Couchbase Sync gateway on Windows - android

I installed sync_gateway for windows from
I am trying to execute command sync_gateway config.json but it gives me an error. How to execute config.json to sync data with android device.
My config.json contains
"sync":`function(doc) {channel(doc.channels);}`

Open the file location for the sync_gateway.exe it will be usually in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase" .
You have to place your configure.json in that directory .
Now open windows command prompt and do 'cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Couchbase' and run the command 'sync_gateway.exe configure.json' . Ensure that your configure.json file is perfect and does not have any syntax errors.
refer Couchbase,Where to add config.json for windows Installation? for run config.json
refer Write config.json for sync_gateway

Please check some prerequisites:
Sync Gateway is not a product on his own. You must have an available server. (property named "server", with port 8091.
You must have bucket named "sync_gateway" in your case
you can define it with the JSON property above, "bucket"


How to add android "SDK Update Site" via command line

I am using the android's sdkmanager commandline tool to update the SDK and I want to add an update site for addons. How can I do that only from commandline. I cannot use UX tool as I am accessing the host via ssh.
You will need to create this a file named repositories.cfg under your ~/.android/ folder.
Paste the following content into the file and modify it as needed.
### User Sources for Android Repository
#Tue Dec 12 15:45:09 PST 2017
Looks like still nothing better than writing a custom script to achieve these steps:
Download addon.xml
Parse it to get the location of a package archive[1]
Download package and extract to $ANDROID_SDK_HOME/add-ons
Convert addon.xml to package.xml and place it in addon directory in Android SDK
Here is my script to do this
- wget
- libxml2-utils
- xsltproc
[1] During development I observed that there are several XSD schemes, so my script doesn' cover all cases

Android Tess-two: library configuration using cygwin

i am following this tutorial here to use Tesseract libs for android. and in step(b) in the link posted, it says: b.export TESSERACT_PATH=${PWD}/external/tesseract-3.01
and in cygwin i wrote the following:
dm#me /cygdrive/e/Data/private/Fr/OCR/libs/tess-two-
but when i execute it i receive the belwo error:
$ export C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR=${PWD}\external\tesseract-3.01
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
please let me know how to fix it, as i am a beginner to cygwin.
i tried ezrepotein4 answer, and now it gives me "not a valid identifier". please , let me know what is "external\tesseract-3.01", i do not have these files/folders...and what is PWD. thanks
In this tutorial author uses few linux commands:
cd which changes directory - it is an equevalent of windows dir
export which sets environment variable
Before exporting any variable you should change directory to your project dir, because all $PWD strings in further commands will be replaced by your current directory.
This tutorial assumes that you compiled tesseract and leptonica and you keep them in project-dir/tess-two/external directory as tesseract-3.01 and leptonica-1.68. Source code for those libraries are in tess-two/jni directory in repository as stated in
Code which you are trying yo execute is incorrect both syntactically and semantically. It is incorrect syntactically because you all spaces are treated as separators between arguments. Semantically you are trying to set variable C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR to value of ${PWD}\external\tesseract-3.01. Instead you should set TESSERACT_PATH variable.
To do this try command TESSERACT_PATH=${PWD}/external/tesseract-3.01 as stated in tutorial. This means that you are setting variable TESSERACT_PATH to folder external/tesseract-3.01 in your current dir.
To further inspect a value of this variable type: echo $TESSERACT_PATH.

Vagrant (ionic-box) not syncing on host folder

Why is it when I install ionic-box (for Ionicframework) it's not syncing in my folder?
I added this line
config.vm.synced_folder "projects", "/vagrant_projects"
to Vagrantfile but it's not working. i still need to create manually the folder vagrant_projects in home/vagrant directory which I thought will be create automatically when creating/installing ionic-box.
I already added a new project inside vagrant_projects but i noticed it is not reflecting in the host folder projects.
BtW, I created the folder projects inside the directory where i extract the Vagrantfile.
Here's my reference: and
config.vm.synced_folder "projects", "/vagrant_projects" will create vagrant_projects folder at / not home/vagrant. So the path of your folder vagrant_projects will be /vagrant_projects not home/vagrant/vagrant_projects.
Your configuration is correct just login to your vm via vagrant ssh and execute following command
ls /vagrant_projects
you should be able to see your synced data now.
vagrant tutorial

