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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm an iOS developer just starting to learn Android. While I've managed to figure out most of the different quirks in Android compared to iOS, I am still puzzled with the concept of push notification. I guess it's because I come from iOS background (iOS user and a developer and have never used Android before).
Unlike iOS where all I need to do is send a payload to APNS and the phone automatically displays push notifications on the lock screen, it seems like on Android that's not provided. Is this just how Android works? Is there no way to simply send a push to GCM and have it show up on lock screen automatically? I guess I'm having hard time adapting from the iOS version of what a "push notification" is to what Android considers a "push".
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Closed last year.
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If any unknown number call on my phone, the phone should not ring usually it will when contact is saved.
Can the unknown call be picked in background without noticing and a pre-recorded voice should be spoken to person opposite side.
Please mention if can be done on both iOS and android or anyone or none.
Thanks for Help.
Both operating systems will not allow you to do that. 1st point is somehow possible in Android but 2nd one is almost impossible to do in both platforms.
Apple dont allows to intercept most of their system APIs by some 3rd party
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I will develop an app for iOS and Android using Delphi Seattle. My goal is that the user create some appointments in the database using the app, and later to be notified if his appointments were confirmed or rescheduled by the default notification center of each os platform.
So what I want to do is to receive instant messages from the server without app being used at the moment by the user, just like when we receive messages from WhatsApp or Gmail frequently with opening them.
In windows I could install a service or tray application to execute when the OS starts, but how could I do that using a remote Windows Server running an WebBroker Standalone as API to comunicante to/from my mobile app?
This question is not a replicate of other mentioned questions because it envolves doing something in Delphi's FMX Framework for Android and not the Default Android Framework Library for Java. The second thing is, I do not want to use Google Notifications Services.
All I want to do is an application that works as a Service in Android, just like windows does. But how create it and how to install it with the GUI application? Something like public class LocationTrace extends Service but for Delphi.
Delphi XE6 and above has support for push notifications.
Here's the official documentation:
Mobile Tutorial: Using Remote Notifications (iOS and Android)
There are also a lot of on-line resources for Delphi push notifications.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on an instant messaging app with Sinch and Parse integrated in it.
I wanted to ask if I can add function to send pictures using these two services. And if not with these two, than is there any other way, maybe any other service which can combine with Sinch and Parse and let me send pictures?
Sinch is not supporting any attachments at the moment.
that a shame cause their Video service(beta) is great.
I can recommend you to use Layer which support sending images.
We had some issues with the integration at first (iOS and Android as well)
but after all is setup, it works great.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm using Worklight for my Android App. What steps must I take to use Push Notifications?
You start by reading
The IBM Worklight Getting Started Push Notifications training module and
IBM Worklight Information Center's push-related articles. You then
familiarize yourself with the push-related API methods (client, server) and then
You either try to create a sample app yourself and/or review the supplied sample app prior to creating yours
There is no magic bullet.
If you then have a technical question while trying to implement push notifications, please open a new question.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to develop an app like this. Is there an API for this?
The TicketScan app is made specifically for the Webconnex platform (i.e someone buys tickets on Webconnex). So it isn't intended for other platforms, which is why it only provides a ticket number.
We do not, as of yet, have an Android app. When we first created TicketScan it only supported the Linea Pro (iPod accessory, now also for iPhone), but we later added support for QRCodes for the camera.
If you are wanting to make an Android app that works with our platform, we do have an internal REST based service the app uses. This service isn't documented, and we don't intend to release it publicly in its current form, partly because it may be changed in the near future.
Currently we are working on a revamp of our platform, which will have a slew of API's available.
I recieved the reply to my mail from Webconnex. They said that there is no API open for us to use.