
"sync":`function(doc) {channel(doc.channels);}`
I also tried with "GUEST": {"disabled": true}, no luck
My problem is that if I do this
Nothing will ever get replicated/pulled from the server. However if I don't set an authenticator, everything is pulled. Is it something I am doing wrong? I really need to use the authenticator in order to prevent some documents to not being replicated for non-authenticated users.
Note! The token is good, as if I am looking in the users section of sync gateway admin, I can see the right profile id of the logged in user token I passed to the couchbase facebook authenticator.

In the Sync Gateway config you provided, the Sync Function is function(doc, oldDoc) {channel(doc.channels);} which means that if the document processed by Sync Gateway contains a string(s) under the channels field, the document will be mapped to this/these channel(s). Let's assume the following config file:
"log": ["CRUD"],
"databases": {
"db": {
"server": "walrus:",
"users": {
"GUEST": {"disabled": false, "admin_channels": ["*"]}
"sync": `
function sync(doc, oldDoc) {
If the channels field doesn't exist then the document will be mapped to a channel called undefined. But the GUEST account has access to the * channel (a placeholder to represent all channels). So, all unauthenticated replications will pull all documents. Let's now introduce the facebook login field in the config file. This time, replications authenticated with a facebook token represent a new user which has only access to the ! channel by default (watch this screencast to understand the ! channel, a.k.a the public channel To give a user access to other channels, you must use the access API call in the Sync Function (read more about all Sync Function API calls here).
In the case of facebook authentication, the user's facebook ID is used to represent the user name. Supposing that the document has a property holding the user's facebook ID (user_id: FACEBOOK_ID), you can map the document to a channel and give the user access to it. The new Sync Function would look like this:
function(doc, oldDoc) {
access(doc.user_id, doc._id);
You can retrieve the user's facebook ID with the Facebook Android SDK and save on a document field.


Firebase Realtime Database Rules not working after authentication and data sent

I am currently in the process of getting my project to run with Firebase. I've completed authentication through this script here.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GooglePlayGames;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Firebase;
using Firebase.Auth;
public class FirebaseManager : MonoBehaviour
private string AuthCode;
private void Start()
// Initialize Play Games Configuration and Activate it.
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder()
Debug.LogWarning("Config Built");
PlayGamesPlatform.InitializeInstance(config); Debug.LogWarning("Instance");
PlayGamesPlatform.Activate(); Debug.LogWarning("Activate");
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance; // Sign In and Get a server auth code.
UnityEngine.Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) =>
if (!success)
Debug.LogError("SignInOnClick: Failed to Sign into Play Games Services.");
string authCode = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode))
Debug.LogError("SignInOnClick: Signed into Play Games Services but failed to get the server auth code.");
Debug.LogFormat("SignInOnClick: Auth code is: {0}", authCode); // Use Server Auth Code to make a credential
Firebase.Auth.Credential credential = Firebase.Auth.PlayGamesAuthProvider.GetCredential(authCode); // Sign In to Firebase with the credential
auth.SignInWithCredentialAsync(credential).ContinueWith(task => {
if (task.IsCanceled)
Debug.LogError("SignInOnClick was canceled.");
if (task.IsFaulted)
Debug.LogError("SignInOnClick encountered an error: " + task.Exception);
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser newUser = task.Result;
Debug.LogFormat("SignInOnClick: User signed in successfully: {0} ({1})", newUser.DisplayName, newUser.UserId);
Once i build this project onto Google Play and test it, it has the google UI pop up that shows my Google Play account name. Checking firebase authentication panel i can see my google play account populate the field with a UID.
I send some data to my database via REST API
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Firebase.Database;
using Proyecto26;
using Firebase;
using Firebase.Auth;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
public class Database : MonoBehaviour
#region Instance
public static Database I;
public void GetInstance()
if(I == null)
I = this;
I = this;
private void Awake()
private string UID;
PlayerSaveData playerSaveData = new PlayerSaveData();
private void Start()
Debug.Log("Sending data");
public void SavePlayerData()
RestClient.Put("https://-censored project" + UID + ".json", playerSaveData);
Debug.Log("Sent Data function complete");
public void LoadedData()
RestClient.Get<PlayerSaveData>("https://-censored project" + UID + ".json").Then(response =>
playerSaveData = response;
// UID //
public void UserID()
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
Firebase.Auth.FirebaseUser user = auth.CurrentUser;
if (user != null)
string playerName = user.DisplayName;
// The user's Id, unique to the Firebase project.
// Do NOT use this value to authenticate with your backend server, if you
// have one; use User.TokenAsync() instead.
string uid = user.UserId;
Debug.LogWarning("Player UID: " + uid);
UID = uid;
UID = "No UID";
Once i check my data on the Database page on the Firebase Console on a live build via Google Play Market, the data only populates when i set the rules to test "Write = true and read = true for everyone"
However, once i add the rules from the documents that fit my situation
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
// Allow only authenticated content owners access to their data
".read": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid",
".write": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid"
The live application does not continue to write to the database.
My debug log on Logcat shoes the UID is spitting out the same exact UID that is authenticated on firebase.
I hate to be the guy that floods a forum with a question that i am sure has been asked a 100 times. I have been at this firebase thing for about 2 days, but i am throwing in the towel on this one. I can't find anything unique to my situation. With the little knowledge i have, i do feel that somehow the authentication is not sending with the way i structured my database.cs with REST. But i was assured this is the way i should go.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, much thanks to those that take the time! :D
It seems like your REST client is not passing the user credentials along with the request. The Firebase SDK passes this information with each connection/request, and you'll have to do the same here.
Have a look at the Firebase documentation on authorizing REST requests, specifically the section on authenticating with an ID token, which is probably easiest for you.
On the other hand, I'd recommend having a look using using the Firebase Realtime Database SDK instead of calling the REST API, as this will pass the required information automatically.

