Passing JSON object to in Android - android

This is fairly simple question but as I'm not using Android built-in SDK, I got stuck.
I'm trying to pass the data through the following in Android to even though the object is created with no data, it doesn't work when I include data.
The text box in Android app covnerts the data through this to JSON:
protected JSONObject getBodyTextAsJSON() {
String bodyText = getBodyText();
if (bodyText != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(bodyText)) {
try {
return new JSONObject(bodyText);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "User's data is not a valid JSON object", e);
return null;
when I enter some data my Logcat shows the following which seems fine to me:
The code to show log output:
try {
Iterator keys = body.keys();
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "JSON data:");
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
Log.d(LOG_TAG, " " + key + ": " + body.get(key));
params.put(key, body.get(key).toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Unable to retrieve a JSON value", e);
Say when I enter this data similar to this {"a"="test1", "b"= test2"} in the text body I get the folowing in the logcat:
12-31 09:09:22.631 1991-1991/ D/JsonStreamSample: JSON data:
12-31 09:09:22.631 1991-1991/ D/JsonStreamSample: a: asd
12-31 09:09:22.632 1991-1991/ D/JsonStreamSample: b: ert"
which seems to be fine; however, does not record the data entered. Instead when the text box is blank it creates the object fine (but with no data which is not desired). It seems to me the JSON in Android and don't have the same format.


Is it possible to use Javamail to receive mails in Android

I'm learning Javamail these days following this website:
I test the sending & added some extra stuff because it was on Android & it worked!
But things have changed completely when I tried to follow receiving email Tutorial which makes me wonder..
Is it possible to make this code :
works on android but using XML interface?!
You can use the following code:
public static void receiveEmail(String pop3Host, String storeType, user, String password) {
try {
//1) get the session object
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("", pop3Host);
Session emailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
//2) create the POP3 store object and connect with the pop server
POP3Store emailStore = (POP3Store) emailSession.getStore(storeType);
emailStore.connect(user, password);
//3) create the folder object and open it
Folder emailFolder = emailStore.getFolder("INBOX");;
//4) retrieve the messages from the folder in an array and print it
Message[] messages = emailFolder.getMessages();
for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
Message message = messages[i];
System.out.println("Email Number " + (i + 1));
System.out.println("Subject: " + message.getSubject());
System.out.println("From: " + message.getFrom()[0]);
System.out.println("Text: " + message.getContent().toString());
//5) close the store and folder objects
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
} catch (MessagingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
call your method passing some parameters:
String host = "";//change accordingly
String mailStoreType = "pop3";
String username= "";
String password= "xxxxx";//change accordingly
receiveEmail(host, mailStoreType, username, password);
Source: Steps for receiving the email using JavaMail API

A value of a json str sometimes is a String, sometimes is a object, how could i use gson to parse it

Like the title , my json str sometimes like this:
"data": {
"changebaby": "no change",
"changemama": {
"mamacontext": "mama is a good mama",
"mamaico": "",
"mamatitle": "mama"
sometimes it like this:
"data": {
"changebaby": "no change",
"changemama": "no change"
as you see,the value of the "changebaby" key and the "changemama" key sometimes is a String, sometimes is a object, how should i parse it by gson? Could anybody help me?
Don't use the android api to parse the json string, need to use the gson lib of google to parse the json string, could anybody help me?
if(jsonObject.optJSONObject("changemama") != null)
JSONObject changemama=jsonObject.optJSONObject("changemama");
//Its JSON object, do appropriate operation
else if(jsonObject.optString("changemama") != null)
//Its string, do appropriate operation
if you have more number of possibilities like boolean or int or long, refer this
Returns the value mapped by name if it exists and is a JSONObject, or
null otherwise.
Or go with the way lawrance has given : Determine whether JSON is a JSONObject or JSONArray
Try with this :
JSONObject changemama=jsonObject.optJSONObject("changemama");
if(changemama== null){
String str=jsonObject.optString("changemama");
Try this code.
JSONObject data;
try {
data = jsonObj.getJSONObject("changemama");
// do stuff
} catch (JSONException e) {
data = jsonObj.getString("changemama");
// do stuff
try this :
if(obj.optString("changemama").length() > 0){}
else if(obj.optJSONObject("changemama").length() > 0){}}
To simplyfy android development, we can ask for the backend developers to change the Mobile API.The new API could returen the json string that cann't change the value.The value of all keys cann't sometimes be a string, sometimes a object.

