I have gradle project, the simplified android part of the build.gradle of which looks like this:
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 22
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
def mapPlacesApiKeys = [dev_1: [api_key: 'key_1', sender_id: 'sender_id_1'], dev_9: [api_key: 'key_2', sender_id: 'sender_id_2'],prod_1: [api_key: 'key_3', sender_id: 'sender_id_3']]
if (project.hasProperty('env')) {
if (mapPlacesApiKeys.get(env) == null) {
def keyset = mapPlacesApiKeys.keySet()
throw new StopExecutionException("Value '$env' is not a valid environment value. Valid environments: $keyset. You can set an environment by passing the -Penv=<env> parameter to your gradle build.")
buildConfigField "String", "SENDER_ID", "\"${mapPlacesApiKeys.get(env).get('sender_id')}\""
manifestPlaceholders = [maps_places_api_key: mapPlacesApiKeys.get(env).get('api_key')]
When I run this from the command line I run it with an environment parameter e.g. -Penv=dev_1. This does 2 things as you can see in the script:
a) Replaces in the androidmanifest the value "maps_places_api_key" with the actual key of the specified environment
b) Adds a String with the SENDER_ID in the BuildConfig java class.
This works fine from the command line. My problem is that in intellij (or android studio, should be the same) when I import the gradle project I get the following error:
-Penv is missing. You can set an environment by passing the -Penv=<env> parameter to your gradle build.
Which is the exception that I am declaring. So my question is how can I structure this code so that the IDE doesn't try to run it when it's loading the project.
Note that I don't want to replace the "env" parameter with any kinds of flavors or buildTypes, as there's about 15 different environments and it's gonna be a mess, but if there's another suggestion that comes in to your mind feel free to share it.
defaultConfig {
applicationId 'com.xx'
minSdkVersion 14
productFlavors {
def path="./channel.txt"
file(path).eachLine { line->
def words = line.split(':')
def name = words[0]
def sender_id = words[1]
def api_key = words[2]
"$name" {
buildConfigField "String", "SENDER_ID", sender_id
manifestPlaceholders = [maps_places_api_key: api_key]
How to get applicationId after all suffixes added in android app/build.gradle
I tried to use it as below, but the application id is null, we are setting the applicationId to default config from app/build.gradle, I assume it has executed later than we set the resValue, also I need the applicationId when it is completely appended with all suffix from flavor and buildType.
android {
defaultConfig.applicationId "com.companyname.appname"
android {
defaultConfig {
resValue "string", "freshchat_file_provider_authority", applicationId + ".provider"
Share if anybody can support about this.
We can make applicationId via accessing current flavorName and buildType by placing the below code in app/build.gradle android closure as below.
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def flavorName = variant.flavorName
def buildType = variant.buildType.name
def applicationIdMade = defaultConfig.applicationId + ".$flavorName.$buildType"
println applicationIdMade // Use as you require
Following is my build.gradle file:
defaultConfig {
applicationId "app.com.foo.player"
minSdkVersion 18
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 1 // increment with every release
versionName "Foo-1.0" // change with every release
setProperty("archivesBaseName", "$versionName")
testInstrumentationRunner 'android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner'
I have few question related to version name of android apk:
When I build the project, the generated apk name is Foo-1.0-debug.apk. Where from is 'debug' coming from, what does it signify, and how do I avoid/change that ?
How do I generate different names for dev and prod version of apps ?
Is there a way I can automatically increment my version number and version name for each build ?
Thanks in advance.
To generate different name for developmen and product, u can use productFlavors,refer the below link.
In gradle ,
buildConfigField "String", "APP_NAME", '"SAMPLE_APP_PRODUCT"'
buildConfigField "String", "APP_NAME", '"SAMPLE_APP_DEBUG"'
After setting in gradle, change the BuiltVariant and run the program
With question 1 and 2 you can goto Project Structure select tab Flavors and Build Type to setup config for build.