How to validate mobile app facebook/google access token on spring boot 2.0 OAuth2 Authorization server?

I'm trying to validate Android/iOS client phone number or email address using Facebook Account-Kit service. I'm not sure how to validate the authorization code or access token with spring boot based back-end server and return the my own access token.
Between, I have gone thorough this blog, but it session based. I'm not clear how to change this to stateless (e.g /oauth/token).
Could anyone please let me know how to solve the issue ?
Reference : [][1]
Here is my code :
public class SocialConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext;
private String[] PUBLIC_URL = { "/*", "/api/v1/account/validate", "login/accountkit", "/api/v1/account" };
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// super.configure(http);
.addFilterBefore(ssoFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
private Filter ssoFilter() {
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter(
OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails accountkit = accountKit();
OAuth2RestTemplate template = new OAuth2RestTemplate(accountkit, oauth2ClientContext);
UserInfoTokenServices userInfo = new UserInfoTokenServices(accountKitResource().getUserInfoUri(),
return filter;
protected OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails accountKit() {
AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails resource = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails();
return resource;
protected ResourceServerProperties accountKitResource() {
return new ResourceServerProperties();

How to Implicitly get ParseUser's Write ACL

implicitly meaning considering the Roles the user is in, get me the write access for this user on this object, and my approaches are inefficient, I think:
Cloud code function for querying the user's roles then checking whether the user or his roles have right access to the object.
Parse.Cloud.define("hasWriteAccess", function(request, response){
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
query.equalTo("users", request.user);
var hasWriteAccess = false;
for (var i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
if (request.params.parseObject.getACL().getRoleWriteAccess(roles[i])) {
hasWriteAccess = true;
Android user's roles query and locally checking write access
public static Task<Boolean> hasWriteAccess(final ParseObject parseObject) {
final TaskCompletionSource<Boolean> voidTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<>();
ParseRole.getQuery().whereEqualTo("users", ParseUser.getCurrentUser()).findInBackground().continueWith(new Continuation<List<ParseRole>, Object>() {
public Object then(Task<List<ParseRole>> task) throws Exception {
if (task.getError() == null) {
List<ParseRole> parseRoles = task.getResult();
boolean hasWriteAccess = false;
for (ParseRole parseRole : parseRoles) {
if (parseObject.getACL().getRoleWriteAccess(parseRole)) {
hasWriteAccess = true;
} else {
return null;
return voidTaskCompletionSource.getTask();
from Parse Documentation
Get whether the given user id is explicitly allowed to write this object. Even if this
returns {#code false}, the user may still be able to write it if getPublicWriteAccess returns
{#code true} or a role that the user belongs to has write access.
I can't use these methods on my main posts activity because they are slow network requests, and waiting for the request to finish before querying for the posts results in bad user experience.
This solution won't work because the query won't return the nested roles roles relation, So any suggestions?