ParseQuery simply not running, with no response, not logs written

Why does parse not appear to be doing anything with my query whatsoever. It's almost as if the entire block is ignored..
try {
Log.w("UpdateContacts", "Attempting an update");
List<ParseObject> result = friendshipAndUserQuery.find();
for (ParseObject friendship : result) {
Log.i("UpdateContacts", "Found friendship" + friendship.getObjectId());
UserObject friend = (UserObject) friendship.getParseObject("to");
Log.i("UpdateContacts", "Converted friendship to friend " + friend.getObjectId());
((MainActivity) mContext).notify("UpdateContacts", friend.getObjectId() + " / " + friend.getUsername(), true);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Log.e("ParseException", e.toString());
((MainActivity) mContext).notify("UpdateContacts", e.toString(), true);
I get the "attempting an update" Log, but nothing else. I can see from my Parse portal that the query has run, my android simply gets nothing back at all.. not an empty set, nothing. No logs were made..
Query referenced the incorrect table name (case sensitive) and Parse simply stops all related code, rather than spouting out an error..

How to get reddit URL JSON data in android?

I'm attempting to get a list of URL's from a subreddit in order to load them into universal image loader for viewing pleasure. However, I cannot figure out where my query is going wrong. Plus, I'm not familiar with android studio's logcat as compared to eclipses logcat, so I'm not exactly sure where to look for my debugging responses.
Here's the query method:
public void queryReddit()
// Prepare your search string to be put in a URL
// It might have reserved characters or something
// String urlString = "";
// try {
// urlString = URLEncoder.encode(searchString, "UTF-8");
// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// // if this fails for some reason, let the user know why
// e.printStackTrace();
// Toast.makeText(this, "Error: " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// }
// Create a client to perform networking
AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
// 11. start progress bar
// Have the client get a JSONArray of data
// and define how to respond
new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {
public void onSuccess(JSONObject jsonObject) {
// 11. stop progress bar
// Display a "Toast" message
// to announce your success
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Success!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// // 8. For now, just log results
// Log.d("omg android", jsonObject.toString());
Log.d("go reddit yay", jsonObject.toString());
JSONObject testingData = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("data");
JSONArray testingChildren = (JSONArray) testingData.get("children");
JSONObject testingLogData = (JSONObject) testingChildren.get(0);
JSONArray children = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("children");
JSONObject logData = (JSONObject) children.get(0);
Log.d("go reddit yay", logData.getString("url"));
Log.d("go reddit yay", testingLogData.getString("url"));
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
JSONObject data = (JSONObject) children.get(i);
if(data.getString("url") != null)
//if the url field exists and it's a picture that univ image loader understands then add it
if(data.getString("url") != null && data.getString("url").substring(data.getString("url").length()-3).equals("png") ||
//TODO I found this error: this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
} catch (JSONException e)
//TODO Might want to put all this data in a try catch block and do it right here.
// update the data in your custom method.
public void onFailure(int statusCode, Throwable throwable, JSONObject error)
// 11. stop progress bar
// Display a "Toast" message
// to announce the failure
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error: " + statusCode + " " + throwable.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
// Log error message
// to help solve any problems
Log.e("omg android", statusCode + " " + throwable.getMessage());
Within the try catch block, the only logged information that ends up being sent to logcat is the first line, Log.d("go reddit yay", jsonObject.toString());
I can't find the responses from the other log calls which is very strange to me.
Here's the response from the first log call:
06-17 06:35:29.324 17133-17133/.wallpaper D/absfr﹕ {"data":{"after":"t3_2823ou","children":[{"data":{"media_embed":{},"author_flair_css_class":null,"score":503,"created_utc":1402931529,"clicked":false,"visited":false,"id":"28a94k","author":"JamesBDW","title":"Any Bronson fans? [1920x1080]","over_18":false,"created":1402960329,"name":"t3_28a94k","selftext_html":null,"domain":"","author_flair_text":null,"secure_media":null,"num_reports":null,"edited":false,"stickied":false,"link_flair_text":null,"link_flair_css_class":null,"saved":false,"secure_media_embed":{},"subreddit_id":"t5_2qmjl","distinguished":null,"gilded":0,"url":"https:\/\/\/Hq1fcSm.jpg","banned_by":null,"subreddit":"wallpaper","is_self":false,"num_comments":31,"approved_by":null,"thumbnail":"http:\/\/\/Dh2iU7Q0rpFogkWt.jpg","permalink":"\/r\/wallpaper\/comments\/28a94k\/any_bronson_fans_1920x1080\/","hidden":false,"likes":null,"downs":188,"ups":691,"selftext":"","media":null},"kind":"t3"},{"data":{"media_embed":{},"author_flair_css_class":null,"score":8,"created_utc":1402989714,"clicked":false,"visited":false,"id":"28cnyn","author":"ZadocPaet","title":"Active Dunes on Mars (OS) [1024x768]","over_18":false,"created":1403018514,"name":"t3_28cnyn","selftext_html":null,"domain":"","author_flair_text":null,"secure_media":null,"num_reports":null,"edited":false,"stickied":false,"link_flair_text":null,"link_flair_css_class":null,"saved":false,"secure_media_embed":{},"subreddit_id":"t5_2qmjl","distinguished":null,"gilded":0,"url":"http:\/\/\/sites\/default\/files\/styles\/1024x768_autoletterbox\/public\/pia18244.jpg","banned_by":null,"subreddit":"wallpaper","is_self":false,"num_comments":1,"approved_by":null,"thumbnail":"http:\/\/\/dFTBquSWiMSjK0aZ.jpg","permalink":"\/r\/wallpaper\/comments\/28cnyn\/active_dunes_on_mars_os_1024x768\/","hidden":false,"likes":null,"downs":3,"ups":11,"selftext":"","media":null},"kind":"t3"},{"data":{"media_embed":{"content":"<iframe class=\"embedly-embed\" src=\"\/\/\/widgets\/media.html?\" width=\"550\" height=\"550\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>","scrolling":false,"height":550,"width":550},"author_flair_css_class":null,"score":1,"created_utc":1403004127,"clicked":false,"visited":false,"id":"28czid","author":"smessies","title":"I found a wallpaper album full of iconic design chairs. I tought there were some important ones missing so i started adding some myself. work in progress! [1920x1200]","over_18":false,"created":1403032927,"name":"t3_28czid","selftext_html":null,"domain":"","author_flair_text":null,"secure_media":null,"num_reports":null,"edited":false,"stickied":false,"link_flair_text":null,"link_flair_css_class":null,"saved":false,"secure_media_embed":{},"subreddit_id":"t5_2qmjl","distinguished":null,"gilded":0,"url":"http:\/\/\/a\/0jeZf","banned_by":null,"subreddit":"wallpaper","is_self":false,"num_comments":0,"approved_by":null,"thumbnail":"http:\/\/\/GYaN5fyJfY8fI8xE.jpg","permalink":"\/r\/wallpaper\/comments\/28czid\/i_found_a_wallpaper_album_full_of_iconic_design\/","hidden":false,"likes":null,"downs":0,"ups":1,"selftext":"","media":{"type":"","oembed":{"thumbnail_height":1200,"author_url":"http:\/\/\/user\/smessies","width":550,"type":"rich","version":"1.0","thumbnail_url":"http:\/\/\/2PdUiuE.jpg","thumbnail_width":1920,"title":"imgur: the simple image sharer","height":550,"description":"Imgur is home to the web's most popular image content, curated in real time by a dedicated community through commenting, voting and sharing.","author_name":"smessies","html":"<iframe class=\"embedly-embed\" src=\"\/\/\/widgets\/media.html?
no idea what to do.
One last debugging info is that the toast for the onSuccess method does appear, so it is clearly successful in it's query, I'm just doing something wrong in interpreting the data.
From your description it seems like a statement after the first Log.d("go reddit yay", ...); call throws an exception which you can't see.
Try replacing your exception handling code:
} catch (JSONException e)
with this:
} catch (Throwable t)
Log.e("omg android", "Exception in onSuccess()", t);
and check if any exceptions are logged.

