"Download" button instead of Update and Restart in Android Studio - android

I tried to update the android studio and there is no update and restart button instead a download button is there, i searched on the net but no resolution is there. Kindly help
After clicking update, this pops up:

Sometimes the team making the Android Studio does not provide the patch to update the existing installation of the AS; in these cases the only option to update your IDE is download the fresh version and install it from scratch. Your case is clearly one of those, just hit the Download button.
When you run the new version of AS, it'll ask about the previous settings: do you have them or not, and, if you have, do you want to import them or not, giving you the opportunity to import all your preferences and installed plugins.

Please checked the Automatically check update for the android sdk i am not sure it is working or not but i have faced it before and yes i know it looks weired answer but i have solved that like this only
and then press okay and then try check for updates from studio menu


Android Studio fails to update every time on Mac

I've been updating Android studio since version 3 and every time it's the same thing, it downloads the update, restarts and then when it opens up again it's still the same version...nothing has changed. And to top it off there's even the same notification that I need to update again.
Using High Sierra OS although it was happened on the previous OS too. Right now I have version 4.01 so I try to update to 4.2. I do so and once it's installed the update it re-opens Android Studio and the version still shows 4.01. Am I doing something wrong or what?
Up until now I always have to manually download the new version and reinstall it over this version. I always assume they would have fixed this problem in the new version but after going from version 3 all the way to 4 with the problem still here it seems they will not fix it.
I had the same issue. Just create an empty project and check for updates from there. That way after downloading the patches I have a restart button in the Event Log window and it works well. It updated and restarted the studio normally not like outside of project where it cannot launch after update. Regards!

Cannot create new Android Application Project

So, I'm trying to start a new Android project, but I can't get through the first step.
Everything looks good to me, but the 'Next' button just won't light up for me.
Of note, the 'Theme' menu starts off on 'Holo Light with Dark Action Bar' and a red X next to it. This will stay red after changing it (even to 'none') unless it's the first thing I do when I get to this form. Seems weird. Anyone have any idea what's going on here?
There is nothing listed in 'Compile With', but I do have SDK Platforms installed and up to date.
I ended up trashing my adt directory and re-downloading the bundle from Google in order to get it to properly "update" to 21.1.
The problem is that the any sdk platform is not installed on your computer thats why the compile with field is empty and next button is not shown so first installed any one of the SDK platform.
Launch Android SDK manager and installed any SDK platform.

SDK Manager does not pop up when clicked

I am having a problem with my SDK Manager. It doesn't pop up when I click the icon of the window.
I have downloaded the file for the 2nd time but it still doesn't pop up, I followed the instructions in here After Installing ADT Plugin, Welcome to Android Development Doesnt Appear as well i must have missed something but all is well I'm just missing google com.google.android.gms. And for that I cant continue with my project.
How can I fix this mess.
If you are missing com.google.android.gms.*, it means you need to import google-play-services_lib after opening it as project. Actually you should read the answer here and follow it. Hope this helps you solve the error. If not then please comment.

When I press CTRL+Space the auto completing not working in my Ecllipse

When I press CTRL+Space the auto completing not working.
It doesn't show any suggestion which we see like after objName.methodNames
What can be the problem, How can I solve that?
Check your "Keys" preferences: maybe the Content Assist" shortcut has been overridden by another command which would also use ctrl+space.
also see these links you may find your solution there:
#NilayOnAndroid dear i was also going through dis problem and i have made all the possible attempts to solve it but failed. In the last I again downloaded New eclipse Juno, this is working well enough. You dont have to install everything again just go and download Eclipse juno from [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-parallel-application-developers/junosr1-rc3] and everything will remain the same just give new name to the workspace so that you can use your previous softwares on this Juno Eclipse. After dis you just need to download Android supporting libraries from[https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/] in HELP>INSTALL NEW SOFTWARE then add this link andd thats it....
Enjoy android
Configure Eclipse’s content assist, go “Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced“. Make sure “Other Java Proposals” is ticked

Eclipse hangs while changing properties [duplicate]

Like the question says, no mater what project i try this on, old or brand new, when I right click on the project and go to properties, then select the Android tab (I want to add a library), Eclipse freezes. I have to kill it. Has anyone run into this problem or know how I might fix it?
Eclipse SDK
Version: 3.6.2
Build id: M20110210-1200
Or is there another way to add a library. I want to try out ActionbarSherlock :)
Ok, so I don't claim to understand it, but I've tried it more than once and confirmed it. When I'd go to the Android tab in Properties, the window automatically stretches the full height of my monitor and freezes. So, I killed it and went back in, but this time, starting on a different category ("Resource" in this case), I squashed the window height down to almost as small as it could get and clicked on Android. It worked. Didn't freeze. Then I was able to expand the window to see the list of libraries. No idea what it is, but I did it several times...recreating the freeze and then the fix. Hopefully this will save someone else...
i have found the reason ,because the list of available Android sdk is too long ,the window of the property can't be drawn immediately ,so it has no response.
the solution is open the SDK Manager ,delete the old sdk platform ,such as 1.5 1.6 3.0 3.1 3.2
those are not used usualy.then restart the eclipse .it works now .
For these kind of problems you have to try the following (in the same order) and stop when it works.
Play around inside eclipse by closing and opening project, deleting and reimporting projects etc.,
Restart eclipse
Restart system
Upgrade to the latest android SDK
Upgrade to the latest eclipse version
Usually you should stop at 2. Sometimes you need to stop at 3. Occasionally at 4 and Rarely at 5.
Good luck.