Using cached Cognito identity from Xamarin

When I first log into my app, I go through the following code:
auth = new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator(
new System.Uri(""),
new System.Uri("com.enigmadream.storyvoque:/oauth2redirect"),
new System.Uri(""),
isUsingNativeUI: true);
auth.Completed += Auth_Completed;
Which triggers this activity:
[Activity(Label = "GoodleAuthInterceptor")]
[IntentFilter(actions: new[] { Intent.ActionView }, Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault, Intent.CategoryBrowsable },
DataSchemes = new[] { "com.enigmadream.storyvoque" }, DataPaths = new[] { "/oauth2redirect" })]
public class GoodleAuthInterceptor : Activity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Android.Net.Uri uri_android = Intent.Data;
Uri uri_netfx = new Uri(uri_android.ToString());
And finally this code to link the account to Cognito:
private void Auth_Completed(object sender, Xamarin.Auth.AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsAuthenticated)
var idToken = e.Account.Properties["id_token"];
credentials.AddLogin("", idToken);
AmazonCognitoIdentityClient cli = new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient(credentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
var req = new Amazon.CognitoIdentity.Model.GetIdRequest();
req.Logins.Add("", idToken);
req.IdentityPoolId = "us-east-2:79ebf8e1-97de-4d1c-959a-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
cli.GetIdAsync(req).ContinueWith((task) =>
if ((task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) && (task.Result != null))
ShowMessage(string.Format("Identity {0} retrieved", task.Result.IdentityId));
ShowMessage(task.Exception.InnerException != null ? task.Exception.InnerException.Message : task.Exception.Message);
ShowMessage("Login cancelled");
This all works great, and after the login, I am able to use my identity/credentials to retrieve data from DynamoDB. With this object:
Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient ddbc = new Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
The second time I run my app, this code runs:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.GetCachedIdentityId()) || credentials.CurrentLoginProviders.Length > 0)
if (!bDidLogin)
var idToken = credentials.GetIdentityId();
ShowMessage(string.Format("I still remember you're {0} ", idToken));
And if I try to use the credentials with DynamoDB (or anything, I assume) at this point, I get errors that I don't have access to the identity. I have to logout (credentials.Clear()) and login again to obtain proper credentials.
I could require that a user go through the whole login process every time my app runs, but that's a real pain because the Google login process requires the user to know how to manually close the web browser to get back to the application after authenticating. Is there something I'm missing about the purpose and usage of cached credentials? When I use most apps, they aren't requiring me to log into my Google account every time and close a web browser just to access their server resources.
It looks like the refresh token needs to be submitted back to the OAuth2 provider to get an updated id token to add to the credentials object. First I added some code to save and load the refresh_token in a config.json file:
private Dictionary<string, string> config;
const string CONFIG_FILE = "config.json";
private void Auth_Completed(object sender, Xamarin.Auth.AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.IsAuthenticated)
var idToken = e.Account.Properties["id_token"];
if (e.Account.Properties.ContainsKey("refresh_token"))
if (config == null)
config = new Dictionary<string, string>();
config["refresh_token"] = e.Account.Properties["refresh_token"];
credentials.AddLogin("", idToken);
CognitoLogin(idToken).ContinueWith((t) =>
catch (Exception ex)
ShowMessage("Login cancelled");
void WriteConfig()
using (var configWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(
Application.OpenFileOutput(CONFIG_FILE, Android.Content.FileCreationMode.Private)))