With question 3 you can make a script in build.gradle in project then use in module. Here I use current time in second as a example:
in project:
minSdk = 14
targetSdk = 23
verCode = getVersion();
verName = "Foo-1.0"
def getVersion() {
return new Date().getTime() / 1000;
In module
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion minSdk
targetSdkVersion targetSdk
versionCode verCode
versionName verName + verCode
i have a build.gradle file in my android app with this settings:
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "some.app.id"
versionName '1.2'
versionCode 3
My AndroidManifest.xml does not contain versionCode and not contain versionName.
Now i want to build this app on Jenkins and pass BUILD_NUMBER as a versionCode for app, so that every build has a higher version.
So in job I hava a call:
./gradlew -PversionCode=$BUILD_NUMBER clean build
When i use "versionCode" to rename "app-release.apk" value of versionCode is the same as passed from command line:
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.each { output ->
output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, output.outputFile.name.replace("app-release.apk", "MyApp_" + "_v" + versionName + "." + versionCode + ".apk"))
So I have a default value of "versionCode" set to 3, but when building on Jenkins I want to override it from command line.
The problem
The problem is that in AndroidManifest inside build .apk app has versionCode set to 3 instead of value from BUILD_NUMBER.
I checked it with "aapt dump badging"
The question
Can this value "versionCode" from android defaultConfig be overriden by command line parameter?
I know, I could use a function as explained in:
but I prefer the cleaner way of simple override but I cant get it working.
You can use properties by defining them in a gradle.properties file, see gradle documentation.
But you'll have to be really careful which names you use for your properties: if you use versionName that property will have the correct value in gradle (you can println it) but it won't end up in your AndroidManifest.xml! So I chose to use 'versName'. (I don't know enough about gradle to understand why this is so...)
So in your project's gradle.properties you can define the following properties:
And then change the build.gradle file into:
android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "some.app.id"
versionName versName
versionCode versCode as Integer
Now you can override them on the command line like this: ./gradlew -PversCode=4 -PversName=2.1.3 clean build
After updating Android Studio to 1.0, I see this error:
Error: Library projects cannot set applicationId. applicationId is set
to 'com.super.app' in default config.
I updated the Gradle plugin as suggested but I did not understand how to fix this.
Based on this info:
ApplicationId in Library Projects
You cannot use applicationId to customize the package of a library project. The package name has to be fixed in library projects (and specified as packageName in the manifest). The Gradle plugin did not enforce this restriction earlier.
Removing applicationId variable from the library's build.gradle file should resolve the issue.
Thanks to Joel for his correct answer: I need to remove only 1 line from te .gradle file:
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.super.app" <---- remove this line
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
and my AndroidManifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
This is the right solution if you don't need to rename the package name of your app. To rename it you need to use "flavours":
android {
productFlavors {
flavor1 {
applicationId 'com.super.superapp'
Libraries can't set applicationId and if you are working in a multi-module project and picking up flavors from a separate file , none of the above answers will work. For a modularized app, you need the following steps -
Create a flavors.gradle file in project root directory
ext.flavorConfig = { // 1
flavorDimensions "pricing"
productFlavors {
free {
dimension "pricing"
ext.myApplicationIdSuffix = '.free' // 2
paid {
dimension "pricing"
ext.myApplicationIdSuffix = '.paid'
productFlavors.all { flavor -> // 3
if (flavor.hasProperty('myApplicationIdSuffix') && isApplicationProject()) {
flavor.applicationIdSuffix = flavor.myApplicationIdSuffix
def isApplicationProject() { // 4
return project.android.class.simpleName.startsWith('BaseAppModuleExtension')
In 1 we export a closure so that we can use it in our modules’ build.gradle files.
In 2 we define a custom myApplicationIdSuffix property. We cannot simply have applicationIdSuffix as it is not possible to use it in library modules (build would fail if you did).
In 3 we iterate over created flavors and set applicationIdSuffix if we detect that it’s an application module only.
4 is a way to check where this closure is being used.
All that’s left is to use this closure in our modules’ build.gradle files. E.g. in application module this would look like this:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/flavors.gradle"
android {
// other config...
with flavorConfig
If this isn't clear, you can check out this article for better understanding.