Can't run PhoneGap's create command

I am trying to setup a basic "hello world" PhoneGap project. I've been walking through the steps found at I am doing this on a Windows 7 Ultimate machine.
I have successfully setup Java and Ant. I have confirmed this by typing "javac -version" in a command prompt (1.6.0_39 is shown). When I type "ant" in a command prompt, I receive a message that says "Buildfile: build.xml does not exist! Build failed". At this point, I'm confident I've done everything properly through step 3. However, when I get to step 4, I run into issues.
On step 4 when I type "create C:\Tests\Android Test MyNamespace.Test.Android" in a command prompt, I receive an error that says: "create is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.". What could be wrong? Where does "create" come from? I'm in the /Cordova/phonegap-2.7.0/phonegap-2.7.0/lib/android directory when I run the command, I receive the following error:
Creating new android project...
Copying template files...
Copying js, jar & config.xml files...
Copying cordova command tools...
Updating AndroidManifest.xml and Main Activity...
C:\Program Files\Cordova\phonegap-2.7.0\phonegap-2.7.0\lib\android\bin\create.js
(31, 5) Microsoft JScript runtime error: Path not found
I can see the create.js file. However, for some reason I'm getting this "Path not found" error. Did I enter an incorrect command prompt parameter? I keep staring at it and everything looks correct.
Thank you!
Same problem here...
Strangely if I run the comand "Create" with no parameters, it creates a folder "example" with a sample app, without the error
I found the answer in:
The problem is with this line in "create.js":
exec('%comspec% /c copy "'+ROOT+'"\\bin\\templates\\project\\ '+ ACTIVITY_PATH +' /Y');
The Windows "copy" command will not create directories that don't exist, so the command above fails because "src\PACKAGE_AS_PATH" doesn't exist. This can be fixed with:
exec('%comspec% /c mkdir ' + ACTIVITY_DIR);
exec('%comspec% /c copy "' + ROOT + '"\\bin\\templates\\project\\ ' + ACTIVITY_PATH + ' /Y');
Check your environment path:
Set Environment variables:
Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Environment variables
Mycomputer -> Right Click -> properties -> Advance System settings -> Environment variables
1. Java JDK
2. Android SDK
3. ANT
User variables for user1:
Path: %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\npm\
System variables:
ANDROID_HOME: C:\Nithi\software\Android_sdk\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\sdk\
ANT_HOME: C:\ant
JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\
JAVA_PATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin
Path: c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;c:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
is your Environment variables set for JAVA and ANT? Also, can you share the create command you are using? There should be no spaces in package names.
You should be in Cordova/phonegap-2.7.0/phonegap-2.7.0/lib/android/bin directory. Then type:
create {path} {project.with.dots} {YourProjectName}.
For example, I just ran:
C:\server\cordova\phonegap-2.7.0\phonegap-2.7.0\lib\android\bin> create ../MyTest MyTestProject and it created MyTest folder in C:\server\cordova\phonegap-2.7.0\phonegap-2.7.0\lib\android\.
Also, if you do echo %PATH%, you should see the directories to your ant\bin, android-sdk\tools, android-sdk\platform0tools, and %JAVA_HOME%.
I think you should put your path to the project directory in "" otherwise the create script will interpret "Test" as the package name, which is obviously not a valid package name.
So command should read:
create "C:\Tests\Android Test" MyNamespace.Test.Android AndroidTest
It looks like the project name cannot have dots in it.
C:\Phonegap\android\bin>create c:\android\helloworld3 helloworld
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Phonegap\android\VERSION Creating new android project... Copying
template files... Copying js, jar & config.xml files... Copying
cordova command tools... Updating AndroidManifest.xml and Main
Activity... c:\android\helloworld3\src\com\hello\world\
(works ok)
C:\Phonegap\android\bin>create c:\android\helloworld4
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright
(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Phonegap\android\VERSION Creating new android project... Copying
template files... Copying js, jar & config.xml files... Copying
cordova command tools... Updating AndroidManifest.xml and Main
C:\Phonegap\android\bin\create.js(32, 5) Microsoft JScript runtime
error: Path not found
Unhelpful error message though.

problems while implementing android GCM demo

I put in reference this:
in Using App Engine for Java number 4
I am supposed to run this on a cmd inside the samples/gcm-demo-appengine directory :ant -Dsdk.dir=/opt/google/appengine-java-sdk runserver
I replace the "" with "" which is my locolhost.
after executing this command I got:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\gcm\samples\gcm-demo-ap
pengine\build.xml:27: Cannot find C:\opt\google\appengine-java-sdk\config\user\a
nt-macros.xml imported from C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\go
can you tell me what the problem?
Go to the following link:
And download
So than extract it where you want and use the following path for example:
so you will use :
ant -Dsdk.dir=C:\programs\appengine-java-sdk-1.9.3 runserver
where you have to replace with your server's ip