public void Login()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.GetCachedIdentityId()) || credentials.CurrentLoginProviders.Length > 0)
if (!bDidLogin)
var idToken = credentials.GetIdentityId();
if (ReadConfig())
LoginRefreshAsync().ContinueWith((t) =>
if (!t.Result)
catch (Exception ex)
bDidLogin = true;
catch(Exception ex)
ShowMessage(string.Format("Error logging in: {0}", ex.Message));
private bool ReadConfig()
bool bFound = false;
foreach (string filename in Application.FileList())
if (string.Compare(filename, CONFIG_FILE, true) == 0)
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
return false;
using (var configReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Application.OpenFileInput(CONFIG_FILE)))
config = ThirdParty.Json.LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(configReader.ReadToEnd());
return true;
Then refactored the code that initiates the interactive login into a separate function:
public void FullLogin()
auth = new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator(CLIENTID_GOOGLE, string.Empty, "openid",
new Uri(""),
new Uri("com.enigmadream.storyvoque:/oauth2redirect"),
new Uri(""),
isUsingNativeUI: true);
auth.Completed += Auth_Completed;
Refactored the code that retrieves a Cognito identity into its own function:
private async Task CognitoLogin(string idToken)
AmazonCognitoIdentityClient cli = new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient(credentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
var req = new Amazon.CognitoIdentity.Model.GetIdRequest();
req.Logins.Add("", idToken);
req.IdentityPoolId = ID_POOL;
var result = await cli.GetIdAsync(req);
ShowMessage(string.Format("Identity {0} retrieved", result.IdentityId));
catch (Exception ex)
And finally implemented a function that can retrieve a new token based on the refresh token, insert it into the current Cognito credentials, and get an updated Cognito identity.
private async Task<bool> LoginRefreshAsync()
string tokenUrl = "";
using (System.Net.Http.HttpClient client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
string contentString = string.Format(
System.Net.Http.HttpContent content = new System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent(
content.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage msg = await client.PostAsync(tokenUrl, content);
string result = await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
string idToken = System.Json.JsonValue.Parse(result)["id_token"];
credentials.AddLogin("", idToken);
/* EDIT -- discovered this is not necessary! */
// await CognitoLogin(idToken);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
I'm not sure if this is optimal or even correct, but it seems to work. I can use the resulting credentials to access DynamoDB without having to prompt the user for permission/credentials again.
There's a very different solution I'm trying to fit with the other answer. But it's so different, I'm adding it as a separate answer.
It appears the problem was not so much related to needing to explicitly use a refresh token to get an updated access token (I think this is done implicitly), but rather needing to remember the identity token. So rather than include all the complexity of manually applying a refresh token, all that's needed is to store the identity token (which can be done in a way similar to how the refresh token was being stored). Then we just need to add that same identity token back to the credentials object when it's missing.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.GetCachedIdentityId()) || credentials.CurrentLoginProviders.Length > 0)
if (config.Read())
if (config["id_token"] != null)
credentials.AddLogin(currentProvider.Name, config["id_token"]);
Edit: The problem of needing to use a refresh token does still exist. This code works if the token hasn't expired, but attempting to use these credentials after the token has expired will fail, so there is still some need to use a refresh token somehow in some cases.

