Kotlin lazy default property - android

In Kotlin, how do i define a var that has a lazy default value ?
for example, a val would be something like this:
val toolbarColor by lazy {color(R.color.colorPrimary)}
What i want to do is, have a default value for some property (toolbarColor), and i can change that value for anything else. Is it possible?
EDIT: This does the partial trick.
var toolbarColor = R.color.colorPrimary
get() = color(field)
field = value
Is it possible to ease this by writing
var toolbarColor = color(R.color.colorPrimary)
field = value
in a way that the default value is computed lazily? At the moment it won't work because color() needs a Context that is only initialized later.

You can create your own delegate method:
private class ColorDelegate<T>(initializer: () -> T) : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> {
private var initializer: (() -> T)? = initializer
private var value: T? = null
override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return value ?: initializer!!()
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
this.value = value
Declare in some delegate:
object DelegatesExt {
fun <T> lazyColor(initializer: () -> T): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> = ColorDelegate(initializer)
And use as follow:
var toolbarColor by DelegatesExt.lazyColor {
// you can have access to your current context here.
// return the default color to be used
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// some fun code
// toolbarColor at this point will be R.color.your_color
// but you can set it a new value
toolbarColor = resources.getColor(R.color.new_color)
// now toolbarColor has the new value that you provide.
I think this could be a cleaner way to do, but I don't know yet (starting with kotlin few days ago). I will take a look and see if this could be done with less code.

You can store your property in a map to basically create a mutable lazy. You need a mutable map (like a HashMap<K, V>) with a default function to delegate to:
var toolbarColor by hashMapOf<String, Any?>()
.withDefault { toolbarColor = R.color.colorPrimary; toolbarColor }
You'll also need to import some extension functions: import kotlin.properties.getValue and import kotlin.properties.setValue.
It would be nice if Kotlin provided something built-in and optimized for this (like a mutableLazy or something). As such, I've created KT-10451.


How to assign a property either lazily or normally in a conditional way

I would like to assign one property either lazy or in a "normal way", but the problem is, that my value is always cast to "Any". I cannot use the "by" keyword, when I assign a property conditionally. Here is my current approach
abstract class IWorkerContract(private val isLazy: Boolean = false) {
private val workRequest = if (isLazy) {
// Type mismatch. Required: OneTimeWorkRequest Found: Lazy<OneTimeWorkRequest>
lazy {
} else {
Edit Testing
abstract class IWorkerContract(private val isLazy: Boolean = false) {
private val lazyMgr = ResettableLazyManager()
private val workRequest by if (isLazy) {
// Type 'TypeVariable(<TYPE-PARAMETER-FOR-IF-RESOLVE>)' has no method 'getValue(Test, KProperty<*>)' and thus it cannot serve as a delegate
resettableLazy(lazyMgr) {
} else {
Lazy Delegate
class ResettableLazy<PROPTYPE>(
private val manager: ResettableLazyManager,
private val init: () -> PROPTYPE,
) : Resettable {
private var lazyHolder = initBlock()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): PROPTYPE = lazyHolder.value
override fun reset() {
lazyHolder = initBlock()
private fun initBlock(): Lazy<PROPTYPE> = lazy {
fun <PROPTYPE> resettableLazy(
manager: ResettableLazyManager,
init: () -> PROPTYPE,
): ResettableLazy<PROPTYPE> = ResettableLazy(manager, init)
value is always cast to "Any"
Yes, because function lazy { } creates a new instance of Lazy<OneTimeWorkRequest>, not OneTimeWorkRequest, those types are incompatible. I don't understand your requirement exactly, but problem can be solved by providing a custom Lazy implementation, e.g.
class InitializedLazy<T>(override val value: T) : Lazy<T> {
override fun isInitialized(): Boolean = true
abstract class IWorkerContract(private val isLazy: Boolean = false) {
private val workRequest by if (isLazy) {
lazy { OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<Worker>().build() }
} else {
You could split it up in 2 separate variables:
abstract class IWorkerContract(private val isLazy: Boolean = false) {
private val lazyWorkRequest by lazy {
private val workRequest
get() = when {
isLazy -> lazyWorkRequest
else -> OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<Worker>.build()
Because of get(), lazyWorkRequest will not be initialised immediately but only when needed.
But more importantly: why is this behaviour needed, what is the harm of always using lazy?
Also, what is the intended purpose of ResettableLazy? It looks like all you want to have a var and this is the solution to solve the missing getValue() or Type mismatch. Is that correct?
It feels to me your question is too specific, too technical. Could you explain without using Kotlin what kind of behaviour you need?
If you access your property in the constructor, if will be computed at instantiation time.
class Foo(val isLazy: Boolean){
val bar: Int by lazy { computeValue() }
init { if (!isLazy) bar }

Why can't I assign a value to LiveData<Boolean>?