gData: get account(self contact) first and last name

I want to get first and last name of a google account using gdata library. I have the auth token(I take it from android device - send it to my java servlet- then should add an insert into a mysql db with first, last, display name and provider_uid(provider_uid is the form of
I used Contacts feed like this(without success):
public String tryGoogleAuthentication(String auth_token){
ContactsService contactsService = new ContactsService("...");
ContactFeed feed = null;
try {
feed = contactsService.getFeed(new URL("" + "" + "/full?max-results=10000"), ContactFeed.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ServiceException e) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
if (feed == null)
return "";
String externalId = feed.getId();
Person person = feed.getAuthors().get(0);
String email = person.getEmail();
String name = person.getName();
String nameLang = person.getNameLang();
String extensionLocalName = person.getExtensionLocalName();
String uri = person.getUri();
System.out.println("externalId: " + externalId);
System.out.println("email: " + email);
System.out.println("name: " + name);
System.out.println("nameLang: " + nameLang);
System.out.println("extension local name: " + extensionLocalName);
System.out.println("URI: " + uri);
System.out.println("ID: " + feed.getSelf().getEntries().get(0).getId());
will output:
but I want something like this:
I need this to insert into an existing data base.
Please note that I want the info only for the account, not for it's contacts.
Please see this answer from google groups for resolution. The problem is that I cannot access user profile with the auth_token taken from the android because it's a Client Login token, and Client Login does not have a scope for accessing user's profile. I integrated OAUTH login in android like this and with the token returned, I can access user's profile.