Cannot receive specific user push notification using azure notification hub

I am trying to learn to use azure mobile app, but I am having serious problems in using the NotificationHub. I have an Imagine subscription to Azure. I creating an android mobile app with azure backend. I have created a notification hub associated to the azure mobile app on the azure portal.
To register the app on the notification hub I used the code in this tutorial:
The users are authenticated on the azure backend previuosly by using their google account, microsoft account or facebook account. New users are inserted into the table Users by the following node js code written for the table script Users.js. I want a push notification to Welcome the new User.
var azureMobileApps = require('azure-mobile-apps');
var logger = require('azure-mobile-apps/src/logger');
var table = azureMobileApps.table();
table.access = 'authenticated';
* Adds the email address from the claims to the context item - used for
* insert operations
* #param {Context} context the operation context
* #returns {Promise} context execution Promise
function addEmailToContext(context) {
* Getting claim fields
return context.user.getIdentity().then((data) => {
if( data.microsoftaccount != undefined){ =; =;
context.item.surname =;
if( != undefined){ =; =;
context.item.surname =;
context.item.picture_url =;
if( data.facebook != undefined){ =; =;
context.item.surname =;
}'[tables/Users.js] --> NEW USER REGISTERED:'
+'\n\t Name:'
+'\n\t Surname:'+context.item.surname
+'\n\t Email:';
// Execute the insert. The insert returns the results as a Promise,
// Do the push as a post-execute action within the promise flow.
return context.execute()
.then(function (results) {
// Only do the push if configured
if (context.push) {
// Mobile Apps adds a user tag when registering for push notifications
// Define the GCM payload.
var payload = {
"data": {
"message": 'Welcome '+context.item.username
context.push.gcm.send(, payload, function (error) {
if (error) {
logger.error('Error while sending push notification: ', error);
} else {'Push notification sent successfully!');
// Don't forget to return the results from the context.execute()
return results;
.catch(function (error) {
logger.error('Error while running context.execute: ', error);
// CREATE - add or overwrite the authenticated user
module.exports = table;
According to "How to: Send push notifications to an authenticated user using tags" in the tutorial on How to use the Azure Mobile Apps Node.js SDK
"When an authenticated user registers for push notifications, a user ID tag is automatically added to the registration. "
So in the Users.js, as suggested in this tutorial I wrote the following code to send the push notification to the user.
context.push.gcm.send(, payload, function (error) {
if (error) {
logger.error('Error while sending push notification: ', error);
} else {'Push notification sent successfully!');
With this code the push notification results to be sent successfully, but the device doesn't receive any notifications. If I use null instead of then all devices receive the push notification correctly:
context.push.gcm.send(null, payload, function (error) {
if (error) {
logger.error('Error while sending push notification: ', error);
} else {'Push notification sent successfully!');
I also tried to invoke the following custom API to create tag when the user is registered to the hub. The invoked API is the following:
var logger = require('azure-mobile-apps/src/logger'); = function(req, res) {'[api/registerTag.js] --> Invoked');
// Get the notification hub used by the mobile app.
var push = req.azureMobile.push,
installationId = req.get('X-ZUMO-INSTALLATION-ID'),
tags = req.body.tag.toString();
// Define an update tags operation.
var updateOperation = [{
"op": "add",
"path": "/tags",
"value": tags
// Update the installation to add the new tags.
push.patchInstallation(installationId, updateOperation, function(error) {
logger.error('[api/registerTag.js] --> An error occurred while adding'
+'the following tags: \n\t'+tags, error);
} else {'[api/registerTag.js] --> The following tags have been added'
+'to the Notification Hub: \n\t'+tags, error);
On the console it is printed that the tag has been added successfully. But if I then modify the Users.js code like this:
// Only do the push if configured
if (context.push) {
// Mobile Apps adds a user tag when registering for push notifications
var userTag = '_UserId:' +;"TAG "+userTag);
// Define the GCM payload.
var payload = {
"data": {
"message": 'Welcome '+context.item.username
context.push.gcm.send(userTag, payload, function (error) {
if (error) {
logger.error('Error while sending push notification: ', error);
} else {'Push notification sent successfully!');
again nothing is received. I have also tried whitelisting tags or adding them automatically using the Push section of the mobile app like shown in the image:
But the problem is still there. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.
After several times of testing, I succeeded in reproducing your issue and got the same problem. To achieve your requirement I did some modification in Android client-end:
1, Cache authentication user in the MainActivity class. Following is my code snippet. For more details you can refer here.
public static final String SHAREDPREFFILE = "temp";
public static final String USERIDPREF = "uid";
public static final String TOKENPREF = "tkn";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
try {
// Create the Mobile Service Client instance, using the provided Mobile Service URL and key
mClient = new MobileServiceClient(
this).withFilter(new ProgressFilter());
// Extend timeout from default of 10s to 20s
mClient.setAndroidHttpClientFactory(new OkHttpClientFactory() {
public OkHttpClient createOkHttpClient() {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
client.setReadTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
client.setWriteTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return client;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
createAndShowDialog(new Exception("There was an error creating the Mobile Service. Verify the URL"), "Error");
} catch (Exception e){
createAndShowDialog(e, "Error");
private void authenticate() {
// We first try to load a token cache if one exists.
if (loadUserTokenCache(mClient)) {
// If we failed to load a token cache, login and create a token cache
else {
// Login using the Google provider.
ListenableFuture<MobileServiceUser> mLogin = mClient.login(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Google);
Futures.addCallback(mLogin, new FutureCallback<MobileServiceUser>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable exc) {
createAndShowDialog("You must log in. Login Required", "Error");
public void onSuccess(MobileServiceUser user) {
createAndShowDialog(String.format("You are now logged in - %1$2s", user.getUserId()), "Success");
private void cacheUserToken(MobileServiceUser user) {
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(SHAREDPREFFILE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString(USERIDPREF, user.getUserId());
editor.putString(TOKENPREF, user.getAuthenticationToken());
private void register() {
NotificationsManager.handleNotifications(this, NotificationSettings.SenderId, MyHandler.class);
2, In RegistrationIntentService class replace regID = hub.register(FCM_token).getRegistrationId(); with the following code:
regID = hub.register(FCM_token, prefs.getString("uid", "")).getRegistrationId();
3, Make sure add the line below to the first line within onHandleIntent method.
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("temp", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