The Code A can work well.
I think Code B can work well too, but in fact , it failed, why ?
The error information is listed below.
Val cannot be reassigned
Code A
val displayCheckBox : LiveData<Boolean> = _displayCheckBox
fun switchCheckBoxShowStatus(){
_displayCheckBox.value?.let {
_displayCheckBox.value = !it
Code B
val displayCheckBox : LiveData<Boolean> = _displayCheckBox
fun switchCheckBoxShowStatus(){
_displayCheckBox.value?.let {
it = !it
it is passed as a local variable in lambda. So basically you are trying to modify a Val . Which will not compile.
inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R
As the Scoping function let defines it will call the block(Which is being passed as lambda) with this value as its argument. So its will be a method argument a val . So you can not reassign it.

How to write my own by extension function

I have a default function like this:
fun <T> makeDefault(): Animal<T> = Animal<Nothing>(
name = "",
size = 0,
age = 0
I saw that there is the by operator, which can be used for view models like this:
val model: MyViewModel by viewModels()
Question: How I can create a function that behaves like that for my makeDefault()?
What I want to do:
val animal: Animal<Dog> by makeDefault()
You can create your own Delegate, not extension:
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class DefaultDelegate<T> {
private var created: Animal<T> = Animal<Nothing>(
name = "",
size = 0,
age = 0
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Animal<T> {
return created
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: Animal<T>) {
created = value
Then use it:
val animal: Animal<Dog> by DefaultDelegate()
For more information, see Delegated properties doc

kotlin delegate property ,In a get() method how i can access the value?

Kotlin has delegated properties which is a very nice feature. But I am figuring out how to get and set the values. Let's say I want to get value of the property which is delegated. In a get() method how i can access the value?
Here's an example of how I have implemented:
class Example() {
var p: String by DelegateExample()
class DelegateExample {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return "${property.name} "
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
println("${value.trim()} '${property.name.toUpperCase()} '")
fun delegate(): String {
val e = Example()
e.p = "NEW"
return e.p
The main question I am unable to understand is, How can I set the value to the actual property on which the delegation class is assigned. When I assign "NEW" to property p, how can I store that value to the variable p or read that new value passed on to p with get? Am I missing something basic here? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Just create property in delegate which will hold the value
class DelegateExample {
private var value: String? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return value ?: throw IllegalStateException("Initalize me!")
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
this.value = value
To clarify - delegates aren't values holder, they are handlers of get/set operations. You can take a look how it works under the hood if you decompile your Example class (Tools -> Kotlin -> Show Kotlin bytecode -> Decompile).
public final class Example {
// $FF: synthetic field
static final KProperty[] $$delegatedProperties = ...
private final DelegateExample p$delegate = new DelegateExample();
public final String getP() {
return (String)this.p$delegate.getValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0]);
public final void setP(#NotNull String var1) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "<set-?>");
this.p$delegate.setValue(this, $$delegatedProperties[0], var1);
No magic here, just creating instance of the DelegateExample and its get/set method invoking

Kotlin: workaround for no lateinit when using custom setter?

In my activity I have a field that should be non-nullable and has a custom setter. I want to initialize the field in my onCreate method so I added lateinit to my variable declaration. But, apparently you cannot do that (at the moment): https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/lateinit-modifier-is-not-allowed-on-custom-setter/1999.
These are the workarounds I can see:
Do it the Java way. Make the field nullable and initialize it with null. I don't want to do that.
Initialize the field with a "default instance" of the type. That's what I currently do. But that would be too expensive for some types.
Can someone recommend a better way (that does not involve removing the custom setter)?
Replace it with a property backed by nullable property:
private var _tmp: String? = null
var tmp: String
get() = _tmp!!
set(value) {_tmp=value; println("tmp set to $value")}
Or this way, if you want it to be consistent with lateinit semantics:
private var _tmp: String? = null
var tmp: String
get() = _tmp ?: throw UninitializedPropertyAccessException("\"tmp\" was queried before being initialized")
set(value) {_tmp=value; println("tmp set to $value")}
This can be achieved by using a backing property (as per Pavlus's answer); however, I prefer to wrap it inside a delegate to avoid exposing it outside of the property's context:
open class LateInit<T: Any> : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> {
protected lateinit var field: T
final override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>) = get()
final override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) = set(value)
open fun get() = field
open fun set(value: T) { field = value }
This provides standard getters and setters that can be overridden with a custom implementation:
var upperCaseString by object : LateInit<String>() {
override fun set(value: String) {
field = value.toUpperCase()
However, since this implementation requires extending the delegate, the generic type cannot be inferred from the property type. This can overcome by taking the custom getter and setter as parameters:
class LateInit<T: Any>(private val getter: FieldHolder<T>.() -> T = { field },
private val setter: FieldHolder<T>.(T) -> Unit = { field = it }) :
ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> {
private val fieldHolder = FieldHolder<T>()
override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>) = fieldHolder.getter()
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) =
class FieldHolder<T: Any> {
lateinit var field: T
Which can then be used like this:
private var upperCaseString: String by LateInit(setter = { field = it.toUpperCase() })
I realized that you can also make your private property lateinit instead of making it nullable:
var tmp: T
get() = _tmp
set(value) {
_tmp = value
println("tmp set to $value")
private lateinit var _tmp: T