Just incase it helps some one :
When i imported an eclipse project into android studio,i got an error ::
"Error:Application and test application id cannot be the same"
Strange though,but i looked into the build.gradle and found the two placeholders,one for the application and other for testapplication.
I removed the testApplicationId from that as is suggested in this post and this helped me resolve the issue.
Note: This explaination is not related to the errors posted in this question,but might help someone who is getting a similar error.
You cannot define applicationId for your lib.
But incase you want to use an identifier in your build file, which will give you, your library package name, you can define a variable for the module and then use the value as required.
eg : Library's build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
def libraryGroupId = 'com.google.example'
def libraryArtifactId = project.getName()
def libraryVersion = '1.1'
Also, you can use the value below as needed in your build file itself in lib.
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 28
versionCode 1
versionName "$libraryVersion"
resValue "string", "Library", libraryGroupId"
I'm trying to use Gradle to set app's name. Please, look at this snippet of build.gradle:
android {
defaultConfig {
versionCode getVersionCode()
versionName getVersionName()
int getVersionCode() {
return 1
def getVersionName() {
return "1.0"
Android Studio says
'versionCode' cannot be applied to 'java.lang.Integer'
'versionName' cannot be applied to 'java.lang.String'
and when I install the app on a device it has no versionCode and versionName at all.
The problem is clear to me but I don't know how to solve it.
Please advice.
It doesn't resolve your issue, but it can be a different solution.
You can use gradle.properties inside your root project and define:
Then in your build.gradle you can use:
versionName project.VERSION_NAME
versionCode Integer.parseInt(project.VERSION_CODE)
In order to define your app version dynamically, specify a custom method with def and call it, as such:
def computeVersionName() {
return "2.0"
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion "19.0.0"
defaultConfig {
versionCode 12
versionName computeVersionName()
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 16
See here for more.
Make sure not to use function names that could conflict with existing getters in the given scope. For instance, defaultConfig { ... } calling getVersionName() will automatically use the getter defaultConfig.getVersionName() instead of the custom method.
Here is a build.gradle that I am using based on ideas from JakeWharton :
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
def versionMajor = 1
def versionMinor = 2
def versionPatch = 0
def gitVersion() {
def counter = 0
def process = "git rev-list master --first-parent --count".execute()
return process.text.toInteger()
repositories {
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.1.0'
defaultConfig {
applicationId 'my.project.com'
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode gitVersion()
versionName "${versionMajor}.${versionMinor}.${versionPatch}"
First of all - you are calling the inner getter., hence you have nulls.
versionCode property is accessed by getVersionCode().
versionName property is accessed by getVersionName()
So you get null and assign null... - remember, you are inside defaultConfig scope, hence Gradle will use the closest gerVersionCode() function.
There is a cleaner way to make it in newer Android Gradle (4.1.2).
Usually, those values are separated to the new file.
Firstly, you should use closures, not functions.
def myFunction() {
myClosure = {
Also, you can extend ext scope (it is used to store all custom project-wide Gradle properties, this is a great place for it!) with your closure!
Remember not to name your functions 'getVersionName' 'getVersionCode'
Create a file config.gradle:
ext {
appSetup = [
majorVersion : 1,
minorVersion : 0,
patchVersion : 0
getAppVersionCode = { appSetup.majorVersion * 10000 + appSetup.minorVersion * 100 + appSetup.patchVersion }
getAppVersionName = { "${appSetup.majorVersion}.${appSetup.minorVersion}.${appSetup.patchVersion}" }
In build.gradle:
// applies bloc
apply from: 'config.gradle'
android {
versionCode getAppVersionCode()
versionName getAppVersionName()
If you use a gradle.properties file to store shared build versions, make sur to use the toInteger() function for the version code, compiled/min and target sd versions.
See this post for more information: https://medium.com/#ali.muzaffar/gradle-configure-variables-for-all-android-project-modules-in-one-place-5a6e56cd384e#.yl1x0ziqe