Handling multiple clickable areas in listview - android

I'm using a ListView to show some images and names in my application. I can make the ListView tiles clickable and start new activities as well . But now i want to do different actions for the different items that are on one listview tile. If user clicks on image, image opens and the textView will show some toast or something. The ImageView and TextView are on the same ListView Tile. How can i achieve this? Any Help?

Define OnClickListener events in your adapter for the button and textview as required and you are done. They will precede the click event for the list item by default.
if the contained views in your custom row layout does not have a click event it will fall back to the click event of the list view item.

You can implement click event in adapter, but you also implement it in activity.
You can find solution in :http://www.migapro.com/click-events-listview-gridview/
hope it can help you.
Some note: should not use view holder in gridview like above tuturial, it can make some bug, can implement direct like this:
button1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
((ListView) parent).performItemClick(v, position, 0); // Let the event be handled in onItemClick()

Another way to implement this elegantly is to add secondary views called 'accessories' to the item views associated with your ListView. This is explaned quite well in the link below by Cyril Mottier: A Google Developer Expert on the Android platform:


custom listview save selected item position

I create a custom listview.
I want to select any item using another button click or something views click.
Already I tried via these code for custom selection.
And I also want to get previous selected item on resume.
But everytime , I failed.
I used this method to create custom listview.
Android ListView with Custom Adapter Example Tutorial
Advance Thanks .
For setItemChecked to work, your list items need to be Checkable; you can, for example use CheckedTextView (at the top level of the item view, no further layout around it).
For setSelection to work, you need to use it inside a Runnable, like so:
listView.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
In both cases, don't ask why.
For a selection to become visible, you can put a statelist in the background attribute of your list item.

Handling onItemClick event with ListView and complex layout

This is a request for a best practice for handling the views in the onItemClick events in a ListView.
Each view in my ListView contains an ImageView, some TextViews, and a CheckBox wrapped in a RelativeLayout. On the item view being selected anywhere, I'd like to have the checkbox ticked/unticked as required. I would also like to have the option to change the view style i.e. so the item is highlighted by colouring the stroke.
My current issue is similar to everyone else who does this. Due to ListView recycling, if I grab the View passed into onItemClick and set the backgroundresource or checkbox checked value, it also changes them for Views that aren't currently rendered. I'd like to know the best way to achieve this goal.
I know there is a pattern to handle the CheckBox events in the ArrayAdapter directly by implementing an onClickListener, but I believe this will only respond to direct selection of the CheckBox; it will ignore any clicks on the rest of the view. Plus, if the CheckBox onClick event is fired, it will consume the click event so onItemClick won't fire, which I need to set my data.
Also, using CheckedTextView will not work since it is inside the RelativeLayout, which won't pass the checked event to the ListView. There was a post where it was recommended to create your own CheckedViewLayout that implements Checkable to handle the View checked events. If I go ahead with this, will I be able to reference my new layout class in xml, or would I then have to design each of my views again but in Java code?
If anyone else has a better solution, then please let me know.
Hey I think this link may be useful to you,there is a details for you
Android ListView Checkbox Example - OnItemClickListener() and OnClickListener()
In the end, I created my own CheckableRelativeLayout that implemented Checkable and used it as the main container for each ListView item. I used a Boolean value within CheckableRelativeLayout to track whether the view was clicked or not.
If required, I can post the final class.

How can i display a listview by clicking on a button?

I've some buttons on main.xml layout. When i click on a button it should display listview. How can i implement this? Where can i find a best example for this?
You will want to tie your button click to your View. In this case a list. The below code should be something similar to what you have in your class.
Button Button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.MyView1);
MyStuff.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View z) {
//You will also have to understand intents
Intent myIntent = new Intent(z.getContext(), MyStuff.class);
startActivityForResult(myIntent, 0);
Assuming your XML etc are set up properly this should get you on the right track.
Show some of your code and people will be able to exactly pinpoint your problem.
You can check out this SO post which kinda covers the same thing and may get you started.
The accepted answer should tie up any loose ends.
Button Click to List View
Can you give some more details? Do you want to have the listview popup as a dialog box or a new activity? If it's a new activity you do what harper89 suggested above.
If it is a popup dialog, instead of creating a new intent in the onClick(View view) you would have to inflate the listview layout from another layout xml file, create the adapter, then set the listview to that adapter.
The ListViewis a bit tricky, since you need to add an Adapter to it, that takes the items that should be displayed.
A good starter for ListViews is the developer resource for this topic.

Custom Listener for a ListView item

I have a View with a ListView appended, which actually uses a custom view item done programatically. Inside each list item I have a button which I need to track, to update another item in the view. It is only invalidated when you click on the list item button, not anywhere else in the list item.
So I thought of creating a custom Listener. I trigger it when the button is clicked, but I have no way to access it from the ListView activity.
Is there a way to simulate those setOnItem...Listener's using a custom listener? Thanks in advance
Please see this link to help with how to set onClickListener from within custom ListAdapters.
You can use the myButton.getTag() and myButton.setTag() to put and get data to/from your View/Button.
See this link as well to help with custom ListAdapters.
Here is another good example I found of how to use a custom adapter.

ListView clicklisteners

I have a list view which has a couple of views within it, I have a textView and an ImageView.
What I need to do is, I want a person to be able to click just on the imageView without causing the onItemClicked function to be invoked, If the person clicks the ImageView, it should do something else, but if the person clicks away(apart from the imageview) from the imageView, then the onItemClicked is fired.
How do I do this?
It is kinda like, the listView on the android phone callLogs whereby, the green phone icon is somehow separated from the list but when clicked, it should know which listItem was selected and act accordingly.
I will appreciate the help. Thanks.
Here are some links for you are looking for. Advanced but if you stick with it and dont give up on this, you will learn a ton!!! Take a look:
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons
Android custom list item with nested widgets
use holder.imageView.setOnClickListener() in getView() method of adapter class.

